/* Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd. Copyright 2020 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. */ import EditorModel from "../../../src/editor/model"; import { createPartCreator, createRenderer } from "./mock"; import { formatRange, formatRangeAsCode, formatRangeAsLink, selectRangeOfWordAtCaret, toggleInlineFormat, } from "../../../src/editor/operations"; import { Formatting } from "../../../src/components/views/rooms/MessageComposerFormatBar"; import { longestBacktickSequence } from "../../../src/editor/deserialize"; import DocumentPosition from "../../../src/editor/position"; const SERIALIZED_NEWLINE = { text: "\n", type: "newline" }; describe("editor/operations: formatting operations", () => { const renderer = createRenderer(); const pc = createPartCreator(); describe("formatRange", () => { it.each([[Formatting.Bold, "hello **world**!"]])( "should correctly wrap format %s", (formatting: Formatting, expected: string) => { const model = new EditorModel([pc.plain("hello world!")], pc, renderer); const range = model.startRange(model.positionForOffset(6, false), model.positionForOffset(11, false)); // around "world" expect(range.parts[0].text).toBe("world"); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([{ text: "hello world!", type: "plain" }]); formatRange(range, formatting); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([{ text: expected, type: "plain" }]); }, ); it("should apply to word range is within if length 0", () => { const model = new EditorModel([pc.plain("hello world!")], pc, renderer); const range = model.startRange(model.positionForOffset(6, false)); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([{ text: "hello world!", type: "plain" }]); formatRange(range, Formatting.Bold); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([{ text: "hello **world!**", type: "plain" }]); }); it("should do nothing for a range with length 0 at initialisation", () => { const model = new EditorModel([pc.plain("hello world!")], pc, renderer); const range = model.startRange(model.positionForOffset(6, false)); range.setWasEmpty(false); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([{ text: "hello world!", type: "plain" }]); formatRange(range, Formatting.Bold); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([{ text: "hello world!", type: "plain" }]); }); }); describe("formatRangeAsLink", () => { it.each([ // Caret is denoted by | in the expectation string ["testing", "[testing](|)", ""], ["testing", "[testing](foobar|)", "foobar"], ["[testing]()", "testing|", ""], ["[testing](foobar)", "testing|", ""], ])("converts %s -> %s", (input: string, expectation: string, text: string) => { const model = new EditorModel([pc.plain(`foo ${input} bar`)], pc, renderer); const range = model.startRange( model.positionForOffset(4, false), model.positionForOffset(4 + input.length, false), ); // around input expect(range.parts[0].text).toBe(input); formatRangeAsLink(range, text); expect((renderer.caret as DocumentPosition).offset).toBe(4 + expectation.indexOf("|")); expect(model.parts[0].text).toBe("foo " + expectation.replace("|", "") + " bar"); }); }); describe("toggleInlineFormat", () => { it("works for words", () => { const model = new EditorModel([pc.plain("hello world!")], pc, renderer); const range = model.startRange(model.positionForOffset(6, false), model.positionForOffset(11, false)); // around "world" expect(range.parts[0].text).toBe("world"); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([{ text: "hello world!", type: "plain" }]); formatRange(range, Formatting.Italics); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([{ text: "hello *world*!", type: "plain" }]); }); describe("escape backticks", () => { it("works for escaping backticks in between texts", () => { const renderer = createRenderer(); const pc = createPartCreator(); const model = new EditorModel([pc.plain("hello ` world!")], pc, renderer); const range = model.startRange(model.positionForOffset(0, false), model.positionForOffset(13, false)); // hello ` world expect(range.parts[0].text.trim().includes("`")).toBeTruthy(); expect(longestBacktickSequence(range.parts[0].text.trim())).toBe(1); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([{ text: "hello ` world!", type: "plain" }]); formatRangeAsCode(range); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([{ text: "``hello ` world``!", type: "plain" }]); }); it("escapes longer backticks in between text", () => { const renderer = createRenderer(); const pc = createPartCreator(); const model = new EditorModel([pc.plain("hello```world")], pc, renderer); const range = model.startRange(model.positionForOffset(0, false), model.getPositionAtEnd()); // hello```world expect(range.parts[0].text.includes("`")).toBeTruthy(); expect(longestBacktickSequence(range.parts[0].text)).toBe(3); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([{ text: "hello```world", type: "plain" }]); formatRangeAsCode(range); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([{ text: "````hello```world````", type: "plain" }]); }); it("escapes non-consecutive with varying length backticks in between text", () => { const renderer = createRenderer(); const pc = createPartCreator(); const model = new EditorModel([pc.plain("hell```o`w`o``rld")], pc, renderer); const range = model.startRange(model.positionForOffset(0, false), model.getPositionAtEnd()); // hell```o`w`o``rld expect(range.parts[0].text.includes("`")).toBeTruthy(); expect(longestBacktickSequence(range.parts[0].text)).toBe(3); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([{ text: "hell```o`w`o``rld", type: "plain" }]); formatRangeAsCode(range); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([{ text: "````hell```o`w`o``rld````", type: "plain" }]); }); it("untoggles correctly if its already formatted", () => { const renderer = createRenderer(); const pc = createPartCreator(); const model = new EditorModel([pc.plain("```hello``world```")], pc, renderer); const range = model.startRange(model.positionForOffset(0, false), model.getPositionAtEnd()); // hello``world expect(range.parts[0].text.includes("`")).toBeTruthy(); expect(longestBacktickSequence(range.parts[0].text)).toBe(3); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([{ text: "```hello``world```", type: "plain" }]); formatRangeAsCode(range); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([{ text: "hello``world", type: "plain" }]); }); it("untoggles correctly it contains varying length of backticks between text", () => { const renderer = createRenderer(); const pc = createPartCreator(); const model = new EditorModel([pc.plain("````hell```o`w`o``rld````")], pc, renderer); const range = model.startRange(model.positionForOffset(0, false), model.getPositionAtEnd()); // hell```o`w`o``rld expect(range.parts[0].text.includes("`")).toBeTruthy(); expect(longestBacktickSequence(range.parts[0].text)).toBe(4); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([{ text: "````hell```o`w`o``rld````", type: "plain" }]); formatRangeAsCode(range); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([{ text: "hell```o`w`o``rld", type: "plain" }]); }); }); it("works for parts of words", () => { const renderer = createRenderer(); const pc = createPartCreator(); const model = new EditorModel([pc.plain("hello world!")], pc, renderer); const range = model.startRange(model.positionForOffset(7, false), model.positionForOffset(10, false)); // around "orl" expect(range.parts[0].text).toBe("orl"); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([{ text: "hello world!", type: "plain" }]); toggleInlineFormat(range, "*"); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([{ text: "hello w*orl*d!", type: "plain" }]); }); it("works for around pills", () => { const renderer = createRenderer(); const pc = createPartCreator(); const model = new EditorModel( [pc.plain("hello there "), pc.atRoomPill("@room"), pc.plain(", how are you doing?")], pc, renderer, ); const range = model.startRange(model.positionForOffset(6, false), model.positionForOffset(30, false)); // around "there @room, how are you" expect(range.parts.map((p) => p.text).join("")).toBe("there @room, how are you"); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([ { text: "hello there ", type: "plain" }, { text: "@room", type: "at-room-pill" }, { text: ", how are you doing?", type: "plain" }, ]); formatRange(range, Formatting.Italics); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([ { text: "hello *there ", type: "plain" }, { text: "@room", type: "at-room-pill" }, { text: ", how are you* doing?", type: "plain" }, ]); }); it("works for a paragraph", () => { const renderer = createRenderer(); const pc = createPartCreator(); const model = new EditorModel( [pc.plain("hello world,"), pc.newline(), pc.plain("how are you doing?")], pc, renderer, ); const range = model.startRange(model.positionForOffset(6, false), model.positionForOffset(16, false)); // around "world,\nhow" expect(range.parts.map((p) => p.text).join("")).toBe("world,\nhow"); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([ { text: "hello world,", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "how are you doing?", type: "plain" }, ]); formatRange(range, Formatting.Bold); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([ { text: "hello **world,", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "how** are you doing?", type: "plain" }, ]); }); it("works for a paragraph with spurious breaks around it in selected range", () => { const renderer = createRenderer(); const pc = createPartCreator(); const model = new EditorModel( [ pc.newline(), pc.newline(), pc.plain("hello world,"), pc.newline(), pc.plain("how are you doing?"), pc.newline(), pc.newline(), ], pc, renderer, ); const range = model.startRange(model.positionForOffset(0, false), model.getPositionAtEnd()); // select-all expect(range.parts.map((p) => p.text).join("")).toBe("\n\nhello world,\nhow are you doing?\n\n"); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([ SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "hello world,", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "how are you doing?", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, ]); formatRange(range, Formatting.Bold); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([ SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "**hello world,", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "how are you doing?**", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, ]); }); it("works for multiple paragraph", () => { const renderer = createRenderer(); const pc = createPartCreator(); const model = new EditorModel( [ pc.plain("hello world,"), pc.newline(), pc.plain("how are you doing?"), pc.newline(), pc.newline(), pc.plain("new paragraph"), ], pc, renderer, ); let range = model.startRange(model.positionForOffset(0, true), model.getPositionAtEnd()); // select-all expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([ { text: "hello world,", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "how are you doing?", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "new paragraph", type: "plain" }, ]); toggleInlineFormat(range, "__"); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([ { text: "__hello world,", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "how are you doing?__", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "__new paragraph__", type: "plain" }, ]); range = model.startRange(model.positionForOffset(0, true), model.getPositionAtEnd()); // select-all toggleInlineFormat(range, "__"); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([ { text: "hello world,", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "how are you doing?", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "new paragraph", type: "plain" }, ]); }); it("format word at caret position at beginning of new line without previous selection", () => { const renderer = createRenderer(); const pc = createPartCreator(); const model = new EditorModel([pc.newline(), pc.plain("hello!")], pc, renderer); let range = model.startRange(model.positionForOffset(1, false)); // Initial position should equal start and end since we did not select anything expect(range.getLastStartingPosition()).toBe(range.start); expect(range.getLastStartingPosition()).toBe(range.end); formatRange(range, Formatting.Bold); // Toggle expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "**hello!**", type: "plain" }]); formatRange(range, Formatting.Bold); // Untoggle expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "hello!", type: "plain" }]); // Check if it also works for code as it uses toggleInlineFormatting only indirectly range = model.startRange(model.positionForOffset(1, false)); selectRangeOfWordAtCaret(range); formatRange(range, Formatting.Code); // Toggle expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "`hello!`", type: "plain" }]); formatRange(range, Formatting.Code); // Untoggle expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "hello!", type: "plain" }]); }); it("caret resets correctly to current line when untoggling formatting while caret at line end", () => { const renderer = createRenderer(); const pc = createPartCreator(); const model = new EditorModel( [pc.plain("hello **hello!**"), pc.newline(), pc.plain("world")], pc, renderer, ); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([ { text: "hello **hello!**", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "world", type: "plain" }, ]); const endOfFirstLine = 16; const range = model.startRange(model.positionForOffset(endOfFirstLine, true)); formatRange(range, Formatting.Bold); // Untoggle formatRange(range, Formatting.Italics); // Toggle // We expect formatting to still happen in the first line as the caret should not jump down expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([ { text: "hello *hello!*", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "world", type: "plain" }, ]); }); it("format link in front of new line part", () => { const renderer = createRenderer(); const pc = createPartCreator(); const model = new EditorModel( [pc.plain("hello!"), pc.newline(), pc.plain("world!"), pc.newline()], pc, renderer, ); let range = model.startRange(model.getPositionAtEnd().asOffset(model).add(-1).asPosition(model)); // select-all expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([ { text: "hello!", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "world!", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, ]); formatRange(range, Formatting.InsertLink); // Toggle expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([ { text: "hello!", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "[world!]()", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, ]); range = model.startRange(model.getPositionAtEnd().asOffset(model).add(-1).asPosition(model)); // select-all formatRange(range, Formatting.InsertLink); // Untoggle expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([ { text: "hello!", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "world!", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, ]); }); it("format multi line code", () => { const renderer = createRenderer(); const pc = createPartCreator(); const model = new EditorModel( [pc.plain("int x = 1;"), pc.newline(), pc.newline(), pc.plain("int y = 42;")], pc, renderer, ); let range = model.startRange(model.positionForOffset(0), model.getPositionAtEnd()); // select-all expect(range.parts.map((p) => p.text).join("")).toBe("int x = 1;\n\nint y = 42;"); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([ { text: "int x = 1;", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "int y = 42;", type: "plain" }, ]); formatRange(range, Formatting.Code); // Toggle expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([ { text: "```", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "int x = 1;", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "int y = 42;", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "```", type: "plain" }, ]); range = model.startRange(model.positionForOffset(0, false), model.getPositionAtEnd()); // select-all formatRange(range, Formatting.Code); // Untoggle expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([ { text: "int x = 1;", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: "int y = 42;", type: "plain" }, ]); }); it("does not format pure white space", () => { const renderer = createRenderer(); const pc = createPartCreator(); const model = new EditorModel( [pc.plain(" "), pc.newline(), pc.newline(), pc.plain(" ")], pc, renderer, ); const range = model.startRange(model.positionForOffset(0), model.getPositionAtEnd()); // select-all expect(range.parts.map((p) => p.text).join("")).toBe(" \n\n "); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([ { text: " ", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: " ", type: "plain" }, ]); formatRange(range, Formatting.Bold); expect(model.serializeParts()).toEqual([ { text: " ", type: "plain" }, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, SERIALIZED_NEWLINE, { text: " ", type: "plain" }, ]); }); }); });