
1238 lines
60 KiB

Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd.
Copyright 2022, 2023 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C.
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details.
import * as fs from "node:fs";
import type { Locator, Page } from "@playwright/test";
import type { ISendEventResponse, EventType, MsgType } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix";
import { test, expect } from "../../element-web-test";
import { SettingLevel } from "../../../src/settings/SettingLevel";
import { Layout } from "../../../src/settings/enums/Layout";
import { Client } from "../../pages/client";
import { ElementAppPage } from "../../pages/ElementAppPage";
import { Bot } from "../../pages/bot";
// The avatar size used in the timeline
const AVATAR_SIZE = 30;
// The resize method used in the timeline
const AVATAR_RESIZE_METHOD = "crop";
const ROOM_NAME = "Test room";
const OLD_AVATAR = fs.readFileSync("playwright/sample-files/riot.png");
const NEW_AVATAR = fs.readFileSync("playwright/sample-files/element.png");
const OLD_NAME = "Alan";
const NEW_NAME = "Alan (away)";
const getEventTilesWithBodies = (page: Page): Locator => {
return page.locator(".mx_EventTile").filter({ has: page.locator(".mx_EventTile_body") });
const expectDisplayName = async (e: Locator, displayName: string): Promise<void> => {
await expect(e.locator(".mx_DisambiguatedProfile_displayName")).toHaveText(displayName);
const expectAvatar = async (cli: Client, e: Locator, avatarUrl: string): Promise<void> => {
const size = await e.page().evaluate((size) => size * window.devicePixelRatio, AVATAR_SIZE);
const url = await cli.evaluate(
(client, { avatarUrl, size, resizeMethod }) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-properties
return client.mxcUrlToHttp(avatarUrl, size, size, resizeMethod, false, true);
{ avatarUrl, size, resizeMethod: AVATAR_RESIZE_METHOD },
await expect(e.locator(".mx_BaseAvatar img")).toHaveAttribute("src", url);
const sendEvent = async (client: Client, roomId: string, html = false): Promise<ISendEventResponse> => {
const content = {
msgtype: "m.text" as MsgType,
body: "Message",
format: undefined,
formatted_body: undefined,
if (html) {
content.format = "org.matrix.custom.html";
content.formatted_body = "<b>Message</b>";
return client.sendEvent(roomId, null, "m.room.message" as EventType, content);
const sendImage = async (
client: Client,
roomId: string,
pngBytes: Buffer,
additionalContent?: any,
): Promise<ISendEventResponse> => {
const upload = await client.uploadContent(pngBytes, { name: "image.png", type: "image/png" });
return client.sendEvent(roomId, null, "m.room.message" as EventType, {
...(additionalContent ?? {}),
msgtype: "m.image" as MsgType,
body: "image.png",
url: upload.content_uri,
test.describe("Timeline", () => {
displayName: OLD_NAME,
room: async ({ app, user }, use) => {
const roomId = await app.client.createRoom({ name: ROOM_NAME });
await use({ roomId });
let oldAvatarUrl: string;
let newAvatarUrl: string;
test.describe("useOnlyCurrentProfiles", () => {
test.beforeEach(async ({ app, user }) => {
({ content_uri: oldAvatarUrl } = await app.client.uploadContent(OLD_AVATAR, { type: "image/png" }));
await app.client.setAvatarUrl(oldAvatarUrl);
({ content_uri: newAvatarUrl } = await app.client.uploadContent(NEW_AVATAR, { type: "image/png" }));
test("should show historical profiles if disabled", async ({ page, app, room }) => {
await app.settings.setValue("useOnlyCurrentProfiles", null, SettingLevel.ACCOUNT, false);
await sendEvent(app.client, room.roomId);
await app.client.setDisplayName("Alan (away)");
await app.client.setAvatarUrl(newAvatarUrl);
// XXX: If we send the second event too quickly, there won't be
// enough time for the client to register the profile change
await page.waitForTimeout(500);
await sendEvent(app.client, room.roomId);
await app.viewRoomByName(ROOM_NAME);
const events = getEventTilesWithBodies(page);
await expect(events).toHaveCount(2);
await expectDisplayName(events.nth(0), OLD_NAME);
await expectAvatar(app.client, events.nth(0), oldAvatarUrl);
await expectDisplayName(events.nth(1), NEW_NAME);
await expectAvatar(app.client, events.nth(1), newAvatarUrl);
test("should not show historical profiles if enabled", async ({ page, app, room }) => {
await app.settings.setValue("useOnlyCurrentProfiles", null, SettingLevel.ACCOUNT, true);
await sendEvent(app.client, room.roomId);
await app.client.setDisplayName(NEW_NAME);
await app.client.setAvatarUrl(newAvatarUrl);
// XXX: If we send the second event too quickly, there won't be
// enough time for the client to register the profile change
await page.waitForTimeout(500);
await sendEvent(app.client, room.roomId);
await app.viewRoomByName(ROOM_NAME);
const events = getEventTilesWithBodies(page);
await expect(events).toHaveCount(2);
for (const e of await events.all()) {
await expectDisplayName(e, NEW_NAME);
await expectAvatar(app.client, e, newAvatarUrl);
test.describe("configure room", () => {
test("should create and configure a room on IRC layout", async ({ page, app, room }) => {
await page.goto(`/#/room/${room.roomId}`);
