# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rails_helper' RSpec.describe Disputes::AppealsController do render_views before { sign_in current_user, scope: :user } let!(:admin) { Fabricate(:user, role: UserRole.find_by(name: 'Admin')) } describe '#create' do subject { post :create, params: params } context 'with valid params' do let(:current_user) { Fabricate(:user) } let(:strike) { Fabricate(:account_warning, target_account: current_user.account) } let(:params) { { strike_id: strike.id, appeal: { text: 'Foo' } } } it 'notifies staff about new appeal and redirects back to strike page', :inline_jobs do emails = capture_emails { subject } expect(emails.size) .to eq(1) expect(emails.first) .to have_attributes( to: contain_exactly(admin.email), subject: eq(I18n.t('admin_mailer.new_appeal.subject', username: current_user.account.acct, instance: Rails.configuration.x.local_domain)) ) expect(response).to redirect_to(disputes_strike_path(strike.id)) end end context 'with invalid params' do let(:current_user) { Fabricate(:user) } let(:strike) { Fabricate(:account_warning, target_account: current_user.account) } let(:params) { { strike_id: strike.id, appeal: { text: '' } } } it 'does not send email and renders strike show page', :inline_jobs do emails = capture_emails { subject } expect(emails).to be_empty expect(response).to render_template('disputes/strikes/show') end end end end