
158 lines
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Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd.
Copyright 2022 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C.
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details.
import { MatrixEvent } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix";
import { parseEvent } from "../../../src/editor/deserialize";
import EditorModel from "../../../src/editor/model";
import DocumentOffset from "../../../src/editor/offset";
import { htmlSerializeIfNeeded, textSerialize } from "../../../src/editor/serialize";
import { createPartCreator } from "./mock";
function htmlMessage(formattedBody: string, msgtype = "m.text") {
return {
getContent() {
return {
format: "org.matrix.custom.html",
formatted_body: formattedBody,
} as unknown as MatrixEvent;
async function md2html(markdown: string): Promise<string> {
const pc = createPartCreator();
const oldModel = new EditorModel([], pc, () => {});
await oldModel.update(markdown, "insertText", new DocumentOffset(markdown.length, false));
return htmlSerializeIfNeeded(oldModel, { forceHTML: true })!;
function html2md(html: string): string {
const pc = createPartCreator();
const parts = parseEvent(htmlMessage(html), pc);
const newModel = new EditorModel(parts, pc);
return textSerialize(newModel);
async function roundTripMarkdown(markdown: string): Promise<string> {
return html2md(await md2html(markdown));
async function roundTripHtml(html: string): Promise<string> {
return await md2html(html2md(html));
describe("editor/roundtrip", function () {
describe("markdown messages should round-trip if they contain", function () {
["newlines", "hello\nworld"],
["pills", "text message for @room"],
["pills with interesting characters in mxid", "text message for @alice\\\\\\_\\]#>&:hs.example.com"],
["styling", "**bold** and _emphasised_"],
["bold within a word", "abso**fragging**lutely"],
["escaped html", "a\\<foo>b"],
["escaped markdown", "\\*\\*foo\\*\\* \\_bar\\_ \\[a\\](b)"],
["escaped backslashes", "C:\\\\Program Files"],
["code in backticks", "foo ->`x`"],
["code blocks containing backticks", "```\nfoo ->`x`\nbar\n```"],
["code blocks containing markdown", "```\n__init__.py\n```"],
["nested formatting", "a<del>b **c _d_ e** f</del>g"],
["an ordered list", "A\n\n1. b\n2. c\n3. d\nE"],
["an ordered list starting later", "A\n\n9. b\n10. c\n11. d\nE"],
["an unordered list", "A\n\n- b\n- c\n- d\nE"],
["code block followed by text after a blank line", "```A\nfoo(bar).baz();\n\n3\n```\n\nB"],
["just a code block", "```\nfoo(bar).baz();\n\n3\n```"],
["code block with language specifier", "```bash\nmake install\n\n```"],
["inline code", "there's no place `` like"],
["nested quotations", "saying\n\n> > foo\n\n> NO\n\nis valid"],
["quotations", "saying\n\n> NO\n\nis valid"],
["links", "click [this](http://example.com/)!"],
])("%s", async (_name, markdown) => {
expect(await roundTripMarkdown(markdown)).toEqual(markdown);
// Removes trailing spaces
["a code block followed by newlines", "```\nfoo(bar).baz();\n\n3\n```\n\n"],
// Adds a space after the code block
["a code block surrounded by text", "```A\nfoo(bar).baz();\n\n3\n```\nB"],
// Adds a space before the list
["an unordered list directly preceded by text", "A\n- b\n- c\n- d\nE"],
// Re-numbers to 1, 2, 3
["an ordered list where everything is 1", "A\n\n1. b\n1. c\n1. d\nE"],
// Adds a space before the list
["an ordered list directly preceded by text", "A\n1. b\n2. c\n3. d\nE"],
// Adds and removes spaces before the nested list
["nested unordered lists", "A\n- b\n- c\n - c1\n - c2\n- d\nE"],
// Adds and removes spaces before the nested list
["nested ordered lists", "A\n\n1. b\n2. c\n 1. c1\n 2. c2\n3. d\nE"],
// Adds and removes spaces before the nested list
["nested mixed lists", "A\n\n1. b\n2. c\n - c1\n - c2\n3. d\nE"],
// Backslashes get doubled
["backslashes", "C:\\Program Files"],
// Deletes the whitespace
["newlines with trailing and leading whitespace", "hello \n world"],
// Escapes the underscores
["underscores within a word", "abso_fragging_lutely"],
// Includes the trailing text into the quotation
// https://github.com/vector-im/element-web/issues/22341
["quotations without separating newlines", "saying\n> NO\nis valid"],
// Removes trailing and leading whitespace
["quotations with trailing and leading whitespace", "saying \n\n> NO\n\n is valid"],
])("%s", async (_name, markdown) => {
expect(await roundTripMarkdown(markdown)).toEqual(markdown);
it("styling, but * becomes _ and __ becomes **", async function () {
expect(await roundTripMarkdown("__bold__ and *emphasised*")).toEqual("**bold** and _emphasised_");
describe("HTML messages should round-trip if they contain", function () {
["backslashes", "C:\\Program Files"],
"nested blockquotes",
["ordered lists", "<ol>\n<li>asd</li>\n<li>fgd</li>\n</ol>\n"],
["ordered lists starting later", '<ol start="3">\n<li>asd</li>\n<li>fgd</li>\n</ol>\n'],
["unordered lists", "<ul>\n<li>asd</li>\n<li>fgd</li>\n</ul>\n"],
["code blocks with surrounding text", "<p>a</p>\n<pre><code>a\ny;\n</code></pre>\n<p>b</p>\n"],
["code blocks", "<pre><code>a\ny;\n</code></pre>\n"],
["code blocks containing markdown", "<pre><code>__init__.py\n</code></pre>\n"],
["code blocks with language specifier", '<pre><code class="language-bash">__init__.py\n</code></pre>\n'],
["paragraphs including formatting", "<p>one</p>\n<p>t <em>w</em> o</p>\n"],
["paragraphs", "<p>one</p>\n<p>two</p>\n"],
["links", "http://more.example.com/"],
["escaped html", "This &gt;em&lt;isn't&gt;em&lt; important"],
["markdown-like symbols", "You _would_ **type** [a](http://this.example.com) this."],
["formatting within a word", "abso<strong>fragging</strong>lutely"],
["formatting", "This <em>is</em> im<strong>port</strong>ant"],
["line breaks", "one<br>two"],
])("%s", async (_name, html) => {
expect(await roundTripHtml(html)).toEqual(html);
// Strips out the pill - maybe needs some user lookup to work?
["user pills", '<a href="https://matrix.to/#/@alice:hs.tld">Alice</a>'],
// Appends a slash to the URL
// https://github.com/vector-im/element-web/issues/22342
["links without trailing slashes", 'Go <a href="http://more.example.com">here</a> to see more'],
// Inserts newlines after tags
["paragraphs without newlines", "<p>one</p><p>two</p>"],
// Inserts a code block
["nested lists", "<ol>\n<li>asd</li>\n<li>\n<ul>\n<li>fgd</li>\n<li>sdf</li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n</ol>\n"],
])("%s", async (_name, html) => {
expect(await roundTripHtml(html)).toEqual(html);