await app.settings.setValue("layout", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, Layout.IRC);
await expect(
".mx_RoomView_body .mx_GenericEventListSummary[data-layout='irc'] .mx_GenericEventListSummary_summary",
{ hasText: `${OLD_NAME} created and configured the room.` },
// wait for the date separator to appear to have a stable screenshot
await expect(page.locator(".mx_TimelineSeparator")).toHaveText("today");
await expect(page.locator(".mx_MainSplit")).toMatchScreenshot("configured-room-irc-layout.png");
test("should have an expanded generic event list summary (GELS) on IRC layout", async ({ page, app, room }) => {
await page.goto(`/#/room/${room.roomId}`);
await app.settings.setValue("layout", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, Layout.IRC);
// Wait until configuration is finished
await expect(
".mx_RoomView_body .mx_GenericEventListSummary[data-layout='irc'] .mx_GenericEventListSummary_summary",
{ hasText: `${OLD_NAME} created and configured the room.` },
const gels = page.locator(".mx_GenericEventListSummary");
// Click "expand" link button
await gels.getByRole("button", { name: "Expand" }).click();
// Assert that the "expand" link button worked
await expect(gels.getByRole("button", { name: "Collapse" })).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.locator(".mx_MainSplit")).toMatchScreenshot("expanded-gels-irc-layout.png", {
mask: [page.locator(".mx_MessageTimestamp")],
css: `
.mx_TopUnreadMessagesBar, .mx_MessagePanel_myReadMarker {
display: none !important;
test("should have an expanded generic event list summary (GELS) on compact modern/group layout", async ({
}) => {
await page.goto(`/#/room/${room.roomId}`);
// Set compact modern layout
await app.settings.setValue("layout", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, Layout.Group);
await app.settings.setValue("useCompactLayout", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, true);
// Wait until configuration is finished
await expect(
page.locator(".mx_RoomView_body .mx_GenericEventListSummary[data-layout='group']", {
hasText: `${OLD_NAME} created and configured the room.`,
const gels = page.locator(".mx_GenericEventListSummary");
// Click "expand" link button
await gels.getByRole("button", { name: "Expand" }).click();
// Assert that the "expand" link button worked
await expect(gels.getByRole("button", { name: "Collapse" })).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.locator(".mx_MainSplit")).toMatchScreenshot("expanded-gels-modern-layout.png", {
mask: [page.locator(".mx_MessageTimestamp")],
css: `
.mx_TopUnreadMessagesBar, .mx_MessagePanel_myReadMarker {
display: none !important;
test("should click 'collapse' on the first hovered info event line inside GELS on bubble layout", async ({
}) => {
// This test checks clickability of the "Collapse" link button, which had been covered with
// MessageActionBar's safe area - https://github.com/vector-im/element-web/issues/22864
await page.goto(`/#/room/${room.roomId}`);
await app.settings.setValue("layout", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, Layout.Bubble);
await expect(
".mx_RoomView_body .mx_GenericEventListSummary[data-layout='bubble'] .mx_GenericEventListSummary_summary",
{ hasText: `${OLD_NAME} created and configured the room.` },
const gels = page.locator(".mx_GenericEventListSummary");
// Click "expand" link button
await gels.getByRole("button", { name: "Expand" }).click();
// Assert that the "expand" link button worked
await expect(gels.getByRole("button", { name: "Collapse" })).toBeVisible();
// Make sure spacer is not visible on bubble layout
await expect(
page.locator(".mx_GenericEventListSummary[data-layout=bubble] .mx_GenericEventListSummary_spacer"),
).not.toBeVisible(); // See: _GenericEventListSummary.pcss
// Save snapshot of expanded generic event list summary on bubble layout
await expect(page.locator(".mx_MainSplit")).toMatchScreenshot("expanded-gels-bubble-layout.png", {
// Exclude timestamp from snapshot
mask: [page.locator(".mx_MessageTimestamp")],
// Click "collapse" link button on the first hovered info event line
const firstTile = gels.locator(".mx_GenericEventListSummary_unstyledList .mx_EventTile_info:first-of-type");
await firstTile.hover();
await expect(firstTile.getByRole("toolbar", { name: "Message Actions" })).toBeVisible();
await gels.getByRole("button", { name: "Collapse" }).click();
// Assert that "collapse" link button worked
await expect(gels.getByRole("button", { name: "Expand" })).toBeVisible();
// Save snapshot of collapsed generic event list summary on bubble layout
await expect(page.locator(".mx_MainSplit")).toMatchScreenshot("collapsed-gels-bubble-layout.png", {
mask: [page.locator(".mx_MessageTimestamp")],
test("should add inline start margin to an event line on IRC layout", async ({
}) => {
await page.goto(`/#/room/${room.roomId}`);
await app.settings.setValue("layout", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, Layout.IRC);
// Wait until configuration is finished
await expect(
".mx_RoomView_body .mx_GenericEventListSummary[data-layout='irc'] .mx_GenericEventListSummary_summary",
{ hasText: `${OLD_NAME} created and configured the room.` },
// Click "expand" link button
