/* eslint-disable quote-props */ const dotenv = require("dotenv"); const path = require("path"); const webpack = require("webpack"); const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require("html-webpack-plugin"); const MiniCssExtractPlugin = require("mini-css-extract-plugin"); const TerserPlugin = require("terser-webpack-plugin"); const CssMinimizerPlugin = require("css-minimizer-webpack-plugin"); const HtmlWebpackInjectPreload = require("@principalstudio/html-webpack-inject-preload"); const CopyWebpackPlugin = require("copy-webpack-plugin"); // Environment variables // RIOT_OG_IMAGE_URL: specifies the URL to the image which should be used for the opengraph logo. // CSP_EXTRA_SOURCE: specifies a URL which should be appended to each CSP directive which uses 'self', // this can be helpful if your deployment has redirects for old bundles, such as develop.element.io. dotenv.config(); let ogImageUrl = process.env.RIOT_OG_IMAGE_URL; if (!ogImageUrl) ogImageUrl = "https://app.element.io/themes/element/img/logos/opengraph.png"; if (!process.env.VERSION) { console.warn("Unset VERSION variable - this may affect build output"); process.env.VERSION = "!!UNSET!!"; } const cssThemes = { // CSS themes "theme-legacy-light": "./res/themes/legacy-light/css/legacy-light.pcss", "theme-legacy-dark": "./res/themes/legacy-dark/css/legacy-dark.pcss", "theme-light": "./res/themes/light/css/light.pcss", "theme-light-high-contrast": "./res/themes/light-high-contrast/css/light-high-contrast.pcss", "theme-dark": "./res/themes/dark/css/dark.pcss", "theme-light-custom": "./res/themes/light-custom/css/light-custom.pcss", "theme-dark-custom": "./res/themes/dark-custom/css/dark-custom.pcss", }; // See docs/customisations.md let fileOverrides = { /* {[file: string]: string} */ }; try { fileOverrides = require("./customisations.json"); // stringify the output so it appears in logs correctly, as large files can sometimes get // represented as `` which is less than helpful. console.log("Using customisations.json : " + JSON.stringify(fileOverrides, null, 4)); process.on("exit", () => { console.log(""); // blank line console.warn("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"); console.warn("!! Customisations have been deprecated and will be removed in a future release !!"); console.warn("!! See https://github.com/element-hq/element-web/blob/develop/docs/customisations.md !!"); console.warn("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"); console.log(""); // blank line }); } catch (e) { // ignore - not important } function parseOverridesToReplacements(overrides) { return Object.entries(overrides).map(([oldPath, newPath]) => { return new webpack.NormalModuleReplacementPlugin( // because the input is effectively defined by the person running the build, we don't // need to do anything special to protect against regex overrunning, etc. new RegExp(oldPath.replace(/\//g, "[\\/\\\\]").replace(/\./g, "\\.")), function (resource) { resource.request = path.resolve(__dirname, newPath); resource.createData.resource = path.resolve(__dirname, newPath); // Starting with Webpack 5 we also need to set the context as otherwise replacing // files in e.g. matrix-js-sdk with files from element-web will try to resolve // them within matrix-js-sdk (https://github.com/webpack/webpack/issues/17716) resource.context = path.dirname(resource.request); resource.createData.context = path.dirname(resource.createData.resource); }, ); }); } const moduleReplacementPlugins = [ ...parseOverridesToReplacements(require("./components.json")), // Allow customisations to override the default components too ...parseOverridesToReplacements(fileOverrides), ]; module.exports = (env, argv) => { // Establish settings based on the environment and args. // // argv.mode is always set to "production" by yarn build // (called to build prod, nightly and develop.element.io) // arg.mode is set to "development" by yarn start // (called by developers, runs the continuous reload script) // process.env.CI_PACKAGE is set when yarn build is called from scripts/ci_package.sh // (called to build nightly and develop.element.io) const nodeEnv = argv.mode; const devMode = nodeEnv !