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Copyright 2024 New Vector Ltd.
Copyright 2021 The Foundation C.I.C.
SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only OR GPL-3.0-only
Please see LICENSE files in the repository root for full details.
2023-07-12 16:56:51 +02:00
import posthog, { CaptureOptions, PostHog, Properties } from "posthog-js";
import { MatrixClient } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/matrix";
import { logger } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/logger";
import { UserProperties } from "@matrix-org/analytics-events/types/typescript/UserProperties";
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import { Signup } from "@matrix-org/analytics-events/types/typescript/Signup";
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import PlatformPeg from "./PlatformPeg";
import SdkConfig from "./SdkConfig";
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import { MatrixClientPeg } from "./MatrixClientPeg";
import SettingsStore from "./settings/SettingsStore";
import { ScreenName } from "./PosthogTrackers";
import { ActionPayload } from "./dispatcher/payloads";
import { Action } from "./dispatcher/actions";
import { SettingUpdatedPayload } from "./dispatcher/payloads/SettingUpdatedPayload";
import dis from "./dispatcher/dispatcher";
import { Layout } from "./settings/enums/Layout";
/* Posthog analytics tracking.
* Anonymity behaviour is as follows:
* - If Posthog isn't configured in `config.json`, events are not sent.
* - If [Do Not Track]( is
* enabled, events are not sent (this detection is built into posthog and turned on via the
* `respect_dnt` flag being passed to `posthog.init`).
* - If the `feature_pseudonymous_analytics_opt_in` labs flag is `true`, track pseudonomously by maintaining
* a randomised analytics ID in account_data for that user (shared between devices) and sending it to posthog to
identify the user.
* - Otherwise, if the existing `analyticsOptIn` flag is `true`, track anonymously, i.e. do not identify the user
using any identifier that would be consistent across devices.
* - If both flags are false or not set, events are not sent.
export interface IPosthogEvent {
// The event name that will be used by PostHog. Event names should use camelCase.
eventName: string;
// do not allow these to be sent manually, we enqueue them all for caching purposes
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$set?: void;
$set_once?: void;
export enum Anonymity {
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const whitelistedScreens = new Set([
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export function getRedactedCurrentLocation(origin: string, hash: string, pathname: string): string {
// Redact PII from the current location.
// For known screens, assumes a URL structure of /<screen name>/might/be/pii
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if (origin.startsWith("file://")) {
pathname = "/<redacted_file_scheme_url>/";
let hashStr;
if (hash == "") {
hashStr = "";
} else {
let [beforeFirstSlash, screen] = hash.split("/");
if (!whitelistedScreens.has(screen)) {
screen = "<redacted_screen_name>";
hashStr = `${beforeFirstSlash}/${screen}/<redacted>`;
return origin + pathname + hashStr;
interface PlatformProperties {
appVersion: string;
appPlatform: string;
export class PosthogAnalytics {
/* Wrapper for Posthog analytics.
* 3 modes of anonymity are supported, governed by this.anonymity
* - Anonymity.Disabled means *no data* is passed to posthog
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* - Anonymity.Anonymous means no identifier is passed to posthog
* - Anonymity.Pseudonymous means an analytics ID stored in account_data and shared between devices
* is passed to posthog.
* To update anonymity, call updateAnonymityFromSettings() or you can set it directly via setAnonymity().
* To pass an event to Posthog:
* 1. Declare a type for the event, extending IAnonymousEvent or IPseudonymousEvent.
* 2. Call the appropriate track*() method. Pseudonymous events will be dropped when anonymity is
* Anonymous or Disabled; Anonymous events will be dropped when anonymity is Disabled.
private anonymity = Anonymity.Disabled;
// set true during the constructor if posthog config is present, otherwise false
private readonly enabled: boolean = false;
private static _instance: PosthogAnalytics | null = null;
private platformSuperProperties: Properties = {};
public static readonly ANALYTICS_EVENT_TYPE = "";
private propertiesForNextEvent: Partial<Record<"$set" | "$set_once", UserProperties>> = {};
private userPropertyCache: UserProperties = {};
private authenticationType: Signup["authenticationType"] = "Other";
private watchSettingRef?: string;
// Will be set when the matrixClient is passed to the analytics object (e.g. on login).
private currentCryptoBackend?: "Rust" | "Legacy" = undefined;
public static get instance(): PosthogAnalytics {
if (!this._instance) {
this._instance = new PosthogAnalytics(posthog);
return this._instance;
public constructor(private readonly posthog: PostHog) {
const posthogConfig = SdkConfig.getObject("posthog");
if (posthogConfig) {
this.posthog.init(posthogConfig.get("project_api_key"), {
api_host: posthogConfig.get("api_host"),
autocapture: false,
mask_all_text: true,
mask_all_element_attributes: true,
// This only triggers on page load, which for our SPA isn't particularly useful.
