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Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd.
Copyright 2020 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C.
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only OR LicenseRef-Element-Commercial
Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details.
import {
} from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix";
import { logger } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/logger";
import { CryptoEvent, KeyBackupInfo } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/crypto-api";
import { CryptoSessionStateChange } from "@matrix-org/analytics-events/types/typescript/CryptoSessionStateChange";
import { PosthogAnalytics } from "./PosthogAnalytics";
import dis from "./dispatcher/dispatcher";
import {
hideToast as hideBulkUnverifiedSessionsToast,
showToast as showBulkUnverifiedSessionsToast,
} from "./toasts/BulkUnverifiedSessionsToast";
import {
hideToast as hideSetupEncryptionToast,
Kind as SetupKind,
showToast as showSetupEncryptionToast,
} from "./toasts/SetupEncryptionToast";
import {
hideToast as hideUnverifiedSessionsToast,
showToast as showUnverifiedSessionsToast,
} from "./toasts/UnverifiedSessionToast";
import { accessSecretStorage, isSecretStorageBeingAccessed } from "./SecurityManager";
import { isSecureBackupRequired } from "./utils/WellKnownUtils";
import { ActionPayload } from "./dispatcher/payloads";
import { Action } from "./dispatcher/actions";
import { isLoggedIn } from "./utils/login";
import SdkConfig from "./SdkConfig";
import PlatformPeg from "./PlatformPeg";
import { recordClientInformation, removeClientInformation } from "./utils/device/clientInformation";
import SettingsStore, { CallbackFn } from "./settings/SettingsStore";
import { UIFeature } from "./settings/UIFeature";
import { isBulkUnverifiedDeviceReminderSnoozed } from "./utils/device/snoozeBulkUnverifiedDeviceReminder";
import { getUserDeviceIds } from "./utils/crypto/deviceInfo";
import { asyncSomeParallel } from "./utils/arrays.ts";
const KEY_BACKUP_POLL_INTERVAL = 5 * 60 * 1000;
export default class DeviceListener {
private dispatcherRef?: string;
// device IDs for which the user has dismissed the verify toast ('Later')
private dismissed = new Set<string>();
// has the user dismissed any of the various nag toasts to setup encryption on this device?
private dismissedThisDeviceToast = false;
/** Cache of the info about the current key backup on the server. */
private keyBackupInfo: KeyBackupInfo | null = null;
/** When `keyBackupInfo` was last updated */
private keyBackupFetchedAt: number | null = null;
// We keep a list of our own device IDs so we can batch ones that were already
// there the last time the app launched into a single toast, but display new
// ones in their own toasts.
private ourDeviceIdsAtStart: Set<string> | null = null;
// The set of device IDs we're currently displaying toasts for
private displayingToastsForDeviceIds = new Set<string>();
private running = false;
// The client with which the instance is running. Only set if `running` is true, otherwise undefined.
private client?: MatrixClient;
private shouldRecordClientInformation = false;
private enableBulkUnverifiedSessionsReminder = true;
private deviceClientInformationSettingWatcherRef: string | undefined;
// Remember the current analytics state to avoid sending the same event multiple times.
