
1066 lines
46 KiB

Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd.
Copyright 2021, 2022 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C.
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details.
import React from "react";
import { fireEvent, render, RenderResult, waitFor } from "jest-matrix-react";
import {
} from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix";
import MPollBody, {
} from "../../../../../src/components/views/messages/MPollBody";
import { IBodyProps } from "../../../../../src/components/views/messages/IBodyProps";
import {
} from "../../../../test-utils";
import MatrixClientContext from "../../../../../src/contexts/MatrixClientContext";
import { RoomPermalinkCreator } from "../../../../../src/utils/permalinks/Permalinks";
import { MediaEventHelper } from "../../../../../src/utils/MediaEventHelper";
import * as languageHandler from "../../../../../src/languageHandler";
const CHECKED = "mx_PollOption_checked";
const userId = "@me:example.com";
const mockClient = getMockClientWithEventEmitter({
sendEvent: jest.fn().mockReturnValue(Promise.resolve({ event_id: "fake_send_id" })),
getRoom: jest.fn(),
decryptEventIfNeeded: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(true),
relations: jest.fn(),
describe("MPollBody", () => {
beforeEach(() => {
mockClient.relations.mockResolvedValue({ events: [] });
jest.spyOn(languageHandler, "getUserLanguage").mockReturnValue("en-GB");
it("finds no votes if there are none", () => {
it("renders a loader while responses are still loading", async () => {
const votes = [
responseEvent("@me:example.com", "pizza"),
responseEvent("@bellc:example.com", "pizza"),
responseEvent("@catrd:example.com", "poutine"),
responseEvent("@dune2:example.com", "wings"),
// render without waiting for responses
const renderResult = await newMPollBody(votes, [], undefined, undefined, false);
// spinner rendered
it("renders no votes if none were made", async () => {
const votes: MatrixEvent[] = [];
const renderResult = await newMPollBody(votes);
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "pizza")).toBe("");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "poutine")).toBe("");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "italian")).toBe("");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "wings")).toBe("");
await waitFor(() => expect(renderResult.getByTestId("totalVotes").innerHTML).toBe("No votes cast"));
expect(renderResult.getByText("What should we order for the party?")).toBeTruthy();
it("finds votes from multiple people", async () => {
const votes = [
responseEvent("@me:example.com", "pizza"),
responseEvent("@bellc:example.com", "pizza"),
responseEvent("@catrd:example.com", "poutine"),
responseEvent("@dune2:example.com", "wings"),
const renderResult = await newMPollBody(votes);
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "pizza")).toBe("2 votes");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "poutine")).toBe("1 vote");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "italian")).toBe("0 votes");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "wings")).toBe("1 vote");
expect(renderResult.getByTestId("totalVotes").innerHTML).toBe("Based on 4 votes");
it("ignores end poll events from unauthorised users", async () => {
const votes = [
responseEvent("@me:example.com", "pizza"),
responseEvent("@bellc:example.com", "pizza"),
responseEvent("@catrd:example.com", "poutine"),
responseEvent("@dune2:example.com", "wings"),
const ends = [newPollEndEvent("@notallowed:example.com", 12)];
const renderResult = await newMPollBody(votes, ends);
// Even though an end event was sent, we render the poll as unfinished
// because this person is not allowed to send these events
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "pizza")).toBe("2 votes");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "poutine")).toBe("1 vote");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "italian")).toBe("0 votes");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "wings")).toBe("1 vote");
expect(renderResult.getByTestId("totalVotes").innerHTML).toBe("Based on 4 votes");
it("hides scores if I have not voted", async () => {
const votes = [
responseEvent("@alice:example.com", "pizza"),
responseEvent("@bellc:example.com", "pizza"),
responseEvent("@catrd:example.com", "poutine"),
responseEvent("@dune2:example.com", "wings"),
const renderResult = await newMPollBody(votes);
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "pizza")).toBe("");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "poutine")).toBe("");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "italian")).toBe("");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "wings")).toBe("");
expect(renderResult.getByTestId("totalVotes").innerHTML).toBe("4 votes cast. Vote to see the results");
it("hides a single vote if I have not voted", async () => {
const votes = [responseEvent("@alice:example.com", "pizza")];
const renderResult = await newMPollBody(votes);
