
224 lines
11 KiB

Copyright 2023 Suguru Hirahara
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import { Download, type Page } from "@playwright/test";
import { test, expect } from "../../element-web-test";
import { viewRoomSummaryByName } from "./utils";
const ROOM_NAME = "Test room";
const NAME = "Alice";
async function uploadFile(page: Page, file: string) {
// Upload a file from the message composer
await page.locator(".mx_MessageComposer_actions input[type='file']").setInputFiles(file);
await page.locator(".mx_Dialog").getByRole("button", { name: "Upload" }).click();
// Wait until the file is sent
await expect(page.locator(".mx_RoomView_statusArea_expanded")).not.toBeVisible();
await expect(page.locator(".mx_EventTile.mx_EventTile_last .mx_EventTile_receiptSent")).toBeVisible();
test.describe("FilePanel", () => {
displayName: NAME,
test.beforeEach(async ({ page, user, app }) => {
await app.client.createRoom({ name: ROOM_NAME });
// Open the file panel
await viewRoomSummaryByName(page, app, ROOM_NAME);
await page.getByRole("menuitem", { name: "Files" }).click();
await expect(page.locator(".mx_FilePanel")).toBeVisible();
test.describe("render", () => {
test("should render empty state", async ({ page }) => {
// Wait until the information about the empty state is rendered
await expect(page.locator(".mx_EmptyState")).toBeVisible();
// Take a snapshot of RightPanel - fix https://github.com/vector-im/element-web/issues/25332
await expect(page.locator(".mx_RightPanel")).toMatchScreenshot("empty.png");
test("should list tiles on the panel", async ({ page }) => {
// Upload multiple files
await uploadFile(page, "playwright/sample-files/riot.png"); // Image
await uploadFile(page, "playwright/sample-files/1sec.ogg"); // Audio
await uploadFile(page, "playwright/sample-files/matrix-org-client-versions.json"); // JSON
const roomViewBody = page.locator(".mx_RoomView_body");
// Assert that all of the file were uploaded and rendered
await expect(roomViewBody.locator(".mx_EventTile[data-layout='group']")).toHaveCount(3);
// Assert that the image exists and has the alt string
await expect(roomViewBody.locator(".mx_EventTile[data-layout='group'] img[alt='riot.png']")).toBeVisible();
// Assert that the audio player is rendered
await expect(
roomViewBody.locator(".mx_EventTile[data-layout='group'] .mx_AudioPlayer_container"),
// Assert that the file button exists
await expect(
roomViewBody.locator(".mx_EventTile_last[data-layout='group'] .mx_MFileBody", { hasText: ".json" }),
const filePanel = page.locator(".mx_FilePanel");
// Assert that the file panel is opened inside mx_RightPanel and visible
await expect(filePanel).toBeVisible();
const filePanelMessageList = filePanel.locator(".mx_RoomView_MessageList");
// Assert that data-layout attribute is not applied to file tiles on the panel
await expect(filePanelMessageList.locator(".mx_EventTile[data-layout]")).not.toBeVisible();
// Assert that all of the file tiles are rendered
await expect(filePanelMessageList.locator(".mx_EventTile")).toHaveCount(3);
// Assert that the download links are rendered
await expect(filePanelMessageList.locator(".mx_MFileBody_download")).toHaveCount(3);
// Assert that the sender of the files is rendered on all of the tiles
await expect(filePanelMessageList.getByText(NAME)).toHaveCount(3);
// Detect the image file
const image = filePanelMessageList.locator(".mx_EventTile_mediaLine.mx_EventTile_image .mx_MImageBody");
// Assert that the image is specified as thumbnail and has the alt string
await expect(image.locator("img[class='mx_MImageBody_thumbnail']")).toBeVisible();
await expect(image.locator("img[alt='riot.png']")).toBeVisible();
// Detect the audio file
const audio = filePanelMessageList.locator(
".mx_EventTile_mediaLine .mx_MAudioBody .mx_AudioPlayer_container",
// Assert that the play button is rendered
await expect(audio.getByRole("button", { name: "Play" })).toBeVisible();
// Detect the JSON file
// Assert that the tile is rendered as a button
const file = filePanelMessageList.locator(
".mx_EventTile_mediaLine .mx_MFileBody .mx_MFileBody_info[role='button'] .mx_MFileBody_info_filename",
// Assert that the file name is rendered inside the button with ellipsis
await expect(file.getByText(/matrix.*?\.json/)).toBeVisible();
