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Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd.
Copyright 2023 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C.
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details.
import type { Locator } from "@playwright/test";
import { test, expect } from "../../element-web-test";
import { Bot } from "../../pages/bot";
const room1Name = "Room 1";
const room2Name = "Room 2";
const unknownRoomAlias = "#unknownroom:example.com";
const permalinkPrefix = "https://matrix.to/#/";
const getPill = (locator: Locator, label: string) => {
return locator.locator(".mx_Pill_text", { hasText: new RegExp("^" + label + "$", "g") });
test.describe("permalinks", () => {
displayName: "Alice",
test("shoud render permalinks as expected", async ({ page, app, user, homeserver }) => {
const bob = new Bot(page, homeserver, { displayName: "Bob" });
const charlotte = new Bot(page, homeserver, { displayName: "Charlotte" });
await bob.prepareClient();
await charlotte.prepareClient();
// We don't use a bot for danielle as we want a stable MXID.
const danielleId = "@danielle:localhost";
const room1Id = await app.client.createRoom({ name: room1Name });
const room2Id = await app.client.createRoom({ name: room2Name });
await app.viewRoomByName(room1Name);
await app.client.inviteUser(room1Id, bob.credentials.userId);
await app.client.inviteUser(room2Id, charlotte.credentials.userId);
await app.client.sendMessage(room1Id, "At room mention: @room");
await app.client.sendMessage(room1Id, `Permalink to Room 2: ${permalinkPrefix}${room2Id}`);
await app.client.sendMessage(
`Permalink to an unknown room alias: ${permalinkPrefix}${unknownRoomAlias}`,
const event1Response = await bob.sendMessage(room1Id, "Hello");
await app.client.sendMessage(
`Permalink to a message in the same room: ${permalinkPrefix}${room1Id}/${event1Response.event_id}`,
const event2Response = await charlotte.sendMessage(room2Id, "Hello");
await app.client.sendMessage(
`Permalink to a message in another room: ${permalinkPrefix}${room2Id}/${event2Response.event_id}`,
await app.client.sendMessage(room1Id, `Permalink to an unknown message: ${permalinkPrefix}${room1Id}/$abc123`);
await app.client.sendMessage(
`Permalink to a user in the room: ${permalinkPrefix}${bob.credentials.userId}`,
await app.client.sendMessage(
`Permalink to a user in another room: ${permalinkPrefix}${charlotte.credentials.userId}`,
await app.client.sendMessage(
`Permalink to a user with whom alice doesn't share a room: ${permalinkPrefix}${danielleId}`,
const timeline = page.locator(".mx_RoomView_timeline");
getPill(timeline, "@room");
getPill(timeline, room2Name);
getPill(timeline, unknownRoomAlias);
getPill(timeline, "Message from Bob");
getPill(timeline, `Message in ${room2Name}`);
getPill(timeline, "Message");
getPill(timeline, "Bob");
getPill(timeline, "Charlotte");
// This is the permalink to Danielle's profile. It should only display the MXID
// because the profile is unknown (not sharing any room with Danielle).
getPill(timeline, danielleId);
await expect(timeline).toMatchScreenshot("permalink-rendering.png", {
mask: [
// Exclude timestamps from the snapshot, for consistency.