{ "Create an account": "创建新账号", "Create Room": "创建聊天室", "Cryptography": "加密", "Current password": "当前密码", "/ddg is not a command": "/ddg 不是一个命令", "Deactivate Account": "销毁账号", "Deactivate my account": "销毁我的账号", "decline": "拒绝", "Decrypt %(text)s": "解密 %(text)s", "Decryption error": "解密出错", "Delete": "删除", "Default": "默认", "Device ID": "设备识别码", "Devices": "设备列表", "Devices will not yet be able to decrypt history from before they joined the room": "新加入聊天室的设备不能解密加入之前的聊天记录", "Direct Chat": "私聊", "Direct chats": "私聊", "Disable inline URL previews by default": "默认禁用自动网址预览", "Disinvite": "取消邀请", "Display name": "显示名称", "Displays action": "显示操作", "Don't send typing notifications": "不要发送我的打字状态", "Download %(text)s": "下载 %(text)s", "Drop here %(toAction)s": "拖拽到这里 %(toAction)s", "Email": "电子邮箱", "Email address": "电子邮箱地址", "Email, name or matrix ID": "电子邮箱,姓名或者matrix ID", "Emoji": "Emoji", "Enable encryption": "启用加密", "Encrypted messages will not be visible on clients that do not yet implement encryption": "不支持加密的客户端将看不到加密的消息", "Encrypted room": "加密聊天室", "%(senderName)s ended the call.": "%(senderName)s 结束了通话。.", "End-to-end encryption information": "端到端加密信息", "End-to-end encryption is in beta and may not be reliable": "端到端加密现为测试版,不一定可靠", "Enter Code": "输入代码", "Error": "错误", "Error decrypting attachment": "解密附件时出错", "Event information": "事件信息", "Existing Call": "现有通话", "Export E2E room keys": "导出聊天室的端到端加密密钥", "Failed to ban user": "封禁用户失败", "Failed to change password. Is your password correct?": "修改密码失败。确认原密码输入正确吗?", "Failed to delete device": "删除设备失败", "Failed to forget room %(errCode)s": "无法忘记聊天室 %(errCode)s", "Failed to join room": "无法加入聊天室", "Failed to join the room": "无法加入此聊天室", "Failed to kick": "踢人失败", "Failed to leave room": "无法离开聊天室", "Failed to load timeline position": "无法加载时间轴位置", "Failed to lookup current room": "找不到当前聊天室", "Failed to mute user": "禁言用户失败", "Failed to reject invite": "拒绝邀请失败", "Failed to reject invitation": "拒绝邀请失败", "Failed to save settings": "保存设置失败", "Failed to send email": "发送邮件失败", "Failed to send request.": "发送请求失败。", "Failed to set avatar.": "设置头像失败。.", "Failed to set display name": "设置昵称失败", "Failed to set up conference call": "无法启动群组通话", "Failed to toggle moderator status": "无法切换管理员权限", "Failed to unban": "解除封禁失败", "Failed to upload file": "上传文件失败", "Failed to verify email address: make sure you clicked the link in the email": "邮箱验证失败: 请确保你已点击邮件中的链接", "Failure to create room": "创建聊天室失败", "Favourite": "收藏", "favourite": "收藏", "Favourites": "收藏夹", "Fill screen": "满屏显示", "Filter room members": "过滤聊天室成员", "Forget room": "忘记聊天室", "Forgot your password?": "忘记密码?", "For security, this session has been signed out. Please sign in again.": "出于安全考虑,此会话已被注销。请重新登录。.", "For security, logging out will delete any end-to-end encryption keys from this browser. If you want to be able to decrypt your conversation history from future Riot sessions, please export your room keys for safe-keeping.": "出于安全考虑,用户注销时会清除浏览器里的端到端加密密钥。