/* Copyright 2023 Suguru Hirahara Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ import { test, expect } from "../../element-web-test"; const USER_NAME = "Bob"; const USER_NAME_NEW = "Alice"; const IntegrationManager = "scalar.vector.im"; test.describe("General user settings tab", () => { test.use({ displayName: USER_NAME, config: { default_country_code: "US", // For checking the international country calling code }, uut: async ({ app, user }, use) => { const locator = await app.settings.openUserSettings("General"); await use(locator); }, }); test("should be rendered properly", async ({ uut, user }) => { await expect(uut).toMatchScreenshot("general.png"); // Assert that the top heading is rendered await expect(uut.getByRole("heading", { name: "General" })).toBeVisible(); const profile = uut.locator(".mx_UserProfileSettings_profile"); await profile.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(); await expect(profile.getByRole("textbox", { name: "Display Name" })).toHaveValue(USER_NAME); // Assert that a userId is rendered expect(uut.getByLabel("Username")).toHaveText(user.userId); // Check avatar setting const avatar = profile.locator(".mx_AvatarSetting_avatar"); await avatar.hover(); // Hover effect await expect(avatar.locator(".mx_AvatarSetting_hoverBg")).toBeVisible(); await expect(avatar.locator(".mx_AvatarSetting_hover span").getByText("Upload")).toBeVisible(); // Wait until spinners disappear await expect(uut.getByTestId("accountSection").locator(".mx_Spinner")).not.toBeVisible(); await expect(uut.getByTestId("discoverySection").locator(".mx_Spinner")).not.toBeVisible(); const accountSection = uut.getByTestId("accountSection"); // Assert that input areas for changing a password exists const changePassword = accountSection.locator("form.mx_GeneralUserSettingsTab_section--account_changePassword"); await changePassword.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(); await expect(changePassword.getByLabel("Current password")).toBeVisible(); await expect(changePassword.getByLabel("New Password")).toBeVisible(); await expect(changePassword.getByLabel("Confirm password")).toBeVisible(); // Check email addresses area const emailAddresses = uut.getByTestId("mx_AccountEmailAddresses"); await emailAddresses.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(); // Assert that an input area for a new email address is rendered await expect(emailAddresses.getByRole("textbox", { name: "Email Address" })).toBeVisible(); // Assert the add button is visible await expect(emailAddresses.getByRole("button", { name: "Add" })).toBeVisible(); // Check phone numbers area const phoneNumbers = uut.getByTestId("mx_AccountPhoneNumbers"); await phoneNumbers.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(); // Assert that an input area for a new phone number is rendered await expect(phoneNumbers.getByRole("textbox", { name: "Phone Number" })).toBeVisible(); // Assert that the add button is rendered await expect(phoneNumbers.getByRole("button", { name: "Add" })).toBeVisible(); // Check language and region setting dropdown const languageInput = uut.locator(".mx_GeneralUserSettingsTab_section_languageInput"); await languageInput.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(); // Check the default value await expect(languageInput.getByText("English")).toBeVisible(); // Click the button to display the dropdown menu await languageInput.getByRole("button", { name: "Language Dropdown" }).click(); // Assert that the default option is rendered and highlighted languageInput.getByRole("option", { name: /Albanian/ }); await expect(languageInput.getByRole("option", { name: /Albanian/ })).toHaveClass( /mx_Dropdown_option_highlight/, ); await expect(languageInput.getByRole("option", { name: /Deutsch/ })).toBeVisible(); // Click again to close the dropdown await languageInput.getByRole("button", { name: "Language Dropdown" }).click(); // Assert that the default value is rendered again await expect(languageInput.getByText("English")).toBeVisible(); const setIdServer = uut.locator(".mx_SetIdServer"); await setIdServer.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(); // Assert that an input area for identity server exists await expect(setIdServer.getByRole("textbox", { name: "Enter a new identity server" })).toBeVisible(); const setIntegrationManager = uut.locator(".mx_SetIntegrationManager"); await setIntegrationManager.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(); await expect( setIntegrationManager.locator(".mx_SetIntegrationManager_heading_manager", { hasText: IntegrationManager }), ).toBeVisible(); // Make sure integration manager's toggle switch is enabled await expect(setIntegrationManager.locator(".mx_ToggleSwitch_enabled")).toBeVisible(); await expect(setIntegrationManager.locator(".mx_SetIntegrationManager_heading_manager")).toHaveText( "Manage integrations(scalar.vector.im)", ); // Assert the account deactivation button is displayed const accountManagementSection = uut.getByTestId("account-management-section"); await accountManagementSection.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(); await expect(accountManagementSection.getByRole("button", { name: "Deactivate Account" })).toHaveClass( /mx_AccessibleButton_kind_danger/, ); }); test("should respond to small screen sizes", async ({ page, uut }) => { await page.setViewportSize({ width: 700, height: 600 }); await expect(uut).toMatchScreenshot("general-smallscreen.png"); }); test("should support adding and removing a profile picture", async ({ uut }) => { const profileSettings = uut.locator(".mx_UserProfileSettings"); // Upload a picture await profileSettings.getByAltText("Upload").setInputFiles("playwright/sample-files/riot.png"); // Find and click "Remove" link button await profileSettings .locator(".mx_UserProfileSettings_profile") .getByRole("button", { name: "Remove" }) .click(); // Assert that the link button disappeared await expect( profileSettings.locator(".mx_AvatarSetting_avatar .mx_AccessibleButton_kind_link_sm"), ).not.toBeVisible(); }); test("should set a country calling code based on default_country_code", async ({ uut }) => { // Check phone numbers area const accountPhoneNumbers = uut.getByTestId("mx_AccountPhoneNumbers"); await accountPhoneNumbers.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(); // Assert that an input area for a new phone number is rendered await expect(accountPhoneNumbers.getByRole("textbox", { name: "Phone Number" })).toBeVisible(); // Check a new phone number dropdown menu const dropdown = accountPhoneNumbers.locator(".mx_PhoneNumbers_country"); await dropdown.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded(); // Assert that the country calling code of the United States is visible await expect(dropdown.getByText(/\+1/)).toBeVisible(); // Click the button to display the dropdown menu await dropdown.getByRole("button", { name: "Country Dropdown" }).click(); // Assert that the option for calling code of the United Kingdom is visible await expect(dropdown.getByRole("option", { name: /United Kingdom/ })).toBeVisible(); // Click again to close the dropdown await dropdown.getByRole("button", { name: "Country Dropdown" }).click(); // Assert that the default value is rendered again await expect(dropdown.getByText(/\+1/)).toBeVisible(); await expect(accountPhoneNumbers.getByRole("button", { name: "Add" })).toBeVisible(); }); test("should support changing a display name", async ({ uut, page, app }) => { // Change the diaplay name to USER_NAME_NEW const displayNameInput = uut .locator(".mx_SettingsTab .mx_UserProfileSettings") .getByRole("textbox", { name: "Display Name" }); await displayNameInput.fill(USER_NAME_NEW); await displayNameInput.press("Enter"); await app.closeDialog(); // Assert the avatar's initial characters are set await expect(page.locator(".mx_UserMenu .mx_BaseAvatar").getByText("A")).toBeVisible(); // Alice await expect(page.locator(".mx_RoomView_wrapper .mx_BaseAvatar").getByText("A")).toBeVisible(); // Alice }); });