await page.locator(".mx_GenericEventListSummary").getByRole("button", { name: "Expand" }).click();
// Check the event line has margin instead of inset property
// cf. _EventTile.pcss
// --EventTile_irc_line_info-margin-inline-start
// = calc(var(--name-width) + var(--icon-width) + 1 * var(--right-padding))
// = 80 + 14 + 5 = 99px
const firstEventLineIrc = page.locator(
".mx_EventTile_info[data-layout=irc]:first-of-type .mx_EventTile_line",
await expect(firstEventLineIrc).toHaveCSS("margin-inline-start", "99px");
await expect(firstEventLineIrc).toHaveCSS("inset-inline-start", "0px");
await expect(page.locator(".mx_MainSplit")).toMatchScreenshot(
// Exclude timestamp and read marker from snapshot
mask: [page.locator(".mx_MessageTimestamp")],
css: `
.mx_TopUnreadMessagesBar, .mx_MessagePanel_myReadMarker {
display: none !important;
await checkA11y();
test.describe("message displaying", () => {
const messageEdit = async (page: Page) => {
const line = page.locator(".mx_EventTile .mx_EventTile_line", { hasText: "Message" });
await line.hover();
await line.getByRole("toolbar", { name: "Message Actions" }).getByRole("button", { name: "Edit" }).click();
await page.getByRole("textbox", { name: "Edit message" }).pressSequentially("Edit");
await page.getByRole("textbox", { name: "Edit message" }).press("Enter");
// Assert that the edited message and the link button are found
// Regex patterns due to the edited date
await expect(
page.locator(".mx_EventTile .mx_EventTile_line", { hasText: "MessageEdit" }).getByRole("button", {
name: /Edited at .*? Click to view edits./,
test("should align generic event list summary with messages and emote on IRC layout", async ({
}) => {
// This test aims to check:
// 1. Alignment of collapsed GELS (generic event list summary) and messages
// 2. Alignment of expanded GELS and messages
// 3. Alignment of expanded GELS and placeholder of deleted message
// 4. Alignment of expanded GELS, placeholder of deleted message, and emote
await page.goto(`/#/room/${room.roomId}`);
await app.settings.setValue("layout", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, Layout.IRC);
// Wait until configuration is finished
await expect(
.getByText(`${OLD_NAME} created and configured the room.`),
// Send messages
const composer = app.getComposerField();
await composer.fill("Hello Mr. Bot");
await composer.press("Enter");
await composer.fill("Hello again, Mr. Bot");
await composer.press("Enter");
// Make sure the second message was sent
await expect(
page.locator(".mx_RoomView_MessageList > .mx_EventTile_last .mx_EventTile_receiptSent"),
// 1. Alignment of collapsed GELS (generic event list summary) and messages
// Check inline start spacing of collapsed GELS
// See: _EventTile.pcss
// .mx_GenericEventListSummary[data-layout="irc"] > .mx_EventTile_line
// = var(--name-width) + var(--icon-width) + var(--MessageTimestamp-width) + 2 * var(--right-padding)
// = 80 + 14 + 46 + 2 * 5
// = 150px
await expect(page.locator(".mx_GenericEventListSummary[data-layout=irc] > .mx_EventTile_line")).toHaveCSS(
// Check width and spacing values of elements in .mx_EventTile, which should be equal to 150px
// --right-padding should be applied
for (const locator of await page.locator(".mx_EventTile > a").all()) {
if (await locator.isVisible()) {
await expect(locator).toHaveCSS("margin-right", "5px");
// --name-width width zero inline end margin should be applied
for (const locator of await page.locator(".mx_EventTile .mx_DisambiguatedProfile").all()) {
await expect(locator).toHaveCSS("width", "80px");
await expect(locator).toHaveCSS("margin-inline-end", "0px");
// --icon-width should be applied
for (const locator of await page.locator(".mx_EventTile .mx_EventTile_avatar > .mx_BaseAvatar").all()) {
await expect(locator).toHaveCSS("width", "14px");
// var(--MessageTimestamp-width) should be applied
for (const locator of await page.locator(".mx_EventTile > a").all()) {
await expect(locator).toHaveCSS("min-width", "46px");
// Record alignment of collapsed GELS and messages on messagePanel
await expect(page.locator(".mx_MainSplit")).toMatchScreenshot(
// Exclude timestamp from snapshot of mx_MainSplit
mask: [page.locator(".mx_MessageTimestamp")],
// 2. Alignment of expanded GELS and messages
// Click "expand" link button
await page.locator(".mx_GenericEventListSummary").getByRole("button", { name: "Expand" }).click();
// Check inline start spacing of info line on expanded GELS
// See: _EventTile.pcss
// --EventTile_irc_line_info-margin-inline-start
// = 80 + 14 + 1 * 5
await expect(
page.locator(".mx_EventTile[data-layout=irc].mx_EventTile_info:first-of-type .mx_EventTile_line"),
).toHaveCSS("margin-inline-start", "99px");
// Record alignment of expanded GELS and messages on messagePanel
await expect(page.locator(".mx_MainSplit")).toMatchScreenshot("expanded-gels-and-messages-irc-layout.png", {
// Exclude timestamp from snapshot of mx_MainSplit
mask: [page.locator(".mx_MessageTimestamp")],
// 3. Alignment of expanded GELS and placeholder of deleted message
// Delete the second (last) message
const lastTile = page.locator(".mx_RoomView_MessageList > .mx_EventTile_last");
