
388 lines
14 KiB

Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd.
Copyright 2023 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C.
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details.
import { test as base, expect as baseExpect, Locator, Page, ExpectMatcherState, ElementHandle } from "@playwright/test";
import { sanitizeForFilePath } from "playwright-core/lib/utils";
import AxeBuilder from "@axe-core/playwright";
import _ from "lodash";
import { basename, extname } from "node:path";
import type mailhog from "mailhog";
import type { IConfigOptions } from "../src/IConfigOptions";
import { Credentials, Homeserver, HomeserverInstance, StartHomeserverOpts } from "./plugins/homeserver";
import { Synapse } from "./plugins/homeserver/synapse";
import { Dendrite, Pinecone } from "./plugins/homeserver/dendrite";
import { Instance, MailHogServer } from "./plugins/mailhog";
import { ElementAppPage } from "./pages/ElementAppPage";
import { OAuthServer } from "./plugins/oauth_server";
import { Crypto } from "./pages/crypto";
import { Toasts } from "./pages/toasts";
import { Bot, CreateBotOpts } from "./pages/bot";
import { ProxyInstance, SlidingSyncProxy } from "./plugins/sliding-sync-proxy";
import { Webserver } from "./plugins/webserver";
// Enable experimental service worker support
// See https://playwright.dev/docs/service-workers-experimental#how-to-enable
const CONFIG_JSON: Partial<IConfigOptions> = {
// This is deliberately quite a minimal config.json, so that we can test that the default settings
// actually work.
// The only thing that we really *need* (otherwise Element refuses to load) is a default homeserver.
// We point that to a guaranteed-invalid domain.
default_server_config: {
"m.homeserver": {
base_url: "https://server.invalid",
// The default language is set here for test consistency
setting_defaults: {
language: "en-GB",
// the location tests want a map style url.
map_style_url: "https://api.maptiler.com/maps/streets/style.json?key=fU3vlMsMn4Jb6dnEIFsx",
features: {
// We don't want to go through the feature announcement during the e2e test
feature_release_announcement: false,
interface CredentialsWithDisplayName extends Credentials {
displayName: string;
export const test = base.extend<{
axe: AxeBuilder;
checkA11y: () => Promise<void>;
* The contents of the config.json to send when the client requests it.
config: typeof CONFIG_JSON;
* The options with which to run the {@link #homeserver} fixture.
startHomeserverOpts: StartHomeserverOpts | string;
homeserver: HomeserverInstance;
oAuthServer: { port: number };
* The displayname to use for the user registered in {@link #credentials}.
* To set it, call `test.use({ displayName: "myDisplayName" })` in the test file or `describe` block.
* See {@link https://playwright.dev/docs/api/class-test#test-use}.
displayName?: string;
* A test fixture which registers a test user on the {@link #homeserver} and supplies the details
* of the registered user.
credentials: CredentialsWithDisplayName;
* The same as {@link https://playwright.dev/docs/api/class-fixtures#fixtures-page|`page`},
* but adds an initScript which will populate localStorage with the user's details from
* {@link #credentials} and {@link #homeserver}.
* Similar to {@link #user}, but doesn't load the app.
pageWithCredentials: Page;
* A (rather poorly-named) test fixture which registers a user per {@link #credentials}, stores
* the credentials into localStorage per {@link #homeserver}, and then loads the front page of the
* app.
user: CredentialsWithDisplayName;
* The same as {@link https://playwright.dev/docs/api/class-fixtures#fixtures-page|`page`},
* but wraps the returned `Page` in a class of utilities for interacting with the Element-Web UI,
* {@link ElementAppPage}.
app: ElementAppPage;
mailhog: { api: mailhog.API; instance: Instance };
crypto: Crypto;
room?: { roomId: string };
toasts: Toasts;
uut?: Locator; // Unit Under Test, useful place to refer a prepared locator
botCreateOpts: CreateBotOpts;
bot: Bot;
slidingSyncProxy: ProxyInstance;
labsFlags: string[];
webserver: Webserver;
config: CONFIG_JSON,
page: async ({ context, page, config, labsFlags }, use) => {
await context.route(`http://localhost:8080/config.json*`, async (route) => {
const json = { ...CONFIG_JSON, ...config };
json["features"] = {
// Enable the lab features
...labsFlags.reduce((obj, flag) => {
obj[flag] = true;
return obj;
}, {}),
await route.fulfill({ json });
await use(page);
startHomeserverOpts: "default",
homeserver: async ({ request, startHomeserverOpts: opts }, use, testInfo) => {
if (typeof opts === "string") {
opts = { template: opts };
let server: Homeserver;
const homeserverName = process.env["PLAYWRIGHT_HOMESERVER"];
switch (homeserverName) {
case "dendrite":
server = new Dendrite(request);
case "pinecone":
server = new Pinecone(request);
server = new Synapse(request);
await use(await server.start(opts));
const logs = await server.stop();
if (testInfo.status !== "passed") {
for (const path of logs) {
await testInfo.attach(`homeserver-${basename(path)}`, {
contentType: "text/plain",
// eslint-disable-next-line no-empty-pattern
oAuthServer: async ({}, use) => {
const server = new OAuthServer();
const port = server.start();
await use({ port });
displayName: undefined,
credentials: async ({ homeserver, displayName: testDisplayName }, use) => {
const names = ["Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "Daniel", "Eve", "Frank", "Grace", "Hannah", "Isaac", "Judy"];
