342 lines
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342 lines
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Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd.
Copyright 2022 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C.
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details.
import { mocked } from "jest-mock";
import { SlidingSync, SlidingSyncEvent } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/sliding-sync";
import { Room } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix";
import {
} from "../../../src/stores/room-list/SlidingRoomListStore";
import { SpaceStoreClass } from "../../../src/stores/spaces/SpaceStore";
import { MockEventEmitter, stubClient, untilEmission } from "../../test-utils";
import { TestSdkContext } from "../../TestSdkContext";
import { SlidingSyncManager } from "../../../src/SlidingSyncManager";
import { RoomViewStore } from "../../../src/stores/RoomViewStore";
import { MatrixDispatcher } from "../../../src/dispatcher/dispatcher";
import { SortAlgorithm } from "../../../src/stores/room-list/algorithms/models";
import { DefaultTagID, TagID } from "../../../src/stores/room-list/models";
import { MetaSpace, UPDATE_SELECTED_SPACE } from "../../../src/stores/spaces";
import { LISTS_LOADING_EVENT } from "../../../src/stores/room-list/RoomListStore";
import { UPDATE_EVENT } from "../../../src/stores/AsyncStore";
const MockSlidingSyncManager = <jest.Mock<SlidingSyncManager>>(<unknown>SlidingSyncManager);
describe("SlidingRoomListStore", () => {
let store: SlidingRoomListStoreClass;
let context: TestSdkContext;
let dis: MatrixDispatcher;
let activeSpace: string;
beforeEach(async () => {
context = new TestSdkContext();
context.client = stubClient();
context._SpaceStore = new MockEventEmitter<SpaceStoreClass>({
traverseSpace: jest.fn(),
get activeSpace() {
return activeSpace;
}) as SpaceStoreClass;
context._SlidingSyncManager = new MockSlidingSyncManager();
context._SlidingSyncManager.slidingSync = mocked(
new MockEventEmitter({
getListData: jest.fn(),
}) as unknown as SlidingSync,
context._RoomViewStore = mocked(
new MockEventEmitter({
getRoomId: jest.fn(),
}) as unknown as RoomViewStore,
ranges: [[0, 10]],
dis = new MatrixDispatcher();
store = new SlidingRoomListStoreClass(dis, context);
describe("spaces", () => {
it("alters 'filters.spaces' on the DefaultTagID.Untagged list when the selected space changes", async () => {
await store.start(); // call onReady
const spaceRoomId = "!foo:bar";
const p = untilEmission(store, LISTS_LOADING_EVENT, (listName, isLoading) => {
return listName === DefaultTagID.Untagged && !isLoading;
// change the active space
activeSpace = spaceRoomId;
context._SpaceStore!.emit(UPDATE_SELECTED_SPACE, spaceRoomId, false);
await p;
expect(context._SlidingSyncManager!.ensureListRegistered).toHaveBeenCalledWith(DefaultTagID.Untagged, {
filters: expect.objectContaining({
spaces: [spaceRoomId],
it("gracefully handles subspaces in the home metaspace", async () => {
const subspace = "!sub:space";
(spaceId: string, fn: (roomId: string) => void) => {
activeSpace = MetaSpace.Home;
await store.start(); // call onReady
expect(context._SlidingSyncManager!.ensureListRegistered).toHaveBeenCalledWith(DefaultTagID.Untagged, {
filters: expect.objectContaining({
spaces: [subspace],
it("alters 'filters.spaces' on the DefaultTagID.Untagged list if it loads with an active space", async () => {
// change the active space before we are ready
const spaceRoomId = "!foo2:bar";
activeSpace = spaceRoomId;
const p = untilEmission(store, LISTS_LOADING_EVENT, (listName, isLoading) => {
return listName === DefaultTagID.Untagged && !isLoading;
await store.start(); // call onReady
await p;
filters: expect.objectContaining({
spaces: [spaceRoomId],
it("includes subspaces in 'filters.spaces' when the selected space has subspaces", async () => {
await store.start(); // call onReady
const spaceRoomId = "!foo:bar";
const subSpace1 = "!ss1:bar";
const subSpace2 = "!ss2:bar";
const p = untilEmission(store, LISTS_LOADING_EVENT, (listName, isLoading) => {
return listName === DefaultTagID.Untagged && !isLoading;
(spaceId: string, fn: (roomId: string) => void) => {
if (spaceId === spaceRoomId) {
// change the active space
activeSpace = spaceRoomId;
context._SpaceStore!.emit(UPDATE_SELECTED_SPACE, spaceRoomId, false);
await p;
expect(context._SlidingSyncManager!.ensureListRegistered).toHaveBeenCalledWith(DefaultTagID.Untagged, {
filters: expect.objectContaining({
spaces: [spaceRoomId, subSpace1, subSpace2],
it("setTagSorting alters the 'sort' option in the list", async () => {
const tagId: TagID = "foo";
await store.setTagSorting(tagId, SortAlgorithm.Alphabetic);
expect(context._SlidingSyncManager!.ensureListRegistered).toHaveBeenCalledWith(tagId, {
sort: SlidingSyncSortToFilter[SortAlgorithm.Alphabetic],
await store.setTagSorting(tagId, SortAlgorithm.Recent);
