
167 lines
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Copyright 2015, 2016 OpenMarket Ltd
Copyright 2018 New Vector Ltd
Copyright 2019 Michael Telatynski <7t3chguy@gmail.com>
Copyright 2020 The Matrix.org Foundation C.I.C.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
import { MatrixClient } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix";
import { _td } from "../languageHandler";
import { reject, success } from "./utils";
import { isPermalinkHost, parsePermalink } from "../utils/permalinks/Permalinks";
import dis from "../dispatcher/dispatcher";
import { ViewRoomPayload } from "../dispatcher/payloads/ViewRoomPayload";
import { Action } from "../dispatcher/actions";
import { TimelineRenderingType } from "../contexts/RoomContext";
import { Command } from "./command";
import { CommandCategories, RunResult } from "./interface";
// A return of undefined here signals a usage error, where the command should return `reject(this.getUsage());`
function openRoom(cli: MatrixClient, args: string | undefined, autoJoin: boolean): RunResult | undefined {
if (!args) return;
const params = args.split(" ");
if (params.length < 1) return;
let isPermalink = false;
if (params[0].startsWith("http:") || params[0].startsWith("https:")) {
// It's at least a URL - try and pull out a hostname to check against the
// permalink handler
const parsedUrl = new URL(params[0]);
const hostname = parsedUrl.host || parsedUrl.hostname; // takes first non-falsey value
// if we're using a Element permalink handler, this will catch it before we get much further.
// see below where we make assumptions about parsing the URL.
if (isPermalinkHost(hostname)) {
isPermalink = true;
if (params[0][0] === "#") {
let roomAlias = params[0];
if (!roomAlias.includes(":")) {
roomAlias += ":" + cli.getDomain();
action: Action.ViewRoom,
room_alias: roomAlias,
auto_join: autoJoin,
metricsTrigger: "SlashCommand",
metricsViaKeyboard: true,
return success();
if (params[0][0] === "!") {
const [roomId, ...viaServers] = params;
action: Action.ViewRoom,
room_id: roomId,
via_servers: viaServers, // for the rejoin button
auto_join: autoJoin,
metricsTrigger: "SlashCommand",
metricsViaKeyboard: true,
return success();
if (isPermalink) {
const permalinkParts = parsePermalink(params[0]);
// This check technically isn't needed because we already did our
// safety checks up above. However, for good measure, let's be sure.
if (!permalinkParts) {
// If for some reason someone wanted to join a user, we should
// stop them now.
if (!permalinkParts.roomIdOrAlias) {
const entity = permalinkParts.roomIdOrAlias;
const viaServers = permalinkParts.viaServers;
const eventId = permalinkParts.eventId;
const dispatch: ViewRoomPayload = {
action: Action.ViewRoom,
auto_join: autoJoin,
metricsTrigger: "SlashCommand",
metricsViaKeyboard: true,
if (entity[0] === "!") dispatch["room_id"] = entity;
else dispatch["room_alias"] = entity;
if (eventId) {
dispatch["event_id"] = eventId;
dispatch["highlighted"] = true;
if (viaServers) {
// For the join, these are passed down to the js-sdk's /join call
dispatch["opts"] = { viaServers };
// For if the join fails (rejoin button)
dispatch["via_servers"] = viaServers;
return success();
// Otherwise, it's a usage error. Return `undefined`.
// Note: we support 2 versions of this command. The first is
// the public-facing one for most users and the other is a
// power-user edition where someone may join via permalink or
// room ID with optional servers. Practically, this results
// in the following variations:
// /join #example:example.org
// /join !example:example.org
// /join !example:example.org altserver.com elsewhere.ca
// /join https://matrix.to/#/!example:example.org?via=altserver.com
// The command also supports event permalinks transparently:
// /join https://matrix.to/#/!example:example.org/$something:example.org
// /join https://matrix.to/#/!example:example.org/$something:example.org?via=altserver.com
export const join = new Command({
command: "join",
aliases: ["j"],
args: "<room-address>",
description: _td("slash_command|join"),
runFn: function (cli, roomId, threadId, args) {
return openRoom(cli, args, true) ?? reject(this.getUsage());
category: CommandCategories.actions,
renderingTypes: [TimelineRenderingType.Room],
// Similar to join but doesn't auto join the room if you aren't already joined to it
export const goto = new Command({
command: "goto",
aliases: ["view"],
args: "<room-address>",
description: _td("slash_command|view"),
runFn: function (cli, roomId, threadId, args) {
return openRoom(cli, args, false) ?? reject(this.getUsage());
category: CommandCategories.actions,
renderingTypes: [TimelineRenderingType.Room],