310 lines
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310 lines
11 KiB
Copyright 2015, 2016 OpenMarket Ltd
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
'use strict';
var React = require('react');
var sdk = require('../../../index');
var MatrixClientPeg = require('../../../MatrixClientPeg');
var Modal = require("../../../Modal");
var linkify = require('linkifyjs');
var linkifyElement = require('linkifyjs/element');
var linkifyMatrix = require('../../../linkify-matrix');
module.exports = React.createClass({
displayName: 'RoomHeader',
propTypes: {
room: React.PropTypes.object,
oobData: React.PropTypes.object,
editing: React.PropTypes.bool,
saving: React.PropTypes.bool,
rightPanelCollapsed: React.PropTypes.bool,
onSettingsClick: React.PropTypes.func,
onSaveClick: React.PropTypes.func,
onSearchClick: React.PropTypes.func,
onLeaveClick: React.PropTypes.func,
getDefaultProps: function() {
return {
editing: false,
onSettingsClick: function() {},
onSaveClick: function() {},
componentDidMount: function() {
var cli = MatrixClientPeg.get();
cli.on("RoomState.events", this._onRoomStateEvents);
componentDidUpdate: function() {
if (this.refs.topic) {
linkifyElement(this.refs.topic, linkifyMatrix.options);
componentWillUnmount: function() {
var cli = MatrixClientPeg.get();
if (cli) {
cli.removeListener("RoomState.events", this._onRoomStateEvents);
_onRoomStateEvents: function(event, state) {
if (!this.props.room || event.getRoomId() != this.props.room.roomId) {
// redisplay the room name, topic, etc.
onAvatarPickerClick: function(ev) {
if (this.refs.file_label) {
onAvatarSelected: function(ev) {
var self = this;
var changeAvatar = this.refs.changeAvatar;
if (!changeAvatar) {
console.error("No ChangeAvatar found to upload image to!");
changeAvatar.onFileSelected(ev).catch(function(err) {
var errMsg = (typeof err === "string") ? err : (err.error || "");
var ErrorDialog = sdk.getComponent("dialogs.ErrorDialog");
Modal.createDialog(ErrorDialog, {
title: "Error",
description: "Failed to set avatar. " + errMsg
* After editing the settings, get the new name for the room
* Returns undefined if we didn't let the user edit the room name
getEditedName: function() {
var newName;
if (this.refs.nameEditor) {
newName = this.refs.nameEditor.getRoomName();
return newName;
* After editing the settings, get the new topic for the room
* Returns undefined if we didn't let the user edit the room topic
getEditedTopic: function() {
var newTopic;
if (this.refs.topicEditor) {
newTopic = this.refs.topicEditor.getTopic();
return newTopic;
render: function() {
var RoomAvatar = sdk.getComponent("avatars.RoomAvatar");
var ChangeAvatar = sdk.getComponent("settings.ChangeAvatar");
var TintableSvg = sdk.getComponent("elements.TintableSvg");
var header;
var name = null;
var searchStatus = null;
var topic_el = null;
var cancel_button = null;
var spinner = null;
var save_button = null;
var settings_button = null;
if (this.props.editing) {
// calculate permissions. XXX: this should be done on mount or something
var user_id = MatrixClientPeg.get().credentials.userId;
var can_set_room_name = this.props.room.currentState.maySendStateEvent(
'm.room.name', user_id
var can_set_room_avatar = this.props.room.currentState.maySendStateEvent(
'm.room.avatar', user_id
var can_set_room_topic = this.props.room.currentState.maySendStateEvent(
'm.room.topic', user_id
var can_set_room_name = this.props.room.currentState.maySendStateEvent(
'm.room.name', user_id
save_button = <div className="mx_RoomHeader_textButton" onClick={this.props.onSaveClick}>Save</div>
cancel_button = <div className="mx_RoomHeader_cancelButton" onClick={this.props.onCancelClick}><img src="img/cancel.svg" width="18" height="18" alt="Cancel"/> </div>
if (this.props.saving) {
var Spinner = sdk.getComponent("elements.Spinner");
spinner = <div className="mx_RoomHeader_spinner"><Spinner/></div>;
if (can_set_room_name) {
var RoomNameEditor = sdk.getComponent("rooms.RoomNameEditor");
name = <RoomNameEditor ref="nameEditor" room={this.props.room} />
else {
var searchStatus;
// don't display the search count until the search completes and
// gives us a valid (possibly zero) searchCount.
