
260 lines
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Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd.
Copyright 2023 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C.
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details.
import jsQR from "jsqr";
import type { JSHandle, Locator, Page } from "@playwright/test";
import type { VerificationRequest } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/crypto-api";
import { test, expect } from "../../element-web-test";
import {
} from "./utils";
import { Bot } from "../../pages/bot";
test.describe("Device verification", () => {
let aliceBotClient: Bot;
/** The backup version that was set up by the bot client. */
let expectedBackupVersion: string;
test.beforeEach(async ({ page, homeserver, credentials }) => {
// Visit the login page of the app, to load the matrix sdk
await page.goto("/#/login");
// wait for the page to load
await page.waitForSelector(".mx_AuthPage", { timeout: 30000 });
// Create a new device for alice
aliceBotClient = new Bot(page, homeserver, {
bootstrapCrossSigning: true,
bootstrapSecretStorage: true,
// Backup is prepared in the background. Poll until it is ready.
const botClientHandle = await aliceBotClient.prepareClient();
await expect
.poll(async () => {
expectedBackupVersion = await botClientHandle.evaluate((cli) =>
return expectedBackupVersion;
// Click the "Verify with another device" button, and have the bot client auto-accept it.
async function initiateAliceVerificationRequest(page: Page): Promise<JSHandle<VerificationRequest>> {
// alice bot waits for verification request
const promiseVerificationRequest = waitForVerificationRequest(aliceBotClient);
// Click on "Verify with another device"
await page.locator(".mx_AuthPage").getByRole("button", { name: "Verify with another device" }).click();
// alice bot responds yes to verification request from alice
return promiseVerificationRequest;
test("Verify device with SAS during login", async ({ page, app, credentials, homeserver }) => {
await logIntoElement(page, homeserver, credentials);
// Launch the verification request between alice and the bot
const verificationRequest = await initiateAliceVerificationRequest(page);
// Handle emoji SAS verification
const infoDialog = page.locator(".mx_InfoDialog");
// the bot chooses to do an emoji verification
const verifier = await verificationRequest.evaluateHandle((request) => request.startVerification("m.sas.v1"));
// Handle emoji request and check that emojis are matching
await doTwoWaySasVerification(page, verifier);
await infoDialog.getByRole("button", { name: "They match" }).click();
await infoDialog.getByRole("button", { name: "Got it" }).click();
// Check that our device is now cross-signed
await checkDeviceIsCrossSigned(app);
// Check that the current device is connected to key backup
// For now we don't check that the backup key is in cache because it's a bit flaky,
// as we need to wait for the secret gossiping to happen and the settings dialog doesn't refresh automatically.
await checkDeviceIsConnectedKeyBackup(page, expectedBackupVersion, false);
test("Verify device with QR code during login", async ({ page, app, credentials, homeserver }) => {
// A mode 0x02 verification: "self-verifying in which the current device does not yet trust the master key"
await logIntoElement(page, homeserver, credentials);
// Launch the verification request between alice and the bot
const verificationRequest = await initiateAliceVerificationRequest(page);
const infoDialog = page.locator(".mx_InfoDialog");
// feed the QR code into the verification request.
const qrData = await readQrCode(infoDialog);
const verifier = await verificationRequest.evaluateHandle(
(request, qrData) => request.scanQRCode(new Uint8Array(qrData)),
// Confirm that the bot user scanned successfully
await expect(infoDialog.getByText("Almost there! Is your other device showing the same shield?")).toBeVisible();
await infoDialog.getByRole("button", { name: "Yes" }).click();
await infoDialog.getByRole("button", { name: "Got it" }).click();
// wait for the bot to see we have finished
await verifier.evaluate((verifier) => verifier.verify());
// the bot uploads the signatures asynchronously, so wait for that to happen
await page.waitForTimeout(1000);
// our device should trust the bot device
await app.client.evaluate(async (cli, aliceBotCredentials) => {
const deviceStatus = await cli
.getDeviceVerificationStatus(aliceBotCredentials.userId, aliceBotCredentials.deviceId);
if (!deviceStatus.isVerified()) {
throw new Error("Bot device was not verified after QR code verification");
}, aliceBotClient.credentials);
// Check that our device is now cross-signed
await checkDeviceIsCrossSigned(app);
// Check that the current device is connected to key backup
// For now we don't check that the backup key is in cache because it's a bit flaky,
// as we need to wait for the secret gossiping to happen and the settings dialog doesn't refresh automatically.
