/* Copyright 2022 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ import React from "react"; import { mocked } from "jest-mock"; import { act, fireEvent, render, RenderResult } from "@testing-library/react"; import { EventType, MatrixClient, Room } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix"; import { GuestAccess, HistoryVisibility, JoinRule } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/@types/partials"; import _SpaceSettingsVisibilityTab from "../../../../src/components/views/spaces/SpaceSettingsVisibilityTab"; import { createTestClient, mkEvent, wrapInMatrixClientContext } from "../../../test-utils"; import { mkSpace, mockStateEventImplementation } from "../../../test-utils"; import { MatrixClientPeg } from "../../../../src/MatrixClientPeg"; const SpaceSettingsVisibilityTab = wrapInMatrixClientContext(_SpaceSettingsVisibilityTab); jest.useFakeTimers(); describe("", () => { const mockMatrixClient = createTestClient() as MatrixClient; const makeJoinEvent = (rule: JoinRule = JoinRule.Invite) => mkEvent({ type: EventType.RoomJoinRules, event: true, content: { join_rule: rule, }, } as any); const makeGuestAccessEvent = (rule: GuestAccess = GuestAccess.CanJoin) => mkEvent({ type: EventType.RoomGuestAccess, event: true, content: { guest_access: rule, }, } as any); const makeHistoryEvent = (rule: HistoryVisibility = HistoryVisibility.Shared) => mkEvent({ type: EventType.RoomHistoryVisibility, event: true, content: { history_visibility: rule, }, } as any); const mockSpaceId = "mock-space"; // TODO case for canonical const makeMockSpace = ( client: MatrixClient, joinRule: JoinRule = JoinRule.Invite, guestRule: GuestAccess = GuestAccess.CanJoin, historyRule: HistoryVisibility = HistoryVisibility.WorldReadable, ): Room => { const events = [makeJoinEvent(joinRule), makeGuestAccessEvent(guestRule), makeHistoryEvent(historyRule)]; const space = mkSpace(client, mockSpaceId); const getStateEvents = mockStateEventImplementation(events); mocked(space.currentState).getStateEvents.mockImplementation(getStateEvents); mocked(space.currentState).mayClientSendStateEvent.mockReturnValue(false); space.getJoinRule.mockReturnValue(joinRule); mocked(space.currentState).getJoinRule.mockReturnValue(joinRule); return space as unknown as Room; }; const defaultProps = { matrixClient: mockMatrixClient, space: makeMockSpace(mockMatrixClient), closeSettingsFn: jest.fn(), }; const getComponent = (props = {}) => { return render(); }; const toggleGuestAccessSection = async ({ getByTestId }: RenderResult) => { const toggleButton = getByTestId("toggle-guest-access-btn")!; fireEvent.click(toggleButton); }; const getGuestAccessToggle = ({ container }: RenderResult) => container.querySelector('[aria-label="Enable guest access"]'); const getHistoryVisibilityToggle = ({ container }: RenderResult) => container.querySelector('[aria-label="Preview Space"]'); const getErrorMessage = ({ getByTestId }: RenderResult) => getByTestId("space-settings-error")?.textContent; beforeEach(() => { (mockMatrixClient.sendStateEvent as jest.Mock).mockClear().mockResolvedValue({}); MatrixClientPeg.get = jest.fn().mockReturnValue(mockMatrixClient); }); afterEach(() => { jest.runAllTimers(); }); it("renders container", () => { const { asFragment } = getComponent(); expect(asFragment()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); describe("for a private space", () => { const joinRule = JoinRule.Invite; it("does not render addresses section", () => { const space = makeMockSpace(mockMatrixClient, joinRule); const { queryByTestId } = getComponent({ space }); expect(queryByTestId("published-address-fieldset")).toBeFalsy(); expect(queryByTestId("local-address-fieldset")).toBeFalsy(); }); }); describe("for a public space", () => { const joinRule = JoinRule.Public; const guestRule = GuestAccess.CanJoin; const historyRule = HistoryVisibility.Joined; describe("Access", () => { it("renders guest access section toggle", async () => { const space = makeMockSpace(mockMatrixClient, joinRule, guestRule); const component = getComponent({ space }); await toggleGuestAccessSection(component); expect(getGuestAccessToggle(component)).