== "production"; const enableMinification = !devMode && !process.env.CI_PACKAGE; const development = {}; if (devMode) { // Embedded source maps for dev builds, can't use eval-source-map due to CSP development["devtool"] = "inline-source-map"; } else { if (process.env.CI_PACKAGE) { // High quality source maps in separate .map files which include the source. This doesn't bulk up the .js // payload file size, which is nice for performance but also necessary to get the bundle to a small enough // size that sentry will accept the upload. development["devtool"] = "source-map"; } else { // High quality source maps in separate .map files which don't include the source development["devtool"] = "nosources-source-map"; } } // Resolve the directories for the js-sdk for later use. We resolve these early, so we // don't have to call them over and over. We also resolve to the package.json instead of the src // directory, so we don't have to rely on an index.js or similar file existing. const jsSdkSrcDir = path.resolve(require.resolve("matrix-js-sdk/package.json"), "..", "src"); return { ...development, bail: true, entry: { bundle: "./src/vector/index.ts", mobileguide: "./src/vector/mobile_guide/index.ts", jitsi: "./src/vector/jitsi/index.ts", usercontent: "./src/usercontent/index.ts", serviceworker: { import: "./src/serviceworker/index.ts", filename: "sw.js", // update WebPlatform if this changes }, ...cssThemes, }, optimization: { // Put all of our CSS into one useful place - this is needed for MiniCssExtractPlugin. // Previously we used a different extraction plugin that did this magic for us, but // now we need to consider that the CSS needs to be bundled up together. splitChunks: { cacheGroups: { styles: { name: "styles", test: /\.css$/, enforce: true, // Do not add `chunks: 'all'` here because you'll break the app entry point. }, // put the unhomoglyph data in its own file. It contains // magic characters which mess up line numbers in the // javascript debugger. unhomoglyph_data: { name: "unhomoglyph_data", test: /unhomoglyph\/data\.json$/, enforce: true, chunks: "all", }, default: { reuseExistingChunk: true, }, }, }, // Readable IDs for better debugging moduleIds: "named", // Minification is normally enabled by default for webpack in production mode, but // we use a CSS optimizer too and need to manage it ourselves. minimize: enableMinification, minimizer: enableMinification ? [ new TerserPlugin({ // Already minified and includes an auto-generated license comment // that the plugin would otherwise pointlessly extract into a separate // file. We add the actual license using CopyWebpackPlugin below. exclude: "jitsi_external_api.min.js", }), new CssMinimizerPlugin(), ] : [], // Set the value of `process.env.NODE_ENV` for libraries like React // See also https://v4.webpack.js.org/configuration/optimization/#optimizationnodeenv nodeEnv, }, resolve: { // We define an alternative import path so we can safely use src/ across the react-sdk // and js-sdk. We already import from src/ where possible to ensure our source maps are // extremely accurate (and because we're capable of compiling the layers manually rather // than relying on partially-mangled output from babel), though we do need to fix the // package level import (stuff like `import {Thing} from "matrix-js-sdk"` for example). // We can't use the aliasing down below to point at src/ because that'll fail to resolve // the package.json for the dependency. Instead, we rely on the package.json of each // layer to have our custom alternate fields to load things in the right order. These are // the defaults of webpack prepended with `matrix_src_`. mainFields: ["matrix_src_browser", "matrix_src_main", "browser", "main"], aliasFields: ["matrix_src_browser", "browser"], // We need to specify that TS can be resolved without an extension extensions: [".js", ".json", ".ts", ".tsx"], alias: { // alias any requires to the react module to the one in our path, // otherwise we tend to get the react source included twice when // using `npm link` / `yarn link`. "react": path.resolve(__dirname, "node_modules/react"), "react-dom": path.resolve(__dirname, "node_modules/react-dom"), // Same