261 lines
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261 lines
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Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd.
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial
Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details.
import { GenericContainer, Wait } from "testcontainers";
import * as YAML from "yaml";
import { set } from "lodash";
import { randB64Bytes } from "../plugins/utils/rand.ts";
import { StartedSynapseContainer } from "./synapse.ts";
import { deepCopy } from "../plugins/utils/object.ts";
import { HomeserverContainer } from "./HomeserverContainer.ts";
version: 2,
global: {
server_name: "localhost",
private_key: "matrix_key.pem",
old_private_keys: null,
key_validity_period: "168h0m0s",
cache: {
max_size_estimated: "1gb",
max_age: "1h",
well_known_server_name: "",
well_known_client_name: "",
trusted_third_party_id_servers: ["matrix.org", "vector.im"],
disable_federation: false,
presence: {
enable_inbound: false,
enable_outbound: false,
report_stats: {
enabled: false,
endpoint: "https://matrix.org/report-usage-stats/push",
server_notices: {
enabled: false,
local_part: "_server",
display_name: "Server Alerts",
avatar_url: "",
room_name: "Server Alerts",
jetstream: {
addresses: null,
disable_tls_validation: false,
storage_path: "./",
topic_prefix: "Dendrite",
metrics: {
enabled: false,
basic_auth: {
username: "metrics",
password: "metrics",
dns_cache: {
enabled: false,
cache_size: 256,
cache_lifetime: "5m",
app_service_api: {
disable_tls_validation: false,
config_files: null,
client_api: {
registration_disabled: false,
guests_disabled: true,
registration_shared_secret: "secret",
enable_registration_captcha: false,
recaptcha_public_key: "",
recaptcha_private_key: "",
recaptcha_bypass_secret: "",
turn: {
turn_user_lifetime: "5m",
turn_uris: null,
turn_shared_secret: "",
rate_limiting: {
enabled: true,
threshold: 20,
cooloff_ms: 500,
exempt_user_ids: null,
federation_api: {
send_max_retries: 16,
disable_tls_validation: false,
disable_http_keepalives: false,
key_perspectives: [
server_name: "matrix.org",
keys: [
key_id: "ed25519:auto",
public_key: "Noi6WqcDj0QmPxCNQqgezwTlBKrfqehY1u2FyWP9uYw",
key_id: "ed25519:a_RXGa",
public_key: "l8Hft5qXKn1vfHrg3p4+W8gELQVo8N13JkluMfmn2sQ",
prefer_direct_fetch: false,
database: {
connection_string: "file:dendrite-federationapi.db",
media_api: {
base_path: "./media_store",
max_file_size_bytes: 10485760,
dynamic_thumbnails: false,
max_thumbnail_generators: 10,
thumbnail_sizes: [
width: 32,
height: 32,
method: "crop",
width: 96,
height: 96,
method: "crop",
width: 640,
height: 480,
method: "scale",
database: {
connection_string: "file:dendrite-mediaapi.db",
mscs: {
mscs: null,
database: {
connection_string: "file:dendrite-msc.db",
sync_api: {
search: {
enabled: false,
index_path: "./searchindex",
language: "en",
database: {
connection_string: "file:dendrite-syncapi.db",
user_api: {
bcrypt_cost: 10,
auto_join_rooms: null,
account_database: {
connection_string: "file:dendrite-userapi.db",
room_server: {
database: {
connection_string: "file:dendrite-roomserverapi.db",
key_server: {
database: {
connection_string: "file:dendrite-keyserverapi.db",
relay_api: {
database: {
connection_string: "file:dendrite-relayapi.db",
tracing: {
enabled: false,
jaeger: {
serviceName: "",
disabled: false,
rpc_metrics: false,
tags: [],
sampler: null,
reporter: null,
headers: null,
baggage_restrictions: null,
throttler: null,
logging: [
type: "std",
level: "debug",
type: "file",
level: "debug",
params: {
path: "./logs",
export class DendriteContainer extends GenericContainer implements HomeserverContainer<typeof DEFAULT_CONFIG> {
private config: typeof DEFAULT_CONFIG;
constructor(image = "matrixdotorg/dendrite-monolith:main", binary = "/usr/bin/dendrite") {
this.config = deepCopy(DEFAULT_CONFIG);
this.config.client_api.registration_shared_secret = randB64Bytes(16);
`/usr/bin/generate-keys -private-key /etc/dendrite/matrix_key.pem && ${binary} --config /etc/dendrite/dendrite.yaml --really-enable-open-registration true run`,
.withWaitStrategy(Wait.forHttp("/_matrix/client/versions", 8008));
public withConfigField(key: string, value: any): this {
set(this.config, key, value);
return this;
public withConfig(config: Partial<typeof DEFAULT_CONFIG>): this {
this.config = {
return this;
public override async start(): Promise<StartedSynapseContainer> {
target: "/etc/dendrite/dendrite.yaml",
content: YAML.stringify(this.config),
const container = await super.start();
// Surprisingly, Dendrite implements the same register user Admin API Synapse, so we can just extend it
return new StartedSynapseContainer(
export class PineconeContainer extends DendriteContainer {
constructor() {
super("matrixdotorg/dendrite-demo-pinecone:main", "/usr/bin/dendrite-demo-pinecone");