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it("send guest access event on toggle", async () => { const space = makeMockSpace(mockMatrixClient, joinRule, guestRule); const component = getComponent({ space }); await toggleGuestAccessSection(component); const guestAccessInput = getGuestAccessToggle(component); expect(guestAccessInput?.getAttribute("aria-checked")).toEqual("true"); fireEvent.click(guestAccessInput!); expect(mockMatrixClient.sendStateEvent).toHaveBeenCalledWith( mockSpaceId, EventType.RoomGuestAccess, // toggled off { guest_access: GuestAccess.Forbidden }, "", ); // toggled off expect(guestAccessInput?.getAttribute("aria-checked")).toEqual("false"); }); it("renders error message when update fails", async () => { const space = makeMockSpace(mockMatrixClient, joinRule, guestRule); (mockMatrixClient.sendStateEvent as jest.Mock).mockRejectedValue({}); const component = getComponent({ space }); await toggleGuestAccessSection(component); await act(() => { fireEvent.click(getGuestAccessToggle(component)!); }); expect(getErrorMessage(component)).toEqual("Failed to update the guest access of this space"); }); it("disables guest access toggle when setting guest access is not allowed", async () => { const space = makeMockSpace(mockMatrixClient, joinRule, guestRule); (space.currentState.maySendStateEvent as jest.Mock).mockReturnValue(false); const component = getComponent({ space }); await toggleGuestAccessSection(component); expect(getGuestAccessToggle(component)?.getAttribute("aria-disabled")).toEqual("true"); }); }); describe("Preview", () => { it("renders preview space toggle", () => { const space = makeMockSpace(mockMatrixClient, joinRule, guestRule, historyRule); const component = getComponent({ space }); // toggle off because space settings is != WorldReadable expect(getHistoryVisibilityToggle(component)?.getAttribute("aria-checked")).toEqual("false"); }); it("updates history visibility on toggle", () => { const space = makeMockSpace(mockMatrixClient, joinRule, guestRule, historyRule); const component = getComponent({ space }); // toggle off because space settings is != WorldReadable expect(getHistoryVisibilityToggle(component)?.getAttribute("aria-checked")).toEqual("false"); fireEvent.click(getHistoryVisibilityToggle(component)!); expect(mockMatrixClient.sendStateEvent).toHaveBeenCalledWith( mockSpaceId, EventType.RoomHistoryVisibility, { history_visibility: HistoryVisibility.WorldReadable }, "", ); expect(getHistoryVisibilityToggle(component)?.getAttribute("aria-checked")).toEqual("true"); }); it("renders error message when history update fails", async () => { const space = makeMockSpace(mockMatrixClient, joinRule, guestRule, historyRule); (mockMatrixClient.sendStateEvent as jest.Mock).mockRejectedValue({}); const component = getComponent({ space }); await act(() => { fireEvent.click(getHistoryVisibilityToggle(component)!); }); expect(getErrorMessage(component)).toEqual("Failed to update the history visibility of this space"); }); it("disables room preview toggle when history visibility changes are not allowed", () => { const space = makeMockSpace(mockMatrixClient, joinRule, guestRule, historyRule); (space.currentState.maySendStateEvent as jest.Mock).mockReturnValue(false); const component = getComponent({ space }); expect(getHistoryVisibilityToggle(component)?.getAttribute("aria-disabled")).toEqual("true"); }); }); it("renders addresses section", () => { const space = makeMockSpace(mockMatrixClient, joinRule, guestRule); const { getByTestId } = getComponent({ space }); expect(getByTestId("published-address-fieldset")).toBeTruthy(); expect(getByTestId("local-address-fieldset")).toBeTruthy(); }); }); });