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "pizza")).toBe("");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "poutine")).toBe("");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "italian")).toBe("");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "wings")).toBe("");
expect(renderResult.getByTestId("totalVotes").innerHTML).toBe("1 vote cast. Vote to see the results");
it("takes someone's most recent vote if they voted several times", async () => {
const votes = [
responseEvent("@me:example.com", "pizza", 12),
responseEvent("@me:example.com", "wings", 20), // latest me
responseEvent("@qbert:example.com", "pizza", 14),
responseEvent("@qbert:example.com", "poutine", 16), // latest qbert
responseEvent("@qbert:example.com", "wings", 15),
const renderResult = await newMPollBody(votes);
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "pizza")).toBe("0 votes");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "poutine")).toBe("1 vote");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "italian")).toBe("0 votes");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "wings")).toBe("1 vote");
expect(renderResult.getByTestId("totalVotes").innerHTML).toBe("Based on 2 votes");
it("uses my local vote", async () => {
// Given I haven't voted
const votes = [
responseEvent("@nf:example.com", "pizza", 15),
responseEvent("@fg:example.com", "pizza", 15),
responseEvent("@hi:example.com", "pizza", 15),
const renderResult = await newMPollBody(votes);
// When I vote for Italian
clickOption(renderResult, "italian");
// My vote is counted
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "pizza")).toBe("3 votes");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "poutine")).toBe("0 votes");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "italian")).toBe("1 vote");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "wings")).toBe("0 votes");
expect(renderResult.getByTestId("totalVotes").innerHTML).toBe("Based on 4 votes");
it("overrides my other votes with my local vote", async () => {
// Given two of us have voted for Italian
const votes = [
responseEvent("@me:example.com", "pizza", 12),
responseEvent("@me:example.com", "poutine", 13),
responseEvent("@me:example.com", "italian", 14),
responseEvent("@nf:example.com", "italian", 15),
const renderResult = await newMPollBody(votes);
// When I click Wings
clickOption(renderResult, "wings");
// Then my vote is counted for Wings, and not for Italian
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "pizza")).toBe("0 votes");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "poutine")).toBe("0 votes");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "italian")).toBe("1 vote");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "wings")).toBe("1 vote");
expect(renderResult.getByTestId("totalVotes").innerHTML).toBe("Based on 2 votes");
// And my vote is highlighted
expect(voteButton(renderResult, "wings").className.includes(CHECKED)).toBe(true);
expect(voteButton(renderResult, "italian").className.includes(CHECKED)).toBe(false);
it("cancels my local vote if another comes in", async () => {
// Given I voted locally
const votes = [responseEvent("@me:example.com", "pizza", 100)];
const mxEvent = new MatrixEvent({
type: M_POLL_START.name,
event_id: "$mypoll",
room_id: "#myroom:example.com",
content: newPollStart(undefined, undefined, true),
const props = getMPollBodyPropsFromEvent(mxEvent);
const room = await setupRoomWithPollEvents([mxEvent], votes, [], mockClient);
const renderResult = renderMPollBodyWithWrapper(props);
// wait for /relations promise to resolve
await flushPromises();
clickOption(renderResult, "pizza");
// When a new vote from me comes in
await room.processPollEvents([responseEvent("@me:example.com", "wings", 101)]);
// Then the new vote is counted, not the old one
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "pizza")).toBe("0 votes");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "poutine")).toBe("0 votes");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "italian")).toBe("0 votes");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "wings")).toBe("1 vote");
expect(renderResult.getByTestId("totalVotes").innerHTML).toBe("Based on 1 vote");
it("doesn't cancel my local vote if someone else votes", async () => {
// Given I voted locally
const votes = [responseEvent("@me:example.com", "pizza")];
const mxEvent = new MatrixEvent({
type: M_POLL_START.name,
event_id: "$mypoll",
room_id: "#myroom:example.com",
content: newPollStart(undefined, undefined, true),
const props = getMPollBodyPropsFromEvent(mxEvent);
const room = await setupRoomWithPollEvents([mxEvent], votes, [], mockClient);
const renderResult = renderMPollBodyWithWrapper(props);
// wait for /relations promise to resolve
await flushPromises();
clickOption(renderResult, "pizza");
// When a new vote from someone else comes in
await room.processPollEvents([responseEvent("@xx:example.com", "wings", 101)]);
// Then my vote is still for pizza
// NOTE: the new event does not affect the counts for other people -
// that is handled through the Relations, not by listening to
// these timeline events.
