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Copyright 2019-2024 New Vector Ltd.
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial
Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details.
import { SettingLevel } from "./SettingLevel";
export type CallbackFn = (changedInRoomId: string | null, atLevel: SettingLevel, newValAtLevel: any) => void;
const IRRELEVANT_ROOM: string | null = null;
* Generalized management class for dealing with watchers on a per-handler (per-level)
* basis without duplicating code. Handlers are expected to push updates through this
* class, which are then proxied outwards to any applicable watchers.
export class WatchManager {
private watchers = new Map<string, Map<string | null, CallbackFn[]>>(); // settingName -> roomId -> CallbackFn[]
// Proxy for handlers to delegate changes to this manager
public watchSetting(settingName: string, roomId: string | null, cb: CallbackFn): void {
if (!this.watchers.has(settingName)) this.watchers.set(settingName, new Map());
if (!this.watchers.get(settingName)!.has(roomId)) this.watchers.get(settingName)!.set(roomId, []);
// Proxy for handlers to delegate changes to this manager
public unwatchSetting(cb: CallbackFn): void {
this.watchers.forEach((map) => {
map.forEach((callbacks) => {
let idx: number;
while ((idx = callbacks.indexOf(cb)) !== -1) {
callbacks.splice(idx, 1);
public notifyUpdate(
settingName: string,
inRoomId: string | null,
atLevel: SettingLevel,
newValueAtLevel: any,
): void {
// Dev note: We could avoid raising changes for ultimately inconsequential changes, but
// we also don't have a reliable way to get the old value of a setting. Instead, we'll just
// let it fall through regardless and let the receiver dedupe if they want to.
if (!this.watchers.has(settingName)) return;
const roomWatchers = this.watchers.get(settingName)!;
const callbacks: CallbackFn[] = [];
if (inRoomId !== null && roomWatchers.has(inRoomId)) {
if (!inRoomId) {
// Fire updates to all the individual room watchers too, as they probably care about the change higher up.
} else if (roomWatchers.has(IRRELEVANT_ROOM)) {
for (const callback of callbacks) {
callback(inRoomId, atLevel, newValueAtLevel);