/* Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd. Copyright 2022 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. Copyright 2017 Vector Creations Ltd Copyright 2015, 2016 OpenMarket Ltd SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. */ import { Optional } from "matrix-events-sdk"; import { _t, getUserLanguage } from "./languageHandler"; import { getUserTimezone } from "./TimezoneHandler"; export const MINUTE_MS = 60000; export const HOUR_MS = MINUTE_MS * 60; export const DAY_MS = HOUR_MS * 24; /** * Returns array of 7 weekday names, from Sunday to Saturday, internationalised to the user's language. * @param weekday - format desired "short" | "long" | "narrow" */ export function getDaysArray(weekday: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions["weekday"] = "short"): string[] { const sunday = 1672574400000; // 2023-01-01 12:00 UTC const { format } = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(getUserLanguage(), { weekday, timeZone: "UTC" }); return [...Array(7).keys()].map((day) => format(sunday + day * DAY_MS)); } /** * Returns array of 12 month names, from January to December, internationalised to the user's language. * @param month - format desired "numeric" | "2-digit" | "long" | "short" | "narrow" */ export function getMonthsArray(month: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions["month"] = "short"): string[] { const { format } = new Intl.DateTimeFormat(getUserLanguage(), { month, timeZone: "UTC" }); return [...Array(12).keys()].map((m) => format(Date.UTC(2021, m))); } // XXX: Ideally we could just specify `hour12: boolean` but it has issues on Chrome in the `en` locale // https://support.google.com/chrome/thread/29828561?hl=en function getTwelveHourOptions(showTwelveHour: boolean): Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions { return { hourCycle: showTwelveHour ? "h12" : "h23", }; } /** * Formats a given date to a date & time string. * * The output format depends on how far away the given date is from now. * Will use the browser's default time zone. * If the date is today it will return a time string excluding seconds. See {@formatTime}. * If the date is within the last 6 days it will return the name of the weekday along with the time string excluding seconds. * If the date is within the same year then it will return the weekday, month and day of the month along with the time string excluding seconds. * Otherwise, it will return a string representing the full date & time in a human friendly manner. See {@formatFullDate}. * @param date - date object to format * @param showTwelveHour - whether to use 12-hour rather than 24-hour time. Defaults to `false` (24 hour mode). * Overrides the default from the locale, whether `true` or `false`. * @param locale - the locale string to use, in BCP 47 format, defaulting to user's selected application locale */ export function formatDate(date: Date, showTwelveHour = false, locale?: string): string { const _locale = locale ?? getUserLanguage(); const now = new Date(); if (date.toDateString() === now.toDateString()) { return formatTime(date, showTwelveHour, _locale); } else if (now.getTime() - date.getTime() < 6 * DAY_MS) { // Time is within the last 6 days (or in the future) return new Intl.DateTimeFormat(_locale, { ...getTwelveHourOptions(showTwelveHour), weekday: "short", hour: "numeric", minute: "2-digit", timeZone: getUserTimezone(), }).format(date); } else if (now.getFullYear() === date.getFullYear()) { return new Intl.DateTimeFormat(_locale, { ...getTwelveHourOptions(showTwelveHour), weekday: "short", month: "short", day: "numeric", hour: "numeric", minute: "2-digit", timeZone: getUserTimezone(), }).format(date); } return formatFullDate(date, showTwelveHour, false, _locale); } /** * Formats a given date to a human-friendly string with short weekday. * Will use the browser's default time zone. * @example "Thu, 17 Nov 2022" in en-GB locale * @param date - date object to format * @param locale - the locale string to use, in BCP 47 format, defaulting to user's selected application locale */ export function formatFullDateNoTime(date: Date, locale?: string): string { return new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale ?? getUserLanguage(), { weekday: "short", month: "short", day: "numeric", year: "numeric", timeZone: getUserTimezone(), }).format(date); } /** * Formats