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "pizza")).toBe("1 vote");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "poutine")).toBe("0 votes");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "italian")).toBe("0 votes");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "wings")).toBe("1 vote");
expect(renderResult.getByTestId("totalVotes").innerHTML).toBe("Based on 2 votes");
// And my vote is highlighted
expect(voteButton(renderResult, "pizza").className.includes(CHECKED)).toBe(true);
expect(voteButton(renderResult, "wings").className.includes(CHECKED)).toBe(false);
it("highlights my vote even if I did it on another device", async () => {
// Given I voted italian
const votes = [responseEvent("@me:example.com", "italian"), responseEvent("@nf:example.com", "wings")];
const renderResult = await newMPollBody(votes);
// But I didn't click anything locally
// Then my vote is highlighted, and others are not
expect(voteButton(renderResult, "italian").className.includes(CHECKED)).toBe(true);
expect(voteButton(renderResult, "wings").className.includes(CHECKED)).toBe(false);
it("ignores extra answers", async () => {
// When cb votes for 2 things, we consider the first only
const votes = [responseEvent("@cb:example.com", ["pizza", "wings"]), responseEvent("@me:example.com", "wings")];
const renderResult = await newMPollBody(votes);
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "pizza")).toBe("1 vote");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "poutine")).toBe("0 votes");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "italian")).toBe("0 votes");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "wings")).toBe("1 vote");
expect(renderResult.getByTestId("totalVotes").innerHTML).toBe("Based on 2 votes");
it("allows un-voting by passing an empty vote", async () => {
const votes = [
responseEvent("@nc:example.com", "pizza", 12),
responseEvent("@nc:example.com", [], 13),
responseEvent("@me:example.com", "italian"),
const renderResult = await newMPollBody(votes);
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "pizza")).toBe("0 votes");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "poutine")).toBe("0 votes");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "italian")).toBe("1 vote");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "wings")).toBe("0 votes");
expect(renderResult.getByTestId("totalVotes").innerHTML).toBe("Based on 1 vote");
it("allows re-voting after un-voting", async () => {
const votes = [
responseEvent("@op:example.com", "pizza", 12),
responseEvent("@op:example.com", [], 13),
responseEvent("@op:example.com", "italian", 14),
responseEvent("@me:example.com", "italian"),
const renderResult = await newMPollBody(votes);
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "pizza")).toBe("0 votes");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "poutine")).toBe("0 votes");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "italian")).toBe("2 votes");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "wings")).toBe("0 votes");
expect(renderResult.getByTestId("totalVotes").innerHTML).toBe("Based on 2 votes");
it("treats any invalid answer as a spoiled ballot", async () => {
// Note that uy's second vote has a valid first answer, but
// the ballot is still spoiled because the second answer is
// invalid, even though we would ignore it if we continued.
const votes = [
responseEvent("@me:example.com", "pizza", 12),
responseEvent("@me:example.com", ["pizza", "doesntexist"], 13),
responseEvent("@uy:example.com", "italian", 14),
responseEvent("@uy:example.com", "doesntexist", 15),
const renderResult = await newMPollBody(votes);
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "pizza")).toBe("0 votes");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "poutine")).toBe("0 votes");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "italian")).toBe("0 votes");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "wings")).toBe("0 votes");
expect(renderResult.getByTestId("totalVotes").innerHTML).toBe("Based on 0 votes");
it("allows re-voting after a spoiled ballot", async () => {
const votes = [
responseEvent("@me:example.com", "pizza", 12),
responseEvent("@me:example.com", ["pizza", "doesntexist"], 13),
responseEvent("@uy:example.com", "italian", 14),
responseEvent("@uy:example.com", "doesntexist", 15),
responseEvent("@uy:example.com", "poutine", 16),
const renderResult = await newMPollBody(votes);
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "pizza")).toBe("0 votes");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "poutine")).toBe("1 vote");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "italian")).toBe("0 votes");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "wings")).toBe("0 votes");
