/* Copyright 2022-2024 New Vector Ltd. SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details. */ import * as fs from "fs"; import * as childProcess from "child_process"; import * as semver from "semver"; import { BuildConfig } from "./BuildConfig"; // This expects to be run from ./scripts/install.ts const moduleApiDepName = "@matrix-org/react-sdk-module-api"; const MODULES_TS_HEADER = ` /* * THIS FILE IS AUTO-GENERATED * You can edit it you like, but your changes will be overwritten, * so you'd just be trying to swim upstream like a salmon. * You are not a salmon. */ import { RuntimeModule } from "@matrix-org/react-sdk-module-api/lib/RuntimeModule"; `; const MODULES_TS_DEFINITIONS = ` export const INSTALLED_MODULES: RuntimeModule[] = []; `; export function installer(config: BuildConfig): void { if (!config.modules?.length) { // nothing to do writeModulesTs(MODULES_TS_HEADER + MODULES_TS_DEFINITIONS); return; } let exitCode = 0; // We cheat a bit and store the current package.json and lockfile so we can safely // run `yarn add` without creating extra committed files for people. We restore // these files by simply overwriting them when we're done. const packageDeps = readCurrentPackageDetails(); // Record which optional dependencies there are currently, if any, so we can exclude // them from our "must be a module" assumption later on. const currentOptDeps = getOptionalDepNames(packageDeps.packageJson); try { // Install the modules with yarn const yarnAddRef = config.modules.join(" "); callYarnAdd(yarnAddRef); // install them all at once // Grab the optional dependencies again and exclude what was there already. Everything // else must be a module, we assume. const pkgJsonStr = fs.readFileSync("./package.json", "utf-8"); const optionalDepNames = getOptionalDepNames(pkgJsonStr); const installedModules = optionalDepNames.filter((d) => !currentOptDeps.includes(d)); // Ensure all the modules are compatible. We check them all and report at the end to // try and save the user some time debugging this sort of failure. const ourApiVersion = getTopLevelDependencyVersion(moduleApiDepName); const incompatibleNames: string[] = []; for (const moduleName of installedModules) { const modApiVersion = getModuleApiVersionFor(moduleName); if (!isModuleVersionCompatible(ourApiVersion, modApiVersion)) { incompatibleNames.push(moduleName); } } if (incompatibleNames.length > 0) { console.error( "The following modules are not compatible with this version of element-web. Please update the module " + "references and try again.", JSON.stringify(incompatibleNames, null, 4), // stringify to get prettier/complete output ); exitCode = 1; return; // hit the finally{} block before exiting } // If we reach here, everything seems fine. Write modules.ts and log some output // Note: we compile modules.ts in two parts for developer friendliness if they // happen to look at it. console.log("The following modules have been installed: ", installedModules); let modulesTsHeader = MODULES_TS_HEADER; let modulesTsDefs = MODULES_TS_DEFINITIONS; let index = 0; for (const moduleName of installedModules) { const importName = `Module${++index}`; modulesTsHeader += `import ${importName} from "${moduleName}";\n`; modulesTsDefs += `INSTALLED_MODULES.push(${importName});\n`; } writeModulesTs(modulesTsHeader + modulesTsDefs); console.log("Done installing modules"); } finally { // Always restore package details (or at least try to) writePackageDetails(packageDeps); if (exitCode > 0) { process.exit(exitCode); } } } type RawDependencies = { lockfile: string; packageJson: string; }; function readCurrentPackageDetails(): RawDependencies { return { lockfile: fs.readFileSync("./yarn.lock", "utf-8"), packageJson: fs.readFileSync("./package.json", "utf-8"), }; } function writePackageDetails(deps: RawDependencies): void { fs.writeFileSync("./yarn.lock", deps.lockfile, "utf-8"); fs.writeFileSync("./package.json", deps.packageJson, "utf-8"); } function callYarnAdd(dep: string): void { // Add the module to the optional dependencies section just in case something // goes wrong in restoring the original package details. childProcess.execSync(`yarn add -O ${dep}`, { env: process.env, stdio: ["inherit", "inherit", "inherit"], }); } function getOptionalDepNames(pkgJsonStr: string): string[] { return Object.keys(JSON.parse(pkgJsonStr)?.["optionalDependencies"] ?? {}); } function findDepVersionInPackageJson(dep: string, pkgJsonStr: string): string { const pkgJson = JSON.parse(pkgJsonStr); const packages = { ...(pkgJson["optionalDependencies"] ?? {}), ...(pkgJson["devDependencies"] ?? {}), ...(pkgJson["dependencies"] ?? {}), }; return packages[dep]; } function getTopLevelDependencyVersion(dep: string): string { const dependencyTree = JSON.parse( childProcess .execSync(`npm list ${dep} --depth=0 --json`, { env: process.env, stdio: ["inherit", "pipe", "pipe"], }) .toString("utf-8"), ); /* What a dependency tree looks like: { "version": "1.10.13", "name": "element-web", "dependencies": { "@matrix-org/react-sdk-module-api": { "version": "0.0.1", "resolved": "file:../../../matrix-react-sdk-module-api" } } } */ return dependencyTree["dependencies"][dep]["version"]; } function getModuleApiVersionFor(moduleName: string): string { // We'll just pretend that this isn't highly problematic... // Yarn is fairly stable in putting modules in a flat hierarchy, at least. const pkgJsonStr = fs.readFileSync(`./node_modules/${moduleName}/package.json`, "utf-8"); return findDepVersionInPackageJson(moduleApiDepName, pkgJsonStr); } // A list of Module API versions that are supported in addition to the currently installed one // defined in the package.json. This is necessary because semantic versioning is applied to both // the Module-side surface of the API and the Client-side surface of the API. So breaking changes // in the Client-side surface lead to a major bump even though the Module-side surface stays // compatible. We aim to not break the Module-side surface so we maintain a list of compatible // older versions. const backwardsCompatibleMajorVersions = ["1.0.0"]; function isModuleVersionCompatible(ourApiVersion: string, moduleApiVersion: string): boolean { if (!moduleApiVersion) return false; return ( semver.satisfies(ourApiVersion, moduleApiVersion) || backwardsCompatibleMajorVersions.some((version) => semver.satisfies(version, moduleApiVersion)) ); } function writeModulesTs(content: string): void { fs.writeFileSync("./src/modules.ts", content, "utf-8"); }