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Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd.
Copyright 2021 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C.
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details.
import React from "react";
import { mocked } from "jest-mock";
import { fireEvent, render, screen } from "jest-matrix-react";
import { TimestampToEventResponse, ConnectionError, HTTPError, MatrixError } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix";
import dispatcher from "../../../../../src/dispatcher/dispatcher";
import { Action } from "../../../../../src/dispatcher/actions";
import { ViewRoomPayload } from "../../../../../src/dispatcher/payloads/ViewRoomPayload";
import { SdkContextClass } from "../../../../../src/contexts/SDKContext";
import { formatFullDateNoTime } from "../../../../../src/DateUtils";
import SettingsStore from "../../../../../src/settings/SettingsStore";
import { UIFeature } from "../../../../../src/settings/UIFeature";
import MatrixClientContext from "../../../../../src/contexts/MatrixClientContext";
import {
} from "../../../../test-utils";
import DateSeparator from "../../../../../src/components/views/messages/DateSeparator";
describe("DateSeparator", () => {
const HOUR_MS = 3600000;
const DAY_MS = HOUR_MS * 24;
// Friday Dec 17 2021, 9:09am
const nowDate = new Date("2021-12-17T08:09:00.000Z");
const roomId = "!unused:example.org";
const defaultProps = {
ts: nowDate.getTime(),
const mockClient = getMockClientWithEventEmitter({
timestampToEvent: jest.fn(),
const getComponent = (props = {}) =>
<MatrixClientContext.Provider value={mockClient}>
<DateSeparator {...defaultProps} {...props} />
type TestCase = [string, number, string];
const testCases: TestCase[] = [
["the exact same moment", nowDate.getTime(), "today"],
["same day as current day", nowDate.getTime() - HOUR_MS, "today"],
["day before the current day", nowDate.getTime() - HOUR_MS * 12, "yesterday"],
["2 days ago", nowDate.getTime() - DAY_MS * 2, "Wednesday"],
["144 hours ago", nowDate.getTime() - HOUR_MS * 144, "Sat, Dec 11, 2021"],
"6 days ago, but less than 144h",
new Date("Saturday Dec 11 2021 23:59:00 GMT+0100 (Central European Standard Time)").getTime(),
beforeEach(() => {
// Set a consistent fake time here so the test is always consistent
(SettingsStore.getValue as jest.Mock) = jest.fn((arg) => {
if (arg === UIFeature.TimelineEnableRelativeDates) {
return true;
jest.spyOn(SdkContextClass.instance.roomViewStore, "getRoomId").mockReturnValue(roomId);
afterAll(() => {
it("renders the date separator correctly", () => {
const { asFragment } = getComponent();
it.each(testCases)("formats date correctly when current time is %s", (_d, ts, result) => {
expect(getComponent({ ts, forExport: false }).container.textContent).toEqual(result);
describe("when forExport is true", () => {
it.each(testCases)("formats date in full when current time is %s", (_d, ts) => {
expect(getComponent({ ts, forExport: true }).container.textContent).toEqual(
formatFullDateNoTime(new Date(ts)),
describe("when Settings.TimelineEnableRelativeDates is falsy", () => {
beforeEach(() => {
(SettingsStore.getValue as jest.Mock) = jest.fn((arg) => {
if (arg === UIFeature.TimelineEnableRelativeDates) {
return false;
it.each(testCases)("formats date in full when current time is %s", (_d, ts) => {
expect(getComponent({ ts, forExport: false }).container.textContent).toEqual(
formatFullDateNoTime(new Date(ts)),
describe("when feature_jump_to_date is enabled", () => {
beforeEach(() => {
mocked(SettingsStore).getValue.mockImplementation((arg): any => {
if (arg === "feature_jump_to_date") {
return true;
jest.spyOn(dispatcher, "dispatch").mockImplementation(() => {});
afterEach(async () => {
await clearAllModals();
it("renders the date separator correctly", () => {
const { asFragment } = getComponent();
timeDescriptor: "last week",
jumpButtonTestId: "jump-to-date-last-week",
timeDescriptor: "last month",
jumpButtonTestId: "jump-to-date-last-month",
timeDescriptor: "the beginning",
jumpButtonTestId: "jump-to-date-beginning",
].forEach((testCase) => {
it(`can jump to ${testCase.timeDescriptor}`, async () => {
// Render the component
// Open the jump to date context menu
// Jump to "x"
const returnedDate = new Date();
// Just an arbitrary date before "now"
returnedDate.setDate(nowDate.getDate() - 100);
const returnedEventId = "$abc";
event_id: returnedEventId,
origin_server_ts: returnedDate.getTime(),
} satisfies TimestampToEventResponse);
const jumpToXButton = await screen.findByTestId(testCase.jumpButtonTestId);
// Flush out the dispatcher which uses `window.setTimeout(...)` since we're
// using `jest.useFakeTimers()` in these tests.