await lastTile.hover();
await lastTile.getByRole("button", { name: "Options" }).click();
await page.getByRole("menuitem", { name: "Remove" }).click();
// Confirm deletion
await page.locator(".mx_Dialog_buttons").getByRole("button", { name: "Remove" }).click();
// Make sure the dialog was closed and the second (last) message was redacted
await expect(page.locator(".mx_Dialog")).not.toBeVisible();
await expect(page.locator(".mx_GenericEventListSummary .mx_EventTile_last .mx_RedactedBody")).toBeVisible();
await expect(
page.locator(".mx_GenericEventListSummary .mx_EventTile_last .mx_EventTile_receiptSent"),
// Record alignment of expanded GELS and placeholder of deleted message on messagePanel
await expect(page.locator(".mx_MainSplit")).toMatchScreenshot("expanded-gels-redaction-placeholder.png", {
// Exclude timestamp from snapshot of mx_MainSplit
mask: [page.locator(".mx_MessageTimestamp")],
// 4. Alignment of expanded GELS, placeholder of deleted message, and emote
// Send a emote
await page
.getByRole("textbox", { name: "Send a message…" })
.fill("/me says hello to Mr. Bot");
await page.locator(".mx_RoomView_body").getByRole("textbox", { name: "Send a message…" }).press("Enter");
// Check inline start margin of its avatar
// Here --right-padding is for the avatar on the message line
// See: _IRCLayout.pcss
// .mx_IRCLayout .mx_EventTile_emote .mx_EventTile_avatar
// = calc(var(--name-width) + var(--icon-width) + 1 * var(--right-padding))
// = 80 + 14 + 1 * 5
await expect(page.locator(".mx_EventTile_emote .mx_EventTile_avatar")).toHaveCSS("margin-left", "99px");
// Make sure emote was sent
await expect(page.locator(".mx_EventTile_last.mx_EventTile_emote .mx_EventTile_receiptSent")).toBeVisible();
// Record alignment of expanded GELS, placeholder of deleted message, and emote
await expect(page.locator(".mx_MainSplit")).toMatchScreenshot("expanded-gels-emote-irc-layout.png", {
// Exclude timestamp from snapshot of mx_MainSplit
mask: [page.locator(".mx_MessageTimestamp")],
test("should render EventTiles on IRC, modern (group), and bubble layout", async ({ page, app, room }) => {
const screenshotOptions = {
// Hide because flaky - See https://github.com/vector-im/element-web/issues/24957
mask: [page.locator(".mx_MessageTimestamp")],
css: `
.mx_TopUnreadMessagesBar, .mx_MessagePanel_myReadMarker {
display: none !important;
await sendEvent(app.client, room.roomId);
await sendEvent(app.client, room.roomId); // check continuation
await sendEvent(app.client, room.roomId); // check the last EventTile
await page.goto(`/#/room/${room.roomId}`);
const composer = app.getComposerField();
// Send a plain text message
await composer.fill("Hello");
await composer.press("Enter");
// Send a big emoji
await composer.fill("🏀");
await composer.press("Enter");
// Send an inline emoji
await composer.fill("This message has an inline emoji 👒");
await composer.press("Enter");
await expect(page.locator(".mx_RoomView").getByText("This message has an inline emoji 👒")).toBeVisible();
// IRC layout
await app.settings.setValue("layout", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, Layout.IRC);
// Wait until configuration is finished
await expect(
.getByText(`${OLD_NAME} created and configured the room.`),
await app.timeline.scrollToBottom();
await expect(
page.locator(".mx_RoomView").getByText("This message has an inline emoji 👒"),
await expect(page.locator(".mx_MainSplit")).toMatchScreenshot(
// Group/modern layout
await app.settings.setValue("layout", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, Layout.Group);
// Check that the last EventTile is rendered
await app.timeline.scrollToBottom();
await expect(
page.locator(".mx_RoomView").getByText("This message has an inline emoji 👒"),
await expect(page.locator(".mx_MainSplit")).toMatchScreenshot(
// Check the same thing for compact layout
await app.settings.setValue("useCompactLayout", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, true);
// Check that the last EventTile is rendered
await app.timeline.scrollToBottom();
await expect(
page.locator(".mx_RoomView").getByText("This message has an inline emoji 👒"),
await expect(page.locator(".mx_MainSplit")).toMatchScreenshot(
// Message bubble layout
await app.settings.setValue("layout", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, Layout.Bubble);
await app.timeline.scrollToBottom();
await expect(
page.locator(".mx_RoomView").getByText("This message has an inline emoji 👒"),
await expect(page.locator(".mx_MainSplit")).toMatchScreenshot(
test("should set inline start padding to a hidden event line", async ({ page, app, room }) => {
"Disabled due to screenshot test being flaky - https://github.com/element-hq/element-web/issues/26890",
await sendEvent(app.client, room.roomId);
await page.goto(`/#/room/${room.roomId}`);
await app.settings.setValue("showHiddenEventsInTimeline", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, true);
await expect(
.getByText(`${OLD_NAME} created and configured the room.`),
// Edit message
await messageEdit(page);
// Click timestamp to highlight hidden event line
await page.locator(".mx_RoomView_body .mx_EventTile_info .mx_MessageTimestamp").click();