private analyticsVerificationState?: string;
private analyticsRecoveryState?: string;
public static sharedInstance(): DeviceListener {
if (!window.mxDeviceListener) window.mxDeviceListener = new DeviceListener();
return window.mxDeviceListener;
public start(matrixClient: MatrixClient): void {
this.running = true;
this.client = matrixClient;
this.client.on(CryptoEvent.DevicesUpdated, this.onDevicesUpdated);
this.client.on(CryptoEvent.UserTrustStatusChanged, this.onUserTrustStatusChanged);
this.client.on(CryptoEvent.KeysChanged, this.onCrossSingingKeysChanged);
this.client.on(ClientEvent.AccountData, this.onAccountData);
this.client.on(ClientEvent.Sync, this.onSync);
this.client.on(RoomStateEvent.Events, this.onRoomStateEvents);
this.shouldRecordClientInformation = SettingsStore.getValue("deviceClientInformationOptIn");
// only configurable in config, so we don't need to watch the value
this.enableBulkUnverifiedSessionsReminder = SettingsStore.getValue(UIFeature.BulkUnverifiedSessionsReminder);
this.deviceClientInformationSettingWatcherRef = SettingsStore.watchSetting(
this.dispatcherRef = dis.register(this.onAction);
public stop(): void {
this.running = false;
if (this.client) {
this.client.removeListener(CryptoEvent.DevicesUpdated, this.onDevicesUpdated);
this.client.removeListener(CryptoEvent.UserTrustStatusChanged, this.onUserTrustStatusChanged);
this.client.removeListener(CryptoEvent.KeysChanged, this.onCrossSingingKeysChanged);
this.client.removeListener(ClientEvent.AccountData, this.onAccountData);
this.client.removeListener(ClientEvent.Sync, this.onSync);
this.client.removeListener(RoomStateEvent.Events, this.onRoomStateEvents);
this.dispatcherRef = undefined;
this.dismissedThisDeviceToast = false;
this.keyBackupInfo = null;
this.keyBackupFetchedAt = null;
this.keyBackupStatusChecked = false;
this.ourDeviceIdsAtStart = null;
this.displayingToastsForDeviceIds = new Set();
this.client = undefined;
* Dismiss notifications about our own unverified devices
* @param {String[]} deviceIds List of device IDs to dismiss notifications for
public async dismissUnverifiedSessions(deviceIds: Iterable<string>): Promise<void> {
logger.log("Dismissing unverified sessions: " + Array.from(deviceIds).join(","));
for (const d of deviceIds) {
public dismissEncryptionSetup(): void {
this.dismissedThisDeviceToast = true;
private async ensureDeviceIdsAtStartPopulated(): Promise<void> {
if (this.ourDeviceIdsAtStart === null) {
this.ourDeviceIdsAtStart = await this.getDeviceIds();
/** Get the device list for the current user
* @returns the set of device IDs
private async getDeviceIds(): Promise<Set<string>> {
const cli = this.client;
if (!cli) return new Set();
return await getUserDeviceIds(cli, cli.getSafeUserId());
private onDevicesUpdated = async (users: string[], initialFetch?: boolean): Promise<void> => {
if (!this.client) return;
// If we didn't know about *any* devices before (ie. it's fresh login),
// then they are all pre-existing devices, so ignore this and set the
// devicesAtStart list to the devices that we see after the fetch.
if (initialFetch) return;
const myUserId = this.client.getSafeUserId();
if (users.includes(myUserId)) await this.ensureDeviceIdsAtStartPopulated();
private onUserTrustStatusChanged = (userId: string): void => {
if (!this.client) return;
if (userId !== this.client.getUserId()) return;
private onCrossSingingKeysChanged = (): void => {
private onAccountData = (ev: MatrixEvent): void => {
// User may have:
// * migrated SSSS to symmetric
// * uploaded keys to secret storage
// * completed secret storage creation
// which result in account data changes affecting checks below.
if (
ev.getType().startsWith("m.secret_storage.") ||
ev.getType().startsWith("m.cross_signing.") ||
ev.getType() === "m.megolm_backup.v1"
) {
private onSync = (state: SyncState, prevState: SyncState | null): void => {
if (state === "PREPARED" && prevState === null) {
private onRoomStateEvents = (ev: MatrixEvent): void => {
if (ev.getType() !== EventType.RoomEncryption) return;
// If a room changes to encrypted, re-check as it may be our first
// encrypted room. This also catches encrypted room creation as well.
private onAction = ({ action }: ActionPayload): void => {
if (action !== Action.OnLoggedIn) return;
* Fetch the key backup information from the server.
* The result is cached for `KEY_BACKUP_POLL_INTERVAL` ms to avoid repeated API calls.
* @returns The key backup info from the server, or `null` if there is no key backup.
private async getKeyBackupInfo(): Promise<KeyBackupInfo | null> {
if (!this.client) return null;
const now = new Date().getTime();
const crypto = this.client.getCrypto();
if (!crypto) return null;
if (
!this.keyBackupInfo ||
!this.keyBackupFetchedAt ||
this.keyBackupFetchedAt < now - KEY_BACKUP_POLL_INTERVAL
) {
this.keyBackupInfo = await crypto.getKeyBackupInfo();
this.keyBackupFetchedAt = now;
return this.keyBackupInfo;
private async shouldShowSetupEncryptionToast(): Promise<boolean> {
// If we're in the middle of a secret storage operation, we're likely
// modifying the state involved here, so don't add new toasts to setup.
if (isSecretStorageBeingAccessed()) return false;
// Show setup toasts once the user is in at least one encrypted room.
const cli = this.client;
const cryptoApi = cli?.getCrypto();
if (!cli || !cryptoApi) return false;
return await asyncSomeParallel(cli.getRooms(), ({ roomId }) => cryptoApi.isEncryptionEnabledInRoom(roomId));
private recheck(): void {
this.doRecheck().catch((e) => {
if (e instanceof ClientStoppedError) {
// the client was stopped while recheck() was running. Nothing left to do.
