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Copyright 2015, 2016 OpenMarket Ltd
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
'use strict';
import React from 'react';
import {DragSource} from 'react-dnd';
import {DropTarget} from 'react-dnd';
import dis from 'matrix-react-sdk/lib/dispatcher';
import MatrixClientPeg from 'matrix-react-sdk/lib/MatrixClientPeg';
import sdk from 'matrix-react-sdk';
import RoomTile from 'matrix-react-sdk/lib/components/views/rooms/RoomTile';
import * as Rooms from 'matrix-react-sdk/lib/Rooms';
import Modal from 'matrix-react-sdk/lib/Modal';
* Defines a new Component, DNDRoomTile that wraps RoomTile, making it draggable.
* Requires extra props:
* roomSubList: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired,
* refreshSubList: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired,
* Specifies the drag source contract.
* Only `beginDrag` function is required.
var roomTileSource = {
canDrag: function(props, monitor) {
return props.roomSubList.props.editable;
beginDrag: function (props) {
// Return the data describing the dragged item
var item = {
room: props.room,
originalList: props.roomSubList,
originalIndex: props.roomSubList.findRoomTile(props.room).index,
targetList: props.roomSubList, // at first target is same as original
// lastTargetRoom: null,
// lastYOffset: null,
// lastYDelta: null,
if (props.roomSubList.debug) console.log("roomTile beginDrag for " + item.room.roomId);
// doing this 'correctly' with state causes react-dnd to break seemingly due to the state transitions
props.room._dragging = true;
return item;
endDrag: function (props, monitor, component) {
var item = monitor.getItem();
if (props.roomSubList.debug) console.log("roomTile endDrag for " + item.room.roomId + " with didDrop=" + monitor.didDrop());
props.room._dragging = false;
if (monitor.didDrop()) {
if (props.roomSubList.debug) console.log("force updating component " + item.targetList.props.label);
item.targetList.forceUpdate(); // as we're not using state
const prevTag = item.originalList.props.tagName;
const newTag = item.targetList.props.tagName;
if (monitor.didDrop() && item.targetList.props.editable) {
// Evil hack to get DMs behaving
if ((prevTag === undefined && newTag === 'im.vector.fake.direct') ||
(prevTag === 'im.vector.fake.direct' && newTag === undefined)
) {
item.room, newTag === 'im.vector.fake.direct',
).done(() => {
}, (err) => {
const ErrorDialog = sdk.getComponent("dialogs.ErrorDialog");
console.error("Failed to set direct chat tag " + err);
Modal.createDialog(ErrorDialog, {
title: "Failed to set direct chat tag",
description: ((err && err.message) ? err.message : "Operation failed"),
// More evilness: We will still be dealing with moving to favourites/low prio,
// but we avoid ever doing a request with 'im.vector.fake.direct`.
// if we moved lists, remove the old tag
if (prevTag && prevTag !== 'im.vector.fake.direct' &&
item.targetList !== item.originalList
) {
// commented out attempts to set a spinner on our target component as component is actually
// the original source component being dragged, not our target. To fix we just need to
// move all of this to endDrop in the target instead. FIXME later.
//component.state.set({ spinner: component.state.spinner ? component.state.spinner++ : 1 });
MatrixClientPeg.get().deleteRoomTag(item.room.roomId, prevTag).finally(function() {
//component.state.set({ spinner: component.state.spinner-- });
}).fail(function(err) {
var ErrorDialog = sdk.getComponent("dialogs.ErrorDialog");
console.error("Failed to remove tag " + prevTag + " from room: " + err);
Modal.createDialog(ErrorDialog, {
title: "Failed to remove tag " + prevTag + " from room",
description: ((err && err.message) ? err.message : "Operation failed"),
var newOrder= {};
if (item.targetList.props.order === 'manual') {
newOrder['order'] = item.targetList.calcManualOrderTagData(item.room);
// if we moved lists or the ordering changed, add the new tag
if (newTag && newTag !== 'im.vector.fake.direct' &&
(item.targetList !== item.originalList || newOrder)
) {
//component.state.set({ spinner: component.state.spinner ? component.state.spinner++ : 1 });
MatrixClientPeg.get().setRoomTag(item.room.roomId, newTag, newOrder).finally(function() {
//component.state.set({ spinner: component.state.spinner-- });
}).fail(function(err) {
var ErrorDialog = sdk.getComponent("dialogs.ErrorDialog");
console.error("Failed to add tag " + newTag + " to room: " + err);
Modal.createDialog(ErrorDialog, {
title: "Failed to add tag " + newTag + " to room",
description: ((err && err.message) ? err.message : "Operation failed"),
else {
// cancel the drop and reset our original position
if (props.roomSubList.debug) console.log("cancelling drop & drag");
props.roomSubList.moveRoomTile(item.room, item.originalIndex);
if (item.targetList && item.targetList !== item.originalList) {
var roomTileTarget = {
canDrop: function() {
return false;
hover: function(props, monitor) {
var item = monitor.getItem();
//var off = monitor.getClientOffset();
// console.log("hovering on room " + props.room.roomId + ", isOver=" + monitor.isOver());
//console.log("item.targetList=" + item.targetList + ", roomSubList=" + props.roomSubList);
var switchedTarget = false;
if (item.targetList !== props.roomSubList) {
// we've switched target, so remove the tile from the previous target.
// n.b. the previous target might actually be the source list.
if (props.roomSubList.debug) console.log("switched target sublist");
switchedTarget = true;
item.targetList = props.roomSubList;
if (!item.targetList.props.editable) return;
if (item.targetList.props.order === 'manual') {
if (item.room.roomId !== props.room.roomId && props.room !== item.lastTargetRoom) {
// find the offset of the target tile in the list.
var roomTile = props.roomSubList.findRoomTile(props.room);
// shuffle the list to add our tile to that position.
props.roomSubList.moveRoomTile(item.room, roomTile.index);
// stop us from flickering between our droptarget and the previous room.
// whenever the cursor changes direction we have to reset the flicker-damping.
var yDelta = off.y - item.lastYOffset;
if ((yDelta > 0 && item.lastYDelta < 0) ||
(yDelta < 0 && item.lastYDelta > 0))
// the cursor changed direction - forget our previous room
item.lastTargetRoom = null;
else {
// track the last room we were hovering over so we can stop
// bouncing back and forth if the droptarget is narrower than
// the other list items. The other way to do this would be
// to reduce the size of the hittarget on the list items, but
// can't see an easy way to do that.
item.lastTargetRoom = props.room;
if (yDelta) item.lastYDelta = yDelta;
item.lastYOffset = off.y;
else if (switchedTarget) {
if (!props.roomSubList.findRoomTile(item.room).room) {
// add to the list in the right place
props.roomSubList.moveRoomTile(item.room, 0);
// we have to sort the list whatever to recalculate it
// Export the wrapped version, inlining the 'collect' functions
// to more closely resemble the ES7
module.exports =
DropTarget('RoomTile', roomTileTarget, function(connect, monitor) {
return {
// Call this function inside render()
// to let React DnD handle the drag events:
connectDropTarget: connect.dropTarget(),
isOver: monitor.isOver(),
DragSource('RoomTile', roomTileSource, function(connect, monitor) {
return {
// Call this function inside render()
// to let React DnD handle the drag events:
connectDragSource: connect.dragSource(),
// You can ask the monitor about the current drag state:
isDragging: monitor.isDragging()