expect(context._SlidingSyncManager!.ensureListRegistered).toHaveBeenCalledWith(tagId, {
sort: SlidingSyncSortToFilter[SortAlgorithm.Recent],
it("getTagsForRoom gets the tags for the room", async () => {
await store.start();
const roomA = "!a:localhost";
const roomB = "!b:localhost";
const keyToListData: Record<string, { joinedCount: number; roomIndexToRoomId: Record<number, string> }> = {
[DefaultTagID.Untagged]: {
joinedCount: 10,
roomIndexToRoomId: {
0: roomA,
1: roomB,
[DefaultTagID.Favourite]: {
joinedCount: 2,
roomIndexToRoomId: {
0: roomB,
mocked(context._SlidingSyncManager!.slidingSync!.getListData).mockImplementation((key: string) => {
return keyToListData[key] || null;
expect(store.getTagsForRoom(new Room(roomA, context.client!, context.client!.getUserId()!))).toEqual([
expect(store.getTagsForRoom(new Room(roomB, context.client!, context.client!.getUserId()!))).toEqual([
it("emits LISTS_UPDATE_EVENT when slidingSync lists update", async () => {
await store.start();
const roomA = "!a:localhost";
const roomB = "!b:localhost";
const roomC = "!c:localhost";
const tagId = DefaultTagID.Favourite;
const joinCount = 10;
const roomIndexToRoomId = {
// mixed to ensure we sort
1: roomB,
2: roomC,
0: roomA,
const rooms = [
new Room(roomA, context.client!, context.client!.getUserId()!),
new Room(roomB, context.client!, context.client!.getUserId()!),
new Room(roomC, context.client!, context.client!.getUserId()!),
mocked(context.client!.getRoom).mockImplementation((roomId: string) => {
switch (roomId) {
case roomA:
return rooms[0];
case roomB:
return rooms[1];
case roomC:
return rooms[2];
return null;
const p = untilEmission(store, LISTS_UPDATE_EVENT);
context.slidingSyncManager.slidingSync!.emit(SlidingSyncEvent.List, tagId, joinCount, roomIndexToRoomId);
await p;
it("sets the sticky room on the basis of the viewed room in RoomViewStore", async () => {
await store.start();
// seed the store with 3 rooms
const roomIdA = "!a:localhost";
const roomIdB = "!b:localhost";
const roomIdC = "!c:localhost";
const tagId = DefaultTagID.Favourite;
const joinCount = 10;
const roomIndexToRoomId = {
// mixed to ensure we sort
1: roomIdB,
2: roomIdC,
0: roomIdA,
const roomA = new Room(roomIdA, context.client!, context.client!.getUserId()!);
const roomB = new Room(roomIdB, context.client!, context.client!.getUserId()!);
const roomC = new Room(roomIdC, context.client!, context.client!.getUserId()!);
mocked(context.client!.getRoom).mockImplementation((roomId: string) => {
switch (roomId) {
case roomIdA:
return roomA;
case roomIdB:
return roomB;
case roomIdC:
return roomC;
return null;
mocked(context._SlidingSyncManager!.slidingSync!.getListData).mockImplementation((key: string) => {
if (key !== tagId) {
return null;
return {
roomIndexToRoomId: roomIndexToRoomId,
joinedCount: joinCount,
let p = untilEmission(store, LISTS_UPDATE_EVENT);
context.slidingSyncManager.slidingSync!.emit(SlidingSyncEvent.List, tagId, joinCount, roomIndexToRoomId);
await p;
expect(store.orderedLists[tagId]).toEqual([roomA, roomB, roomC]);
// make roomB sticky and inform the store
// bump room C to the top, room B should not move from i=1 despite the list update saying to
roomIndexToRoomId[0] = roomIdC;
roomIndexToRoomId[1] = roomIdA;
roomIndexToRoomId[2] = roomIdB;
p = untilEmission(store, LISTS_UPDATE_EVENT);
context.slidingSyncManager.slidingSync!.emit(SlidingSyncEvent.List, tagId, joinCount, roomIndexToRoomId);
await p;
// check that B didn't move and that A was put below B
expect(store.orderedLists[tagId]).toEqual([roomC, roomB, roomA]);
// make room C sticky: rooms should move as a result, without needing an additional list update
p = untilEmission(store, LISTS_UPDATE_EVENT);
await p;
expect(store.orderedLists[tagId].map((r) => r.roomId)).toEqual([roomC, roomA, roomB].map((r) => r.roomId));
it("gracefully handles unknown room IDs", async () => {
await store.start();
const roomIdA = "!a:localhost";
const roomIdB = "!b:localhost"; // does not exist
const roomIdC = "!c:localhost";
const roomIndexToRoomId = {
0: roomIdA,
1: roomIdB, // does not exist
2: roomIdC,
const tagId = DefaultTagID.Favourite;
const joinCount = 10;
// seed the store with 2 rooms
const roomA = new Room(roomIdA, context.client!, context.client!.getUserId()!);
const roomC = new Room(roomIdC, context.client!, context.client!.getUserId()!);
mocked(context.client!.getRoom).mockImplementation((roomId: string) => {
switch (roomId) {
case roomIdA:
return roomA;
case roomIdC:
return roomC;
return null;
mocked(context._SlidingSyncManager!.slidingSync!.getListData).mockImplementation((key: string) => {
if (key !== tagId) {
return null;
return {
roomIndexToRoomId: roomIndexToRoomId,
joinedCount: joinCount,
const p = untilEmission(store, LISTS_UPDATE_EVENT);
context.slidingSyncManager.slidingSync!.emit(SlidingSyncEvent.List, tagId, joinCount, roomIndexToRoomId);
await p;
expect(store.orderedLists[tagId]).toEqual([roomA, roomC]);