} else {
logger.error("Error during `DeviceListener.recheck`", e);
private async doRecheck(): Promise<void> {
if (!this.running || !this.client) return; // we have been stopped
const cli = this.client;
// cross-signing support was added to Matrix in MSC1756, which landed in spec v1.1
if (!(await cli.isVersionSupported("v1.1"))) return;
const crypto = cli.getCrypto();
if (!crypto) return;
// don't recheck until the initial sync is complete: lots of account data events will fire
// while the initial sync is processing and we don't need to recheck on each one of them
// (we add a listener on sync to do once check after the initial sync is done)
if (!cli.isInitialSyncComplete()) return;
const crossSigningReady = await crypto.isCrossSigningReady();
const secretStorageReady = await crypto.isSecretStorageReady();
const allSystemsReady = crossSigningReady && secretStorageReady;
await this.reportCryptoSessionStateToAnalytics(cli);
if (this.dismissedThisDeviceToast || allSystemsReady) {
} else if (await this.shouldShowSetupEncryptionToast()) {
// make sure our keys are finished downloading
await crypto.getUserDeviceInfo([cli.getSafeUserId()]);
// cross signing isn't enabled - nag to enable it
// There are 3 different toasts for:
if (!(await crypto.getCrossSigningKeyId()) && (await crypto.userHasCrossSigningKeys())) {
// Toast 1. Cross-signing on account but this device doesn't trust the master key (verify this session)
} else {
const backupInfo = await this.getKeyBackupInfo();
if (backupInfo) {
// Toast 2: Key backup is enabled but recovery (4S) is not set up: prompt user to set up recovery.
// Since we now enable key backup at registration time, this will be the common case for
// new users.
} else {
// Toast 3: No cross-signing or key backup on account (set up encryption)
await cli.waitForClientWellKnown();
if (isSecureBackupRequired(cli) && isLoggedIn()) {
// If we're meant to set up, and Secure Backup is required,
// trigger the flow directly without a toast once logged in.
} else {
// This needs to be done after awaiting on getUserDeviceInfo() above, so
// we make sure we get the devices after the fetch is done.
await this.ensureDeviceIdsAtStartPopulated();
// Unverified devices that were there last time the app ran
// (technically could just be a boolean: we don't actually
// need to remember the device IDs, but for the sake of
// symmetry...).
const oldUnverifiedDeviceIds = new Set<string>();
// Unverified devices that have appeared since then
const newUnverifiedDeviceIds = new Set<string>();
const isCurrentDeviceTrusted =
crossSigningReady &&
(await crypto.getDeviceVerificationStatus(cli.getSafeUserId(), cli.deviceId!))?.crossSigningVerified,
// as long as cross-signing isn't ready,
// you can't see or dismiss any device toasts
if (crossSigningReady) {
const devices = await this.getDeviceIds();
for (const deviceId of devices) {
if (deviceId === cli.deviceId) continue;
const deviceTrust = await crypto.getDeviceVerificationStatus(cli.getSafeUserId(), deviceId);
if (!deviceTrust?.crossSigningVerified && !this.dismissed.has(deviceId)) {
if (this.ourDeviceIdsAtStart?.has(deviceId)) {
} else {
logger.debug("Old unverified sessions: " + Array.from(oldUnverifiedDeviceIds).join(","));
logger.debug("New unverified sessions: " + Array.from(newUnverifiedDeviceIds).join(","));
logger.debug("Currently showing toasts for: " + Array.from(this.displayingToastsForDeviceIds).join(","));
const isBulkUnverifiedSessionsReminderSnoozed = isBulkUnverifiedDeviceReminderSnoozed();
// Display or hide the batch toast for old unverified sessions
// don't show the toast if the current device is unverified
if (
oldUnverifiedDeviceIds.size > 0 &&
isCurrentDeviceTrusted &&
this.enableBulkUnverifiedSessionsReminder &&
) {
} else {
// Show toasts for new unverified devices if they aren't already there
for (const deviceId of newUnverifiedDeviceIds) {
// ...and hide any we don't need any more
for (const deviceId of this.displayingToastsForDeviceIds) {
if (!newUnverifiedDeviceIds.has(deviceId)) {
logger.debug("Hiding unverified session toast for " + deviceId);
this.displayingToastsForDeviceIds = newUnverifiedDeviceIds;
* Reports current recovery state to analytics.