await flushPromisesWithFakeTimers();
// Ensure that we're jumping to the event at the given date
action: Action.ViewRoom,
event_id: returnedEventId,
highlighted: true,
room_id: roomId,
metricsTrigger: undefined,
} satisfies ViewRoomPayload);
it("should not jump to date if we already switched to another room", async () => {
// Render the component
// Open the jump to date context menu
// Mimic the outcome of switching rooms while waiting for the jump to date
// request to finish. Imagine that we started jumping to "last week", the
// network request is taking a while, so we got bored, switched rooms; we
// shouldn't jump back to the previous room after the network request
// happens to finish later.
jest.spyOn(SdkContextClass.instance.roomViewStore, "getRoomId").mockReturnValue("!some-other-room");
// Jump to "last week"
event_id: "$abc",
origin_server_ts: 0,
const jumpToLastWeekButton = await screen.findByTestId("jump-to-date-last-week");
// Flush out the dispatcher which uses `window.setTimeout(...)` since we're
// using `jest.useFakeTimers()` in these tests.
await flushPromisesWithFakeTimers();
// We should not see any room switching going on (`Action.ViewRoom`)
it("should not show jump to date error if we already switched to another room", async () => {
// Render the component
// Open the jump to date context menu
// Mimic the outcome of switching rooms while waiting for the jump to date
// request to finish. Imagine that we started jumping to "last week", the
// network request is taking a while, so we got bored, switched rooms; we
// shouldn't jump back to the previous room after the network request
// happens to finish later.
jest.spyOn(SdkContextClass.instance.roomViewStore, "getRoomId").mockReturnValue("!some-other-room");
// Try to jump to "last week" but we want an error to occur and ensure that
// we don't show an error dialog for it since we already switched away to
// another room and don't care about the outcome here anymore.
mockClient.timestampToEvent.mockRejectedValue(new Error("Fake error in test"));
const jumpToLastWeekButton = await screen.findByTestId("jump-to-date-last-week");
// Wait the necessary time in order to see if any modal will appear
await waitEnoughCyclesForModal({
useFakeTimers: true,
// We should not see any error modal dialog
// We have to use `queryBy` so that it can return `null` for something that does not exist.
it("should show error dialog with submit debug logs option when non-networking error occurs", async () => {
// Render the component
// Open the jump to date context menu
// Try to jump to "last week" but we want a non-network error to occur so it
// shows the "Submit debug logs" UI
mockClient.timestampToEvent.mockRejectedValue(new Error("Fake error in test"));
const jumpToLastWeekButton = await screen.findByTestId("jump-to-date-last-week");
// Expect error to be shown. We have to wait for the UI to transition.
expect(await screen.findByTestId("jump-to-date-error-content")).toBeInTheDocument();
// Expect an option to submit debug logs to be shown when a non-network error occurs
expect(await screen.findByTestId("jump-to-date-error-submit-debug-logs-button")).toBeInTheDocument();
new ConnectionError("Fake connection error in test"),
new HTTPError("Fake http error in test", 418),
new MatrixError(
{ errcode: "M_FAKE_ERROR_CODE", error: "Some fake error occured" },
].forEach((fakeError) => {
it(`should show error dialog without submit debug logs option when networking error (${fakeError.name}) occurs`, async () => {
// Render the component
// Open the jump to date context menu
// Try to jump to "last week" but we want a network error to occur
const jumpToLastWeekButton = await screen.findByTestId("jump-to-date-last-week");
// Expect error to be shown. We have to wait for the UI to transition.
expect(await screen.findByTestId("jump-to-date-error-content")).toBeInTheDocument();
// The submit debug logs option should *NOT* be shown for network errors.
// We have to use `queryBy` so that it can return `null` for something that does not exist.