
523 lines
22 KiB

Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd.
Copyright 2017-2022 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C.
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial
Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details.
import { mocked } from "jest-mock";
import { MatrixError, Room } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix";
import { sleep } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/utils";
import { RoomViewLifecycle, ViewRoomOpts } from "@matrix-org/react-sdk-module-api/lib/lifecycles/RoomViewLifecycle";
import { RoomViewStore } from "../../../src/stores/RoomViewStore";
import { Action } from "../../../src/dispatcher/actions";
import { getMockClientWithEventEmitter, untilDispatch, untilEmission } from "../../test-utils";
import SettingsStore from "../../../src/settings/SettingsStore";
import { SlidingSyncManager } from "../../../src/SlidingSyncManager";
import { PosthogAnalytics } from "../../../src/PosthogAnalytics";
import { TimelineRenderingType } from "../../../src/contexts/RoomContext";
import { MatrixDispatcher } from "../../../src/dispatcher/dispatcher";
import { UPDATE_EVENT } from "../../../src/stores/AsyncStore";
import { ActiveRoomChangedPayload } from "../../../src/dispatcher/payloads/ActiveRoomChangedPayload";
import { SpaceStoreClass } from "../../../src/stores/spaces/SpaceStore";
import { TestSdkContext } from "../TestSdkContext";
import { ViewRoomPayload } from "../../../src/dispatcher/payloads/ViewRoomPayload";
import Modal from "../../../src/Modal";
import ErrorDialog from "../../../src/components/views/dialogs/ErrorDialog";
import { CancelAskToJoinPayload } from "../../../src/dispatcher/payloads/CancelAskToJoinPayload";
import { JoinRoomErrorPayload } from "../../../src/dispatcher/payloads/JoinRoomErrorPayload";
import { SubmitAskToJoinPayload } from "../../../src/dispatcher/payloads/SubmitAskToJoinPayload";
import { ModuleRunner } from "../../../src/modules/ModuleRunner";
// mock out the injected classes
const MockPosthogAnalytics = <jest.Mock<PosthogAnalytics>>(<unknown>PosthogAnalytics);
const MockSlidingSyncManager = <jest.Mock<SlidingSyncManager>>(<unknown>SlidingSyncManager);
const MockSpaceStore = <jest.Mock<SpaceStoreClass>>(<unknown>SpaceStoreClass);
// mock VoiceRecording because it contains all the audio APIs
jest.mock("../../../src/audio/VoiceRecording", () => ({
VoiceRecording: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({
disableMaxLength: jest.fn(),
liveData: {
onUpdate: jest.fn(),
off: jest.fn(),
on: jest.fn(),
start: jest.fn(),
stop: jest.fn(),
destroy: jest.fn(),
contentType: "audio/ogg",
jest.mock("../../../src/utils/DMRoomMap", () => {
const mock = {
getUserIdForRoomId: jest.fn(),
getDMRoomsForUserId: jest.fn(),
return {
shared: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(mock),
sharedInstance: mock,
describe("RoomViewStore", function () {
const userId = "@alice:server";
const roomId = "!randomcharacters:aser.ver";
const roomId2 = "!room2:example.com";
// we need to change the alias to ensure cache misses as the cache exists
// through all tests.
