
448 lines
18 KiB

Copyright 2022 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
/// <reference types="cypress" />
import _ from "lodash";
import { MatrixClient } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix";
import { Interception } from "cypress/types/net-stubbing";
import { HomeserverInstance } from "../../plugins/utils/homeserver";
import { ProxyInstance } from "../../plugins/sliding-sync";
describe("Sliding Sync", () => {
beforeEach(() => {
.then((homeserver) => {
cy.all([cy.get<HomeserverInstance>("@homeserver"), cy.get<ProxyInstance>("@proxy")]).then(
([homeserver, proxy]) => {
cy.intercept("/config.json?cachebuster=*", (req) => {
return req.continue((res) => {
res.send(200, {
setting_defaults: {
feature_sliding_sync_proxy_url: `http://localhost:${proxy.port}`,
cy.initTestUser(homeserver, "Sloth").then(() => {
return cy.window({ log: false }).then(() => {
cy.createRoom({ name: "Test Room" }).as("roomId");
afterEach(() => {
// assert order
const checkOrder = (wantOrder: string[]) => {
cy.contains(".mx_RoomSublist", "Rooms")
.should((elements) => {
_.map(elements, (e) => {
return e.textContent;
"rooms are sorted",
const bumpRoom = (alias: string) => {
// Send a message into the given room, this should bump the room to the top
cy.get<string>(alias).then((roomId) => {
return cy.sendEvent(roomId, null, "m.room.message", {
body: "Hello world",
msgtype: "m.text",
const createAndJoinBob = () => {
// create a Bob user
cy.get<HomeserverInstance>("@homeserver").then((homeserver) => {
return cy
.getBot(homeserver, {
displayName: "Bob",
// invite Bob to Test Room and accept then send a message.
cy.all([cy.get<string>("@roomId"), cy.get<MatrixClient>("@bob")]).then(([roomId, bob]) => {
return cy.inviteUser(roomId, bob.getUserId()).then(() => {
return bob.joinRoom(roomId);
it("should render the Rooms list in reverse chronological order by default and allowing sorting A-Z", () => {
// create rooms and check room names are correct
cy.createRoom({ name: "Apple" }).then(() => cy.contains(".mx_RoomSublist", "Apple"));
cy.createRoom({ name: "Pineapple" }).then(() => cy.contains(".mx_RoomSublist", "Pineapple"));
cy.createRoom({ name: "Orange" }).then(() => cy.contains(".mx_RoomSublist", "Orange"));
// check the rooms are in the right order
cy.get(".mx_RoomTile").should("have.length", 4); // due to the Test Room in beforeEach
checkOrder(["Orange", "Pineapple", "Apple", "Test Room"]);
cy.contains(".mx_RoomSublist", "Rooms").find(".mx_RoomSublist_menuButton").click({ force: true });
cy.get(".mx_StyledRadioButton_checked").should("contain.text", "A-Z");
checkOrder(["Apple", "Orange", "Pineapple", "Test Room"]);
it("should move rooms around as new events arrive", () => {
// create rooms and check room names are correct
cy.createRoom({ name: "Apple" })
.then(() => cy.contains(".mx_RoomSublist", "Apple"));
cy.createRoom({ name: "Pineapple" })
.then(() => cy.contains(".mx_RoomSublist", "Pineapple"));
cy.createRoom({ name: "Orange" })
.then(() => cy.contains(".mx_RoomSublist", "Orange"));
// Select the Test Room
cy.contains(".mx_RoomTile", "Test Room").click();
checkOrder(["Orange", "Pineapple", "Apple", "Test Room"]);
checkOrder(["Apple", "Orange", "Pineapple", "Test Room"]);
checkOrder(["Orange", "Apple", "Pineapple", "Test Room"]);
checkOrder(["Orange", "Apple", "Pineapple", "Test Room"]);
checkOrder(["Pineapple", "Orange", "Apple", "Test Room"]);
it("should not move the selected room: it should be sticky", () => {
// create rooms and check room names are correct
cy.createRoom({ name: "Apple" })
.then(() => cy.contains(".mx_RoomSublist", "Apple"));
cy.createRoom({ name: "Pineapple" })
.then(() => cy.contains(".mx_RoomSublist", "Pineapple"));
cy.createRoom({ name: "Orange" })
.then(() => cy.contains(".mx_RoomSublist", "Orange"));
// Given a list of Orange, Pineapple, Apple - if Pineapple is active and a message is sent in Apple, the list should
// turn into Apple, Pineapple, Orange - the index position of Pineapple never changes even though the list should technically
// be Apple, Orange Pineapple - only when you click on a different room do things reshuffle.