* Checks if the session is verified and if the recovery is correctly set up (i.e all secrets known locally and in 4S).
* @param cli - the matrix client
* @private
private async reportCryptoSessionStateToAnalytics(cli: MatrixClient): Promise<void> {
const crypto = cli.getCrypto()!;
const secretStorageReady = await crypto.isSecretStorageReady();
const crossSigningStatus = await crypto.getCrossSigningStatus();
const backupInfo = await this.getKeyBackupInfo();
const is4SEnabled = (await cli.secretStorage.getDefaultKeyId()) != null;
const deviceVerificationStatus = await crypto.getDeviceVerificationStatus(cli.getUserId()!, cli.getDeviceId()!);
const verificationState =
deviceVerificationStatus?.signedByOwner && deviceVerificationStatus?.crossSigningVerified
? "Verified"
: "NotVerified";
let recoveryState: "Disabled" | "Enabled" | "Incomplete";
if (!is4SEnabled) {
recoveryState = "Disabled";
} else {
const allCrossSigningSecretsCached =
crossSigningStatus.privateKeysCachedLocally.masterKey &&
crossSigningStatus.privateKeysCachedLocally.selfSigningKey &&
if (backupInfo != null) {
// There is a backup. Check that all secrets are stored in 4S and known locally.
// If they are not, recovery is incomplete.
const backupPrivateKeyIsInCache = (await crypto.getSessionBackupPrivateKey()) != null;
if (secretStorageReady && allCrossSigningSecretsCached && backupPrivateKeyIsInCache) {
recoveryState = "Enabled";
} else {
recoveryState = "Incomplete";
} else {
// No backup. Just consider cross-signing secrets.
if (secretStorageReady && allCrossSigningSecretsCached) {
recoveryState = "Enabled";
} else {
recoveryState = "Incomplete";
if (this.analyticsVerificationState === verificationState && this.analyticsRecoveryState === recoveryState) {
// No changes, no need to send the event nor update the user properties
this.analyticsRecoveryState = recoveryState;
this.analyticsVerificationState = verificationState;
// Update user properties
PosthogAnalytics.instance.setProperty("recoveryState", recoveryState);
PosthogAnalytics.instance.setProperty("verificationState", verificationState);
eventName: "CryptoSessionState",
verificationState: verificationState,
recoveryState: recoveryState,
* Check if key backup is enabled, and if not, raise an `Action.ReportKeyBackupNotEnabled` event (which will
* trigger an auto-rageshake).
private checkKeyBackupStatus = async (): Promise<void> => {
if (this.keyBackupStatusChecked || !this.client) {
const activeKeyBackupVersion = await this.client.getCrypto()?.getActiveSessionBackupVersion();
// if key backup is enabled, no need to check this ever again (XXX: why only when it is enabled?)
this.keyBackupStatusChecked = !!activeKeyBackupVersion;
if (!activeKeyBackupVersion) {
dis.dispatch({ action: Action.ReportKeyBackupNotEnabled });
private keyBackupStatusChecked = false;
private onRecordClientInformationSettingChange: CallbackFn = (
) => {
const prevValue = this.shouldRecordClientInformation;
this.shouldRecordClientInformation = !!newValue;
if (this.shouldRecordClientInformation !== prevValue) {
private updateClientInformation = async (): Promise<void> => {
if (!this.client) return;
try {
if (this.shouldRecordClientInformation) {
await recordClientInformation(this.client, SdkConfig.get(), PlatformPeg.get() ?? undefined);
} else {
await removeClientInformation(this.client);
} catch (error) {
// this is a best effort operation
// log the error without rethrowing
logger.error("Failed to update client information", error);