expect(renderResult.getByTestId("totalVotes").innerHTML).toBe("Based on 1 vote");
it("renders nothing if poll has no answers", async () => {
const answers: PollAnswer[] = [];
const votes: MatrixEvent[] = [];
const ends: MatrixEvent[] = [];
const { container } = await newMPollBody(votes, ends, answers);
it("renders the first 20 answers if 21 were given", async () => {
const answers = Array.from(Array(21).keys()).map((i) => {
return { id: `id${i}`, [M_TEXT.name]: `Name ${i}` };
const votes: MatrixEvent[] = [];
const ends: MatrixEvent[] = [];
const { container } = await newMPollBody(votes, ends, answers);
it("hides scores if I voted but the poll is undisclosed", async () => {
const votes = [
responseEvent("@me:example.com", "pizza"),
responseEvent("@alice:example.com", "pizza"),
responseEvent("@bellc:example.com", "pizza"),
responseEvent("@catrd:example.com", "poutine"),
responseEvent("@dune2:example.com", "wings"),
const renderResult = await newMPollBody(votes, [], undefined, false);
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "pizza")).toBe("");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "poutine")).toBe("");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "italian")).toBe("");
expect(votesCount(renderResult, "wings")).toBe("");
expect(renderResult.getByTestId("totalVotes").innerHTML).toBe("Results will be visible when the poll is ended");
it("highlights my vote if the poll is undisclosed", async () => {
const votes = [
responseEvent("@me:example.com", "pizza"),
responseEvent("@alice:example.com", "poutine"),
responseEvent("@bellc:example.com", "poutine"),
responseEvent("@catrd:example.com", "poutine"),
responseEvent("@dune2:example.com", "wings"),
const { container } = await newMPollBody(votes, [], undefined, false);
// My vote is marked
// Sanity: other items are not checked
it("shows scores if the poll is undisclosed but ended", async () => {
const votes = [
responseEvent("@me:example.com", "pizza"),
responseEvent("@alice:example.com", "pizza"),
responseEvent("@bellc:example.com", "pizza"),
responseEvent("@catrd:example.com", "poutine"),
responseEvent("@dune2:example.com", "wings"),
const ends = [newPollEndEvent("@me:example.com", 12)];
const renderResult = await newMPollBody(votes, ends, undefined, false);
expect(endedVotesCount(renderResult, "pizza")).toBe('<div class="mx_PollOption_winnerIcon"></div>3 votes');
expect(endedVotesCount(renderResult, "poutine")).toBe("1 vote");
expect(endedVotesCount(renderResult, "italian")).toBe("0 votes");
expect(endedVotesCount(renderResult, "wings")).toBe("1 vote");
expect(renderResult.getByTestId("totalVotes").innerHTML).toBe("Final result based on 5 votes");
it("sends a vote event when I choose an option", async () => {
const votes: MatrixEvent[] = [];
const renderResult = await newMPollBody(votes);
clickOption(renderResult, "wings");
it("sends only one vote event when I click several times", async () => {
const votes: MatrixEvent[] = [];
const renderResult = await newMPollBody(votes);
clickOption(renderResult, "wings");
clickOption(renderResult, "wings");
clickOption(renderResult, "wings");
clickOption(renderResult, "wings");
it("sends no vote event when I click what I already chose", async () => {
const votes = [responseEvent("@me:example.com", "wings")];
const renderResult = await newMPollBody(votes);
clickOption(renderResult, "wings");
clickOption(renderResult, "wings");
clickOption(renderResult, "wings");
clickOption(renderResult, "wings");
it("sends several events when I click different options", async () => {
const votes: MatrixEvent[] = [];
const renderResult = await newMPollBody(votes);
clickOption(renderResult, "wings");
clickOption(renderResult, "italian");
clickOption(renderResult, "poutine");
it("sends no events when I click in an ended poll", async () => {
const ends = [newPollEndEvent("@me:example.com", 25)];
const votes = [responseEvent("@uy:example.com", "wings", 15), responseEvent("@uy:example.com", "poutine", 15)];
const renderResult = await newMPollBody(votes, ends);
clickOption(renderResult, "wings");
clickOption(renderResult, "italian");
clickOption(renderResult, "poutine");
it("finds the top answer among several votes", async () => {
// 2 votes for poutine, 1 for pizza. "me" made an invalid vote.
const votes = [
responseEvent("@me:example.com", "pizza", 12),
responseEvent("@me:example.com", ["pizza", "doesntexist"], 13),
responseEvent("@uy:example.com", "italian", 14),
responseEvent("@uy:example.com", "doesntexist", 15),
responseEvent("@uy:example.com", "poutine", 16),
responseEvent("@ab:example.com", "pizza", 17),
responseEvent("@fa:example.com", "poutine", 18),
it("finds all top answers when there is a draw", async () => {
const votes = [
responseEvent("@uy:example.com", "italian", 14),