goes for js/react-sdk - we don't need two copies. "matrix-js-sdk": path.resolve(__dirname, "node_modules/matrix-js-sdk"), "@matrix-org/react-sdk-module-api": path.resolve( __dirname, "node_modules/@matrix-org/react-sdk-module-api", ), // and matrix-events-sdk & matrix-widget-api "matrix-events-sdk": path.resolve(__dirname, "node_modules/matrix-events-sdk"), "matrix-widget-api": path.resolve(__dirname, "node_modules/matrix-widget-api"), // Define a variable so the i18n stuff can load "$webapp": path.resolve(__dirname, "webapp"), }, fallback: { // Mock out the NodeFS module: The opus decoder imports this wrongly. "fs": false, "net": false, "tls": false, "crypto": false, // Polyfill needed by counterpart "util": require.resolve("util/"), // Polyfill needed by matrix-js-sdk/src/crypto "buffer": require.resolve("buffer/"), // Polyfill needed by sentry "process/browser": require.resolve("process/browser"), }, }, module: { noParse: [ // for cross platform compatibility use [\\\/] as the path separator // this ensures that the regex trips on both Windows and *nix // don't parse the languages within highlight.js. They cause stack // overflows (https://github.com/webpack/webpack/issues/1721), and // there is no need for webpack to parse them - they can just be // included as-is. /highlight\.js[\\/]lib[\\/]languages/, ], rules: [ { test: /\.(ts|js)x?$/, include: (f) => { // our own source needs babel-ing if (f.startsWith(path.resolve(__dirname, "src"))) return true; // we use the original source files of js-sdk, so we need to // run them through babel. Because the path tested is the resolved, absolute // path, these could be anywhere thanks to yarn link. We must also not // include node modules inside these modules, so we add 'src'. if (f.startsWith(jsSdkSrcDir)) return true; // Some of the syntax in this package is not understood by // either webpack or our babel setup. // When we do get to upgrade our current setup, this should // probably be removed. if (f.includes(path.join("@vector-im", "compound-web"))) return true; // but we can't run all of our dependencies through babel (many of them still // use module.exports which breaks if babel injects an 'include' for its // polyfills: probably fixable but babeling all our dependencies is probably // not necessary anyway). So, for anything else, don't babel. return false; }, loader: "babel-loader", options: { cacheDirectory: true, plugins: enableMinification ? ["babel-plugin-jsx-remove-data-test-id"] : [], }, }, { test: /\.css$/, use: [ MiniCssExtractPlugin.loader, { loader: "css-loader", options: { importLoaders: 1, sourceMap: true, esModule: false, }, }, { loader: "postcss-loader", ident: "postcss", options: { sourceMap: true, postcssOptions: () => ({ "plugins": [ // Note that we use significantly fewer plugins on the plain // CSS parser. If we start to parse plain CSS, we end with all // kinds of nasty problems (like stylesheets not loading). // // You might have noticed that we're also sending regular CSS // through PostCSS. This looks weird, and in fact is probably // not what you'd expect, however in order for our CSS build // to work nicely we have to do this. Because down the line // our SCSS stylesheets reference plain CSS we have to load // the plain CSS through PostCSS so it can find it safely. This // also acts like a babel-for-css by transpiling our (S)CSS // down/up to the right browser support (prefixes, etc). // Further, if we don't do this then PostCSS assumes that our // plain CSS is SCSS and it really doesn't like that, even // though plain CSS should be compatible. The chunking options // at the top of this webpack config help group the SCSS and // plain CSS together for the bundler. require("postcss-simple-vars")(), require("postcss-hexrgba")(), // It's important that this plugin is last otherwise we end // up with broken CSS. require("postcss-preset-env")({ stage: 3, browsers: "last 2 versions" }), ], "parser": "postcss-scss", "local-plugins": true, }), }, }, ], }, { test: /\.pcss$/, use: [ MiniCssExtractPlugin.loader, { loader: "css-loader", options: { importLoaders: 1, sourceMap: true, esModule: