/* Copyright 2020 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ import EditorModel from "../../src/editor/model"; import { createPartCreator, createRenderer } from "./mock"; import { formatRange, formatRangeAsCode, formatRangeAsLink, selectRangeOfWordAtCaret, toggleInlineFormat, } from "../../src/editor/operations"; import { Formatting } from "../../src/components/views/rooms/MessageComposerFormatBar"; import { longestBacktickSequence } from "../../src/editor/deserialize"; import DocumentPosition from "../../src/editor/position"; const SERIALIZED_NEWLINE = { text: "\n", type: "newline" }; describe("editor/operations: formatting operations", () => { const renderer = createRenderer(); const pc = createPartCreator(); describe("formatRange", () => { it.each([[Formatting.Bold, "hello **world**!"]])( "should correctly wrap format %s", (formatting: Formatting, expected: string) => { const model = new EditorModel([pc.plain("hello world!")], pc, renderer); const range = model.startRange(model.positionForOffset(6, false), model.positionForOffset(11, false)); // around "world" expect(range.parts[0].text).toBe("world"); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([{ text: "hello world!", type: "plain" }]); formatRange(range, formatting); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([{ text: expected, type: "plain" }]); }, ); it("should apply to word range is within if length 0", () => { const model = new EditorModel([pc.plain("hello world!")], pc, renderer); const range = model.startRange(model.positionForOffset(6, false)); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([{ text: "hello world!", type: "plain" }]); formatRange(range, Formatting.Bold); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([{ text: "hello **world!**", type: "plain" }]); }); it("should do nothing for a range with length 0 at initialisation", () => { const model = new EditorModel([pc.plain("hello world!")], pc, renderer); const range = model.startRange(model.positionForOffset(6, false)); range.setWasEmpty(false); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([{ text: "hello world!", type: "plain" }]); formatRange(range, Formatting.Bold); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([{ text: "hello world!", type: "plain" }]); }); }); describe("formatRangeAsLink", () => { it.each([ // Caret is denoted by | in the expectation string ["testing", "[testing](|)", ""], ["testing", "[testing](foobar|)", "foobar"], ["[testing]()", "testing|", ""], ["[testing](foobar)", "testing|", ""], ])("converts %s -> %s", (input: string, expectation: string, text: string) => { const model = new EditorModel([pc.plain(`foo ${input} bar`)], pc, renderer); const range = model.startRange( model.positionForOffset(4, false), model.positionForOffset(4 + input.length, false), ); // around input expect(range.parts[0].text).toBe(input); formatRangeAsLink(range, text); expect((renderer.caret as DocumentPosition).offset).toBe(4 + expectation.indexOf("|")); expect(model.parts[0].text).toBe("foo " + expectation.replace("|", "") + " bar"); }); }); describe("toggleInlineFormat", () => { it("works for words", () => { const model = new EditorModel([pc.plain("hello world!")], pc, renderer); const range = model.startRange(model.positionForOffset(6, false), model.positionForOffset(11, false)); // around "world" expect(range.parts[0].text).toBe("world"); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([{ text: "hello world!", type: "plain" }]); formatRange(range, Formatting.Italics); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([{ text: "hello _world_!", type: "plain" }]); }); describe("escape backticks", () => { it("works for escaping backticks in between texts", () => { const renderer = createRenderer(); const pc = createPartCreator(); const model = new EditorModel([pc.plain("hello ` world!")], pc, renderer); const range = model.startRange(model.positionForOffset(0, false), model.positionForOffset(13, false)); // hello ` world expect(range.parts[0].text.trim().includes("`")).toBeTruthy(); expect(longestBacktickSequence(range.parts[0].text.trim())).toBe(1); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([{ text: "hello ` world!", type: "plain" }]); formatRangeAsCode(range); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([{ text: "``hello ` world``!", type: "plain" }]); }); it("escapes longer backticks in between text", () => { const renderer = createRenderer(); const pc = createPartCreator(); const model = new EditorModel([pc.plain("hello```world")], pc, renderer); const range = model.startRange(model.positionForOffset(0, false), model.getPositionAtEnd()); // hello```world expect(range.parts[0].text.includes("`")).toBeTruthy(); expect(longestBacktickSequence(range.parts[0].text)).toBe(3); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([{ text: "hello```world", type: "plain" }]); formatRangeAsCode(range); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([{ text: "````hello```world````", type: "plain" }]); }); it("escapes non-consecutive with varying length backticks in between text", () => { const renderer = createRenderer(); const pc = createPartCreator(); const model = new EditorModel([pc.plain("hell```o`w`o``rld")], pc, renderer); const range = model.startRange(model.positionForOffset(0, false), model.getPositionAtEnd()); // hell```o`w`o``rld expect(range.parts[0].text.includes("`")).toBeTruthy(); expect(longestBacktickSequence(range.parts[0].text)).toBe(3); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([{ text: "hell```o`w`o``rld", type: "plain" }]); formatRangeAsCode(range); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([{ text: "````hell```o`w`o``rld````", type: "plain" }]); }); it("untoggles correctly if its already formatted", () => { const renderer = createRenderer(); const pc = createPartCreator(); const model = new EditorModel([pc.plain("```hello``world```")], pc, renderer); const range = model.startRange(model.positionForOffset(0, false), model.getPositionAtEnd()); // hello``world expect(range.parts[0].text.includes("`")).toBeTruthy(); expect(longestBacktickSequence(range.parts[0].text)).toBe(3); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([{ text: "```hello``world```", type: "plain" }]); formatRangeAsCode(range); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([{ text: "hello``world", type: "plain" }]); }); it("untoggles correctly it contains varying length of backticks between text", () => { const renderer = createRenderer(); const pc = createPartCreator(); const model = new EditorModel([pc.plain("````hell```o`w`o``rld````")], pc, renderer); const range = model.startRange(model.positionForOffset(0, false), model.getPositionAtEnd()); // hell```o`w`o``rld expect(range.parts[0].text.includes("`")).toBeTruthy(); expect(longestBacktickSequence(range.parts[0].text)).toBe(4); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([{ text: "````hell```o`w`o``rld````", type: "plain" }]); formatRangeAsCode(range); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([{ text: "hell```o`w`o``rld", type: "plain" }]); }); }); it("works for parts of words", () => { const renderer = createRenderer(); const pc = createPartCreator(); const model = new EditorModel([pc.plain("hello world!")], pc, renderer); const range = model.startRange(model.positionForOffset(7, false), model.positionForOffset(10, false)); // around "orl" expect(range.parts[0].text).toBe("orl"); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([{ text: "hello world!", type: "plain" }]); toggleInlineFormat(range, "*"); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([{ text: "hello w*orl*d!", type: "plain" }]); }); it("works for around pills", () => { const renderer = createRenderer(); const pc = createPartCreator(); const model = new EditorModel( [pc.plain("hello there "), pc.atRoomPill("@room"), pc.plain(", how are you doing?")], pc, renderer, ); const range = model.startRange(model.positionForOffset(6, false), model.positionForOffset(30, false)); // around "there @room, how are you" expect(range.parts.map((p) => p.text).join("")).toBe("there @room, how are you"); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([ { text: "hello there ", type: "plain" }, { text: "@room", type: "at-room-pill" }, { text: ", how are you doing?", type: "plain" }, ]); formatRange(range, Formatting.Italics); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([ { text: "hello _there ", type: "plain" }, { text: "@room", type: "at-room-pill" }, { text: ", how are you_ doing?", type: "plain" }, ]); }); it("works for a paragraph", () => { const renderer = createRenderer(); const pc = createPartCreator(); const model = new EditorModel( [pc.plain("hello world,"), pc.newline(), pc.plain("how are you doing?")], pc, renderer, ); const range = model.startRange(model.positionForOffset(6, false), model.positionForOffset(16, false)); // around "world,\nhow" expect(range.parts.map((p) => p.text).join("")).toBe("world,\nhow"); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([ { text: "hello world,", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "how are you doing?", type: "plain" }, ]); formatRange(range, Formatting.Bold); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([ { text: "hello **world,", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "how** are you doing?", type: "plain" }, ]); }); it("works for a paragraph with spurious breaks around it in selected range", () => { const renderer = createRenderer(); const pc = createPartCreator(); const model = new EditorModel( [ pc.newline(), pc.newline(), pc.plain("hello world,"), pc.newline(), pc.plain("how are you doing?"), pc.newline(), pc.newline(), ], pc, renderer, ); const range = model.startRange(model.positionForOffset(0, false), model.getPositionAtEnd()); // select-all expect(range.parts.map((p) => p.text).join("")).toBe("\n\nhello world,\nhow are you doing?\n\n"); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([ SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "hello world,", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "how are you doing?", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, ]); formatRange(range, Formatting.Bold); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([ SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "**hello world,", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "how are you doing?**", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, ]); }); it("works for multiple paragraph", () => { const renderer = createRenderer(); const pc = createPartCreator(); const model = new EditorModel( [ pc.plain("hello world,"), pc.newline(), pc.plain("how are you doing?"), pc.newline(), pc.newline(), pc.plain("new paragraph"), ], pc, renderer, ); let range = model.startRange(model.positionForOffset(0, true), model.getPositionAtEnd()); // select-all expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([ { text: "hello world,", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "how are you doing?", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "new paragraph", type: "plain" }, ]); toggleInlineFormat(range, "__"); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([ { text: "__hello world,", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "how are you doing?__", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "__new paragraph__", type: "plain" }, ]); range = model.startRange(model.positionForOffset(0, true), model.getPositionAtEnd()); // select-all toggleInlineFormat(range, "__"); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([ { text: "hello world,", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "how are you doing?", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "new paragraph", type: "plain" }, ]); }); it("format word at caret position at beginning of new line without previous selection", () => { const renderer = createRenderer(); const pc = createPartCreator(); const model = new EditorModel([pc.newline(), pc.plain("hello!")], pc, renderer); let range = model.startRange(model.positionForOffset(1, false)); // Initial position should equal start and end since we did not select anything expect(range.getLastStartingPosition()).toBe(range.start); expect(range.getLastStartingPosition()).toBe(range.end); formatRange(range, Formatting.Bold); // Toggle expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "**hello!**", type: "plain" }]); formatRange(range, Formatting.Bold); // Untoggle expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "hello!", type: "plain" }]); // Check if it also works for code as it uses toggleInlineFormatting only indirectly range = model.startRange(model.positionForOffset(1, false)); selectRangeOfWordAtCaret(range); formatRange(range, Formatting.Code); // Toggle expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "`hello!`", type: "plain" }]); formatRange(range, Formatting.Code); // Untoggle expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "hello!", type: "plain" }]); }); it("caret resets correctly to current line when untoggling formatting while caret at line end", () => { const renderer = createRenderer(); const pc = createPartCreator(); const model = new EditorModel( [pc.plain("hello **hello!**"), pc.newline(), pc.plain("world")], pc, renderer, ); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([ { text: "hello **hello!**", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "world", type: "plain" }, ]); const endOfFirstLine = 16; const range = model.startRange(model.positionForOffset(endOfFirstLine, true)); formatRange(range, Formatting.Bold); // Untoggle formatRange(range, Formatting.Italics); // Toggle // We expect formatting to still happen in the first line as the caret should not jump down expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([ { text: "hello _hello!_", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "world", type: "plain" }, ]); }); it("format link in front of new line part", () => { const renderer = createRenderer(); const pc = createPartCreator(); const model = new EditorModel( [pc.plain("hello!"), pc.newline(), pc.plain("world!"), pc.newline()], pc, renderer, ); let range = model.startRange(model.getPositionAtEnd().asOffset(model).add(-1).asPosition(model)); // select-all expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([ { text: "hello!", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "world!", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, ]); formatRange(range, Formatting.InsertLink); // Toggle expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([ { text: "hello!", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "[world!]()", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, ]); range = model.startRange(model.getPositionAtEnd().asOffset(model).add(-1).asPosition(model)); // select-all formatRange(range, Formatting.InsertLink); // Untoggle expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([ { text: "hello!", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "world!", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, ]); }); it("format multi line code", () => { const renderer = createRenderer(); const pc = createPartCreator(); const model = new EditorModel( [pc.plain("int x = 1;"), pc.newline(), pc.newline(), pc.plain("int y = 42;")], pc, renderer, ); let range = model.startRange(model.positionForOffset(0), model.getPositionAtEnd()); // select-all expect(range.parts.map((p) => p.text).join("")).toBe("int x = 1;\n\nint y = 42;"); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([ { text: "int x = 1;", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "int y = 42;", type: "plain" }, ]); formatRange(range, Formatting.Code); // Toggle expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([ { text: "```", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "int x = 1;", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "int y = 42;", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "```", type: "plain" }, ]); range = model.startRange(model.positionForOffset(0, false), model.getPositionAtEnd()); // select-all formatRange(range, Formatting.Code); // Untoggle expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([ { text: "int x = 1;", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "int y = 42;", type: "plain" }, ]); }); it("does not format pure white space", () => { const renderer = createRenderer(); const pc = createPartCreator(); const model = new EditorModel( [pc.plain(" "), pc.newline(), pc.newline(), pc.plain(" ")], pc, renderer, ); const range = model.startRange(model.positionForOffset(0), model.getPositionAtEnd()); // select-all expect(range.parts.map((p) => p.text).join("")).toBe(" \n\n "); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([ { text: " ", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: " ", type: "plain" }, ]); formatRange(range, Formatting.Bold); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([ { text: " ", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: " ", type: "plain" }, ]); }); }); });