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482 lines
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* Copyright 2020 - 2021 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import { Room } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/models/room";
import {
} from "matrix-widget-api";
import { EventEmitter } from "events";
import { MatrixEvent } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/models/event";
import { logger } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/logger";
import { StopGapWidgetDriver } from "./StopGapWidgetDriver";
import { WidgetMessagingStore } from "./WidgetMessagingStore";
import RoomViewStore from "../RoomViewStore";
import { MatrixClientPeg } from "../../MatrixClientPeg";
import { OwnProfileStore } from "../OwnProfileStore";
import WidgetUtils from '../../utils/WidgetUtils';
import { IntegrationManagers } from "../../integrations/IntegrationManagers";
import SettingsStore from "../../settings/SettingsStore";
import { WidgetType } from "../../widgets/WidgetType";
import ActiveWidgetStore from "../ActiveWidgetStore";
import { objectShallowClone } from "../../utils/objects";
import defaultDispatcher from "../../dispatcher/dispatcher";
import { Action } from "../../dispatcher/actions";
import { ElementWidgetActions, IViewRoomApiRequest } from "./ElementWidgetActions";
import { ModalWidgetStore } from "../ModalWidgetStore";
import ThemeWatcher from "../../settings/watchers/ThemeWatcher";
import { getCustomTheme } from "../../theme";
import CountlyAnalytics from "../../CountlyAnalytics";
import { ElementWidgetCapabilities } from "./ElementWidgetCapabilities";
import { ELEMENT_CLIENT_ID } from "../../identifiers";
import { getUserLanguage } from "../../languageHandler";
import { WidgetVariableCustomisations } from "../../customisations/WidgetVariables";
import { arrayFastClone } from "../../utils/arrays";
// TODO: Destroy all of this code
interface IAppTileProps {
// Note: these are only the props we care about
app: IWidget;
room: Room;
userId: string;
creatorUserId: string;
waitForIframeLoad: boolean;
whitelistCapabilities?: string[];
userWidget: boolean;
// TODO: Don't use this because it's wrong
export class ElementWidget extends Widget {
constructor(private rawDefinition: IWidget) {
public get templateUrl(): string {
if (WidgetType.JITSI.matches(this.type)) {
return WidgetUtils.getLocalJitsiWrapperUrl({
forLocalRender: true,
auth: super.rawData?.auth as string, // this.rawData can call templateUrl, do this to prevent looping
return super.templateUrl;
public get popoutTemplateUrl(): string {
if (WidgetType.JITSI.matches(this.type)) {
return WidgetUtils.getLocalJitsiWrapperUrl({
forLocalRender: false, // The only important difference between this and templateUrl()
auth: super.rawData?.auth as string,
return this.templateUrl; // use this instead of super to ensure we get appropriate templating
public get rawData(): IWidgetData {
let conferenceId = super.rawData['conferenceId'];
if (conferenceId === undefined) {
// we'll need to parse the conference ID out of the URL for v1 Jitsi widgets
const parsedUrl = new URL(super.templateUrl); // use super to get the raw widget URL
conferenceId = parsedUrl.searchParams.get("confId");
let domain = super.rawData['domain'];
if (domain === undefined) {
// v1 widgets default to meet.element.io regardless of user settings
domain = "meet.element.io";
let theme = new ThemeWatcher().getEffectiveTheme();
if (theme.startsWith("custom-")) {
const customTheme = getCustomTheme(theme.substr(7));
// Jitsi only understands light/dark
theme = customTheme.is_dark ? "dark" : "light";
// only allow light/dark through, defaulting to dark as that was previously the only state
// accounts for legacy-light/legacy-dark themes too
if (theme.includes("light")) {
theme = "light";
} else {
theme = "dark";
return {
public getCompleteUrl(params: ITemplateParams, asPopout = false): string {
return runTemplate(asPopout ? this.popoutTemplateUrl : this.templateUrl, {
data: this.rawData,
}, params);
export class StopGapWidget extends EventEmitter {
private messaging: ClientWidgetApi;
private mockWidget: ElementWidget;
private scalarToken: string;
private roomId?: string;
private kind: WidgetKind;
private readUpToMap: { [roomId: string]: string } = {}; // room ID to event ID
constructor(private appTileProps: IAppTileProps) {
let app = appTileProps.app;
// Backwards compatibility: not all old widgets have a creatorUserId
if (!app.creatorUserId) {
app = objectShallowClone(app); // clone to prevent accidental mutation
app.creatorUserId = MatrixClientPeg.get().getUserId();
this.mockWidget = new ElementWidget(app);
this.roomId = appTileProps.room?.roomId;
this.kind = appTileProps.userWidget ? WidgetKind.Account : WidgetKind.Room; // probably
private get eventListenerRoomId(): string {
// When widgets are listening to events, we need to make sure they're only
// receiving events for the right room. In particular, room widgets get locked
// to the room they were added in while account widgets listen to the currently
// active room.