let alias = "#somealias2:aser.ver";
const mockClient = getMockClientWithEventEmitter({
joinRoom: jest.fn(),
getRoom: jest.fn(),
getRoomIdForAlias: jest.fn(),
isGuest: jest.fn(),
getUserId: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(userId),
getSafeUserId: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(userId),
getDeviceId: jest.fn().mockReturnValue("ABC123"),
sendStateEvent: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({}),
supportsThreads: jest.fn(),
isInitialSyncComplete: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(false),
relations: jest.fn(),
knockRoom: jest.fn(),
leave: jest.fn(),
setRoomAccountData: jest.fn(),
const room = new Room(roomId, mockClient, userId);
const room2 = new Room(roomId2, mockClient, userId);
const viewCall = async (): Promise<void> => {
action: Action.ViewRoom,
room_id: roomId,
view_call: true,
metricsTrigger: undefined,
await untilDispatch(Action.ViewRoom, dis);
const dispatchPromptAskToJoin = async () => {
dis.dispatch({ action: Action.PromptAskToJoin });
await untilDispatch(Action.PromptAskToJoin, dis);
const dispatchSubmitAskToJoin = async (roomId: string, reason?: string) => {
dis.dispatch<SubmitAskToJoinPayload>({ action: Action.SubmitAskToJoin, roomId, opts: { reason } });
await untilDispatch(Action.SubmitAskToJoin, dis);
const dispatchCancelAskToJoin = async (roomId: string) => {
dis.dispatch<CancelAskToJoinPayload>({ action: Action.CancelAskToJoin, roomId });
await untilDispatch(Action.CancelAskToJoin, dis);
const dispatchRoomLoaded = async () => {
dis.dispatch({ action: Action.RoomLoaded });
await untilDispatch(Action.RoomLoaded, dis);
let roomViewStore: RoomViewStore;
let slidingSyncManager: SlidingSyncManager;
let dis: MatrixDispatcher;
let stores: TestSdkContext;
beforeEach(function () {
mockClient.credentials = { userId: userId };
mockClient.getRoom.mockImplementation((roomId: string): Room | null => {
if (roomId === room.roomId) return room;
if (roomId === room2.roomId) return room2;
return null;
// Make the RVS to test
dis = new MatrixDispatcher();
slidingSyncManager = new MockSlidingSyncManager();
stores = new TestSdkContext();
stores.client = mockClient;
stores._SlidingSyncManager = slidingSyncManager;
stores._PosthogAnalytics = new MockPosthogAnalytics();
stores._SpaceStore = new MockSpaceStore();
roomViewStore = new RoomViewStore(dis, stores);
stores._RoomViewStore = roomViewStore;
it("can be used to view a room by ID and join", async () => {
dis.dispatch({ action: Action.ViewRoom, room_id: roomId });
dis.dispatch({ action: Action.JoinRoom });
await untilDispatch(Action.JoinRoomReady, dis);
expect(mockClient.joinRoom).toHaveBeenCalledWith(roomId, { viaServers: [] });
it("can auto-join a room", async () => {
dis.dispatch({ action: Action.ViewRoom, room_id: roomId, auto_join: true });
await untilDispatch(Action.JoinRoomReady, dis);
expect(mockClient.joinRoom).toHaveBeenCalledWith(roomId, { viaServers: [] });
it("emits ActiveRoomChanged when the viewed room changes", async () => {
dis.dispatch({ action: Action.ViewRoom, room_id: roomId });
let payload = (await untilDispatch(Action.ActiveRoomChanged, dis)) as ActiveRoomChangedPayload;
dis.dispatch({ action: Action.ViewRoom, room_id: roomId2 });
payload = (await untilDispatch(Action.ActiveRoomChanged, dis)) as ActiveRoomChangedPayload;
it("invokes room activity listeners when the viewed room changes", async () => {
const callback = jest.fn();
roomViewStore.addRoomListener(roomId, callback);
dis.dispatch({ action: Action.ViewRoom, room_id: roomId });
(await untilDispatch(Action.ActiveRoomChanged, dis)) as ActiveRoomChangedPayload;
dis.dispatch({ action: Action.ViewRoom, room_id: roomId2 });
(await untilDispatch(Action.ActiveRoomChanged, dis)) as ActiveRoomChangedPayload;
it("can be used to view a room by alias and join", async () => {
mockClient.getRoomIdForAlias.mockResolvedValue({ room_id: roomId, servers: [] });
dis.dispatch({ action: Action.ViewRoom, room_alias: alias });
await untilDispatch((p) => {
// wait for the re-dispatch with the room ID
return p.action === Action.ViewRoom && p.room_id === roomId;
}, dis);
// roomId is set to id of the room alias
// join the room
dis.dispatch({ action: Action.JoinRoom }, true);
await untilDispatch(Action.JoinRoomReady, dis);
expect(mockClient.joinRoom).toHaveBeenCalledWith(alias, { viaServers: [] });
it("emits ViewRoomError if the alias lookup fails", async () => {
alias = "#something-different:to-ensure-cache-miss";
mockClient.getRoomIdForAlias.mockRejectedValue(new Error("network error or something"));
dis.dispatch({ action: Action.ViewRoom, room_alias: alias });
const payload = await untilDispatch(Action.ViewRoomError, dis);
it("emits JoinRoomError if joining the room fails", async () => {
const joinErr = new Error("network error or something");
dis.dispatch({ action: Action.ViewRoom, room_id: roomId });
dis.dispatch({ action: Action.JoinRoom });
await untilDispatch(Action.JoinRoomError, dis);
it("remembers the event being replied to when swapping rooms", async () => {
dis.dispatch({ action: Action.ViewRoom, room_id: roomId });
await untilDispatch(Action.ActiveRoomChanged, dis);
const replyToEvent = {
getRoomId: () => roomId,
dis.dispatch({ action: "reply_to_event", event: replyToEvent, context: TimelineRenderingType.Room });
await untilEmission(roomViewStore, UPDATE_EVENT);
// view the same room, should remember the event.