如果你想要下次登录 Riot 时能解密过去的聊天记录,请导出你的聊天室密钥。", "Found a bug?": "发现漏洞?", "%(userId)s from %(fromPowerLevel)s to %(toPowerLevel)s": "%(userId)s 从 %(fromPowerLevel)s 变为 %(toPowerLevel)s", "Guests can't set avatars. Please register.": "游客不能设置头像。请注册。.", "Guest users can't create new rooms. Please register to create room and start a chat.": "游客不能创建聊天室。请注册以创建聊天室和聊天.", "Guest users can't upload files. Please register to upload.": "游客不能上传文件。请注册以上传文件", "Guests can't use labs features. Please register.": "游客不能使用实验性功能。请注册。.", "Guests cannot join this room even if explicitly invited.": "游客不能加入此聊天室,即使有人主动邀请。.", "had": "已经", "Hangup": "挂断", "Hide read receipts": "隐藏已读回执", "Hide Text Formatting Toolbar": "隐藏格式工具栏", "Historical": "历史", "Homeserver is": "主服务器是", "Identity Server is": "身份认证服务器是", "I have verified my email address": "我已经验证了我的邮箱地址", "Import E2E room keys": "导入聊天室端对端加密密钥", "Incorrect verification code": "验证码错误", "Interface Language": "界面语言", "Invalid alias format": "别名格式错误", "Invalid address format": "地址格式错误", "Invalid Email Address": "邮箱地址格式错误", "Invalid file%(extra)s": "非法文件%(extra)s", "Report it": "报告", "Resetting password will currently reset any end-to-end encryption keys on all devices, making encrypted chat history unreadable, unless you first export your room keys and re-import them afterwards. In future this will be improved.": "重设密码会导致所有设备上的端到端加密密钥被重置,使得加密的聊天记录不可读,除非你事先导出密钥,修改密码后再导入。此问题将来会得到改善。.", "restore": "恢复", "Return to app": "返回 App", "Return to login screen": "返回登录页面", "Riot does not have permission to send you notifications - please check your browser settings": "Riot 未被允许向你推送消息 - 请检查浏览器设置", "Riot was not given permission to send notifications - please try again": "Riot 未被允许推送消息通知 - 请重试", "riot-web version:": "riot-网页版:", "Room %(roomId)s not visible": "聊天室 %(roomId)s 已隐藏", "Room Colour": "聊天室颜色", "Room name (optional)": "聊天室名称 (可选)", "Rooms": "聊天室", "Scroll to bottom of page": "滚动到页面底部", "Scroll to unread messages": "滚动到未读消息", "Search": "搜索", "Search failed": "搜索失败", "Searches DuckDuckGo for results": "搜索 DuckDuckGo", "Send a message (unencrypted)": "发送消息 (非加密)", "Send an encrypted message": "发送加密消息", "Sender device information": "发送者的设备信息", "Send Invites": "发送邀请", "Send Reset Email": "发送密码重设邮件", "sent an image": "发了一张图片", "%(senderDisplayName)s sent an image.": "%(senderDisplayName)s 发了一张图片。.", "%(senderName)s sent an invitation to %(targetDisplayName)s to join the room.": "%(senderName)s 向 %(targetDisplayName)s 发了加入聊天室的邀请。.", "sent a video": "发了一个视频", "Server error": "服务器错误", "Server may be unavailable or overloaded": "服务器可能不可用或者超载", "Server may be unavailable, overloaded, or search timed out :(": "服务器可能不可用、超载,或者搜索超时 :(", "Server may be unavailable, overloaded, or the file too big": "服务器可能不可用、超载,或者文件过大", "Server may be unavailable, overloaded, or you hit a bug.": "服务器可能不可用、超载,或者你遇到了一个漏洞.", "Server unavailable, overloaded, or something else went wrong.": "服务器可能不可用、超载,或者其他东西出错了.", "Session ID": "会话 ID", "%(senderName)s set a profile picture.": "%(senderName)s 设置了头像。.", "%(senderName)s set