#!/usr/bin/env node // This generates src/stripped-emoji.json as used by the EmojiProvider autocomplete // provider. // FIXME: we no longer depends on emojione, so this generation script no longer // works, but the expectation is that we will shift to using emojimart or // similar as an emoji picker before this next needs to be run again. const EMOJI_DATA = require('emojione/emoji.json'); const EMOJI_SUPPORTED = Object.keys(require('emojione').emojioneList); const fs = require('fs'); const output = Object.keys(EMOJI_DATA).map( (key) => { const datum = EMOJI_DATA[key]; const newDatum = { name: datum.name, shortname: datum.shortname, category: datum.category, emoji_order: datum.emoji_order, }; if (datum.aliases.length > 0) { newDatum.aliases = datum.aliases; } if (datum.aliases_ascii.length > 0) { newDatum.aliases_ascii = datum.aliases_ascii; } return newDatum; } ).filter((datum) => { return EMOJI_SUPPORTED.includes(datum.shortname); }); // Write to a file in src. Changes should be checked into git. This file is copied by // babel using --copy-files fs.writeFileSync('./src/stripped-emoji.json', JSON.stringify(output));