// set the highlighed flag to make sure there is a state change so we get an update event
dis.dispatch({ action: Action.ViewRoom, room_id: roomId, highlighted: true });
await untilEmission(roomViewStore, UPDATE_EVENT);
it("swaps to the replied event room if it is not the current room", async () => {
dis.dispatch({ action: Action.ViewRoom, room_id: roomId });
await untilDispatch(Action.ActiveRoomChanged, dis);
const replyToEvent = {
getRoomId: () => roomId2,
dis.dispatch({ action: "reply_to_event", event: replyToEvent, context: TimelineRenderingType.Room });
await untilDispatch(Action.ViewRoom, dis);
it("should ignore reply_to_event for Thread panels", async () => {
const replyToEvent = {
getRoomId: () => roomId2,
dis.dispatch({ action: "reply_to_event", event: replyToEvent, context: TimelineRenderingType.Thread });
await sleep(100);
it.each([TimelineRenderingType.Room, TimelineRenderingType.File, TimelineRenderingType.Notification])(
"Should respect reply_to_event for %s rendering context",
async (context) => {
const replyToEvent = {
getRoomId: () => roomId,
dis.dispatch({ action: "reply_to_event", event: replyToEvent, context });
await untilDispatch(Action.ViewRoom, dis);
it("removes the roomId on ViewHomePage", async () => {
dis.dispatch({ action: Action.ViewRoom, room_id: roomId });
await untilDispatch(Action.ActiveRoomChanged, dis);
dis.dispatch({ action: Action.ViewHomePage });
await untilEmission(roomViewStore, UPDATE_EVENT);
it("when viewing a call without a broadcast, it should not raise an error", async () => {
await viewCall();
it("should display an error message when the room is unreachable via the roomId", async () => {
// When
// View and wait for the room
dis.dispatch({ action: Action.ViewRoom, room_id: roomId });
await untilDispatch(Action.ActiveRoomChanged, dis);
// Generate error to display the expected error message
const error = new MatrixError(undefined, 404);
roomViewStore.showJoinRoomError(error, roomId);
// Check the modal props
it("should display the generic error message when the roomId doesnt match", async () => {
// When
// Generate error to display the expected error message
const error = new MatrixError({ error: "my 404 error" }, 404);
roomViewStore.showJoinRoomError(error, roomId);
// Check the modal props
it("clears the unread flag when viewing a room", async () => {
room.getAccountData = jest.fn().mockReturnValue({
getContent: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({ unread: true }),
dis.dispatch({ action: Action.ViewRoom, room_id: roomId });
await untilDispatch(Action.ActiveRoomChanged, dis);
expect(mockClient.setRoomAccountData).toHaveBeenCalledWith(roomId, "m.marked_unread", {
unread: false,
describe("Sliding Sync", function () {
beforeEach(() => {
jest.spyOn(SettingsStore, "getValue").mockImplementation((settingName, roomId, value) => {
return settingName === "feature_sliding_sync"; // this is enabled, everything else is disabled.
it("subscribes to the room", async () => {
const setRoomVisible = jest
.spyOn(slidingSyncManager, "setRoomVisible")
const subscribedRoomId = "!sub1:localhost";
dis.dispatch({ action: Action.ViewRoom, room_id: subscribedRoomId });
await untilDispatch(Action.ActiveRoomChanged, dis);
expect(setRoomVisible).toHaveBeenCalledWith(subscribedRoomId, true);
// Regression test for an in-the-wild bug where rooms would rapidly switch forever in sliding sync mode
it("doesn't get stuck in a loop if you view rooms quickly", async () => {
const setRoomVisible = jest
.spyOn(slidingSyncManager, "setRoomVisible")
const subscribedRoomId = "!sub1:localhost";
const subscribedRoomId2 = "!sub2:localhost";
dis.dispatch({ action: Action.ViewRoom, room_id: subscribedRoomId }, true);
dis.dispatch({ action: Action.ViewRoom, room_id: subscribedRoomId2 }, true);
await untilDispatch(Action.ActiveRoomChanged, dis);
// sub(1) then unsub(1) sub(2), unsub(1)
const wantCalls = [
[subscribedRoomId, true],
[subscribedRoomId, false],
[subscribedRoomId2, true],
