/* Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd. Copyright 2022 Ryan Browne SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. */ import EmojiProvider from "../../../src/autocomplete/EmojiProvider"; import { mkStubRoom } from "../../test-utils/test-utils"; import { add } from "../../../src/emojipicker/recent"; import { stubClient } from "../../test-utils"; import { MatrixClientPeg } from "../../../src/MatrixClientPeg"; const EMOJI_SHORTCODES = [ ":+1", ":heart", ":grinning", ":hand", ":man", ":sweat", ":monkey", ":boat", ":mailbox", ":cop", ":bow", ":kiss", ":golf", ]; // Some emoji shortcodes are too short and do not actually trigger autocompletion until the ending `:`. // This means that we cannot compare their autocompletion before and after the ending `:` and have // to simply assert that the final completion with the colon is the exact emoji. const TOO_SHORT_EMOJI_SHORTCODE = [{ emojiShortcode: ":o", expectedEmoji: "⭕️" }]; describe("EmojiProvider", function () { const testRoom = mkStubRoom(undefined, undefined, undefined); stubClient(); MatrixClientPeg.safeGet(); it.each(EMOJI_SHORTCODES)("Returns consistent results after final colon %s", async function (emojiShortcode) { const ep = new EmojiProvider(testRoom); const range = { beginning: true, start: 0, end: 3 }; const completionsBeforeColon = await ep.getCompletions(emojiShortcode, range); const completionsAfterColon = await ep.getCompletions(emojiShortcode + ":", range); const firstCompletionWithoutColon = completionsBeforeColon[0].completion; const firstCompletionWithColon = completionsAfterColon[0].completion; expect(firstCompletionWithoutColon).toEqual(firstCompletionWithColon); }); it.each(TOO_SHORT_EMOJI_SHORTCODE)( "Returns correct results after final colon $emojiShortcode", async ({ emojiShortcode, expectedEmoji }) => { const ep = new EmojiProvider(testRoom); const range = { beginning: true, start: 0, end: 3 }; const completions = await ep.getCompletions(emojiShortcode + ":", range); expect(completions[0].completion).toEqual(expectedEmoji); }, ); it("Recently used emojis are correctly sorted", async function () { add("😘"); //kissing_heart add("💗"); //heartpulse add("💗"); //heartpulse add("😍"); //heart_eyes const ep = new EmojiProvider(testRoom); const completionsList = await ep.getCompletions(":heart", { beginning: true, start: 0, end: 6 }); expect(completionsList[0]?.component?.props.title).toEqual(":heartpulse:"); expect(completionsList[1]?.component?.props.title).toEqual(":heart_eyes:"); }); it("Exact match in recently used takes the lead", async function () { add("😘"); //kissing_heart add("💗"); //heartpulse add("💗"); //heartpulse add("😍"); //heart_eyes add("❤️"); //heart const ep = new EmojiProvider(testRoom); const completionsList = await ep.getCompletions(":heart", { beginning: true, start: 0, end: 6 }); expect(completionsList[0]?.component?.props.title).toEqual(":heart:"); expect(completionsList[1]?.component?.props.title).toEqual(":heartpulse:"); expect(completionsList[2]?.component?.props.title).toEqual(":heart_eyes:"); }); });