# For duplicate issues, ensure the close type is right (not planned), update it if not # For all closed (completed) issues, cascade the closure onto any referenced rageshakes # For all closed (not planned) issues, comment on rageshakes to move them into the canonical issue if one exists on: issues: types: [closed] jobs: tidy: name: Tidy closed issues runs-on: ubuntu-24.04 steps: - uses: actions/github-script@v7 id: main with: # PAT needed as the GITHUB_TOKEN won't be able to see cross-references from other orgs (matrix-org) github-token: ${{ secrets.ELEMENT_BOT_TOKEN }} script: | const variables = { owner: context.repo.owner, name: context.repo.repo, number: context.issue.number, }; const query = `query($owner:String!, $name:String!, $number:Int!) { repository(owner: $owner, name: $name) { issue(number: $number) { stateReason, timelineItems(first: 100, itemTypes: [MARKED_AS_DUPLICATE_EVENT, UNMARKED_AS_DUPLICATE_EVENT, CROSS_REFERENCED_EVENT]) { edges { node { __typename ... on MarkedAsDuplicateEvent { canonical { ... on Issue { repository { nameWithOwner } number } ... on PullRequest { repository { nameWithOwner } number } } } ... on UnmarkedAsDuplicateEvent { canonical { ... on Issue { repository { nameWithOwner } number } ... on PullRequest { repository { nameWithOwner } number } } } ... on CrossReferencedEvent { source { ... on Issue { repository { nameWithOwner } number } ... on PullRequest { repository { nameWithOwner } number } } } } } } } } }`; const result = await github.graphql(query, variables); const { stateReason, timelineItems: { edges } } = result.repository.issue; const RAGESHAKE_OWNER = "matrix-org"; const RAGESHAKE_REPO = "element-web-rageshakes"; const rageshakes = new Set(); const duplicateOf = new Set(); console.log("Edges: ", JSON.stringify(edges)); for (const { node } of edges) { switch(node.__typename) { case "MarkedAsDuplicateEvent": duplicateOf.add(node.canonical.repository.nameWithOwner + "#" + node.canonical.number); break; case "UnmarkedAsDuplicateEvent": duplicateOf.remove(node.canonical.repository.nameWithOwner + "#" + node.canonical.number); break; case "CrossReferencedEvent": if (node.source.repository.nameWithOwner === (RAGESHAKE_OWNER + "/" + RAGESHAKE_REPO)) { rageshakes.add(node.source.number); } break; } } console.log("Duplicate of: ", duplicateOf); console.log("Found rageshakes: ", rageshakes); if (duplicateOf.size) { const body = Array.from(duplicateOf).join("\n"); // Comment on all rageshakes to create relationship to the issue this was closed as duplicate of for (const rageshake of rageshakes) { github.rest.issues.createComment({ owner: RAGESHAKE_OWNER, repo: RAGESHAKE_REPO, issue_number: rageshake, body, }); } // Duplicate was closed with wrong reason, fix it if (stateReason === "COMPLETED") { core.setOutput("closeAsNotPlanned", "true"); } } else { // This issue was closed, close all related rageshakes for (const rageshake of rageshakes) { github.rest.issues.update({ owner: RAGESHAKE_OWNER, repo: RAGESHAKE_REPO, issue_number: rageshake, state: "closed", }); } } - uses: actions/github-script@v7 name: Close duplicate as Not Planned if: steps.main.outputs.closeAsNotPlanned with: # We do this step separately, and with the default token so as to not re-trigger this workflow when re-closing script: | await github.graphql(`mutation($id:ID!) { closeIssue(input: { issueId:$id, stateReason:NOT_PLANNED }) { clientMutationId } }`, { id: context.payload.issue.node_id, });