// Select the Pineapple room
cy.contains(".mx_RoomTile", "Pineapple").click();
checkOrder(["Orange", "Pineapple", "Apple", "Test Room"]);
// Move Apple
checkOrder(["Apple", "Pineapple", "Orange", "Test Room"]);
// Select the Test Room
cy.contains(".mx_RoomTile", "Test Room").click();
// the rooms reshuffle to match reality
checkOrder(["Apple", "Orange", "Pineapple", "Test Room"]);
it("should show the right unread notifications", () => {
// send a message in the test room: unread notif count shoould increment
cy.all([cy.get<string>("@roomId"), cy.get<MatrixClient>("@bob")]).then(([roomId, bob]) => {
return bob.sendTextMessage(roomId, "Hello World");
// check that there is an unread notification (grey) as 1
cy.contains(".mx_RoomTile", "Test Room").contains(".mx_NotificationBadge_count", "1");
cy.get(".mx_NotificationBadge").should("not.have.class", "mx_NotificationBadge_highlighted");
// send an @mention: highlight count (red) should be 2.
cy.all([cy.get<string>("@roomId"), cy.get<MatrixClient>("@bob")]).then(([roomId, bob]) => {
return bob.sendTextMessage(roomId, "Hello Sloth");
cy.contains(".mx_RoomTile", "Test Room").contains(".mx_NotificationBadge_count", "2");
cy.get(".mx_NotificationBadge").should("have.class", "mx_NotificationBadge_highlighted");
// click on the room, the notif counts should disappear
cy.contains(".mx_RoomTile", "Test Room").click();
cy.contains(".mx_RoomTile", "Test Room").should("not.have.class", "mx_NotificationBadge_count");
it("should not show unread indicators", () => {
// TODO: for now. Later we should.
// disable notifs in this room (TODO: CS API call?)
cy.contains(".mx_RoomTile", "Test Room").find(".mx_RoomTile_notificationsButton").click({ force: true });
// create a new room so we know when the message has been received as it'll re-shuffle the room list
name: "Dummy",
checkOrder(["Dummy", "Test Room"]);
cy.all([cy.get<string>("@roomId"), cy.get<MatrixClient>("@bob")]).then(([roomId, bob]) => {
return bob.sendTextMessage(roomId, "Do you read me?");
// wait for this message to arrive, tell by the room list resorting
checkOrder(["Test Room", "Dummy"]);
cy.contains(".mx_RoomTile", "Test Room").get(".mx_NotificationBadge").should("not.exist");
it("should update user settings promptly", () => {
cy.contains("All settings").click();
cy.contains(".mx_SettingsFlag", "Show timestamps in 12 hour format")
cy.contains(".mx_SettingsFlag", "Show timestamps in 12 hour format")
cy.contains(".mx_SettingsFlag", "Show timestamps in 12 hour format", { timeout: 2000 })
.find(".mx_ToggleSwitch_on", { timeout: 2000 })
it("should show and be able to accept/reject/rescind invites", () => {
let clientUserId;
cy.getClient().then((cli) => {
clientUserId = cli.getUserId();
// invite Sloth into 3 rooms:
// - roomJoin: will join this room
// - roomReject: will reject the invite
// - roomRescind: will make Bob rescind the invite
let roomJoin;
let roomReject;
let roomRescind;
let bobClient;
.then((bob) => {
bobClient = bob;
return Promise.all([
bob.createRoom({ name: "Join" }),
bob.createRoom({ name: "Reject" }),
bob.createRoom({ name: "Rescind" }),
.then(([join, reject, rescind]) => {
roomJoin = join.room_id;
roomReject = reject.room_id;
roomRescind = rescind.room_id;
return Promise.all([
bobClient.invite(roomJoin, clientUserId),
bobClient.invite(roomReject, clientUserId),
bobClient.invite(roomRescind, clientUserId),
// wait for them all to be on the UI
cy.get(".mx_RoomTile").should("have.length", 4); // due to the Test Room in beforeEach
cy.contains(".mx_RoomTile", "Join").click();
cy.contains(".mx_AccessibleButton", "Accept").click();
checkOrder(["Join", "Test Room"]);
cy.contains(".mx_RoomTile", "Reject").click();
cy.contains(".mx_RoomView .mx_AccessibleButton", "Reject").click();
// wait for the rejected room to disappear
cy.get(".mx_RoomTile").should("have.length", 3);
// check the lists are correct
checkOrder(["Join", "Test Room"]);
cy.contains(".mx_RoomSublist", "Invites")
.should((elements) => {
_.map(elements, (e) => {
return e.textContent;
"rooms are sorted",
// now rescind the invite
cy.get<MatrixClient>("@bob").then((bob) => {
return bob.kick(roomRescind, clientUserId);
// wait for the rescind to take effect and check the joined list once more
cy.get(".mx_RoomTile").should("have.length", 2);
checkOrder(["Join", "Test Room"]);
it("should show a favourite DM only in the favourite sublist", () => {
name: "Favourite DM",
is_direct: true,
.then((roomId) => {
cy.getClient().then((cli) => cli.setRoomTag(roomId, "m.favourite", { order: 0.5 }));
cy.contains('.mx_RoomSublist[aria-label="Favourites"] .mx_RoomTile', "Favourite DM").should("exist");
cy.contains('.mx_RoomSublist[aria-label="People"] .mx_RoomTile', "Favourite DM").should("not.exist");
// Regression test for a bug in SS mode, but would be useful to have in non-SS mode too.
