#!/bin/bash set -x # Creates a layered environment with the full repo for the app and SDKs cloned # and linked. This gives an element-web dev environment ready to build with # matching branches of react-sdk's dependencies so that changes can be tested # in element-web. # Note that this style is different from the recommended developer setup: this # file nests js-sdk and matrix-react-sdk inside element-web, while the local # development setup places them all at the same level. We are nesting them here # because some CI systems do not allow moving to a directory above the checkout # for the primary repo (element-web in this case). # Install dependencies, as we'll be using fetchdep.sh from matrix-react-sdk yarn install --pure-lockfile # Pass appropriate repo to fetchdep.sh export PR_ORG=vector-im export PR_REPO=element-web # Set up the js-sdk first node_modules/matrix-react-sdk/scripts/fetchdep.sh matrix-org matrix-js-sdk pushd matrix-js-sdk yarn link yarn install --pure-lockfile popd # Also set up matrix-analytics-events so we get the latest from # the main branch or a branch with matching name node_modules/matrix-react-sdk/scripts/fetchdep.sh matrix-org matrix-analytics-events main pushd matrix-analytics-events yarn link yarn install --pure-lockfile yarn build:ts popd # Now set up the react-sdk node_modules/matrix-react-sdk/scripts/fetchdep.sh matrix-org matrix-react-sdk pushd matrix-react-sdk yarn link yarn link matrix-js-sdk yarn link @matrix-org/analytics-events yarn install --pure-lockfile popd # Link the layers into element-web yarn link matrix-js-sdk yarn link matrix-react-sdk