Updated FAQ (markdown)

Eugen 2016-11-22 16:51:34 +01:00
parent d3b371507c
commit 55e0f20b1f
1 changed files with 7 additions and 1 deletions


@ -44,4 +44,10 @@ The software is free and open source and communities should host their own serve
#### What about private accounts?
Features to limit interactions with strangers are planned (e.g. ignore notifications from people who aren't following you, or who you don't follow). But hiding content from the public is not currently planned, it's a bit of a protocol issue rather than software issue, it's not impossible but it'd have to be further down the road and with coordination from other OStatus-based projects like GNU social and postActiv.
Features to limit interactions with strangers are planned (e.g. ignore notifications from people who aren't following you, or who you don't follow). But hiding content from the public is not currently planned, it's a bit of a protocol issue rather than software issue, it's not impossible but it'd have to be further down the road and with coordination from other OStatus-based projects like GNU social and postActiv.
#### How do blocks work?
Blocks prevent the blocked person from contacting you, i.e. their mentions, favourites, reblogs or any other interaction with you is hidden. You will not see replies to a blocked person, even if the reply mentions you. You will not see reblogs of posts by the blocked person. You *will* still see passing mentions of a blocked person ( mentions != replies).
The blocked person does not get notified of your block. Their subscription to your feed is not revoked, feed is not hidden. Until private accounts exist, there's no point to it, here is why: Blocks do not federate. Even if they did, nothing stops a rouge person from coding an instance that ignores them. Enforcing blocks through hiding posts, *but only locally* would make federation less favorable and the mantra of this project is "local and remote users are treated equally in all features". Besides, notifying a blocked person of the block while still leaving vectors open will just lead to those vectors being used to gain access again. In my experience, shadowbanning is one of the more effective tools of moderation.