responseEvent("@ab:example.com", "pizza", 17),
responseEvent("@fa:example.com", "poutine", 18),
expect(runFindTopAnswer(votes)).toEqual("Italian, Pizza and Poutine");
it("is silent about the top answer if there are no votes", async () => {
it("shows non-radio buttons if the poll is ended", async () => {
const events = [newPollEndEvent()];
const { container } = await newMPollBody([], events);
it("counts votes as normal if the poll is ended", async () => {
const votes = [
responseEvent("@me:example.com", "pizza", 12),
responseEvent("@me:example.com", "wings", 20), // latest me
responseEvent("@qbert:example.com", "pizza", 14),
responseEvent("@qbert:example.com", "poutine", 16), // latest qbert
responseEvent("@qbert:example.com", "wings", 15),
const ends = [newPollEndEvent("@me:example.com", 25)];
const renderResult = await newMPollBody(votes, ends);
expect(endedVotesCount(renderResult, "pizza")).toBe("0 votes");
expect(endedVotesCount(renderResult, "poutine")).toBe('<div class="mx_PollOption_winnerIcon"></div>1 vote');
expect(endedVotesCount(renderResult, "italian")).toBe("0 votes");
expect(endedVotesCount(renderResult, "wings")).toBe('<div class="mx_PollOption_winnerIcon"></div>1 vote');
expect(renderResult.getByTestId("totalVotes").innerHTML).toBe("Final result based on 2 votes");
it("counts a single vote as normal if the poll is ended", async () => {
const votes = [responseEvent("@qbert:example.com", "poutine", 16)];
const ends = [newPollEndEvent("@me:example.com", 25)];
const renderResult = await newMPollBody(votes, ends);
expect(endedVotesCount(renderResult, "pizza")).toBe("0 votes");
expect(endedVotesCount(renderResult, "poutine")).toBe('<div class="mx_PollOption_winnerIcon"></div>1 vote');
expect(endedVotesCount(renderResult, "italian")).toBe("0 votes");
expect(endedVotesCount(renderResult, "wings")).toBe("0 votes");
expect(renderResult.getByTestId("totalVotes").innerHTML).toBe("Final result based on 1 vote");
it("shows ended vote counts of different numbers", async () => {
const votes = [
responseEvent("@me:example.com", "wings", 20),
responseEvent("@qb:example.com", "wings", 14),
responseEvent("@xy:example.com", "wings", 15),
responseEvent("@fg:example.com", "pizza", 15),
responseEvent("@hi:example.com", "pizza", 15),
const ends = [newPollEndEvent("@me:example.com", 25)];
const renderResult = await newMPollBody(votes, ends);
expect(endedVotesCount(renderResult, "pizza")).toBe("2 votes");
expect(endedVotesCount(renderResult, "poutine")).toBe("0 votes");
expect(endedVotesCount(renderResult, "italian")).toBe("0 votes");
expect(endedVotesCount(renderResult, "wings")).toBe('<div class="mx_PollOption_winnerIcon"></div>3 votes');
expect(renderResult.getByTestId("totalVotes").innerHTML).toBe("Final result based on 5 votes");
it("ignores votes that arrived after poll ended", async () => {
const votes = [
responseEvent("@sd:example.com", "wings", 30), // Late
responseEvent("@ff:example.com", "wings", 20),
responseEvent("@ut:example.com", "wings", 14),
responseEvent("@iu:example.com", "wings", 15),
responseEvent("@jf:example.com", "wings", 35), // Late
responseEvent("@wf:example.com", "pizza", 15),
responseEvent("@ld:example.com", "pizza", 15),
const ends = [newPollEndEvent("@me:example.com", 25)];
const renderResult = await newMPollBody(votes, ends);
expect(endedVotesCount(renderResult, "pizza")).toBe("2 votes");
expect(endedVotesCount(renderResult, "poutine")).toBe("0 votes");
expect(endedVotesCount(renderResult, "italian")).toBe("0 votes");
expect(endedVotesCount(renderResult, "wings")).toBe('<div class="mx_PollOption_winnerIcon"></div>3 votes');
expect(renderResult.getByTestId("totalVotes").innerHTML).toBe("Final result based on 5 votes");
it("counts votes that arrived after an unauthorised poll end event", async () => {
const votes = [
responseEvent("@sd:example.com", "wings", 30), // Late
responseEvent("@ff:example.com", "wings", 20),
responseEvent("@ut:example.com", "wings", 14),
responseEvent("@iu:example.com", "wings", 15),
responseEvent("@jf:example.com", "wings", 35), // Late
responseEvent("@wf:example.com", "pizza", 15),
responseEvent("@ld:example.com", "pizza", 15),
const ends = [
newPollEndEvent("@unauthorised:example.com", 5), // Should be ignored
newPollEndEvent("@me:example.com", 25),
const renderResult = await newMPollBody(votes, ends);
expect(endedVotesCount(renderResult, "pizza")).toBe("2 votes");
expect(endedVotesCount(renderResult, "poutine")).toBe("0 votes");
expect(endedVotesCount(renderResult, "italian")).toBe("0 votes");
expect(endedVotesCount(renderResult, "wings")).toBe('<div class="mx_PollOption_winnerIcon"></div>3 votes');
expect(renderResult.getByTestId("totalVotes").innerHTML).toBe("Final result based on 5 votes");