// should not add inline start padding to a hidden event line on IRC layout
await app.settings.setValue("layout", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, Layout.IRC);
await expect(
page.locator(".mx_EventTile[data-layout=irc].mx_EventTile_info .mx_EventTile_line").first(),
).toHaveCSS("padding-inline-start", "0px");
// Exclude timestamp and read marker from snapshot
const screenshotOptions = {
mask: [page.locator(".mx_MessageTimestamp")],
css: `
.mx_TopUnreadMessagesBar, .mx_MessagePanel_myReadMarker {
display: none !important;
await expect(page.locator(".mx_MainSplit")).toMatchScreenshot(
// should add inline start padding to a hidden event line on modern layout
await app.settings.setValue("layout", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, Layout.Group);
// calc(var(--EventTile_group_line-spacing-inline-start) + 20px) = 64 + 20 = 84px
await expect(
page.locator(".mx_EventTile[data-layout=group].mx_EventTile_info .mx_EventTile_line").first(),
).toHaveCSS("padding-inline-start", "84px");
await expect(page.locator(".mx_MainSplit")).toMatchScreenshot(
test("should click view source event toggle", async ({ page, app, room }) => {
// This test checks:
// 1. clickability of top left of view source event toggle
// 2. clickability of view source toggle on IRC layout
// Exclude timestamp from snapshot
const screenshotOptions = {
mask: [page.locator(".mx_MessageTimestamp")],
await sendEvent(app.client, room.roomId);
await page.goto(`/#/room/${room.roomId}`);
await app.settings.setValue("showHiddenEventsInTimeline", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, true);
await expect(
.getByText(OLD_NAME + " created and configured the room."),
// Edit message
await messageEdit(page);
// 1. clickability of top left of view source event toggle
// Click top left of the event toggle, which should not be covered by MessageActionBar's safe area
const viewSourceEventGroup = page.locator(".mx_EventTile_last[data-layout=group] .mx_ViewSourceEvent");
await viewSourceEventGroup.hover();
await viewSourceEventGroup
.getByRole("button", { name: "toggle event" })
.click({ position: { x: 0, y: 0 } });
// Make sure the expand toggle works
const viewSourceEventExpanded = page.locator(
".mx_EventTile_last[data-layout=group] .mx_ViewSourceEvent_expanded",
await viewSourceEventExpanded.hover();
const toggleEventButton = viewSourceEventExpanded.getByRole("button", { name: "toggle event" });
// Check size and position of toggle on expanded view source event
// See: _ViewSourceEvent.pcss
await expect(toggleEventButton).toHaveCSS("height", "12px"); // --ViewSourceEvent_toggle-size
await expect(toggleEventButton).toHaveCSS("align-self", "flex-end");
// Click again to collapse the source
await toggleEventButton.click({ position: { x: 0, y: 0 } });
// Make sure the collapse toggle works
await expect(
page.locator(".mx_EventTile_last[data-layout=group] .mx_ViewSourceEvent_expanded"),
// 2. clickability of view source toggle on IRC layout
// Enable IRC layout
await app.settings.setValue("layout", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, Layout.IRC);
// Hover the view source toggle on IRC layout
const viewSourceEventIrc = page.locator(
".mx_GenericEventListSummary[data-layout=irc] .mx_EventTile .mx_ViewSourceEvent",
await viewSourceEventIrc.hover();
await expect(viewSourceEventIrc).toMatchScreenshot(
// Click view source event toggle
await viewSourceEventIrc.getByRole("button", { name: "toggle event" }).click({ position: { x: 0, y: 0 } });
// Make sure the expand toggle worked
await expect(page.locator(".mx_EventTile[data-layout=irc] .mx_ViewSourceEvent_expanded")).toBeVisible();
test("should render file size in kibibytes on a file tile", async ({ page, room }) => {
await page.goto(`/#/room/${room.roomId}`);
await expect(
.getByText(OLD_NAME + " created and configured the room."),
// Upload a file from the message composer
await page
.locator(".mx_MessageComposer_actions input[type='file']")
// Click "Upload" button
await page.locator(".mx_Dialog").getByRole("button", { name: "Upload" }).click();
// Wait until the file is sent
await expect(page.locator(".mx_RoomView_statusArea_expanded")).not.toBeVisible();
await expect(page.locator(".mx_EventTile.mx_EventTile_last .mx_EventTile_receiptSent")).toBeVisible();
// Assert that the file size is displayed in kibibytes (1024 bytes), not kilobytes (1000 bytes)
// See: https://github.com/vector-im/element-web/issues/24866
await expect(
page.locator(".mx_EventTile_last .mx_MFileBody_info_filename").getByText(/1.12 KB/),
test("should render url previews", async ({ page, app, room, axe, checkA11y, context }) => {
// Element Web uses a Service Worker to rewrite unauthenticated media requests to authenticated ones, but
// the page can't see this happening. We intercept the route at the BrowserContext to ensure we get it
// post-worker, but we can't waitForResponse on that, so the page context is still used there. Because
// the page doesn't see the rewrite, it waits for the unauthenticated route. This is only confusing until
// the js-sdk (and thus the app as a whole) switches to using authenticated endpoints by default, hopefully.
