const puppeteer = require('puppeteer'); const riotserver = 'http://localhost:8080'; const homeserver = 'http://localhost:8008'; let browser = null; jest.setTimeout(10000); async function try_get_innertext(page, selector) { const field = await page.$(selector); if (field != null) { const text_handle = await field.getProperty('innerText'); return await text_handle.jsonValue(); } return null; } async function new_page() { const page = await browser.newPage(); await page.setViewport({ width: 1280, height: 800 }); return page; } function log_console(page) { let buffer = ""; page.on('console', msg => { buffer += msg.text() + '\n'; }); return { logs() { return buffer; } } } function log_xhr_requests(page) { let buffer = ""; page.on('request', req => { const type = req.resourceType(); if (type === 'xhr' || type === 'fetch') { buffer += `${req.method()} ${req.url()} \n`; if (req.method() === "POST") { buffer += " Post data: " + req.postData(); } } }); return { logs() { return buffer; } } } function rnd_int(max) { return Math.ceil(Math.random()*max); } function riot_url(path) { return riotserver + path; } function delay(ms) { return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); } async function get_outer_html(element_handle) { const html_handle = await element_handle.getProperty('outerHTML'); return await html_handle.jsonValue(); } async function print_elements(label, elements) { console.log(label, await Promise.all(; } async function replace_input_text(input, text) { // click 3 times to select all text await{clickCount: 3}); // then remove it with backspace await'Backspace'); // and type the new text await input.type(text); } beforeAll(async () => { browser = await puppeteer.launch(); }); afterAll(() => { return browser.close(); }) test('test page loads', async () => { const page = await browser.newPage(); await page.goto(riot_url('/')); const title = await page.title(); expect(title).toBe("Riot"); }); test('test signup', async () => { const page = await new_page(); const console_logs = log_console(page); const xhr_logs = log_xhr_requests(page); await page.goto(riot_url('/#/register')); //click 'Custom server' radio button await page.waitForSelector('#advanced', {visible: true, timeout: 500}); await'#advanced'); const username = 'bruno-' + rnd_int(10000); const password = 'testtest'; //fill out form await page.waitForSelector('.mx_ServerConfig', {visible: true, timeout: 500}); const login_fields = await page.$$('.mx_Login_field'); expect(login_fields.length).toBe(7); const username_field = login_fields[2]; const password_field = login_fields[3]; const password_repeat_field = login_fields[4]; const hsurl_field = login_fields[5]; await replace_input_text(username_field, username); await replace_input_text(password_field, password); await replace_input_text(password_repeat_field, password); await replace_input_text(hsurl_field, homeserver); //wait over a second because Registration/ServerConfig have a 1000ms //delay to internally set the homeserver url //see Registration::render and ServerConfig::props::delayTimeMs await delay(1200); /// focus on the button to make sure error validation /// has happened before checking the form is good to go const register_button = await page.$('.mx_Login_submit'); await register_button.focus(); //check no errors const error_text = await try_get_innertext(page, '.mx_Login_error'); expect(error_text).toBeFalsy(); //submit form await page.screenshot({path: "beforesubmit.png", fullPage: true}); await; //confirm dialog saying you cant log back in without e-mail await page.waitForSelector('.mx_QuestionDialog', {visible: true, timeout: 500}); const continue_button = await page.$('.mx_QuestionDialog button.mx_Dialog_primary'); print_elements('continue_button', [continue_button]); await; //wait for registration to finish so the hash gets set //onhashchange better? await delay(1000); /* await page.screenshot({path: "afterlogin.png", fullPage: true}); console.log('browser console logs:'); console.log(console_logs.logs()); console.log('xhr logs:'); console.log(xhr_logs.logs()); */ //print_elements('page', await page.$('#matrixchat')); // await navigation_promise; //await page.waitForSelector('.mx_MatrixChat', {visible: true, timeout: 3000}); const url = page.url(); expect(url).toBe(riot_url('/#/home')); });