/* Copyright 2021 Šimon Brandner Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ import React from 'react'; import ReactTestUtils from 'react-dom/test-utils'; import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; import { Room } from 'matrix-js-sdk/src/models/room'; import { RoomMember } from 'matrix-js-sdk/src/models/room-member'; import { User } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/models/user"; import { MatrixClientPeg } from '../../../../src/MatrixClientPeg'; import * as TestUtils from '../../../test-utils'; import { compare } from "../../../../src/utils/strings"; import MemberList from "../../../../src/components/views/rooms/MemberList"; import MemberTile from '../../../../src/components/views/rooms/MemberTile'; import MatrixClientContext from "../../../../src/contexts/MatrixClientContext"; function generateRoomId() { return '!' + Math.random().toString().slice(2, 10) + ':domain'; } describe('MemberList', () => { function createRoom(opts = {}) { const room = new Room(generateRoomId(), null, client.getUserId()); if (opts) { Object.assign(room, opts); } return room; } let parentDiv = null; let client = null; let root = null; let memberListRoom; let memberList = null; let adminUsers = []; let moderatorUsers = []; let defaultUsers = []; beforeEach(function() { TestUtils.stubClient(); client = MatrixClientPeg.get(); client.hasLazyLoadMembersEnabled = () => false; parentDiv = document.createElement('div'); document.body.appendChild(parentDiv); // Make room memberListRoom = createRoom(); expect(memberListRoom.roomId).toBeTruthy(); // Make users adminUsers = []; moderatorUsers = []; defaultUsers = []; const usersPerLevel = 2; for (let i = 0; i < usersPerLevel; i++) { const adminUser = new RoomMember(memberListRoom.roomId, `@admin${i}:localhost`); adminUser.membership = "join"; adminUser.powerLevel = 100; adminUser.user = new User(adminUser.userId); adminUser.user.currentlyActive = true; adminUser.user.presence = 'online'; adminUser.user.lastPresenceTs = 1000; adminUser.user.lastActiveAgo = 10; adminUsers.push(adminUser); const moderatorUser = new RoomMember(memberListRoom.roomId, `@moderator${i}:localhost`); moderatorUser.membership = "join"; moderatorUser.powerLevel = 50; moderatorUser.user = new User(moderatorUser.userId); moderatorUser.user.currentlyActive = true; moderatorUser.user.presence = 'online'; moderatorUser.user.lastPresenceTs = 1000; moderatorUser.user.lastActiveAgo = 10; moderatorUsers.push(moderatorUser); const defaultUser = new RoomMember(memberListRoom.roomId, `@default${i}:localhost`); defaultUser.membership = "join"; defaultUser.powerLevel = 0; defaultUser.user = new User(defaultUser.userId); defaultUser.user.currentlyActive = true; defaultUser.user.presence = 'online'; defaultUser.user.lastPresenceTs = 1000; defaultUser.user.lastActiveAgo = 10; defaultUsers.push(defaultUser); } client.getRoom = (roomId) => { if (roomId === memberListRoom.roomId) return memberListRoom; else return null; }; memberListRoom.currentState = { members: {}, getMember: jest.fn(), getStateEvents: (eventType, stateKey) => stateKey === undefined ? [] : null, // ignore 3pid invites }; for (const member of [...adminUsers, ...moderatorUsers, ...defaultUsers]) { memberListRoom.currentState.members[member.userId] = member; } const gatherWrappedRef = (r) => { memberList = r; }; root = ReactDOM.render( ( ), parentDiv, ); }); afterEach((done) => { if (parentDiv) { ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(parentDiv); parentDiv.remove(); parentDiv = null; } done(); }); function expectOrderedByPresenceAndPowerLevel(memberTiles, isPresenceEnabled) { let prevMember = null; for (const tile of memberTiles) { const memberA = prevMember; const memberB = tile.props.member; prevMember = memberB; // just in case an expect fails, set this early if (!memberA) { continue; } console.log("COMPARING A VS B:"); console.log(memberList.memberString(memberA)); console.log(memberList.memberString(memberB)); const userA = memberA.user; const userB = memberB.user; let groupChange = false; if (isPresenceEnabled) { const convertPresence = (p) => p === 'unavailable' ? 'online' : p; const presenceIndex = p => { const order = ['active', 'online', 'offline']; const idx = order.indexOf(convertPresence(p)); return idx === -1 ? order.length : idx; // unknown states at the end }; const idxA = presenceIndex(userA.currentlyActive ? 'active' : userA.presence); const idxB = presenceIndex(userB.currentlyActive ? 'active' : userB.presence); console.log("Comparing presence groups..."); expect(idxB).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(idxA); groupChange = idxA !