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Copyright 2018 New Vector Ltd
Copyright 2019 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
const assert = require('assert');
module.exports = async function signup(session, username, password, homeserver) {
session.log.step("signs up");
await session.goto(session.url('/#/register'));
// change the homeserver by clicking the advanced section
if (homeserver) {
const advancedButton = await session.query('.mx_ServerTypeSelector_type_Advanced');
await advancedButton.click();
// depending on what HS is configured as the default, the advanced registration
// goes the HS/IS entry directly (for matrix.org) or takes you to the user/pass entry (not matrix.org).
// To work with both, we look for the "Change" link in the user/pass entry but don't fail when we can't find it
// As this link should be visible immediately, and to not slow down the case where it isn't present,
// pick a lower timeout of 5000ms
try {
const changeHsField = await session.query('.mx_AuthBody_editServerDetails', 5000);
if (changeHsField) {
await changeHsField.click();
} catch (err) {}
const hsInputField = await session.query('#mx_ServerConfig_hsUrl');
await session.replaceInputText(hsInputField, homeserver);
const nextButton = await session.query('.mx_Login_submit');
// accept homeserver
await nextButton.click();
//fill out form
const usernameField = await session.query("#mx_RegistrationForm_username");
const passwordField = await session.query("#mx_RegistrationForm_password");
const passwordRepeatField = await session.query("#mx_RegistrationForm_passwordConfirm");
await session.replaceInputText(usernameField, username);
await session.replaceInputText(passwordField, password);
await session.replaceInputText(passwordRepeatField, password);
//wait 300ms because Registration/ServerConfig have a 250ms
//delay to internally set the homeserver url
//see Registration::render and ServerConfig::props::delayTimeMs
await session.delay(300);
/// focus on the button to make sure error validation
/// has happened before checking the form is good to go
const registerButton = await session.query('.mx_Login_submit');
await registerButton.focus();
// Password validation is async, wait for it to complete before submit
await session.query(".mx_Field_valid #mx_RegistrationForm_password");
//check no errors
const errorText = await session.tryGetInnertext('.mx_Login_error');
assert.strictEqual(errorText, null);
//submit form
//await page.screenshot({path: "beforesubmit.png", fullPage: true});
await registerButton.click();
//confirm dialog saying you cant log back in without e-mail
const continueButton = await session.query('.mx_QuestionDialog button.mx_Dialog_primary');
await continueButton.click();
//find the privacy policy checkbox and check it
const policyCheckbox = await session.query('.mx_InteractiveAuthEntryComponents_termsPolicy input');
await policyCheckbox.click();
//now click the 'Accept' button to agree to the privacy policy
const acceptButton = await session.query('.mx_InteractiveAuthEntryComponents_termsSubmit');
await acceptButton.click();
//wait for registration to finish so the hash gets set
//onhashchange better?
const foundHomeUrl = await session.poll(async () => {
const url = session.page.url();
return url === session.url('/#/home');