a given date to a date & time string, optionally including seconds. * Will use the browser's default time zone. * @example "Thu, 17 Nov 2022, 4:58:32 pm" in en-GB locale with showTwelveHour=true and showSeconds=true * @param date - date object to format * @param showTwelveHour - whether to use 12-hour rather than 24-hour time. Defaults to `false` (24 hour mode). * Overrides the default from the locale, whether `true` or `false`. * @param showSeconds - whether to include seconds in the time portion of the string * @param locale - the locale string to use, in BCP 47 format, defaulting to user's selected application locale */ export function formatFullDate(date: Date, showTwelveHour = false, showSeconds = true, locale?: string): string { return new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale ?? getUserLanguage(), { ...getTwelveHourOptions(showTwelveHour), weekday: "short", month: "short", day: "numeric", year: "numeric", hour: "numeric", minute: "2-digit", second: showSeconds ? "2-digit" : undefined, timeZone: getUserTimezone(), }).format(date); } /** * Formats dates to be compatible with attributes of a ``. Dates * should be formatted like "2020-06-23" (formatted according to ISO8601). * * @param date The date to format. * @returns The date string in ISO8601 format ready to be used with an `` */ export function formatDateForInput(date: Date): string { const year = `${date.getFullYear()}`.padStart(4, "0"); const month = `${date.getMonth() + 1}`.padStart(2, "0"); const day = `${date.getDate()}`.padStart(2, "0"); return `${year}-${month}-${day}`; } /** * Formats a given date to a time string including seconds. * Will use the browser's default time zone. * @example "4:58:32 PM" in en-GB locale with showTwelveHour=true * @example "16:58:32" in en-GB locale with showTwelveHour=false * @param date - date object to format * @param showTwelveHour - whether to use 12-hour rather than 24-hour time. Defaults to `false` (24 hour mode). * Overrides the default from the locale, whether `true` or `false`. * @param locale - the locale string to use, in BCP 47 format, defaulting to user's selected application locale */ export function formatFullTime(date: Date, showTwelveHour = false, locale?: string): string { return new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale ?? getUserLanguage(), { ...getTwelveHourOptions(showTwelveHour), hour: "numeric", minute: "2-digit", second: "2-digit", timeZone: getUserTimezone(), }).format(date); } /** * Formats a given date to a time string excluding seconds. * Will use the browser's default time zone. * @example "4:58 PM" in en-GB locale with showTwelveHour=true * @example "16:58" in en-GB locale with showTwelveHour=false * @param date - date object to format * @param showTwelveHour - whether to use 12-hour rather than 24-hour time. Defaults to `false` (24 hour mode). * Overrides the default from the locale, whether `true` or `false`. * @param locale - the locale string to use, in BCP 47 format, defaulting to user's selected application locale */ export function formatTime(date: Date, showTwelveHour = false, locale?: string): string { return new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale ?? getUserLanguage(), { ...getTwelveHourOptions(showTwelveHour), hour: "numeric", minute: "2-digit", timeZone: getUserTimezone(), }).format(date); } export function formatSeconds(inSeconds: number): string { const isNegative = inSeconds < 0; inSeconds = Math.abs(inSeconds); const hours = Math.floor(inSeconds / (60 * 60)) .toFixed(0) .padStart(2, "0"); const minutes = Math.floor((inSeconds % (60 * 60)) / 60) .toFixed(0) .padStart(2, "0"); const seconds = Math.floor((inSeconds % (60 * 60)) % 60) .toFixed(0) .padStart(2, "0"); let output = ""; if (hours !== "00") output += `${hours}:`; output += `${minutes}:${seconds}`; if (isNegative) { output = "-" + output; } return output; } export function formatTimeLeft(inSeconds: number): string { const hours = Math.floor(inSeconds / (60 * 60)).toFixed(0); const minutes = Math.floor((inSeconds % (60 * 60)) / 60).toFixed(0); const seconds = Math.floor((inSeconds % (60 * 60)) % 60).toFixed(0); if (hours !== "0") { return _t("time|hours_minutes_seconds_left", { hours, minutes, seconds, }); } if (minutes !