const password = _.uniqueId("password_");
const displayName = testDisplayName ?? _.sample(names)!;
const credentials = await homeserver.registerUser("user", password, displayName);
console.log(`Registered test user @user:localhost with displayname ${displayName}`);
await use({
labsFlags: [],
pageWithCredentials: async ({ page, homeserver, credentials }, use) => {
await page.addInitScript(
({ baseUrl, credentials }) => {
// Seed the localStorage with the required credentials
window.localStorage.setItem("mx_hs_url", baseUrl);
window.localStorage.setItem("mx_user_id", credentials.userId);
window.localStorage.setItem("mx_access_token", credentials.accessToken);
window.localStorage.setItem("mx_device_id", credentials.deviceId);
window.localStorage.setItem("mx_is_guest", "false");
window.localStorage.setItem("mx_has_pickle_key", "false");
window.localStorage.setItem("mx_has_access_token", "true");
// Ensure the language is set to a consistent value
window.localStorage.setItem("mx_local_settings", '{"language":"en"}');
{ baseUrl: homeserver.config.baseUrl, credentials },
await use(page);
user: async ({ pageWithCredentials: page, credentials }, use) => {
await page.goto("/");
await page.waitForSelector(".mx_MatrixChat", { timeout: 30000 });
await use(credentials);
axe: async ({ page }, use) => {
await use(new AxeBuilder({ page }).exclude("[id^='floating-ui-']"));
checkA11y: async ({ axe }, use, testInfo) =>
use(async () => {
const results = await axe.analyze();
await testInfo.attach("accessibility-scan-results", {
body: JSON.stringify(results, null, 2),
contentType: "application/json",
app: async ({ page }, use) => {
const app = new ElementAppPage(page);
await use(app);
crypto: async ({ page, homeserver, request }, use) => {
await use(new Crypto(page, homeserver, request));
toasts: async ({ page }, use) => {
await use(new Toasts(page));
botCreateOpts: {},
bot: async ({ page, homeserver, botCreateOpts, user }, use) => {
const bot = new Bot(page, homeserver, botCreateOpts);
await bot.prepareClient(); // eagerly register the bot
await use(bot);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-empty-pattern
mailhog: async ({}, use) => {
const mailhog = new MailHogServer();
const instance = await mailhog.start();
await use(instance);
await mailhog.stop();
slidingSyncProxy: async ({ page, user, homeserver }, use) => {
const proxy = new SlidingSyncProxy(homeserver.config.dockerUrl);
const proxyInstance = await proxy.start();
const proxyAddress = `http://localhost:${proxyInstance.port}`;
await page.addInitScript((proxyAddress) => {
feature_sliding_sync_proxy_url: proxyAddress,
window.localStorage.setItem("mx_labs_feature_feature_sliding_sync", "true");
}, proxyAddress);
await page.goto("/");
await page.waitForSelector(".mx_MatrixChat", { timeout: 30000 });
await use(proxyInstance);
await proxy.stop();
// eslint-disable-next-line no-empty-pattern
webserver: async ({}, use) => {
const webserver = new Webserver();
await use(webserver);
// Based on https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/blob/2b77ed4d7aafa85a600caa0b0d101b72c8437eeb/packages/playwright/src/util.ts#L206C8-L210C2
function sanitizeFilePathBeforeExtension(filePath: string): string {
const ext = extname(filePath);
const base = filePath.substring(0, filePath.length - ext.length);
return sanitizeForFilePath(base) + ext;
export const expect = baseExpect.extend({
async toMatchScreenshot(
this: ExpectMatcherState,
receiver: Page | Locator,
name: `${string}.png`,
options?: {
mask?: Array<Locator>;
includeDialogBackground?: boolean;
showTooltips?: boolean;
timeout?: number;
css?: string;
) {
const testInfo = test.info();
if (!testInfo) throw new Error(`toMatchScreenshot() must be called during the test`);
const page = "page" in receiver ? receiver.page() : receiver;
let css = `
.mx_MessagePanel_myReadMarker {
display: none !important;
.mx_RoomView_MessageList {
height: auto !important;
.mx_DisambiguatedProfile_displayName {
color: var(--cpd-color-blue-1200) !important;
.mx_BaseAvatar {
background-color: var(--cpd-color-fuchsia-1200) !important;
color: white !important;
.mx_ReplyChain {
border-left-color: var(--cpd-color-blue-1200) !important;
/* Avoid flakiness from hover styling */
.mx_ReplyChain_show {
color: var(--cpd-color-text-secondary) !important;
/* Use monospace font for timestamp for consistent mask width */
.mx_MessageTimestamp {
font-family: Inconsolata !important;
if (!options?.showTooltips) {
css += `
.mx_Tooltip_visible {
visibility: hidden !important;
if (!options?.includeDialogBackground) {
css += `
/* Make the dialog backdrop solid so any dialog screenshots don't show any components behind them */
.mx_Dialog_background {
background-color: #030c1b !important;
if (options?.css) {
css += options.css;
// We add a custom style tag before taking screenshots
const style = (await page.addStyleTag({
content: css,
})) as ElementHandle<Element>;
const screenshotName = sanitizeFilePathBeforeExtension(name);
await baseExpect(receiver).toHaveScreenshot(screenshotName, options);
await style.evaluate((tag) => tag.remove());
// `_` prefix hides it from the HTML reporter
type: "_screenshot",
// include a path relative to `playwright/snapshots/`
description: testInfo.snapshotPath(screenshotName).split("/playwright/snapshots/", 2)[1],
return { pass: true, message: () => "", name: "toMatchScreenshot" };