/* Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd. Copyright 2019, 2020 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. */ .mx_EventTileBubble { --EventTileBubble_margin-block: 10px; background-color: $dark-panel-bg-color; padding: 10px; border-radius: 8px; /* Reserve space for external timestamps, but also cap the width */ max-width: min(calc(100% - 2 * var(--MessageTimestamp-width)), 600px); box-sizing: border-box; display: grid; grid-template-columns: 24px minmax(0, 1fr) min-content min-content; &::before, &::after { position: relative; grid-column: 1; grid-row: 1 / 3; width: 16px; height: 16px; content: ""; inset: 0; mask-repeat: no-repeat; mask-position: center; mask-size: contain; margin-top: $spacing-4; } .mx_EventTileBubble_title, .mx_EventTileBubble_subtitle { grid-column: 2; overflow-wrap: break-word; min-inline-size: 50px; } .mx_EventTileBubble_title { font-weight: var(--cpd-font-weight-semibold); font-size: $font-15px; grid-row: 1; } .mx_EventTileBubble_subtitle { font-size: $font-12px; grid-row: 2; } .mx_MessageTimestamp { grid-column: 4; grid-row: 1 / 3; align-self: center; margin-left: $spacing-16; } }