it("ignores votes that arrived after the first end poll event", async () => {
// From MSC3381:
// "Votes sent on or before the end event's timestamp are valid votes"
const votes = [
responseEvent("@sd:example.com", "wings", 30), // Late
responseEvent("@ff:example.com", "wings", 20),
responseEvent("@ut:example.com", "wings", 14),
responseEvent("@iu:example.com", "wings", 25), // Just on time
responseEvent("@jf:example.com", "wings", 35), // Late
responseEvent("@wf:example.com", "pizza", 15),
responseEvent("@ld:example.com", "pizza", 15),
const ends = [
newPollEndEvent("@me:example.com", 65),
newPollEndEvent("@me:example.com", 25),
newPollEndEvent("@me:example.com", 75),
const renderResult = await newMPollBody(votes, ends);
expect(endedVotesCount(renderResult, "pizza")).toBe("2 votes");
expect(endedVotesCount(renderResult, "poutine")).toBe("0 votes");
expect(endedVotesCount(renderResult, "italian")).toBe("0 votes");
expect(endedVotesCount(renderResult, "wings")).toBe('<div class="mx_PollOption_winnerIcon"></div>3 votes');
expect(renderResult.getByTestId("totalVotes").innerHTML).toBe("Final result based on 5 votes");
it("highlights the winning vote in an ended poll", async () => {
// Given I voted for pizza but the winner is wings
const votes = [
responseEvent("@me:example.com", "pizza", 20),
responseEvent("@qb:example.com", "wings", 14),
responseEvent("@xy:example.com", "wings", 15),
const ends = [newPollEndEvent("@me:example.com", 25)];
const renderResult = await newMPollBody(votes, ends);
// Then the winner is highlighted
expect(endedVoteChecked(renderResult, "wings")).toBe(true);
expect(endedVoteChecked(renderResult, "pizza")).toBe(false);
// Double-check by looking for the endedOptionWinner class
expect(endedVoteDiv(renderResult, "wings").className.includes("mx_PollOption_endedOptionWinner")).toBe(true);
expect(endedVoteDiv(renderResult, "pizza").className.includes("mx_PollOption_endedOptionWinner")).toBe(false);
it("highlights multiple winning votes", async () => {
const votes = [
responseEvent("@me:example.com", "pizza", 20),
responseEvent("@xy:example.com", "wings", 15),
responseEvent("@fg:example.com", "poutine", 15),
const ends = [newPollEndEvent("@me:example.com", 25)];
const renderResult = await newMPollBody(votes, ends);
expect(endedVoteChecked(renderResult, "pizza")).toBe(true);
expect(endedVoteChecked(renderResult, "wings")).toBe(true);
expect(endedVoteChecked(renderResult, "poutine")).toBe(true);
expect(endedVoteChecked(renderResult, "italian")).toBe(false);
it("highlights nothing if poll has no votes", async () => {
const ends = [newPollEndEvent("@me:example.com", 25)];
const renderResult = await newMPollBody([], ends);
it("says poll is not ended if there is no end event", async () => {
const ends: MatrixEvent[] = [];
const result = await runIsPollEnded(ends);
it("says poll is ended if there is an end event", async () => {
const ends = [newPollEndEvent("@me:example.com", 25)];
const result = await runIsPollEnded(ends);
it("says poll is not ended if poll is fetching responses", async () => {
const pollEvent = new MatrixEvent({
type: M_POLL_START.name,
event_id: "$mypoll",
room_id: "#myroom:example.com",
content: newPollStart([]),
const ends = [newPollEndEvent("@me:example.com", 25)];
await setupRoomWithPollEvents([pollEvent], [], ends, mockClient);
const poll = mockClient.getRoom(pollEvent.getRoomId()!)!.polls.get(pollEvent.getId()!)!;
// start fetching, dont await
expect(isPollEnded(pollEvent, mockClient)).toBe(false);
it("Displays edited content and new answer IDs if the poll has been edited", async () => {
const pollEvent = new MatrixEvent({
type: M_POLL_START.name,
event_id: "$mypoll",
room_id: "#myroom:example.com",
content: newPollStart(
{ id: "o1", [M_TEXT.name]: "old answer 1" },
{ id: "o2", [M_TEXT.name]: "old answer 2" },
"old question",
const replacingEvent = new MatrixEvent({
type: M_POLL_START.name,
event_id: "$mypollreplacement",
room_id: "#myroom:example.com",
content: {
"m.new_content": newPollStart(
{ id: "n1", [M_TEXT.name]: "new answer 1" },
{ id: "n2", [M_TEXT.name]: "new answer 2" },
{ id: "n3", [M_TEXT.name]: "new answer 3" },
"new question",
const { getByTestId, container } = await newMPollBodyFromEvent(pollEvent, []);
'new question<span class="mx_MPollBody_edited"> (edited)</span>',
const inputs = container.querySelectorAll('input[type="radio"]');
const options = container.querySelectorAll(".mx_PollOption_optionText");
expect(options[0].innerHTML).toEqual("new answer 1");
expect(options[1].innerHTML).toEqual("new answer 2");
expect(options[2].innerHTML).toEqual("new answer 3");
it("renders a poll with no votes", async () => {
const votes: MatrixEvent[] = [];
const { container } = await newMPollBody(votes);
it("renders a poll with only non-local votes", async () => {
