/* Copyright 2022 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ import React from "react"; // eslint-disable-next-line deprecate/import import { mount, ReactWrapper } from "enzyme"; import { mocked, MockedObject } from "jest-mock"; import { ClientEvent, MatrixClient } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/client"; import { Room, RoomEvent } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/models/room"; import { MatrixEvent } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/models/event"; import { EventType } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix"; import { MEGOLM_ALGORITHM } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/crypto/olmlib"; import { fireEvent, render } from "@testing-library/react"; import { stubClient, mockPlatformPeg, unmockPlatformPeg, wrapInMatrixClientContext, flushPromises, } from "../../test-utils"; import { MatrixClientPeg } from "../../../src/MatrixClientPeg"; import { Action } from "../../../src/dispatcher/actions"; import { defaultDispatcher } from "../../../src/dispatcher/dispatcher"; import { ViewRoomPayload } from "../../../src/dispatcher/payloads/ViewRoomPayload"; import { RoomView as _RoomView } from "../../../src/components/structures/RoomView"; import ResizeNotifier from "../../../src/utils/ResizeNotifier"; import SettingsStore from "../../../src/settings/SettingsStore"; import { SettingLevel } from "../../../src/settings/SettingLevel"; import DMRoomMap from "../../../src/utils/DMRoomMap"; import { NotificationState } from "../../../src/stores/notifications/NotificationState"; import { RightPanelPhases } from "../../../src/stores/right-panel/RightPanelStorePhases"; import { LocalRoom, LocalRoomState } from "../../../src/models/LocalRoom"; import { DirectoryMember } from "../../../src/utils/direct-messages"; import { createDmLocalRoom } from "../../../src/utils/dm/createDmLocalRoom"; import { UPDATE_EVENT } from "../../../src/stores/AsyncStore"; import { SdkContextClass, SDKContext } from "../../../src/contexts/SDKContext"; import VoipUserMapper from "../../../src/VoipUserMapper"; const RoomView = wrapInMatrixClientContext(_RoomView); describe("RoomView", () => { let cli: MockedObject; let room: Room; let rooms: Map; let roomCount = 0; let stores: SdkContextClass; beforeEach(async () => { mockPlatformPeg({ reload: () => {} }); stubClient(); cli = mocked(MatrixClientPeg.get()); room = new Room(`!${roomCount++}:example.org`, cli, "@alice:example.org"); jest.spyOn(room, "findPredecessor"); room.getPendingEvents = () => []; rooms = new Map(); rooms.set(room.roomId, room); cli.getRoom.mockImplementation((roomId: string | undefined) => rooms.get(roomId || "") || null); // Re-emit certain events on the mocked client room.on(RoomEvent.Timeline, (...args) => cli.emit(RoomEvent.Timeline, ...args)); room.on(RoomEvent.TimelineReset, (...args) => cli.emit(RoomEvent.TimelineReset, ...args)); DMRoomMap.makeShared(); stores = new SdkContextClass(); stores.client = cli; stores.rightPanelStore.useUnitTestClient(cli); jest.spyOn(VoipUserMapper.sharedInstance(), "getVirtualRoomForRoom").mockResolvedValue(undefined); }); afterEach(async () => { unmockPlatformPeg(); jest.restoreAllMocks(); }); const mountRoomView = async (): Promise => { if (stores.roomViewStore.getRoomId() !== room.roomId) { const switchedRoom = new Promise((resolve) => { const subFn = () => { if (stores.roomViewStore.getRoomId()) { stores.roomViewStore.off(UPDATE_EVENT, subFn); resolve(); } }; stores.roomViewStore.on(UPDATE_EVENT, subFn); }); defaultDispatcher.dispatch({ action: Action.ViewRoom, room_id: room.roomId, metricsTrigger: undefined, }); await switchedRoom; } const roomView = mount( , ); await flushPromises(); return roomView; }; const renderRoomView = async (): Promise> => { if (stores.roomViewStore.getRoomId() !== room.roomId) { const switchedRoom = new Promise((resolve) => { const subFn = () => { if (stores.roomViewStore.getRoomId()) { stores.roomViewStore.off(UPDATE_EVENT, subFn); resolve(); } }; stores.roomViewStore.on(UPDATE_EVENT, subFn); }); defaultDispatcher.dispatch({ action: Action.ViewRoom, room_id: room.roomId, metricsTrigger: undefined, }); await switchedRoom; } const roomView = render( , ); await flushPromises(); return roomView; }; const getRoomViewInstance = async (): Promise<_RoomView> => (await mountRoomView()).find(_RoomView).instance() as _RoomView; it("when there is no room predecessor, getHiddenHighlightCount should return 0", async () => { const instance = await getRoomViewInstance(); expect(instance.getHiddenHighlightCount()).toBe(0); }); describe("when there is an old room", () => { let instance: _RoomView; let oldRoom: Room; beforeEach(async () => { instance = await getRoomViewInstance(); oldRoom = new Room("!old:example.com", cli, cli.getSafeUserId()); rooms.set(oldRoom.roomId, oldRoom); jest.spyOn(room, "findPredecessor").mockReturnValue({ roomId: oldRoom.roomId }); }); it("and it has 0 unreads, getHiddenHighlightCount should return 0", async () => { jest.spyOn(oldRoom, "getUnreadNotificationCount").mockReturnValue(0); expect(instance.getHiddenHighlightCount()).toBe(0); // assert that msc3946ProcessDynamicPredecessor is false by default expect(room.findPredecessor).toHaveBeenCalledWith(false); }); it("and it has 23 unreads, getHiddenHighlightCount should return 23", async () => { jest.spyOn(oldRoom, "getUnreadNotificationCount").mockReturnValue(23); expect(instance.getHiddenHighlightCount()).toBe(23); }); it("and feature_dynamic_room_predecessors is enabled it should pass the setting to findPredecessor", async () => { SettingsStore.setValue("feature_dynamic_room_predecessors", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, true); expect(instance.getHiddenHighlightCount()).toBe(0); expect(room.findPredecessor).toHaveBeenCalledWith(true); SettingsStore.setValue("feature_dynamic_room_predecessors", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, null); }); }); it("updates url preview visibility on encryption state change", async () => { // we should be starting unencrypted expect(cli.isCryptoEnabled()).toEqual(false); expect(cli.isRoomEncrypted(room.roomId)).toEqual(false); const roomViewInstance = await getRoomViewInstance(); // in a default (non-encrypted room, it should start out with url previews enabled) // This is a white-box test in that we're asserting things about the state, which // is not ideal, but asserting that a URL preview just isn't there could risk the // test being invalid because the previews just hasn't rendered yet. This feels // like the safest way I think? // This also relies on the default settings being URL previews on normally and // off for e2e rooms because 1) it's probably useful to assert this and // 2) SettingsStore is a static class and so very hard to mock out. expect(roomViewInstance.state.showUrlPreview).toBe(true); // now enable encryption cli.isCryptoEnabled.mockReturnValue(true); cli.isRoomEncrypted.mockReturnValue(true); // and fake an encryption event into the room to prompt it to re-check room.addLiveEvents([ new MatrixEvent({ type: "m.room.encryption", sender: cli.getUserId()!, content: {}, event_id: "someid", room_id: room.roomId, }), ]); // URL previews should now be disabled expect(roomViewInstance.state.showUrlPreview).toBe(false); }); it("updates live timeline when a timeline reset happens", async () => { const roomViewInstance = await getRoomViewInstance(); const oldTimeline = roomViewInstance.state.liveTimeline; room.getUnfilteredTimelineSet().resetLiveTimeline(); expect(roomViewInstance.state.liveTimeline).not.toEqual(oldTimeline); }); describe("with virtual rooms", () => { it("checks for a virtual room on initial load", async () => { const { container } = await renderRoomView(); expect(VoipUserMapper.sharedInstance().getVirtualRoomForRoom).toHaveBeenCalledWith(room.roomId); // quick check that rendered without error expect(container.querySelector(".mx_ErrorBoundary")).toBeFalsy(); }); it("checks for a virtual room on room event", async () => { await renderRoomView(); expect(VoipUserMapper.sharedInstance().getVirtualRoomForRoom).toHaveBeenCalledWith(room.roomId); cli.emit(ClientEvent.Room, room); // called again after room event expect(VoipUserMapper.sharedInstance().getVirtualRoomForRoom).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); }); }); describe("video rooms", () => { beforeEach(async () => { // Make it a video room room.isElementVideoRoom = () => true; await SettingsStore.setValue("feature_video_rooms", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, true); }); it("normally doesn't open the chat panel", async () => { jest.spyOn(NotificationState.prototype, "isUnread", "get").mockReturnValue(false); await mountRoomView(); expect(stores.rightPanelStore.isOpen).toEqual(false); }); it("opens the chat panel if there are unread messages", async () => { jest.spyOn(NotificationState.prototype, "isUnread", "get").mockReturnValue(true); await mountRoomView(); expect(stores.rightPanelStore.isOpen).toEqual(true); expect(stores.rightPanelStore.currentCard.phase).toEqual(RightPanelPhases.Timeline); }); }); describe("for a local room", () => { let localRoom: LocalRoom; beforeEach(async () => { localRoom = room = await createDmLocalRoom(cli, [new DirectoryMember({ user_id: "@user:example.com" })]); rooms.set(localRoom.roomId, localRoom); cli.store.storeRoom(room); }); it("should remove the room from the store on unmount", async () => { const { unmount } = await renderRoomView(); unmount(); expect(cli.store.removeRoom).toHaveBeenCalledWith(room.roomId); }); describe("in state NEW", () => { it("should match the snapshot", async () => { const { container } = await renderRoomView(); expect(container).toMatchSnapshot(); }); describe("that is encrypted", () => { beforeEach(() => { mocked(cli.isRoomEncrypted).mockReturnValue(true); localRoom.encrypted = true; localRoom.currentState.setStateEvents([ new MatrixEvent({ event_id: `~${localRoom.roomId}:${cli.makeTxnId()}`, type: EventType.RoomEncryption, content: { algorithm: MEGOLM_ALGORITHM, }, user_id: cli.getUserId()!, sender: cli.getUserId()!, state_key: "", room_id: localRoom.roomId, origin_server_ts: Date.now(), }), ]); }); it("should match the snapshot", async () => { const { container } = await renderRoomView(); expect(container).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); }); it("in state CREATING should match the snapshot", async () => { localRoom.state = LocalRoomState.CREATING; const { container } = await renderRoomView(); expect(container).toMatchSnapshot(); }); describe("in state ERROR", () => { beforeEach(async () => { localRoom.state = LocalRoomState.ERROR; }); it("should match the snapshot", async () => { const { container } = await renderRoomView(); expect(container).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it("clicking retry should set the room state to new dispatch a local room event", async () => { jest.spyOn(defaultDispatcher, "dispatch"); const { getByText } = await renderRoomView(); fireEvent.click(getByText("Retry")); expect(localRoom.state).toBe(LocalRoomState.NEW); expect(defaultDispatcher.dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ action: "local_room_event", roomId: room.roomId, }); }); }); }); });