# Composer Features ## Auto Complete - Hitting tab tries to auto-complete the word before the caret as a room member - If no matching name is found, a visual bell is shown - @ + a letter opens auto complete for members starting with the given letter - When inserting a user pill at the start in the composer, a colon and space is appended to the pill - When inserting a user pill anywhere else in composer, only a space is appended to the pill - # + a letter opens auto complete for rooms starting with the given letter - : open auto complete for emoji - Pressing arrow-up/arrow-down while the autocomplete is open navigates between auto complete options - Pressing tab while the autocomplete is open goes to the next autocomplete option, wrapping around at the end after reverting to the typed text first. ## Formatting - When selecting text, a formatting bar appears above the selection. - The formatting bar allows to format the selected test as: bold, italic, strikethrough, a block quote, and a code block (inline if no linebreak is selected). - Formatting is applied as markdown syntax. - Hitting ctrl/cmd+B also marks the selected text as bold - Hitting ctrl/cmd+I also marks the selected text as italic - Hitting ctrl/cmd+> also marks the selected text as a blockquote ## Misc - When hitting the arrow-up button while having the caret at the start in the composer, the last message sent by the syncing user is edited. - Clicking a display name on an event in the timeline inserts a user pill into the composer - Emoticons (like :-), >:-), :-/, ...) are replaced by emojis while typing if the relevant setting is enabled - Typing in the composer sends typing notifications in the room - Pressing ctrl/mod+z and ctrl/mod+y undoes/redoes modifications - Pressing shift+enter inserts a line break - Pressing enter sends the message. - Choosing "Quote" in the context menu of an event inserts a quote of the event body in the composer. - Choosing "Reply" in the context menu of an event shows a preview above the composer to reply to. - Pressing alt+arrow up/arrow down navigates in previously sent messages, putting them in the composer.