if (this.props.searchInfo && this.props.searchInfo.searchCount !== undefined && this.props.searchInfo.searchCount !== null) {
searchStatus = <div className="mx_RoomHeader_searchStatus"> (~{ this.props.searchInfo.searchCount } results)</div>;
// XXX: this is a bit inefficient - we could just compare room.name for 'Empty room'...
var settingsHint = false;
var members = this.props.room ? this.props.room.getJoinedMembers() : undefined;
if (members) {
if (members.length === 1 && members[0].userId === MatrixClientPeg.get().credentials.userId) {
var name = this.props.room.currentState.getStateEvents('m.room.name', '');
if (!name || !name.getContent().name) {
settingsHint = true;
var roomName = 'Join Room';
if (this.props.oobData && this.props.oobData.name) {
roomName = this.props.oobData.name;
} else if (this.props.room) {
roomName = this.props.room.name;
name =
<div className="mx_RoomHeader_name" onClick={this.props.onSettingsClick}>
<div className={ "mx_RoomHeader_nametext " + (settingsHint ? "mx_RoomHeader_settingsHint" : "") } title={ roomName }>{ roomName }</div>
{ searchStatus }
<div className="mx_RoomHeader_settingsButton" title="Settings">
<TintableSvg src="img/settings.svg" width="12" height="12"/>
if (can_set_room_topic) {
var RoomTopicEditor = sdk.getComponent("rooms.RoomTopicEditor");
topic_el = <RoomTopicEditor ref="topicEditor" room={this.props.room} />
} else {
var topic;
if (this.props.room) {
var ev = this.props.room.currentState.getStateEvents('m.room.topic', '');
if (ev) {
topic = ev.getContent().topic;
if (topic) {
topic_el = <div className="mx_RoomHeader_topic" ref="topic" title={ topic }>{ topic }</div>;
var roomAvatar = null;
if (can_set_room_avatar) {
roomAvatar = (
<div className="mx_RoomHeader_avatarPicker">
<div onClick={ this.onAvatarPickerClick }>
<ChangeAvatar ref="changeAvatar" room={this.props.room} showUploadSection={false} width={48} height={48} />
<div className="mx_RoomHeader_avatarPicker_edit">
<label htmlFor="avatarInput" ref="file_label">
<img src="img/camera.svg"
alt="Upload avatar" title="Upload avatar"
width="17" height="15" />
<input id="avatarInput" type="file" onChange={ this.onAvatarSelected }/>
else if (this.props.room || (this.props.oobData && this.props.oobData.name)) {
roomAvatar = (
<div onClick={this.props.onSettingsClick}>
<RoomAvatar room={this.props.room} width={48} height={48} oobData={this.props.oobData} />
var leave_button;
if (this.props.onLeaveClick) {
leave_button =
<div className="mx_RoomHeader_button mx_RoomHeader_leaveButton" onClick={this.props.onLeaveClick} title="Leave room">
<TintableSvg src="img/leave.svg" width="26" height="20"/>
var forget_button;
if (this.props.onForgetClick) {
forget_button =
<div className="mx_RoomHeader_button mx_RoomHeader_leaveButton" onClick={this.props.onForgetClick} title="Forget room">
<TintableSvg src="img/leave.svg" width="26" height="20"/>
var rightPanel_buttons;
if (this.props.rightPanelCollapsed) {
// TODO: embed the RightPanel header in here if it's collapsed.
var right_row;
if (!this.props.editing) {
right_row =
<div className="mx_RoomHeader_rightRow">
{ forget_button }
{ leave_button }
<div className="mx_RoomHeader_button" onClick={this.props.onSearchClick} title="Search">
<TintableSvg src="img/search.svg" width="21" height="19"/>
{ rightPanel_buttons }
header =
<div className="mx_RoomHeader_wrapper">
<div className="mx_RoomHeader_leftRow">
<div className="mx_RoomHeader_avatar">
{ roomAvatar }
<div className="mx_RoomHeader_info">
{ name }
{ topic_el }
return (
<div className={ "mx_RoomHeader " + (this.props.editing ? "mx_RoomHeader_editing" : "") }>
{ header }