await context.route(
async (route) => {
await route.fulfill({
path: "playwright/sample-files/riot.png",
await page.route(
async (route) => {
await route.fulfill({
json: {
"og:title": "Element Call",
"og:description": null,
"og:image:width": 48,
"og:image:height": 48,
"og:image": "mxc://matrix.org/2022-08-16_yaiSVSRIsNFfxDnV",
"og:image:type": "image/png",
"matrix:image:size": 2121,
const requestPromises: Promise<any>[] = [
// see context.route above for why we listen for the unauthenticated endpoint
await app.client.sendMessage(room.roomId, "https://call.element.io/");
await page.goto(`/#/room/${room.roomId}`);
await expect(page.locator(".mx_LinkPreviewWidget").getByText("Element Call")).toBeVisible();
await Promise.all(requestPromises);
await checkA11y();
await app.timeline.scrollToBottom();
await expect(page.locator(".mx_EventTile_last")).toMatchScreenshot("url-preview.png", {
// Exclude timestamp and read marker from snapshot
mask: [page.locator(".mx_MessageTimestamp")],
css: `
.mx_TopUnreadMessagesBar, .mx_MessagePanel_myReadMarker {
display: none !important;
test.describe("on search results panel", () => {
test("should highlight search result words regardless of formatting", async ({ page, app, room }) => {
await sendEvent(app.client, room.roomId);
await sendEvent(app.client, room.roomId, true);
await page.goto(`/#/room/${room.roomId}`);
await app.toggleRoomInfoPanel();
await page.locator(".mx_RoomSummaryCard_search").getByRole("searchbox").fill("Message");
await page.locator(".mx_RoomSummaryCard_search").getByRole("searchbox").press("Enter");
await expect(page.locator(".mx_RoomSearchAuxPanel")).toMatchScreenshot("search-aux-panel.png");
for (const locator of await page
.locator(".mx_EventTile:not(.mx_EventTile_contextual) .mx_EventTile_searchHighlight")
.all()) {
await expect(locator).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.locator(".mx_RoomView_searchResultsPanel")).toMatchScreenshot(
test("should render a fully opaque textual event", async ({ page, app, room }) => {
const stringToSearch = "Message"; // Same with string sent with sendEvent()
await sendEvent(app.client, room.roomId);
await page.goto(`/#/room/${room.roomId}`);
// Open a room setting dialog
await app.toggleRoomInfoPanel();
await page.getByRole("menuitem", { name: "Settings" }).click();
// Set a room topic to render a TextualEvent
await page.getByRole("textbox", { name: "Room Topic" }).type(`This is a room for ${stringToSearch}.`);
await page.getByRole("button", { name: "Save" }).click();
await app.closeDialog();
// Assert that the TextualEvent is rendered
await expect(
page.getByText(`${OLD_NAME} changed the topic to "This is a room for ${stringToSearch}.".`),
// Search the string to display both the message and TextualEvent on search results panel
await page.locator(".mx_RoomSummaryCard_search").getByRole("searchbox").fill(stringToSearch);
await page.locator(".mx_RoomSummaryCard_search").getByRole("searchbox").press("Enter");
// On search results panel
const resultsPanel = page.locator(".mx_RoomView_searchResultsPanel");
// Assert that contextual event tiles are translucent
for (const locator of await resultsPanel.locator(".mx_EventTile.mx_EventTile_contextual").all()) {
await expect(locator).toHaveCSS("opacity", "0.4");
// Assert that the TextualEvent is fully opaque (visually solid).
for (const locator of await resultsPanel.locator(".mx_EventTile .mx_TextualEvent").all()) {
await expect(locator).toHaveCSS("opacity", "1");
await expect(page.locator(".mx_RoomView_searchResultsPanel")).toMatchScreenshot(
test.describe("message sending", () => {
const MESSAGE = "Hello world";
const reply = "Reply";
const viewRoomSendMessageAndSetupReply = async (page: Page, app: ElementAppPage, roomId: string) => {
// View room
await page.goto(`/#/room/${roomId}`);
// Send a message
const composer = app.getComposerField();
await composer.fill(MESSAGE);
await composer.press("Enter");
// Reply to the message
const lastTile = page.locator(".mx_EventTile_last");
await expect(lastTile.getByText(MESSAGE)).toBeVisible();
await lastTile.hover();
await lastTile.getByRole("button", { name: "Reply", exact: true }).click();
// For clicking the reply button on the last line
const clickButtonReply = async (page: Page): Promise<void> => {
const lastTile = page.locator(".mx_RoomView_MessageList .mx_EventTile_last");
await lastTile.hover();
await lastTile.getByRole("button", { name: "Reply", exact: true }).click();
test("can reply with a text message", async ({ page, app, room }) => {
await viewRoomSendMessageAndSetupReply(page, app, room.roomId);
await app.getComposerField().fill(reply);
await app.getComposerField().press("Enter");
const eventTileLine = page.locator(".mx_RoomView_body .mx_EventTile_last .mx_EventTile_line");
await expect(eventTileLine.locator(".mx_ReplyTile .mx_MTextBody").getByText(MESSAGE)).toBeVisible();
await expect(eventTileLine.getByText(reply)).toHaveCount(1);
test("can reply with a voice message", async ({ page, app, room, context }) => {
await context.grantPermissions(["microphone"]);
await viewRoomSendMessageAndSetupReply(page, app, room.roomId);
const composerOptions = await app.openMessageComposerOptions();
await composerOptions.getByRole("menuitem", { name: "Voice Message" }).click();
// Record an empty message
await page.waitForTimeout(3000);
const roomViewBody = page.locator(".mx_RoomView_body");
await roomViewBody
.getByRole("button", { name: "Send voice message" })
const lastEventTileLine = roomViewBody.locator(".mx_EventTile_last .mx_EventTile_line");