false, }, }, { loader: "postcss-loader", ident: "postcss", options: { sourceMap: true, postcssOptions: () => ({ "plugins": [ // Note that we use slightly different plugins for PostCSS. require("postcss-import")(), require("postcss-mixins")(), require("postcss-simple-vars")(), require("postcss-nested")(), require("postcss-easings")(), require("postcss-hexrgba")(), // It's important that this plugin is last otherwise we end // up with broken CSS. require("postcss-preset-env")({ stage: 3, browsers: "last 2 versions" }), ], "parser": "postcss-scss", "local-plugins": true, }), }, }, ], }, { // Fix up the name of the opus-recorder worker (react-sdk dependency). // We more or less just want it to be clear it's for opus and not something else. test: /encoderWorker\.min\.js$/, loader: "file-loader", type: "javascript/auto", options: { // We deliberately override the name so it makes sense in debugging name: "opus-encoderWorker.min.[hash:7].[ext]", outputPath: ".", }, }, { // Ideally we should use the built-in worklet support in Webpack 5 with the syntax // described in https://github.com/webpack/webpack.js.org/issues/6869. However, this // doesn't currently appear to work with our public path setup. So we handle this // with a custom loader instead. test: /RecorderWorklet\.ts$/, type: "javascript/auto", use: [ { loader: path.resolve("./recorder-worklet-loader.js"), }, { loader: "babel-loader", }, ], }, { // This is from the same place as the encoderWorker above, but only needed // for Safari support. test: /decoderWorker\.min\.js$/, loader: "file-loader", type: "javascript/auto", // https://github.com/webpack/webpack/issues/6725 options: { // We deliberately override the name so it makes sense in debugging name: "opus-decoderWorker.min.[hash:7].[ext]", outputPath: ".", }, }, { // The decoderWorker wants to load its own wasm, rather than have webpack do it. // We therefore use the `file-loader` to tell webpack to dump the contents to // a separate file and return the name, and override the default `type` for `.wasm` files // (which is `webassembly/experimental` under webpack 4) to stop webpack trying to interpret // the filename as webassembly. (see also https://github.com/webpack/webpack/issues/6725) test: /decoderWorker\.min\.wasm$/, loader: "file-loader", type: "javascript/auto", options: { // We deliberately don't change the name because the decoderWorker has this // hardcoded. This is here to avoid the default wasm rule from adding a hash. name: "decoderWorker.min.wasm", outputPath: ".", }, }, { // This is from the same place as the encoderWorker above, but only needed // for Safari support. test: /waveWorker\.min\.js$/, loader: "file-loader", type: "javascript/auto", // https://github.com/webpack/webpack/issues/6725 options: { // We deliberately override the name so it makes sense in debugging name: "wave-encoderWorker.min.[hash:7].[ext]", outputPath: ".", }, }, { // cache-bust languages.json file placed in // element-web/webapp/i18n during build by copy-res.ts test: /\.*languages.json$/, type: "javascript/auto", loader: "file-loader", options: { name: "i18n/[name].[hash:7].[ext]", }, }, { test: /\.svg$/, issuer: /\.(js|ts|jsx|tsx|html)$/, use: [ { loader: "@svgr/webpack", options: { namedExport: "Icon", svgProps: { "role": "presentation", "aria-hidden": true, }, // props set on the svg will override defaults expandProps: "end", svgoConfig: { plugins: [ { name: "preset-default", params: { overrides: { removeViewBox: false, }, }, }, // generates a viewbox if missing { name: "removeDimensions" }, // https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus/issues/8297 { name: "prefixIds" }, ], }, /** * Forwards the React ref to the root SVG element * Useful when using things like `asChild` in * radix-ui */ ref: true, esModule: false, name: "[name].[hash:7].[ext]", outputPath: getAssetOutputPath, publicPath: function (url, resourcePath) { const outputPath = getAssetOutputPath(url, resourcePath); return toPublicPath(outputPath); }, }, }, { loader: "file-loader", options: { esModule: false, name: "[name].[hash:7].