== "0") { return _t("time|minutes_seconds_left", { minutes, seconds, }); } return _t("time|seconds_left", { seconds, }); } function withinPast24Hours(prevDate: Date, nextDate: Date): boolean { return Math.abs(prevDate.getTime() - nextDate.getTime()) <= DAY_MS; } function withinCurrentDay(prevDate: Date, nextDate: Date): boolean { return withinPast24Hours(prevDate, nextDate) && prevDate.getDay() === nextDate.getDay(); } function withinCurrentYear(prevDate: Date, nextDate: Date): boolean { return prevDate.getFullYear() === nextDate.getFullYear(); } export function wantsDateSeparator(prevEventDate: Optional, nextEventDate: Optional): boolean { if (!nextEventDate || !prevEventDate) { return false; } // Return early for events that are > 24h apart if (!withinPast24Hours(prevEventDate, nextEventDate)) { return true; } // Compare weekdays return prevEventDate.getDay() !== nextEventDate.getDay(); } export function formatFullDateNoDay(date: Date): string { const locale = getUserLanguage(); return _t("time|date_at_time", { date: date.toLocaleDateString(locale).replace(/\//g, "-"), time: date.toLocaleTimeString(locale).replace(/:/g, "-"), }); } /** * Returns an ISO date string without textual description of the date (ie: no "Wednesday" or similar) * @param date The date to format. * @returns The date string in ISO format. */ export function formatFullDateNoDayISO(date: Date): string { return date.toISOString(); } /** * Formats a given date to a string. * Will use the browser's default time zone. * @example 17/11/2022 in en-GB locale * @param date - date object to format * @param locale - the locale string to use, in BCP 47 format, defaulting to user's selected application locale */ export function formatFullDateNoDayNoTime(date: Date, locale?: string): string { return new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale ?? getUserLanguage(), { year: "numeric", month: "numeric", day: "numeric", timeZone: getUserTimezone(), }).format(date); } export function formatRelativeTime(date: Date, showTwelveHour = false): string { const now = new Date(); if (withinCurrentDay(date, now)) { return formatTime(date, showTwelveHour); } else { const months = getMonthsArray(); let relativeDate = `${months[date.getMonth()]} ${date.getDate()}`; if (!withinCurrentYear(date, now)) { relativeDate += `, ${date.getFullYear()}`; } return relativeDate; } } /** * Formats duration in ms to human-readable string * Returns value in the biggest possible unit (day, hour, min, second) * Rounds values up until unit threshold * i.e. 23:13:57 -> 23h, 24:13:57 -> 1d, 44:56:56 -> 2d */ export function formatDuration(durationMs: number): string { if (durationMs >= DAY_MS) { return _t("time|short_days", { value: Math.round(durationMs / DAY_MS) }); } if (durationMs >= HOUR_MS) { return _t("time|short_hours", { value: Math.round(durationMs / HOUR_MS) }); } if (durationMs >= MINUTE_MS) { return _t("time|short_minutes", { value: Math.round(durationMs / MINUTE_MS) }); } return _t("time|short_seconds", { value: Math.round(durationMs / 1000) }); } /** * Formats duration in ms to human-readable string * Returns precise value down to the nearest second * i.e. 23:13:57 -> 23h 13m 57s, 44:56:56 -> 1d 20h 56m 56s */ export function formatPreciseDuration(durationMs: number): string { const days = Math.floor(durationMs / DAY_MS); const hours = Math.floor((durationMs % DAY_MS) / HOUR_MS); const minutes = Math.floor((durationMs % HOUR_MS) / MINUTE_MS); const seconds = Math.floor((durationMs % MINUTE_MS) / 1000); if (days > 0) { return _t("time|short_days_hours_minutes_seconds", { days, hours, minutes, seconds }); } if (hours > 0) { return _t("time|short_hours_minutes_seconds", { hours, minutes, seconds }); } if (minutes > 0) { return _t("time|short_minutes_seconds", { minutes, seconds }); } return _t("time|short_seconds", { value: seconds }); } /** * Formats a timestamp to a short date * Similar to {@formatFullDateNoDayNoTime} but with 2-digit on day, month, year. * @example 25/12/22 in en-GB locale * @param timestamp - epoch timestamp * @param locale - the locale string to use, in BCP 47 format, defaulting to user's selected application locale * @returns {string} formattedDate */ export const formatLocalDateShort = (timestamp: number, locale?: string): string => new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale ?? getUserLanguage(), { day: "2-digit", month: "2-digit", year: "2-digit", timeZone: getUserTimezone(), }).format(timestamp);