// This ensures we are setting RoomViewStore state correctly.
it("should clear the reply to field when swapping rooms", () => {
cy.createRoom({ name: "Other Room" })
.then(() => cy.contains(".mx_RoomSublist", "Other Room"));
cy.get<string>("@roomId").then((roomId) => {
return cy.sendEvent(roomId, null, "m.room.message", {
body: "Hello world",
msgtype: "m.text",
// select the room
cy.contains(".mx_RoomTile", "Test Room").click();
// click reply-to on the Hello World message
cy.contains(".mx_EventTile", "Hello world")
.click({ force: true });
// check it's visible
// now click Other Room
cy.contains(".mx_RoomTile", "Other Room").click();
// ensure the reply-to disappears
// click back
cy.contains(".mx_RoomTile", "Test Room").click();
// ensure the reply-to reappears
// Regression test for https://github.com/vector-im/element-web/issues/21462
it("should not cancel replies when permalinks are clicked ", () => {
cy.get<string>("@roomId").then((roomId) => {
// we require a first message as you cannot click the permalink text with the avatar in the way
return cy
.sendEvent(roomId, null, "m.room.message", {
body: "First message",
msgtype: "m.text",
.then(() => {
return cy.sendEvent(roomId, null, "m.room.message", {
body: "Permalink me",
msgtype: "m.text",
.then(() => {
cy.sendEvent(roomId, null, "m.room.message", {
body: "Reply to me",
msgtype: "m.text",
// select the room
cy.contains(".mx_RoomTile", "Test Room").click();
// click reply-to on the Reply to me message
cy.contains(".mx_EventTile", "Reply to me")
.click({ force: true });
// check it's visible
// now click on the permalink for Permalink me
cy.contains(".mx_EventTile", "Permalink me").find("a").click({ force: true });
// make sure it is now selected with the little green |
cy.contains(".mx_EventTile_selected", "Permalink me").should("exist");
// ensure the reply-to does not disappear
it("should send unsubscribe_rooms for every room switch", () => {
let roomAId: string;
let roomPId: string;
// create rooms and check room names are correct
cy.createRoom({ name: "Apple" })
.then((roomId) => (roomAId = roomId))
.then(() => cy.contains(".mx_RoomSublist", "Apple"));
cy.createRoom({ name: "Pineapple" })
.then((roomId) => (roomPId = roomId))
.then(() => cy.contains(".mx_RoomSublist", "Pineapple"));
cy.createRoom({ name: "Orange" })
.then(() => cy.contains(".mx_RoomSublist", "Orange"));
// Intercept all calls to /sync
cy.intercept({ method: "POST", url: "**/sync*" }).as("syncRequest");
const assertUnsubExists = (interception: Interception, subRoomId: string, unsubRoomId: string) => {
const body = interception.request.body;
// There may be a request without a txn_id, ignore it, as there won't be any subscription changes
if (body.txn_id === undefined) {
// Select the Test Room
cy.contains(".mx_RoomTile", "Apple").click();
// and wait for cypress to get the result as alias
cy.wait("@syncRequest").then((interception) => {
// This is the first switch, so no unsubscriptions yet.
assert.isObject(interception.request.body.room_subscriptions, "room_subscriptions is object");
// Switch to another room
cy.contains(".mx_RoomTile", "Pineapple").click();
cy.wait("@syncRequest").then((interception) => assertUnsubExists(interception, roomPId, roomAId));
// And switch to even another room
cy.contains(".mx_RoomTile", "Apple").click();
cy.wait("@syncRequest").then((interception) => assertUnsubExists(interception, roomPId, roomAId));
// TODO: Add tests for encrypted rooms