[ext]", outputPath: getAssetOutputPath, publicPath: function (url, resourcePath) { const outputPath = getAssetOutputPath(url, resourcePath); return toPublicPath(outputPath); }, }, }, ], }, { test: /\.svg$/, issuer: /\.(pcss|scss|css)$/, use: [ { loader: "file-loader", options: { esModule: false, name: "[name].[hash:7].[ext]", outputPath: getAssetOutputPath, publicPath: function (url, resourcePath) { // CSS image usages end up in the `bundles/[hash]` output // directory, so we adjust the final path to navigate up // twice. const outputPath = getAssetOutputPath(url, resourcePath); return toPublicPath(path.join("../..", outputPath)); }, }, }, ], }, { test: /\.(gif|png|ttf|woff|woff2|xml|ico)$/, // Use a content-based hash in the name so that we can set a long cache // lifetime for assets while still delivering changes quickly. oneOf: [ { // Assets referenced in CSS files issuer: /\.(pcss|scss|css)$/, loader: "file-loader", options: { esModule: false, name: "[name].[hash:7].[ext]", outputPath: getAssetOutputPath, publicPath: function (url, resourcePath) { // CSS image usages end up in the `bundles/[hash]` output // directory, so we adjust the final path to navigate up // twice. const outputPath = getAssetOutputPath(url, resourcePath); return toPublicPath(path.join("../..", outputPath)); }, }, }, { // Assets referenced in HTML and JS files loader: "file-loader", options: { esModule: false, name: "[name].[hash:7].[ext]", outputPath: getAssetOutputPath, publicPath: function (url, resourcePath) { const outputPath = getAssetOutputPath(url, resourcePath); return toPublicPath(outputPath); }, }, }, ], }, ].filter(Boolean), }, plugins: [ ...moduleReplacementPlugins, // This exports our CSS using the splitChunks and loaders above. new MiniCssExtractPlugin({ filename: "bundles/[fullhash]/[name].css", chunkFilename: "bundles/[fullhash]/[name].css", ignoreOrder: false, // Enable to remove warnings about conflicting order }), // This is the app's main entry point. new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ template: "./src/vector/index.html", // we inject the links ourselves via the template, because // HtmlWebpackPlugin will screw up our formatting like the names // of the themes and which chunks we actually care about. inject: false, excludeChunks: ["mobileguide", "usercontent", "jitsi", "serviceworker"], minify: false, templateParameters: { og_image_url: ogImageUrl, csp_extra_source: process.env.CSP_EXTRA_SOURCE ?? "", }, }), // This is the jitsi widget wrapper (embedded, so isolated stack) new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ template: "./src/vector/jitsi/index.html", filename: "jitsi.html", minify: false, chunks: ["jitsi"], }), // This is the mobile guide's entry point (separate for faster mobile loading) new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ template: "./src/vector/mobile_guide/index.html", filename: "mobile_guide/index.html", minify: false, chunks: ["mobileguide"], }), // These are the static error pages for when the javascript env is *really unsupported* new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ template: "./src/vector/static/unable-to-load.html", filename: "static/unable-to-load.html", minify: false, chunks: [], }), new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ template: "./src/vector/static/incompatible-browser.html", filename: "static/incompatible-browser.html", minify: false, chunks: [], }), // This is the usercontent sandbox's entry point (separate for iframing) new HtmlWebpackPlugin({ template: "./src/usercontent/index.html", filename: "usercontent/index.html", minify: false, chunks: ["usercontent"], }), new HtmlWebpackInjectPreload({ files: [{ match: /.*Inter.