if (this.roomId) return this.roomId;
return RoomViewStore.getRoomId();
public get widgetApi(): ClientWidgetApi {
return this.messaging;
* The URL to use in the iframe
public get embedUrl(): string {
return this.runUrlTemplate({ asPopout: false });
* The URL to use in the popout
public get popoutUrl(): string {
return this.runUrlTemplate({ asPopout: true });
private runUrlTemplate(opts = { asPopout: false }): string {
const fromCustomisation = WidgetVariableCustomisations?.provideVariables?.() ?? {};
const defaults: ITemplateParams = {
widgetRoomId: this.roomId,
currentUserId: MatrixClientPeg.get().getUserId(),
userDisplayName: OwnProfileStore.instance.displayName,
userHttpAvatarUrl: OwnProfileStore.instance.getHttpAvatarUrl(),
clientTheme: SettingsStore.getValue("theme"),
clientLanguage: getUserLanguage(),
const templated = this.mockWidget.getCompleteUrl(Object.assign(defaults, fromCustomisation), opts?.asPopout);
const parsed = new URL(templated);
// Add in some legacy support sprinkles (for non-popout widgets)
// TODO: Replace these with proper widget params
// See https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-doc/pull/1958/files#r405714833
if (!opts?.asPopout) {
parsed.searchParams.set('widgetId', this.mockWidget.id);
parsed.searchParams.set('parentUrl', window.location.href.split('#', 2)[0]);
// Give the widget a scalar token if we're supposed to (more legacy)
// TODO: Stop doing this
if (this.scalarToken) {
parsed.searchParams.set('scalar_token', this.scalarToken);
// Replace the encoded dollar signs back to dollar signs. They have no special meaning
// in HTTP, but URL parsers encode them anyways.
return parsed.toString().replace(/%24/g, '$');
public get isManagedByManager(): boolean {
return !!this.scalarToken;
public get started(): boolean {
return !!this.messaging;
private get widgetId() {
return this.messaging.widget.id;
private onOpenModal = async (ev: CustomEvent<IModalWidgetOpenRequest>) => {
if (ModalWidgetStore.instance.canOpenModalWidget()) {
ModalWidgetStore.instance.openModalWidget(ev.detail.data, this.mockWidget);
this.messaging.transport.reply(ev.detail, {}); // ack
} else {
this.messaging.transport.reply(ev.detail, {
error: {
message: "Unable to open modal at this time",
public start(iframe: HTMLIFrameElement) {
if (this.started) return;
const allowedCapabilities = this.appTileProps.whitelistCapabilities || [];
const driver = new StopGapWidgetDriver(allowedCapabilities, this.mockWidget, this.kind, this.roomId);
this.messaging = new ClientWidgetApi(this.mockWidget, iframe, driver);
this.messaging.on("preparing", () => this.emit("preparing"));
this.messaging.on("ready", () => this.emit("ready"));
this.messaging.on("capabilitiesNotified", () => this.emit("capabilitiesNotified"));
this.messaging.on(`action:${WidgetApiFromWidgetAction.OpenModalWidget}`, this.onOpenModal);
WidgetMessagingStore.instance.storeMessaging(this.mockWidget, this.messaging);
if (!this.appTileProps.userWidget && this.appTileProps.room) {
ActiveWidgetStore.instance.setRoomId(this.mockWidget.id, this.appTileProps.room.roomId);
// Always attach a handler for ViewRoom, but permission check it internally
this.messaging.on(`action:${ElementWidgetActions.ViewRoom}`, (ev: CustomEvent<IViewRoomApiRequest>) => {
ev.preventDefault(); // stop the widget API from auto-rejecting this
// Check up front if this is even a valid request
const targetRoomId = (ev.detail.data || {}).room_id;
if (!targetRoomId) {
return this.messaging.transport.reply(ev.detail, <IWidgetApiErrorResponseData>{
error: { message: "Room ID not supplied." },
// Check the widget's permission
if (!this.messaging.hasCapability(ElementWidgetCapabilities.CanChangeViewedRoom)) {
return this.messaging.transport.reply(ev.detail, <IWidgetApiErrorResponseData>{
error: { message: "This widget does not have permission for this action (denied)." },
// at this point we can change rooms, so do that
action: Action.ViewRoom,
room_id: targetRoomId,
// acknowledge so the widget doesn't freak out
this.messaging.transport.reply(ev.detail, <IWidgetApiRequestEmptyData>{});
// Populate the map of "read up to" events for this widget with the current event in every room.
