/* Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd. Copyright 2024 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. */ import { test, expect } from "../../element-web-test"; import { createRoom, enableKeyBackup, logIntoElement, sendMessageInCurrentRoom } from "./utils"; import { isDendrite } from "../../plugins/homeserver/dendrite"; test.describe("Logout tests", () => { test.skip(isDendrite, "Dendrite lacks support for MSC3967 so requires additional auth here"); test.beforeEach(async ({ page, homeserver, credentials }) => { await logIntoElement(page, credentials); }); test("Ask to set up recovery on logout if not setup", async ({ page, app }) => { await createRoom(page, "E2e room", true); // send a message (will be the first one so will create a new megolm session) await sendMessageInCurrentRoom(page, "Hello secret world"); const locator = await app.settings.openUserMenu(); await locator.getByRole("menuitem", { name: "Sign out", exact: true }).click(); const currentDialogLocator = page.locator(".mx_Dialog"); await expect( currentDialogLocator.getByRole("heading", { name: "You'll lose access to your encrypted messages" }), ).toBeVisible(); }); test("If backup is set up show standard confirm", async ({ page, app }) => { await enableKeyBackup(app); await createRoom(page, "E2e room", true); // send a message (will be the first one so will create a new megolm session) await sendMessageInCurrentRoom(page, "Hello secret world"); const locator = await app.settings.openUserMenu(); await locator.getByRole("menuitem", { name: "Sign out", exact: true }).click(); const currentDialogLocator = page.locator(".mx_Dialog"); await expect(currentDialogLocator.getByText("Are you sure you want to sign out?")).toBeVisible(); }); test("Logout directly if the user has no room keys", async ({ page, app }) => { await createRoom(page, "Clear room", false); await sendMessageInCurrentRoom(page, "Hello public world!"); const locator = await app.settings.openUserMenu(); await locator.getByRole("menuitem", { name: "Sign out", exact: true }).click(); // Should have logged out directly await expect(page.getByRole("heading", { name: "Sign in" })).toBeVisible(); }); });