await expect(lastEventTileLine.locator(".mx_ReplyTile .mx_MTextBody").getByText(MESSAGE)).toBeVisible();
await expect(lastEventTileLine.locator(".mx_MVoiceMessageBody")).toHaveCount(1);
test("should not be possible to send flag with regional emojis", async ({ page, app, room }) => {
await page.goto(`/#/room/${room.roomId}`);
// Send a message
await app.getComposerField().pressSequentially(":regional_indicator_a");
await page.locator(".mx_Autocomplete_Completion_title", { hasText: ":regional_indicator_a:" }).click();
await app.getComposerField().pressSequentially(":regional_indicator_r");
await page.locator(".mx_Autocomplete_Completion_title", { hasText: ":regional_indicator_r:" }).click();
await app.getComposerField().pressSequentially(" :regional_indicator_z");
await page.locator(".mx_Autocomplete_Completion_title", { hasText: ":regional_indicator_z:" }).click();
await app.getComposerField().pressSequentially(":regional_indicator_a");
await page.locator(".mx_Autocomplete_Completion_title", { hasText: ":regional_indicator_a:" }).click();
await app.getComposerField().press("Enter");
await expect(
".mx_RoomView_body .mx_EventTile .mx_EventTile_line .mx_MTextBody .mx_EventTile_bigEmoji > *",
test("should display a reply chain", async ({ page, app, room, homeserver }) => {
const reply2 = "Reply again";
await page.goto(`/#/room/${room.roomId}`);
// Wait until configuration is finished
await expect(
.getByText(OLD_NAME + " created and configured the room."),
// Create a bot "BotBob" and invite it
const bot = new Bot(page, homeserver, {
displayName: "BotBob",
autoAcceptInvites: false,
await bot.prepareClient();
await app.client.inviteUser(room.roomId, bot.credentials.userId);
await bot.joinRoom(room.roomId);
// Make sure the bot joined the room
await expect(
.locator(".mx_GenericEventListSummary .mx_EventTile_info.mx_EventTile_last")
.getByText("BotBob joined the room"),
// Have bot send MESSAGE to roomId
await bot.sendMessage(room.roomId, MESSAGE);
// Assert that MESSAGE is found
await expect(page.getByText(MESSAGE)).toBeVisible();
// Reply to the message
await clickButtonReply(page);
await app.getComposerField().fill(reply);
await app.getComposerField().press("Enter");
// Make sure 'reply' was sent
await expect(page.locator(".mx_RoomView_body .mx_EventTile_last").getByText(reply)).toBeVisible();
// Reply again to create a replyChain
await clickButtonReply(page);
await app.getComposerField().fill(reply2);
await app.getComposerField().press("Enter");
// Assert that 'reply2' was sent
await expect(page.locator(".mx_RoomView_body .mx_EventTile_last").getByText(reply2)).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.locator(".mx_EventTile_last .mx_EventTile_receiptSent")).toBeVisible();
// Exclude timestamp and read marker from snapshot
const screenshotOptions = {
mask: [page.locator(".mx_MessageTimestamp")],
css: `
.mx_TopUnreadMessagesBar, .mx_MessagePanel_myReadMarker {
display: none !important;
// Check the margin value of ReplyChains of EventTile at the bottom on IRC layout
await app.settings.setValue("layout", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, Layout.IRC);
for (const locator of await page.locator(".mx_EventTile_last[data-layout='irc'] .mx_ReplyChain").all()) {
await expect(locator).toHaveCSS("margin", "0px");
// Take a snapshot on IRC layout
// Note that because zero margin is applied to mx_ReplyChain, the left borders of two mx_ReplyChain
// components may seem to be connected to one.
await expect(page.locator(".mx_EventTile_last")).toMatchScreenshot(
// Check the margin value of ReplyChains of EventTile at the bottom on group/modern layout
await app.settings.setValue("layout", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, Layout.Group);
for (const locator of await page.locator(".mx_EventTile_last[data-layout='group'] .mx_ReplyChain").all()) {
await expect(locator).toHaveCSS("margin-bottom", "8px");
// Take a snapshot on modern layout
await expect(page.locator(".mx_EventTile_last")).toMatchScreenshot(
// Check the margin value of ReplyChains of EventTile at the bottom on group/modern compact layout
await app.settings.setValue("useCompactLayout", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, true);
for (const locator of await page.locator(".mx_EventTile_last[data-layout='group'] .mx_ReplyChain").all()) {
await expect(locator).toHaveCSS("margin-bottom", "4px");
// Take a snapshot on compact modern layout
await expect(page.locator(".mx_EventTile_last")).toMatchScreenshot(
// Check the margin value of ReplyChains of EventTile at the bottom on bubble layout
await app.settings.setValue("layout", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, Layout.Bubble);
for (const locator of await page.locator(".mx_EventTile_last[data-layout='bubble'] .mx_ReplyChain").all()) {
await expect(locator).toHaveCSS("margin-bottom", "8px");
// Take a snapshot on bubble layout
await expect(page.locator(".mx_EventTile_last")).toMatchScreenshot(
test("should send, reply, and display long strings without overflowing", async ({
}) => {
// Max 256 characters for display name
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut " +
"et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut " +
const newDisplayName = `${LONG_STRING} 2`;
// Set the display name to "LONG_STRING 2" in order to avoid screenshot tests from failing
// due to the generated random mxid being displayed inside the GELS summary.
// Note that we set it here as the test was failing on CI (but not locally!) if the name
// was changed afterwards. This is quite concerning, but maybe better than just disabling the
// whole test?
