/* Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd. Copyright 2022 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. */ import { parseGeoUri } from "../../../../src/utils/location/parseGeoUri"; describe("parseGeoUri", () => { it("fails if the supplied URI is empty", () => { expect(parseGeoUri("")).toBeFalsy(); }); it("returns undefined if latitude is not a number", () => { expect(parseGeoUri("geo:ABCD,16.3695,183")).toBeUndefined(); }); it("returns undefined if longitude is not a number", () => { expect(parseGeoUri("geo:48.2010,EFGH,183")).toBeUndefined(); }); // We use some examples from the spec, but don't check semantics // like two textually-different URIs being equal, since we are // just a humble parser. // Note: we do not understand geo URIs with percent-encoded coords // or accuracy. It is RECOMMENDED in the spec never to percent-encode // these, but it is permitted, and we will fail to parse in that case. it("rfc5870 6.1 Simple 3-dimensional", () => { expect(parseGeoUri("geo:48.2010,16.3695,183")).toEqual({ latitude: 48.201, longitude: 16.3695, altitude: 183, accuracy: undefined, altitudeAccuracy: null, heading: null, speed: null, toJSON: expect.any(Function), }); }); it("rfc5870 6.2 Explicit CRS and accuracy", () => { expect(parseGeoUri("geo:48.198634,16.371648;crs=wgs84;u=40")).toEqual({ latitude: 48.198634, longitude: 16.371648, altitude: null, accuracy: 40, altitudeAccuracy: null, heading: null, speed: null, toJSON: expect.any(Function), }); }); it("rfc5870 6.4 Negative longitude and explicit CRS", () => { expect(parseGeoUri("geo:90,-22.43;crs=WGS84")).toEqual({ latitude: 90, longitude: -22.43, altitude: null, accuracy: undefined, altitudeAccuracy: null, heading: null, speed: null, toJSON: expect.any(Function), }); }); it("rfc5870 6.4 Integer lat and lon", () => { expect(parseGeoUri("geo:90,46")).toEqual({ latitude: 90, longitude: 46, altitude: null, accuracy: undefined, altitudeAccuracy: null, heading: null, speed: null, toJSON: expect.any(Function), }); }); it("rfc5870 6.4 Percent-encoded param value", () => { expect(parseGeoUri("geo:66,30;u=6.500;FOo=this%2dthat")).toEqual({ latitude: 66, longitude: 30, altitude: null, accuracy: 6.5, altitudeAccuracy: null, heading: null, speed: null, toJSON: expect.any(Function), }); }); it("rfc5870 6.4 Unknown param", () => { expect(parseGeoUri("geo:66.0,30;u=6.5;foo=this-that>")).toEqual({ latitude: 66.0, longitude: 30, altitude: null, accuracy: 6.5, altitudeAccuracy: null, heading: null, speed: null, toJSON: expect.any(Function), }); }); it("rfc5870 6.4 Multiple unknown params", () => { expect(parseGeoUri("geo:70,20;foo=1.00;bar=white")).toEqual({ latitude: 70, longitude: 20, altitude: null, accuracy: undefined, altitudeAccuracy: null, heading: null, speed: null, toJSON: expect.any(Function), }); }); it("Negative latitude", () => { expect(parseGeoUri("geo:-7.5,20")).toEqual({ latitude: -7.5, longitude: 20, altitude: null, accuracy: undefined, altitudeAccuracy: null, heading: null, speed: null, toJSON: expect.any(Function), }); }); it("Zero altitude is not unknown", () => { expect(parseGeoUri("geo:-7.5,-20,0")).toEqual({ latitude: -7.5, longitude: -20, altitude: 0, accuracy: undefined, altitudeAccuracy: null, heading: null, speed: null, toJSON: expect.any(Function), }); }); });