// Make the viewport tall enough to display all of the file tiles on FilePanel
await page.setViewportSize({ width: 800, height: 1000 });
// In case the panel is scrollable on the resized viewport
// Assert that the value for flexbox is applied
await expect(filePanel.locator(".mx_ScrollPanel .mx_RoomView_MessageList")).toHaveCSS(
// Assert that all of the file tiles are visible before taking a snapshot
await expect(filePanelMessageList.locator(".mx_MImageBody")).toBeVisible(); // top
await expect(filePanelMessageList.locator(".mx_MAudioBody")).toBeVisible(); // middle
const senderDetails = filePanelMessageList.locator(".mx_EventTile_last .mx_EventTile_senderDetails");
await expect(senderDetails.locator(".mx_DisambiguatedProfile")).toBeVisible();
await expect(senderDetails.locator(".mx_MessageTimestamp")).toBeVisible();
// Take a snapshot of file tiles list on FilePanel
await expect(filePanelMessageList).toMatchScreenshot("file-tiles-list.png", {
// Exclude timestamps & flaky seek bar from snapshot
mask: [page.locator(".mx_MessageTimestamp, .mx_AudioPlayer_seek")],
test("should render the audio player and play the audio file on the panel", async ({ page }) => {
// Upload an image file
await uploadFile(page, "playwright/sample-files/1sec.ogg");
const audioBody = page.locator(
".mx_FilePanel .mx_RoomView_MessageList .mx_EventTile_mediaLine .mx_MAudioBody .mx_AudioPlayer_container",
// Assert that the audio player is rendered
// Assert that the audio file information is rendered
const mediaInfo = audioBody.locator(".mx_AudioPlayer_mediaInfo");
await expect(mediaInfo.locator(".mx_AudioPlayer_mediaName").getByText("1sec.ogg")).toBeVisible();
await expect(mediaInfo.locator(".mx_AudioPlayer_byline", { hasText: "00:01" })).toBeVisible();
await expect(mediaInfo.locator(".mx_AudioPlayer_byline", { hasText: "(3.56 KB)" })).toBeVisible(); // actual size
// Assert that the duration counter is 00:01 before clicking the play button
await expect(audioBody.locator(".mx_AudioPlayer_mediaInfo time", { hasText: "00:01" })).toBeVisible();
// Assert that the counter is zero before clicking the play button
await expect(audioBody.locator(".mx_AudioPlayer_seek [role='timer']", { hasText: "00:00" })).toBeVisible();
// Click the play button
await audioBody.getByRole("button", { name: "Play" }).click();
// Assert that the pause button is rendered
await expect(audioBody.getByRole("button", { name: "Pause" })).toBeVisible();
// Assert that the timer is reset when the audio file finished playing
await expect(audioBody.locator(".mx_AudioPlayer_seek [role='timer']", { hasText: "00:00" })).toBeVisible();
// Assert that the play button is rendered
await expect(audioBody.getByRole("button", { name: "Play" })).toBeVisible();
test("should render file size in kibibytes on a file tile", async ({ page }) => {
const size = "1.12 KB"; // actual file size in kibibytes (1024 bytes)
// Upload a file
await uploadFile(page, "playwright/sample-files/matrix-org-client-versions.json");
const tile = page.locator(".mx_FilePanel .mx_EventTile");
// Assert that the file size is displayed in kibibytes, not kilobytes (1000 bytes)
// See: https://github.com/vector-im/element-web/issues/24866
await expect(tile.locator(".mx_MFileBody_info_filename", { hasText: size })).toBeVisible();
await expect(tile.locator(".mx_MFileBody_download a", { hasText: size })).toBeVisible();
await expect(tile.locator(".mx_MFileBody_download .mx_MImageBody_size", { hasText: size })).toBeVisible();
test.describe("download", () => {
test("should download an image via the link on the panel", async ({ page, context }) => {
// Upload an image file
await uploadFile(page, "playwright/sample-files/riot.png");
// Detect the image file on the panel
const imageBody = page.locator(
".mx_FilePanel .mx_RoomView_MessageList .mx_EventTile_mediaLine.mx_EventTile_image .mx_MImageBody",
const link = imageBody.locator(".mx_MFileBody_download a");
const newPagePromise = context.waitForEvent("page");
const downloadPromise = new Promise<Download>((resolve) => {
page.once("download", resolve);
// Click the anchor link (not the image itself)
await link.click();
const newPage = await newPagePromise;
// XXX: Clicking the link opens the image in a new tab on some browsers rather than downloading
await expect(newPage)
.catch(async () => {
const download = await downloadPromise;