// https://github.com/element-hq/element-web/issues/27109
await app.client.setDisplayName(newDisplayName);
// Create a bot with a long display name
const bot = new Bot(page, homeserver, {
displayName: LONG_STRING,
autoAcceptInvites: false,
await bot.prepareClient();
// Create another room with a long name, invite the bot, and open the room
const testRoomId = await app.client.createRoom({ name: LONG_STRING });
await app.client.inviteUser(testRoomId, bot.credentials.userId);
await bot.joinRoom(testRoomId);
await page.goto(`/#/room/${testRoomId}`);
// Wait until configuration is finished
await expect(
.getByText(newDisplayName + " created and configured the room."),
// Have the bot send a long message
await bot.sendMessage(testRoomId, {
msgtype: "m.text",
// Wait until the message is rendered
await expect(
page.locator(".mx_EventTile_last .mx_MTextBody .mx_EventTile_body").getByText(LONG_STRING),
// Reply to the message
await clickButtonReply(page);
await app.getComposerField().fill(reply);
await app.getComposerField().press("Enter");
// Make sure the reply tile is rendered
const eventTileLine = page.locator(".mx_EventTile_last .mx_EventTile_line");
await expect(eventTileLine.locator(".mx_ReplyTile .mx_MTextBody").getByText(LONG_STRING)).toBeVisible();
await expect(eventTileLine.getByText(reply)).toHaveCount(1);
// Change the viewport size
await page.setViewportSize({ width: 1600, height: 1200 });
// Exclude timestamp and read marker from snapshot
const screenshotOptions = {
mask: [page.locator(".mx_MessageTimestamp")],
css: `
.mx_TopUnreadMessagesBar, .mx_MessagePanel_myReadMarker {
display: none !important;
// Make sure the strings do not overflow on IRC layout
await app.settings.setValue("layout", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, Layout.IRC);
// Scroll to the bottom to take a snapshot of the whole viewport
await app.timeline.scrollToBottom();
// Assert that both avatar in the introduction and the last message are visible at the same time
await expect(page.locator(".mx_NewRoomIntro .mx_BaseAvatar")).toBeVisible();
const lastEventTileIrc = page.locator(".mx_EventTile_last[data-layout='irc']");
await expect(lastEventTileIrc.locator(".mx_MTextBody").first()).toBeVisible();
await expect(lastEventTileIrc.locator(".mx_EventTile_receiptSent")).toBeVisible(); // rendered at the bottom of EventTile
// Take a snapshot in IRC layout
await expect(page.locator(".mx_ScrollPanel")).toMatchScreenshot(
// Make sure the strings do not overflow on modern layout
await app.settings.setValue("layout", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, Layout.Group);
await app.timeline.scrollToBottom(); // Scroll again in case
await expect(page.locator(".mx_NewRoomIntro .mx_BaseAvatar")).toBeVisible();
const lastEventTileGroup = page.locator(".mx_EventTile_last[data-layout='group']");
await expect(lastEventTileGroup.locator(".mx_MTextBody").first()).toBeVisible();
await expect(lastEventTileGroup.locator(".mx_EventTile_receiptSent")).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.locator(".mx_ScrollPanel")).toMatchScreenshot(
// Make sure the strings do not overflow on bubble layout
await app.settings.setValue("layout", null, SettingLevel.DEVICE, Layout.Bubble);
await app.timeline.scrollToBottom(); // Scroll again in case
await expect(page.locator(".mx_NewRoomIntro .mx_BaseAvatar")).toBeVisible();
const lastEventTileBubble = page.locator(".mx_EventTile_last[data-layout='bubble']");
await expect(lastEventTileBubble.locator(".mx_MTextBody").first()).toBeVisible();
await expect(lastEventTileBubble.locator(".mx_EventTile_receiptSent")).toBeVisible();
await expect(page.locator(".mx_ScrollPanel")).toMatchScreenshot(
async function testImageRendering(page: Page, app: ElementAppPage, room: { roomId: string }) {
await app.viewRoomById(room.roomId);
// Reinstall the service workers to clear their implicit caches (global-level stuff)
await page.evaluate(async () => {
const registrations = await window.navigator.serviceWorker.getRegistrations();
registrations.forEach((r) => r.update());
await sendImage(app.client, room.roomId, NEW_AVATAR);
await expect(page.locator(".mx_MImageBody").first()).toBeVisible();
// Exclude timestamp and read marker from snapshot
const screenshotOptions = {
mask: [page.locator(".mx_MessageTimestamp")],
css: `
.mx_TopUnreadMessagesBar, .mx_MessagePanel_myReadMarker {
display: none !important;
await expect(page.locator(".mx_ScrollPanel")).toMatchScreenshot(
test("should render images in the timeline", async ({ page, app, room, context }) => {
await testImageRendering(page, app, room);
// XXX: This test doesn't actually work because the service worker relies on IndexedDB, which Playwright forces
// to be a localstorage implementation, which service workers cannot access.
// See https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/issues/11164
// See https://github.com/microsoft/playwright/issues/15684#issuecomment-2070862042
// In practice, this means this test will *always* succeed because it ends up relying on fallback behaviour tested
// above (unless of course the above tests are also broken).
test.describe("MSC3916 - Authenticated Media", () => {
test("should render authenticated images in the timeline", async ({ page, app, room, context }) => {
// Note: we have to use `context` instead of `page` for routing, otherwise we'll miss Service Worker events.
// See https://playwright.dev/docs/service-workers-experimental#network-events-and-routing
// Install our mocks and preventative measures
await context.route("**/_matrix/client/versions", async (route) => {
// Force enable MSC3916/Matrix 1.11, which may require the service worker's internal cache to be cleared later.
const json = await (await route.fetch()).json();
if (!json["versions"]) json["versions"] = [];
await route.fulfill({ json });
await context.route("**/_matrix/media/*/download/**", async (route) => {
// should not be called. We don't use `abort` so that it's clearer in the logs what happened.
await route.fulfill({
status: 500,
json: { errcode: "M_UNKNOWN", error: "Unexpected route called." },
await context.route("**/_matrix/media/*/thumbnail/**", async (route) => {
// should not be called. We don't use `abort` so that it's clearer in the logs what happened.
await route.fulfill({
status: 500,
json: { errcode: "M_UNKNOWN", error: "Unexpected route called." },
await context.route("**/_matrix/client/v1/download/**", async (route) => {
// we can't use route.continue() because no configured homeserver supports MSC3916 yet
await route.fulfill({
await context.route("**/_matrix/client/v1/thumbnail/**", async (route) => {
// we can't use route.continue() because no configured homeserver supports MSC3916 yet
await route.fulfill({
// We check the same screenshot because there should be no user-visible impact to using authentication.
await testImageRendering(page, app, room);