/* Copyright 2022 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ import { mocked } from "jest-mock"; import { EventType, MatrixClient, Room } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix"; import { LocalRoom, LocalRoomState, LOCAL_ROOM_ID_PREFIX } from "../../src/models/LocalRoom"; import * as localRoomModule from "../../src/utils/local-room"; import defaultDispatcher from "../../src/dispatcher/dispatcher"; import { createTestClient, makeMembershipEvent, mkEvent } from "../test-utils"; import { DirectoryMember } from "../../src/utils/direct-messages"; describe("local-room", () => { const userId1 = "@user1:example.com"; const member1 = new DirectoryMember({ user_id: userId1 }); const userId2 = "@user2:example.com"; let room1: Room; let localRoom: LocalRoom; let client: MatrixClient; beforeEach(() => { client = createTestClient(); room1 = new Room("!room1:example.com", client, userId1); room1.getMyMembership = () => "join"; localRoom = new LocalRoom(LOCAL_ROOM_ID_PREFIX + "test", client, "@test:example.com"); mocked(client.getRoom).mockImplementation((roomId: string) => { if (roomId === localRoom.roomId) { return localRoom; } return null; }); }); describe("doMaybeLocalRoomAction", () => { let callback: jest.Mock; beforeEach(() => { callback = jest.fn(); callback.mockReturnValue(Promise.resolve()); localRoom.actualRoomId = "@new:example.com"; }); it("should invoke the callback for a non-local room", () => { localRoomModule.doMaybeLocalRoomAction("!room:example.com", callback, client); expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("should invoke the callback with the new room ID for a created room", () => { localRoom.state = LocalRoomState.CREATED; localRoomModule.doMaybeLocalRoomAction(localRoom.roomId, callback, client); expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalledWith(localRoom.actualRoomId); }); describe("for a local room", () => { let prom; beforeEach(() => { jest.spyOn(defaultDispatcher, "dispatch"); prom = localRoomModule.doMaybeLocalRoomAction(localRoom.roomId, callback, client); }); it("dispatch a local_room_event", () => { expect(defaultDispatcher.dispatch).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ action: "local_room_event", roomId: localRoom.roomId, }); }); it("should resolve the promise after invoking the callback", async () => { localRoom.afterCreateCallbacks.forEach((callback) => { callback(localRoom.actualRoomId); }); await prom; }); }); }); describe("isRoomReady", () => { beforeEach(() => { localRoom.targets = [member1]; }); it("should return false if the room has no actual room id", () => { expect(localRoomModule.isRoomReady(client, localRoom)).toBe(false); }); describe("for a room with an actual room id", () => { beforeEach(() => { localRoom.actualRoomId = room1.roomId; mocked(client.getRoom).mockReturnValue(null); }); it("it should return false", () => { expect(localRoomModule.isRoomReady(client, localRoom)).toBe(false); }); describe("and the room is known to the client", () => { beforeEach(() => { mocked(client.getRoom).mockImplementation((roomId: string) => { if (roomId === room1.roomId) return room1; }); }); it("it should return false", () => { expect(localRoomModule.isRoomReady(client, localRoom)).toBe(false); }); describe("and all members have been invited or joined", () => { beforeEach(() => { room1.currentState.setStateEvents([ makeMembershipEvent(room1.roomId, userId1, "join"), makeMembershipEvent(room1.roomId, userId2, "invite"), ]); }); it("it should return false", () => { expect(localRoomModule.isRoomReady(client, localRoom)).toBe(false); }); describe("and a RoomHistoryVisibility event", () => { beforeEach(() => { room1.currentState.setStateEvents([mkEvent({ user: userId1, event: true, type: EventType.RoomHistoryVisibility, room: room1.roomId, content: {}, })]); }); it("it should return true", () => { expect(localRoomModule.isRoomReady(client, localRoom)).toBe(true); }); describe("and an encrypted room", () => { beforeEach(() => { localRoom.encrypted = true; }); it("it should return false", () => { expect(localRoomModule.isRoomReady(client, localRoom)).toBe(false); }); describe("and a room encryption state event", () => { beforeEach(() => { room1.currentState.setStateEvents([mkEvent({ user: userId1, event: true, type: EventType.RoomEncryption, room: room1.roomId, content: {}, })]); }); it("it should return true", () => { expect(localRoomModule.isRoomReady(client, localRoom)).toBe(true); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); describe("waitForRoomReadyAndApplyAfterCreateCallbacks", () => { let localRoomCallbackRoomId: string; beforeEach(() => { localRoom.actualRoomId = room1.roomId; localRoom.afterCreateCallbacks.push((roomId: string) => { localRoomCallbackRoomId = roomId; return Promise.resolve(); }); jest.useFakeTimers(); }); describe("for an immediate ready room", () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.spyOn(localRoomModule, "isRoomReady").mockReturnValue(true); }); it("should invoke the callbacks, set the room state to created and return the actual room id", async () => { const result = await localRoomModule.waitForRoomReadyAndApplyAfterCreateCallbacks(client, localRoom); expect(localRoom.state).toBe(LocalRoomState.CREATED); expect(localRoomCallbackRoomId).toBe(room1.roomId); expect(result).toBe(room1.roomId); }); }); describe("for a room running into the create timeout", () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.spyOn(localRoomModule, "isRoomReady").mockReturnValue(false); }); it("should invoke the callbacks, set the room state to created and return the actual room id", (done) => { const prom = localRoomModule.waitForRoomReadyAndApplyAfterCreateCallbacks(client, localRoom); jest.advanceTimersByTime(5000); prom.then((roomId: string) => { expect(localRoom.state).toBe(LocalRoomState.CREATED); expect(localRoomCallbackRoomId).toBe(room1.roomId); expect(roomId).toBe(room1.roomId); expect(jest.getTimerCount()).toBe(0); done(); }); }); }); describe("for a room that is ready after a while", () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.spyOn(localRoomModule, "isRoomReady").mockReturnValue(false); }); it("should invoke the callbacks, set the room state to created and return the actual room id", (done) => { const prom = localRoomModule.waitForRoomReadyAndApplyAfterCreateCallbacks(client, localRoom); jest.spyOn(localRoomModule, "isRoomReady").mockReturnValue(true); jest.advanceTimersByTime(500); prom.then((roomId: string) => { expect(localRoom.state).toBe(LocalRoomState.CREATED); expect(localRoomCallbackRoomId).toBe(room1.roomId); expect(roomId).toBe(room1.roomId); expect(jest.getTimerCount()).toBe(0); done(); }); }); }); }); });