await checkDeviceIsConnectedKeyBackup(page, expectedBackupVersion, false);
test("Verify device with Security Phrase during login", async ({ page, app, credentials, homeserver }) => {
await logIntoElement(page, homeserver, credentials);
// Select the security phrase
await page.locator(".mx_AuthPage").getByRole("button", { name: "Verify with Security Key or Phrase" }).click();
// Fill the passphrase
const dialog = page.locator(".mx_Dialog");
await dialog.locator("input").fill("new passphrase");
await dialog.locator(".mx_Dialog_primary:not([disabled])", { hasText: "Continue" }).click();
await page.locator(".mx_AuthPage").getByRole("button", { name: "Done" }).click();
// Check that our device is now cross-signed
await checkDeviceIsCrossSigned(app);
// Check that the current device is connected to key backup
// The backup decryption key should be in cache also, as we got it directly from the 4S
await checkDeviceIsConnectedKeyBackup(page, expectedBackupVersion, true);
test("Verify device with Security Key during login", async ({ page, app, credentials, homeserver }) => {
await logIntoElement(page, homeserver, credentials);
// Select the security phrase
await page.locator(".mx_AuthPage").getByRole("button", { name: "Verify with Security Key or Phrase" }).click();
// Fill the security key
const dialog = page.locator(".mx_Dialog");
await dialog.getByRole("button", { name: "use your Security Key" }).click();
const aliceRecoveryKey = await aliceBotClient.getRecoveryKey();
await dialog.locator("#mx_securityKey").fill(aliceRecoveryKey.encodedPrivateKey);
await dialog.locator(".mx_Dialog_primary:not([disabled])", { hasText: "Continue" }).click();
await page.locator(".mx_AuthPage").getByRole("button", { name: "Done" }).click();
// Check that our device is now cross-signed
await checkDeviceIsCrossSigned(app);
// Check that the current device is connected to key backup
// The backup decryption key should be in cache also, as we got it directly from the 4S
await checkDeviceIsConnectedKeyBackup(page, expectedBackupVersion, true);
test("Handle incoming verification request with SAS", async ({ page, credentials, homeserver, toasts }) => {
await logIntoElement(page, homeserver, credentials);
/* Dismiss "Verify this device" */
const authPage = page.locator(".mx_AuthPage");
await authPage.getByRole("button", { name: "Skip verification for now" }).click();
await authPage.getByRole("button", { name: "I'll verify later" }).click();
await page.waitForSelector(".mx_MatrixChat");
const elementDeviceId = await page.evaluate(() => window.mxMatrixClientPeg.get().getDeviceId());
/* Now initiate a verification request from the *bot* device. */
const botVerificationRequest = await aliceBotClient.evaluateHandle(
async (client, { userId, deviceId }) => {
return client.getCrypto()!.requestDeviceVerification(userId, deviceId);
{ userId: credentials.userId, deviceId: elementDeviceId },
/* Check the toast for the incoming request */
const toast = await toasts.getToast("Verification requested");
// it should contain the device ID of the requesting device
await expect(toast.getByText(`${aliceBotClient.credentials.deviceId} from `)).toBeVisible();
// Accept
await toast.getByRole("button", { name: "Verify Session" }).click();
/* Click 'Start' to start SAS verification */
await page.getByRole("button", { name: "Start" }).click();
/* on the bot side, wait for the verifier to exist ... */
const verifier = await awaitVerifier(botVerificationRequest);
// ... confirm ...
botVerificationRequest.evaluate((verificationRequest) => verificationRequest.verifier.verify());
// ... and then check the emoji match
await doTwoWaySasVerification(page, verifier);
/* And we're all done! */
const infoDialog = page.locator(".mx_InfoDialog");
await infoDialog.getByRole("button", { name: "They match" }).click();
await expect(
infoDialog.getByText(`You've successfully verified (${aliceBotClient.credentials.deviceId})!`),
await infoDialog.getByRole("button", { name: "Got it" }).click();
/** Extract the qrcode out of an on-screen html element */
async function readQrCode(base: Locator) {
const qrCode = base.locator('[alt="QR Code"]');
const imageData = await qrCode.evaluate<
colorSpace: PredefinedColorSpace;
width: number;
height: number;
buffer: number[];
>(async (img) => {
// draw the image on a canvas
const myCanvas = new OffscreenCanvas(img.width, img.height);
const ctx = myCanvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0);
// read the image data
const imageData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, myCanvas.width, myCanvas.height);
return {
colorSpace: imageData.colorSpace,
width: imageData.width,
height: imageData.height,
buffer: [...new Uint8ClampedArray(imageData.data.buffer)],
// now we can decode the QR code.
const result = jsQR(new Uint8ClampedArray(imageData.buffer), imageData.width, imageData.height);
return new Uint8Array(result.binaryData);