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Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd.
Copyright 2023 Suguru Hirahara
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial
Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details.
import { expect, test } from ".";
test.describe("Appearance user settings tab", () => {
displayName: "Hanako",
test("should be rendered properly", { tag: "@screenshot" }, async ({ page, user, app }) => {
const tab = await app.settings.openUserSettings("Appearance");
// Click "Show advanced" link button
await tab.getByRole("button", { name: "Show advanced" }).click();
// Assert that "Hide advanced" link button is rendered
await expect(tab.getByRole("button", { name: "Hide advanced" })).toBeVisible();
await expect(tab).toMatchScreenshot("appearance-tab.png");
"should support changing font size by using the font size dropdown",
{ tag: "@screenshot" },
async ({ page, app, user }) => {
await app.settings.openUserSettings("Appearance");
const tab = page.getByTestId("mx_AppearanceUserSettingsTab");
const fontDropdown = tab.locator(".mx_FontScalingPanel_Dropdown");
await expect(fontDropdown.getByLabel("Font size")).toBeVisible();
// Default browser font size is 16px and the select value is 0
// -4 value is 12px
await fontDropdown.getByLabel("Font size").selectOption({ value: "-4" });
await expect(page).toMatchScreenshot("window-12px.png", { includeDialogBackground: true });
test("should support enabling system font", async ({ page, app, user }) => {
await app.settings.openUserSettings("Appearance");
const tab = page.getByTestId("mx_AppearanceUserSettingsTab");
// Click "Show advanced" link button
await tab.getByRole("button", { name: "Show advanced" }).click();
await tab.locator(".mx_Checkbox", { hasText: "Use bundled emoji font" }).click();
await tab.locator(".mx_Checkbox", { hasText: "Use a system font" }).click();
// Assert that the font-family value was removed
await expect(page.locator("body")).toHaveCSS("font-family", '""');