[subscribedRoomId, false],
wantCalls.forEach((v, i) => {
try {
} catch {
throw new Error(`i=${i} got ${setRoomVisible.mock.calls[i]} want ${v}`);
describe("Action.JoinRoom", () => {
it("dispatches Action.JoinRoomError and Action.AskToJoin when the join fails", async () => {
const err = new MatrixError();
jest.spyOn(dis, "dispatch");
jest.spyOn(mockClient, "joinRoom").mockRejectedValueOnce(err);
dis.dispatch({ action: Action.JoinRoom, canAskToJoin: true });
await untilDispatch(Action.PromptAskToJoin, dis);
expect(mocked(dis.dispatch).mock.calls[0][0]).toEqual({ action: "join_room", canAskToJoin: true });
action: "join_room_error",
roomId: null,
canAskToJoin: true,
expect(mocked(dis.dispatch).mock.calls[2][0]).toEqual({ action: "prompt_ask_to_join" });
describe("Action.JoinRoomError", () => {
const err = new MatrixError();
beforeEach(() => jest.spyOn(roomViewStore, "showJoinRoomError"));
it("calls showJoinRoomError()", async () => {
dis.dispatch<JoinRoomErrorPayload>({ action: Action.JoinRoomError, roomId, err });
await untilDispatch(Action.JoinRoomError, dis);
expect(roomViewStore.showJoinRoomError).toHaveBeenCalledWith(err, roomId);
it("does not call showJoinRoomError() when canAskToJoin is true", async () => {
dis.dispatch<JoinRoomErrorPayload>({ action: Action.JoinRoomError, roomId, err, canAskToJoin: true });
await untilDispatch(Action.JoinRoomError, dis);
describe("askToJoin()", () => {
it("returns false", () => {
it("returns true", async () => {
await dispatchPromptAskToJoin();
describe("Action.SubmitAskToJoin", () => {
const reason = "some reason";
beforeEach(async () => await dispatchPromptAskToJoin());
it("calls knockRoom() and sets promptAskToJoin state to false", async () => {
jest.spyOn(mockClient, "knockRoom").mockResolvedValue({ room_id: roomId });
await dispatchSubmitAskToJoin(roomId, reason);
expect(mockClient.knockRoom).toHaveBeenCalledWith(roomId, { reason, viaServers: [] });
it("calls knockRoom(), sets promptAskToJoin state to false and shows an error dialog", async () => {
const error = new MatrixError(undefined, 403);
jest.spyOn(mockClient, "knockRoom").mockRejectedValue(error);
await dispatchSubmitAskToJoin(roomId, reason);
expect(mockClient.knockRoom).toHaveBeenCalledWith(roomId, { reason, viaServers: [] });
expect(Modal.createDialog).toHaveBeenCalledWith(ErrorDialog, {
description: "You need an invite to access this room.",
title: "Failed to join",
it("shows an error dialog with a generic error message", async () => {
const error = new MatrixError();
jest.spyOn(mockClient, "knockRoom").mockRejectedValue(error);
await dispatchSubmitAskToJoin(roomId);
expect(Modal.createDialog).toHaveBeenCalledWith(ErrorDialog, {
description: error.message,
title: "Failed to join",
describe("Action.CancelAskToJoin", () => {
beforeEach(async () => {
jest.spyOn(mockClient, "knockRoom").mockResolvedValue({ room_id: roomId });
await dispatchSubmitAskToJoin(roomId);
it("calls leave()", async () => {
jest.spyOn(mockClient, "leave").mockResolvedValue({});
await dispatchCancelAskToJoin(roomId);
it("calls leave() and shows an error dialog", async () => {
const error = new MatrixError();
jest.spyOn(mockClient, "leave").mockRejectedValue(error);
await dispatchCancelAskToJoin(roomId);
expect(Modal.createDialog).toHaveBeenCalledWith(ErrorDialog, {
description: error.message,
title: "Failed to cancel",
describe("getViewRoomOpts", () => {
it("returns viewRoomOpts", () => {
expect(roomViewStore.getViewRoomOpts()).toEqual({ buttons: [] });
describe("Action.RoomLoaded", () => {
it("updates viewRoomOpts", async () => {
const buttons: ViewRoomOpts["buttons"] = [
icon: "test-icon",
id: "test-id",
label: () => "test-label",
onClick: () => {},
jest.spyOn(ModuleRunner.instance, "invoke").mockImplementation((lifecycleEvent, opts) => {
if (lifecycleEvent === RoomViewLifecycle.ViewRoom) {
opts.buttons = buttons;
await dispatchRoomLoaded();
expect(roomViewStore.getViewRoomOpts()).toEqual({ buttons });