their display name to %(displayName)s.": "%(senderName)s 将昵称改为了 %(displayName)s。.", "Settings": "设置", "Show panel": "显示侧边栏", "Show timestamps in 12 hour format (e.g. 2:30pm)": "用12小时制显示时间戳 (如:下午 2:30)", "Signed Out": "已退出登录", "Sign in": "登录", "Sign out": "注销", "since the point in time of selecting this option": "从选择此选项起", "since they joined": "从他们加入时起", "since they were invited": "从他们被邀请时起", "Some of your messages have not been sent.": "部分消息发送失败", "Someone": "某个用户", "Sorry, this homeserver is using a login which is not recognised ": "很抱歉,无法识别此主服务器使用的登录方式 ", "Start a chat": "创建聊天", "Start Chat": "开始聊天", "Submit": "提交", "Success": "成功", "The default role for new room members is": "此聊天室新成员的默认角色是", "The main address for this room is": "此聊天室的主要地址是", "This action cannot be performed by a guest user. Please register to be able to do this": "游客不能进行此操作。请注册", "This email address is already in use": "此邮箱地址已经被使用", "This email address was not found": "未找到此邮箱地址", "%(actionVerb)s this person?": "%(actionVerb)s 这个用户?", "The email address linked to your account must be entered.": "必须输入和你账号关联的邮箱地址。", "The file '%(fileName)s' exceeds this home server's size limit for uploads": "文件 '%(fileName)s' 超过了此主服务器的上传大小限制", "The file '%(fileName)s' failed to upload": "文件 '%(fileName)s' 上传失败", "Disable URL previews for this room (affects only you)": "在这个房间禁止URL预览(只影响你)", "af": "南非荷兰语", "ca": "加泰罗尼亚语", "cs": "捷克语", "da": "丹麦语", "de-at": "德语(奥地利)", "de-ch": "德语(瑞士)", "de": "德语", "de-lu": "德语(卢森堡)", "el": "希腊语", "en-au": "英语(澳大利亚)", "en": "英语", "zh-cn": "中文(中国)", "zh-hk": "中文(香港)", "zh-sg": "中文(新加坡)", "zh-tw": "中国(台湾)", "Add email address": "添加邮件地址", "Add phone number": "添加电话号码", "Advanced": "高级", "Algorithm": "算法", "Always show message timestamps": "总是显示消息时间戳", "all room members": "所有聊天室成员", "all room members, from the point they are invited": "所有聊天室成员,从他们被邀请开始", "all room members, from the point they joined": "所有聊天室成员,从他们加入开始", "an address": "一个地址", "and": "和", "%(names)s and %(lastPerson)s are typing": "%(names)s 和 %(lastPerson)s 正在打字", "%(names)s and %(count)s others are typing": "%(names)s 和另外 %(count)s 个人正在打字", "An email has been sent to": "一封邮件已经被发送到", "A new password must be entered.": "一个新的密码必须被输入。.", "%(senderName)s answered the call.": "%(senderName)s 接了通话。.", "An error has occurred.": "一个错误出现了。", "Attachment": "附件", "Autoplay GIFs and videos": "自动播放GIF和视频", "%(senderName)s banned %(targetName)s.": "%(senderName)s 封禁了 %(targetName)s.", "Ban": "封禁", "Banned users": "被封禁的用户", "Click here": "点击这里", "Click here to fix": "点击这里修复", "Confirm password": "确认密码", "Confirm your new password": "确认你的新密码", "Continue": "继续", "Ed25519 fingerprint": "Ed25519指纹", "Invite new room members": "邀请新的聊天室成员", "Join Room": "加入聊天室", "joined": "加入了", "%(targetName)s joined the room.": "%(targetName)s 加入了聊天室。.", "Jump to first unread message.": "跳到第一条未读消息。", "%(senderName)s kicked %(targetName)s.": "%(senderName)s 把 %(targetName)s 踢出了聊天室。.", "Leave room": "离开聊天室", "Login as guest": "以游客的身份登录", "New password": "新密码" }