const votes = [
responseEvent("@op:example.com", "pizza", 12),
responseEvent("@op:example.com", [], 13),
responseEvent("@op:example.com", "italian", 14),
responseEvent("@me:example.com", "wings", 15),
responseEvent("@qr:example.com", "italian", 16),
const { container } = await newMPollBody(votes);
it("renders a warning message when poll has undecryptable relations", async () => {
const votes = [
responseEvent("@op:example.com", "pizza", 12),
responseEvent("@op:example.com", [], 13),
responseEvent("@op:example.com", "italian", 14),
responseEvent("@me:example.com", "wings", 15),
responseEvent("@qr:example.com", "italian", 16),
jest.spyOn(votes[1], "isDecryptionFailure").mockReturnValue(true);
const { getByText } = await newMPollBody(votes);
expect(getByText("Due to decryption errors, some votes may not be counted")).toBeInTheDocument();
it("renders a poll with local, non-local and invalid votes", async () => {
const votes = [
responseEvent("@a:example.com", "pizza", 12),
responseEvent("@b:example.com", [], 13),
responseEvent("@c:example.com", "italian", 14),
responseEvent("@d:example.com", "italian", 14),
responseEvent("@e:example.com", "wings", 15),
responseEvent("@me:example.com", "italian", 16),
const renderResult = await newMPollBody(votes);
clickOption(renderResult, "italian");
it("renders a poll that I have not voted in", async () => {
const votes = [
responseEvent("@op:example.com", "pizza", 12),
responseEvent("@op:example.com", [], 13),
responseEvent("@op:example.com", "italian", 14),
responseEvent("@yo:example.com", "wings", 15),
responseEvent("@qr:example.com", "italian", 16),
const { container } = await newMPollBody(votes);
it("renders a finished poll with no votes", async () => {
const ends = [newPollEndEvent("@me:example.com", 25)];
const { container } = await newMPollBody([], ends);
it("renders a finished poll", async () => {
const votes = [
responseEvent("@op:example.com", "pizza", 12),
responseEvent("@op:example.com", [], 13),
responseEvent("@op:example.com", "italian", 14),
responseEvent("@yo:example.com", "wings", 15),
responseEvent("@qr:example.com", "italian", 16),
const ends = [newPollEndEvent("@me:example.com", 25)];
const { container } = await newMPollBody(votes, ends);
it("renders a finished poll with multiple winners", async () => {
const votes = [
responseEvent("@ed:example.com", "pizza", 12),
responseEvent("@rf:example.com", "pizza", 12),
responseEvent("@th:example.com", "wings", 13),
responseEvent("@yh:example.com", "wings", 14),
responseEvent("@th:example.com", "poutine", 13),
responseEvent("@yh:example.com", "poutine", 14),
const ends = [newPollEndEvent("@me:example.com", 25)];
const { container } = await newMPollBody(votes, ends);
it("renders an undisclosed, unfinished poll", async () => {
const votes = [
responseEvent("@ed:example.com", "pizza", 12),
responseEvent("@rf:example.com", "pizza", 12),
responseEvent("@th:example.com", "wings", 13),
responseEvent("@yh:example.com", "wings", 14),
responseEvent("@th:example.com", "poutine", 13),
responseEvent("@yh:example.com", "poutine", 14),
const ends: MatrixEvent[] = [];
const { container } = await newMPollBody(votes, ends, undefined, false);
it("renders an undisclosed, finished poll", async () => {
const votes = [
responseEvent("@ed:example.com", "pizza", 12),
responseEvent("@rf:example.com", "pizza", 12),
responseEvent("@th:example.com", "wings", 13),
responseEvent("@yh:example.com", "wings", 14),
responseEvent("@th:example.com", "poutine", 13),
responseEvent("@yh:example.com", "poutine", 14),
const ends = [newPollEndEvent("@me:example.com", 25)];
const { container } = await newMPollBody(votes, ends, undefined, false);
function newVoteRelations(relationEvents: Array<MatrixEvent>): Relations {
return newRelations(relationEvents, M_POLL_RESPONSE.name, [M_POLL_RESPONSE.altName!]);
function newRelations(relationEvents: Array<MatrixEvent>, eventType: string, altEventTypes?: string[]): Relations {
const voteRelations = new Relations("m.reference", eventType, mockClient, altEventTypes);
for (const ev of relationEvents) {
return voteRelations;
async function newMPollBody(
relationEvents: Array<MatrixEvent>,
endEvents: Array<MatrixEvent> = [],
answers?: PollAnswer[],
disclosed = true,
waitForResponsesLoad = true,
): Promise<RenderResult> {
const mxEvent = new MatrixEvent({
type: M_POLL_START.name,
event_id: "$mypoll",
room_id: "#myroom:example.com",
content: newPollStart(answers, undefined, disclosed),
const result = newMPollBodyFromEvent(mxEvent, relationEvents, endEvents);
// flush promises from loading relations
if (waitForResponsesLoad) {
await flushPromises();
return result;
function getMPollBodyPropsFromEvent(mxEvent: MatrixEvent): IBodyProps {
return {
// We don't use any of these props, but they're required.