*\.woff2$/ }], }), // Upload to sentry if sentry env is present // This plugin throws an error on import on some platforms like ppc64le & s390x even if the plugin isn't called, // so we require it conditionally. process.env.SENTRY_DSN && require("@sentry/webpack-plugin").sentryWebpackPlugin({ release: process.env.VERSION, sourcemaps: { paths: "./webapp/bundles/**", }, errorHandler: (err) => { console.warn("Sentry CLI Plugin: " + err.message); console.log(`::warning title=Sentry error::${err.message}`); }, }), new webpack.EnvironmentPlugin(["VERSION"]), new CopyWebpackPlugin({ patterns: [ "res/apple-app-site-association", { from: ".well-known/**", context: path.resolve(__dirname, "res") }, "res/jitsi_external_api.min.js", "res/jitsi_external_api.min.js.LICENSE.txt", "res/manifest.json", "res/welcome.html", { from: "welcome/**", context: path.resolve(__dirname, "res") }, { from: "themes/**", context: path.resolve(__dirname, "res") }, { from: "vector-icons/**", context: path.resolve(__dirname, "res") }, { from: "decoder-ring/**", context: path.resolve(__dirname, "res") }, { from: "media/**", context: path.resolve(__dirname, "res/") }, { from: "config.json", noErrorOnMissing: true }, "contribute.json", ], }), // Automatically load buffer & process modules as we use them without explicitly // importing them new webpack.ProvidePlugin({ Buffer: ["buffer", "Buffer"], process: "process/browser", }), ].filter(Boolean), output: { path: path.join(__dirname, "webapp"), // The generated JS (and CSS, from the extraction plugin) are put in a // unique subdirectory for the build. There will only be one such // 'bundle' directory in the generated tarball; however, hosting // servers can collect 'bundles' from multiple versions into one // directory and symlink it into place - this allows users who loaded // an older version of the application to continue to access webpack // chunks even after the app is redeployed. filename: "bundles/[fullhash]/[name].js", chunkFilename: "bundles/[fullhash]/[name].js", webassemblyModuleFilename: "bundles/[fullhash]/[modulehash].wasm", }, // configuration for the webpack-dev-server devServer: { client: { overlay: { // Only show overlay on build errors as anything more can get annoying quickly errors: true, warnings: false, runtimeErrors: false, }, }, static: { // Where to serve static assets from directory: "./webapp", }, devMiddleware: { // Only output errors, warnings, or new compilations. // This hides the massive list of modules. stats: "minimal", }, // Enable Hot Module Replacement without page refresh as a fallback in // case of build failures hot: "only", // Disable host check allowedHosts: "all", }, }; }; /** * Merge assets found via CSS and imports into a single tree, while also preserving * directories under e.g. `res` or similar. * * @param {string} url The adjusted name of the file, such as `warning.1234567.svg`. * @param {string} resourcePath The absolute path to the source file with unmodified name. * @return {string} The returned paths will look like `img/warning.1234567.svg`. */ function getAssetOutputPath(url, resourcePath) { const isKaTeX = resourcePath.includes("KaTeX"); // `res` is the parent dir for our own assets in various layers // `dist` is the parent dir for KaTeX assets const prefix = /^.*[/\\](dist|res)[/\\]/; /** * Only needed for https://github.com/element-hq/element-web/pull/15939 * If keeping this, we are not able to load external assets such as SVG * images coming from @vector-im/compound-web. */ if (isKaTeX && !resourcePath.match(prefix)) { throw new Error(`Unexpected asset path: ${resourcePath}`); } let outputDir = path.dirname(resourcePath).replace(prefix, ""); /** * Imports from Compound are "absolute", we need to strip out the prefix * coming before the npm package name. * * This logic is scoped to compound packages for now as they are the only * package that imports external assets. This might need to be made more * generic in the future */ const compoundImportsPrefix = /@vector-im(?:\\|\/)compound-(.*?)(?:\\|\/)/; const compoundMatch = outputDir.match(compoundImportsPrefix); if (compoundMatch) { outputDir = outputDir.substring(compoundMatch.index + compoundMatch[0].length); } if (isKaTeX) { // Add a clearly named directory segment, rather than leaving the KaTeX // assets loose in each asset type directory. outputDir = path.join(outputDir, "KaTeX"); } return path.join(outputDir, path.basename(url)); } /** * Convert path to public path format, which always uses forward slashes, since it will * be placed directly into things like CSS files. * * @param {string} path Some path to a file. * @returns {string} converted path */ function toPublicPath(path) { return path.replace(/\\/g, "/"); }