#!/usr/bin/env bash set -e PORT=5000 BASE_DIR=$(cd $(dirname $0) && pwd) PIDFILE=$BASE_DIR/element.pid CONFIG_BACKUP=config.e2etests_backup.json if [ -f $PIDFILE ]; then exit fi cd $BASE_DIR/ echo -n "Starting Element on http://localhost:$PORT ... " pushd element-web/webapp/ > /dev/null # backup config file before we copy template if [ -f config.json ]; then mv config.json $CONFIG_BACKUP fi cp $BASE_DIR/config-template/config.json . LOGFILE=$(mktemp) # run web server in the background, showing output on error ( source $BASE_DIR/env/bin/activate python -m ComplexHTTPServer $PORT > $LOGFILE 2>&1 & PID=$! echo $PID > $PIDFILE # wait so subshell does not exit # otherwise sleep below would not work wait $PID; RESULT=$? # NOT expected SIGTERM (128 + 15) # from stop.sh? if [ $RESULT -ne 143 ]; then echo "Failed" cat $LOGFILE rm $PIDFILE 2> /dev/null fi rm $LOGFILE exit $RESULT )& # to be able to return the exit code for immediate errors (like address already in use) # we wait for a short amount of time in the background and exit when the first # child process exits sleep 0.5 & # wait the first child process to exit (python or sleep) wait -n; RESULT=$? # return exit code of first child to exit if [ $RESULT -eq 0 ]; then echo "Running" fi exit $RESULT