// This is a bit inefficient, but should be okay. We do this for all rooms in case the widget
// requests timeline capabilities in other rooms down the road. It's just easier to manage here.
for (const room of MatrixClientPeg.get().getRooms()) {
// Timelines are most recent last
const events = room.getLiveTimeline()?.getEvents() || [];
const roomEvent = events[events.length - 1];
if (!roomEvent) continue; // force later code to think the room is fresh
this.readUpToMap[room.roomId] = roomEvent.getId();
// Attach listeners for feeding events - the underlying widget classes handle permissions for us
MatrixClientPeg.get().on('event', this.onEvent);
MatrixClientPeg.get().on('Event.decrypted', this.onEventDecrypted);
(ev: CustomEvent<IStickyActionRequest>) => {
if (this.messaging.hasCapability(MatrixCapabilities.AlwaysOnScreen)) {
if (WidgetType.JITSI.matches(this.mockWidget.type)) {
CountlyAnalytics.instance.trackJoinCall(this.appTileProps.room.roomId, true, true);
ActiveWidgetStore.instance.setWidgetPersistence(this.mockWidget.id, ev.detail.data.value);
this.messaging.transport.reply(ev.detail, <IWidgetApiRequestEmptyData>{}); // ack
// TODO: Replace this event listener with appropriate driver functionality once the API
// establishes a sane way to send events back and forth.
(ev: CustomEvent<IStickerActionRequest>) => {
if (this.messaging.hasCapability(MatrixCapabilities.StickerSending)) {
// Acknowledge first
this.messaging.transport.reply(ev.detail, <IWidgetApiRequestEmptyData>{});
// Send the sticker
action: 'm.sticker',
data: ev.detail.data,
widgetId: this.mockWidget.id,
if (WidgetType.STICKERPICKER.matches(this.mockWidget.type)) {
(ev: CustomEvent<IWidgetApiRequest>) => {
// Acknowledge first
this.messaging.transport.reply(ev.detail, <IWidgetApiRequestEmptyData>{});
// First close the stickerpicker
defaultDispatcher.dispatch({ action: "stickerpicker_close" });
// Now open the integration manager
// TODO: Spec this interaction.
const data = ev.detail.data;
const integType = data?.integType;
const integId = <string>data?.integId;
// TODO: Open the right integration manager for the widget
if (SettingsStore.getValue("feature_many_integration_managers")) {
} else {
public async prepare(): Promise<void> {
// Ensure the variables are ready for us to be rendered before continuing
await (WidgetVariableCustomisations?.isReady?.() ?? Promise.resolve());
if (this.scalarToken) return;
const existingMessaging = WidgetMessagingStore.instance.getMessaging(this.mockWidget);
if (existingMessaging) this.messaging = existingMessaging;
try {
if (WidgetUtils.isScalarUrl(this.mockWidget.templateUrl)) {
const managers = IntegrationManagers.sharedInstance();
if (managers.hasManager()) {
// TODO: Pick the right manager for the widget
const defaultManager = managers.getPrimaryManager();
if (WidgetUtils.isScalarUrl(defaultManager.apiUrl)) {
const scalar = defaultManager.getScalarClient();
this.scalarToken = await scalar.getScalarToken();
} catch (e) {
// All errors are non-fatal
logger.error("Error preparing widget communications: ", e);
public stop(opts = { forceDestroy: false }) {
if (!opts?.forceDestroy && ActiveWidgetStore.instance.getPersistentWidgetId() === this.mockWidget.id) {
logger.log("Skipping destroy - persistent widget");
if (!this.started) return;
if (MatrixClientPeg.get()) {
MatrixClientPeg.get().off('event', this.onEvent);
MatrixClientPeg.get().off('Event.decrypted', this.onEventDecrypted);
private onEvent = (ev: MatrixEvent) => {
if (ev.isBeingDecrypted() || ev.isDecryptionFailure()) return;
private onEventDecrypted = (ev: MatrixEvent) => {
if (ev.isDecryptionFailure()) return;
private feedEvent(ev: MatrixEvent) {
if (!this.messaging) return;
// Check to see if this event would be before or after our "read up to" marker. If it's
// before, or we can't decide, then we assume the widget will have already seen the event.
// If the event is after, or we don't have a marker for the room, then we'll send it through.
// This approach of "read up to" prevents widgets receiving decryption spam from startup or
// receiving out-of-order events from backfill and such.
const upToEventId = this.readUpToMap[ev.getRoomId()];
if (upToEventId) {
// Small optimization for exact match (prevent search)
if (upToEventId === ev.getId()) {
let isBeforeMark = true;
// Timelines are most recent last, so reverse the order and limit ourselves to 100 events
// to avoid overusing the CPU.
const timeline = MatrixClientPeg.get().getRoom(ev.getRoomId()).getLiveTimeline();
const events = arrayFastClone(timeline.getEvents()).reverse().slice(0, 100);
for (const timelineEvent of events) {
if (timelineEvent.getId() === upToEventId) {
} else if (timelineEvent.getId() === ev.getId()) {
isBeforeMark = false;
if (isBeforeMark) {
// Ignore the event: it is before our interest.
this.readUpToMap[ev.getRoomId()] = ev.getId();
const raw = ev.getEffectiveEvent();
this.messaging.feedEvent(raw, this.eventListenerRoomId).catch(e => {
logger.error("Error sending event to widget: ", e);