const path = require('path'); // get the path of the js-sdk so we can extend the config // eslint supports loading extended configs by module, // but only if they come from a module that starts with eslint-config- // So we load the filename directly (and it could be in node_modules/ // or or ../node_modules/ etc) const matrixJsSdkPath = path.dirname(require.resolve('matrix-js-sdk')); module.exports = { parser: "babel-eslint", extends: [matrixJsSdkPath + "/.eslintrc.js"], plugins: [ "react", "flowtype", "babel" ], env: { es6: true, }, parserOptions: { ecmaFeatures: { jsx: true, } }, rules: { // eslint's built in no-invalid-this rule breaks with class properties "no-invalid-this": "off", // so we replace it with a version that is class property aware "babel/no-invalid-this": "error", /** react **/ // This just uses the react plugin to help eslint known when // variables have been used in JSX "react/jsx-uses-vars": "error", // bind or arrow function in props causes performance issues "react/jsx-no-bind": ["error", { "ignoreRefs": true, }], "react/jsx-key": ["error"], /** flowtype **/ "flowtype/require-parameter-type": ["warn", { "excludeArrowFunctions": true, }], "flowtype/define-flow-type": "warn", "flowtype/require-return-type": ["warn", "always", { "annotateUndefined": "never", "excludeArrowFunctions": true, } ], "flowtype/space-after-type-colon": ["warn", "always"], "flowtype/space-before-type-colon": ["warn", "never"], /* * things that are errors in the js-sdk config that the current * code does not adhere to, turned down to warn */ "max-len": ["warn", { // apparently people believe the length limit shouldn't apply // to JSX. ignorePattern: '^\\s*<', ignoreComments: true, code: 90, }], "valid-jsdoc": ["warn"], "new-cap": ["warn"], "key-spacing": ["warn"], "arrow-parens": ["warn"], "prefer-const": ["warn"], // crashes currently: "generator-star-spacing": "off", }, settings: { flowtype: { onlyFilesWithFlowAnnotation: true }, }, };