/* Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd. Copyright 2022 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. */ import { mocked } from "jest-mock"; import { EventType, MatrixClient, MatrixError, MatrixEvent, Room, RoomMember } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix"; import { KnownMembership } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/types"; import { MatrixClientPeg } from "../../../src/MatrixClientPeg"; import Modal, { ComponentType, ComponentProps } from "../../../src/Modal"; import SettingsStore from "../../../src/settings/SettingsStore"; import MultiInviter, { CompletionStates } from "../../../src/utils/MultiInviter"; import * as TestUtilsMatrix from "../../test-utils"; import AskInviteAnywayDialog from "../../../src/components/views/dialogs/AskInviteAnywayDialog"; import ConfirmUserActionDialog from "../../../src/components/views/dialogs/ConfirmUserActionDialog"; const ROOMID = "!room:server"; const MXID1 = "@user1:server"; const MXID2 = "@user2:server"; const MXID3 = "@user3:server"; const MXID_PROFILE_STATES: Record> = { [MXID1]: Promise.resolve({}), [MXID2]: Promise.reject(new MatrixError({ errcode: "M_FORBIDDEN" })), [MXID3]: Promise.reject(new MatrixError({ errcode: "M_NOT_FOUND" })), }; jest.mock("../../../src/Modal", () => ({ createDialog: jest.fn(), })); jest.mock("../../../src/settings/SettingsStore", () => ({ getValue: jest.fn(), monitorSetting: jest.fn(), watchSetting: jest.fn(), })); const mockPromptBeforeInviteUnknownUsers = (value: boolean) => { mocked(SettingsStore.getValue).mockImplementation( (settingName: string, roomId: string, _excludeDefault = false): any => { if (settingName === "promptBeforeInviteUnknownUsers" && roomId === ROOMID) { return value; } }, ); }; const mockCreateTrackedDialog = (callbackName: "onInviteAnyways" | "onGiveUp") => { mocked(Modal.createDialog).mockImplementation( (Element: ComponentType, props?: ComponentProps): any => { (props as ComponentProps)[callbackName](); }, ); }; const expectAllInvitedResult = (result: CompletionStates) => { expect(result).toEqual({ [MXID1]: "invited", [MXID2]: "invited", [MXID3]: "invited", }); }; describe("MultiInviter", () => { let client: jest.Mocked; let inviter: MultiInviter; beforeEach(() => { jest.resetAllMocks(); TestUtilsMatrix.stubClient(); client = MatrixClientPeg.safeGet() as jest.Mocked; client.invite = jest.fn(); client.invite.mockResolvedValue({}); client.getProfileInfo = jest.fn(); client.getProfileInfo.mockImplementation((userId: string) => { return MXID_PROFILE_STATES[userId] || Promise.reject(); }); client.unban = jest.fn(); inviter = new MultiInviter(client, ROOMID); }); describe("invite", () => { describe("with promptBeforeInviteUnknownUsers = false", () => { beforeEach(() => mockPromptBeforeInviteUnknownUsers(false)); it("should invite all users", async () => { const result = await inviter.invite([MXID1, MXID2, MXID3]); expect(client.invite).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3); expect(client.invite).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, ROOMID, MXID1, undefined); expect(client.invite).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(2, ROOMID, MXID2, undefined); expect(client.invite).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(3, ROOMID, MXID3, undefined); expectAllInvitedResult(result); }); }); describe("with promptBeforeInviteUnknownUsers = true and", () => { beforeEach(() => mockPromptBeforeInviteUnknownUsers(true)); describe("confirming the unknown user dialog", () => { beforeEach(() => mockCreateTrackedDialog("onInviteAnyways")); it("should invite all users", async () => { const result = await inviter.invite([MXID1, MXID2, MXID3]); expect(client.invite).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3); expect(client.invite).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, ROOMID, MXID1, undefined); expect(client.invite).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(2, ROOMID, MXID2, undefined); expect(client.invite).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(3, ROOMID, MXID3, undefined); expectAllInvitedResult(result); }); }); describe("declining the unknown user dialog", () => { beforeEach(() => mockCreateTrackedDialog("onGiveUp")); it("should only invite existing users", async () => { const result = await inviter.invite([MXID1, MXID2, MXID3]); expect(client.invite).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(client.invite).toHaveBeenNthCalledWith(1, ROOMID, MXID1, undefined); // The resolved state is 'invited' for all users. // With the above client expectations, the test ensures that only the first user is invited. expectAllInvitedResult(result); }); }); }); it("should show sensible error when attempting 3pid invite with no identity server", async () => { client.inviteByEmail = jest.fn().mockRejectedValueOnce( new MatrixError({ errcode: "ORG.MATRIX.JSSDK_MISSING_PARAM", }), ); await inviter.invite(["foo@bar.com"]); expect(inviter.getErrorText("foo@bar.com")).toMatchInlineSnapshot( `"Cannot invite user by email without an identity server. You can connect to one under "Settings"."`, ); }); it("should ask if user wants to unban user if they have permission", async () => { mocked(Modal.createDialog).mockImplementation( (Element: ComponentType, props?: ComponentProps): any => { // We stub out the modal with an immediate affirmative (proceed) return return { finished: Promise.resolve([true]) }; }, ); const room = new Room(ROOMID, client, client.getSafeUserId()); mocked(client.getRoom).mockReturnValue(room); const ourMember = new RoomMember(ROOMID, client.getSafeUserId()); ourMember.membership = KnownMembership.Join; ourMember.powerLevel = 100; const member = new RoomMember(ROOMID, MXID1); member.membership = KnownMembership.Ban; member.powerLevel = 0; room.getMember = (userId: string) => { if (userId === client.getSafeUserId()) return ourMember; if (userId === MXID1) return member; return null; }; await inviter.invite([MXID1]); expect(Modal.createDialog).toHaveBeenCalledWith(ConfirmUserActionDialog, { member, title: "User cannot be invited until they are unbanned", action: "Unban", }); expect(client.unban).toHaveBeenCalledWith(ROOMID, MXID1); }); it("should show sensible error when attempting to invite over federation with m.federate=false", async () => { mocked(client.invite).mockRejectedValueOnce( new MatrixError({ errcode: "M_FORBIDDEN", }), ); const room = new Room(ROOMID, client, client.getSafeUserId()); room.currentState.setStateEvents([ new MatrixEvent({ type: EventType.RoomCreate, state_key: "", content: { "m.federate": false, }, room_id: ROOMID, }), ]); mocked(client.getRoom).mockReturnValue(room); await inviter.invite(["@user:other_server"]); expect(inviter.getErrorText("@user:other_server")).toMatchInlineSnapshot( `"This room is unfederated. You cannot invite people from external servers."`, ); }); it("should show sensible error when attempting to invite over federation with m.federate=false to space", async () => { mocked(client.invite).mockRejectedValueOnce( new MatrixError({ errcode: "M_FORBIDDEN", }), ); const room = new Room(ROOMID, client, client.getSafeUserId()); room.currentState.setStateEvents([ new MatrixEvent({ type: EventType.RoomCreate, state_key: "", content: { "m.federate": false, "type": "m.space", }, room_id: ROOMID, }), ]); mocked(client.getRoom).mockReturnValue(room); await inviter.invite(["@user:other_server"]); expect(inviter.getErrorText("@user:other_server")).toMatchInlineSnapshot( `"This space is unfederated. You cannot invite people from external servers."`, ); }); }); });