== idxB; } else { console.log("Skipped presence groups"); } if (!groupChange) { console.log("Comparing power levels..."); expect(memberA.powerLevel).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(memberB.powerLevel); groupChange = memberA.powerLevel !== memberB.powerLevel; } else { console.log("Skipping power level check due to group change"); } if (!groupChange) { if (isPresenceEnabled) { console.log("Comparing last active timestamp..."); expect(userB.getLastActiveTs()).toBeLessThanOrEqual(userA.getLastActiveTs()); groupChange = userA.getLastActiveTs() !== userB.getLastActiveTs(); } else { console.log("Skipping last active timestamp"); } } else { console.log("Skipping last active timestamp check due to group change"); } if (!groupChange) { const nameA = memberA.name[0] === '@' ? memberA.name.slice(1) : memberA.name; const nameB = memberB.name[0] === '@' ? memberB.name.slice(1) : memberB.name; const nameCompare = compare(nameB, nameA); console.log("Comparing name"); expect(nameCompare).toBeGreaterThanOrEqual(0); } else { console.log("Skipping name check due to group change"); } } } function itDoesOrderMembersCorrectly(enablePresence) { describe('does order members correctly', () => { // Note: even if presence is disabled, we still expect that the presence // tests will pass. All expectOrderedByPresenceAndPowerLevel does is ensure // the order is perceived correctly, regardless of what we did to the members. // Each of the 4 tests here is done to prove that the member list can meet // all 4 criteria independently. Together, they should work. it('by presence state', () => { // Intentionally pick users that will confuse the power level sorting const activeUsers = [defaultUsers[0]]; const onlineUsers = [adminUsers[0]]; const offlineUsers = [...moderatorUsers, ...adminUsers.slice(1), ...defaultUsers.slice(1)]; activeUsers.forEach((u) => { u.user.currentlyActive = true; u.user.presence = 'online'; }); onlineUsers.forEach((u) => { u.user.currentlyActive = false; u.user.presence = 'online'; }); offlineUsers.forEach((u) => { u.user.currentlyActive = false; u.user.presence = 'offline'; }); // Bypass all the event listeners and skip to the good part memberList.showPresence = enablePresence; memberList.updateListNow(); const tiles = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithType(root, MemberTile); expectOrderedByPresenceAndPowerLevel(tiles, enablePresence); }); it('by power level', () => { // We already have admin, moderator, and default users so leave them alone // Bypass all the event listeners and skip to the good part memberList._showPresence = enablePresence; memberList.updateListNow(); const tiles = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithType(root, MemberTile); expectOrderedByPresenceAndPowerLevel(tiles, enablePresence); }); it('by last active timestamp', () => { // Intentionally pick users that will confuse the power level sorting // lastActiveAgoTs == lastPresenceTs - lastActiveAgo const activeUsers = [defaultUsers[0]]; const semiActiveUsers = [adminUsers[0]]; const inactiveUsers = [...moderatorUsers, ...adminUsers.slice(1), ...defaultUsers.slice(1)]; activeUsers.forEach((u) => { u.powerLevel = 100; // set everyone to the same PL to avoid running that check u.user.lastPresenceTs = 1000; u.user.lastActiveAgo = 0; }); semiActiveUsers.forEach((u) => { u.powerLevel = 100; u.user.lastPresenceTs = 1000; u.user.lastActiveAgo = 50; }); inactiveUsers.forEach((u) => { u.powerLevel = 100; u.user.lastPresenceTs = 1000; u.user.lastActiveAgo = 100; }); // Bypass all the event listeners and skip to the good part memberList.showPresence = enablePresence; memberList.updateListNow(); const tiles = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithType(root, MemberTile); expectOrderedByPresenceAndPowerLevel(tiles, enablePresence); }); it('by name', () => { // Intentionally put everyone on the same level to force a name comparison const allUsers = [...adminUsers, ...moderatorUsers, ...defaultUsers]; allUsers.forEach((u) => { u.user.currentlyActive = true; u.user.presence = "online"; u.user.lastPresenceTs = 1000; u.user.lastActiveAgo = 0; u.powerLevel = 100; }); // Bypass all the event listeners and skip to the good part memberList.showPresence = enablePresence; memberList.updateListNow(); const tiles = ReactTestUtils.scryRenderedComponentsWithType(root, MemberTile); expectOrderedByPresenceAndPowerLevel(tiles, enablePresence); }); }); } describe('when presence is enabled', () => { itDoesOrderMembersCorrectly(true); }); describe('when presence is not enabled', () => { itDoesOrderMembersCorrectly(false); }); });