highlightLink: "unused",
highlights: [],
mediaEventHelper: {} as unknown as MediaEventHelper,
onHeightChanged: () => {},
onMessageAllowed: () => {},
permalinkCreator: {} as unknown as RoomPermalinkCreator,
function renderMPollBodyWithWrapper(props: IBodyProps): RenderResult {
return render(<MPollBody {...props} />, {
wrapper: ({ children }) => (
<MatrixClientContext.Provider value={mockClient}>{children}</MatrixClientContext.Provider>
async function newMPollBodyFromEvent(
mxEvent: MatrixEvent,
relationEvents: Array<MatrixEvent>,
endEvents: Array<MatrixEvent> = [],
): Promise<RenderResult> {
const props = getMPollBodyPropsFromEvent(mxEvent);
await setupRoomWithPollEvents([mxEvent], relationEvents, endEvents, mockClient);
return renderMPollBodyWithWrapper(props);
function clickOption({ getByTestId }: RenderResult, value: string) {
function voteButton({ getByTestId }: RenderResult, value: string): Element {
return getByTestId(`pollOption-${value}`);
function votesCount({ getByTestId }: RenderResult, value: string): string {
return getByTestId(`pollOption-${value}`).querySelector(".mx_PollOption_optionVoteCount")!.innerHTML;
function endedVoteChecked({ getByTestId }: RenderResult, value: string): boolean {
return getByTestId(`pollOption-${value}`).className.includes(CHECKED);
function endedVoteDiv({ getByTestId }: RenderResult, value: string): Element {
return getByTestId(`pollOption-${value}`).firstElementChild!;
function endedVotesCount(renderResult: RenderResult, value: string): string {
return votesCount(renderResult, value);
function newPollStart(answers?: PollAnswer[], question?: string, disclosed = true): PollStartEventContent {
if (!answers) {
answers = [
{ id: "pizza", [M_TEXT.name]: "Pizza" },
{ id: "poutine", [M_TEXT.name]: "Poutine" },
{ id: "italian", [M_TEXT.name]: "Italian" },
{ id: "wings", [M_TEXT.name]: "Wings" },
if (!question) {
question = "What should we order for the party?";
const answersFallback = answers.map((a, i) => `${i + 1}. ${M_TEXT.findIn<string>(a)}`).join("\n");
const fallback = `${question}\n${answersFallback}`;
return {
[M_POLL_START.name]: {
question: {
[M_TEXT.name]: question,
kind: disclosed ? M_POLL_KIND_DISCLOSED.name : M_POLL_KIND_UNDISCLOSED.name,
answers: answers,
[M_TEXT.name]: fallback,
function responseEvent(
sender = "@alice:example.com",
answers: string | Array<string> = "italian",
ts = 0,
): MatrixEvent {
const ans = typeof answers === "string" ? [answers] : answers;
return new MatrixEvent({
event_id: nextId(),
room_id: "#myroom:example.com",
origin_server_ts: ts,
type: M_POLL_RESPONSE.name,
sender: sender,
content: {
"m.relates_to": {
rel_type: "m.reference",
event_id: "$mypoll",
answers: ans,
function expectedResponseEvent(answer: string) {
return {
content: {
answers: [answer],
"m.relates_to": {
event_id: "$mypoll",
rel_type: "m.reference",
roomId: "#myroom:example.com",
eventType: M_POLL_RESPONSE.name,
txnId: "$123",
function expectedResponseEventCall(answer: string) {
const { content, roomId, eventType } = expectedResponseEvent(answer);
return [roomId, eventType, content];
function newPollEndEvent(sender = "@me:example.com", ts = 0): MatrixEvent {
return makePollEndEvent("$mypoll", "#myroom:example.com", sender, ts);
async function runIsPollEnded(ends: MatrixEvent[]) {
const pollEvent = new MatrixEvent({
event_id: "$mypoll",
room_id: "#myroom:example.com",
type: M_POLL_START.name,
content: newPollStart(),
await setupRoomWithPollEvents([pollEvent], [], ends, mockClient);
return isPollEnded(pollEvent, mockClient);
function runFindTopAnswer(votes: MatrixEvent[]) {
const pollEvent = new MatrixEvent({
event_id: "$mypoll",
room_id: "#myroom:example.com",
type: M_POLL_START.name,
content: newPollStart(),
return findTopAnswer(pollEvent, newVoteRelations(votes));
let EVENT_ID = 0;
function nextId(): string {
return EVENT_ID.toString();