#!/bin/sh # # Script to perform a release of matrix-react-sdk. # # Requires githib-changelog-generator; to install, do # pip install git+https://github.com/matrix-org/github-changelog-generator.git set -e cd `dirname $0` for i in matrix-js-sdk do depver=`cat package.json | jq -r .dependencies[\"$i\"]` latestver=`yarn info -s $i dist-tags.next` if [ "$depver" != "$latestver" ] then echo "The latest version of $i is $latestver but package.json depends on $depver." echo -n "Type 'u' to auto-upgrade, 'c' to continue anyway, or 'a' to abort:" read resp if [ "$resp" != "u" ] && [ "$resp" != "c" ] then echo "Aborting." exit 1 fi if [ "$resp" == "u" ] then echo "Upgrading $i to $latestver..." yarn add -E $i@$latestver git add -u # The `-e` flag opens the editor and gives you a chance to check # the upgrade for correctness. git commit -m "Upgrade $i to $latestver" -e fi fi done exec ./node_modules/matrix-js-sdk/release.sh -z "$@"