// Plus, the .capture call originating from somewhere in posthog makes it hard
// to redact URLs, which requires async code.
// To raise this manually, just call .capture("$pageview") or posthog.capture_pageview.
capture_pageview: false,
sanitize_properties: this.sanitizeProperties,
respect_dnt: true,
advanced_disable_decide: true,
this.enabled = true;
} else {
this.enabled = false;
SettingsStore.monitorSetting("layout", null);
SettingsStore.monitorSetting("useCompactLayout", null);
private onLayoutUpdated = (): void => {
let layout: UserProperties["WebLayout"];
switch (SettingsStore.getValue("layout")) {
case Layout.IRC:
layout = "IRC";
case Layout.Bubble:
layout = "Bubble";
case Layout.Group:
layout = SettingsStore.getValue("useCompactLayout") ? "Compact" : "Group";
// This is known to clobber other devices but is a good enough solution
// to get an idea of how much use each layout gets.
this.setProperty("WebLayout", layout);
private onAction = (payload: ActionPayload): void => {
if (payload.action !== Action.SettingUpdated) return;
const settingsPayload = payload as SettingUpdatedPayload;
if (["layout", "useCompactLayout"].includes(settingsPayload.settingName)) {
// we persist the last `$screen_name` and send it for all events until it is replaced
private lastScreen: ScreenName = "Loading";
private sanitizeProperties = (properties: Properties, eventName: string): Properties => {
// Callback from posthog to sanitize properties before sending them to the server.
// Here we sanitize posthog's built in properties which leak PII e.g. url reporting.
// See utils.js in posthog-js.
if (eventName === "$pageview") {
this.lastScreen = properties["$current_url"];
// We inject a screen identifier in $current_url as per
properties["$current_url"] = this.lastScreen;
if (this.anonymity == Anonymity.Anonymous) {
// drop referrer information for anonymous users
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properties["$referrer"] = null;
properties["$referring_domain"] = null;
properties["$initial_referrer"] = null;
properties["$initial_referring_domain"] = null;
// drop device ID, which is a UUID persisted in local storage
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properties["$device_id"] = null;
return properties;
private registerSuperProperties(properties: Properties): void {
if (this.enabled) {
private static async getPlatformProperties(): Promise<Partial<PlatformProperties>> {
const platform = PlatformPeg.get();
let appVersion: string | undefined;
try {
appVersion = await platform?.getAppVersion();
} catch {
// this happens if no version is set i.e. in dev
appVersion = "unknown";
return {
appPlatform: platform?.getHumanReadableName(),
// eslint-disable-nextline no-unused-vars
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private capture(eventName: string, properties: Properties, options?: CaptureOptions): void {
if (!this.enabled) {
const { origin, hash, pathname } = window.location;
properties["redactedCurrentUrl"] = getRedactedCurrentLocation(origin, hash, pathname);
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this.posthog.capture(eventName, { ...this.propertiesForNextEvent, }, options);
this.propertiesForNextEvent = {};
public isEnabled(): boolean {
return this.enabled;
public setAnonymity(anonymity: Anonymity): void {
// Update this.anonymity.
// This is public for testing purposes, typically you want to call updateAnonymityFromSettings
// to ensure this value is in step with the user's settings.
if (this.enabled && (anonymity == Anonymity.Disabled || anonymity == Anonymity.Anonymous)) {
// when transitioning to Disabled or Anonymous ensure we clear out any prior state
// set in posthog e.g. distinct ID
// Restore any previously set platform super properties
this.anonymity = anonymity;
// update anyhow, no-op if not enabled or Disabled.
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private static getRandomAnalyticsId(): string {
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return [...crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(16))].map((c) => c.toString(16)).join("");
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public async identifyUser(client: MatrixClient, analyticsIdGenerator: () => string): Promise<void> {
if (this.anonymity == Anonymity.Pseudonymous) {
// Check the user's account_data for an analytics ID to use. Storing the ID in account_data allows
// different devices to send the same ID.
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try {
const accountData = await client.getAccountDataFromServer(PosthogAnalytics.ANALYTICS_EVENT_TYPE);
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let analyticsID = accountData?.id;
if (!analyticsID) {
// Couldn't retrieve an analytics ID from user settings, so create one and set it on the server.
// Note there's a race condition here - if two devices do these steps at the same time, last write
// wins, and the first writer will send tracking with an ID that doesn't match the one on the server
// until the next time account data is refreshed and this function is called (most likely on next
// page load). This will happen pretty infrequently, so we can tolerate the possibility.
analyticsID = analyticsIdGenerator();
await client.setAccountData(PosthogAnalytics.ANALYTICS_EVENT_TYPE, {
id: analyticsID,
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if (this.posthog.get_distinct_id() === analyticsID) {
// No point identifying again
if (this.posthog.persistence?.get_property("$user_state") === "identified") {
// Analytics ID has changed, reset as Posthog will refuse to merge in this case
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} catch (e) {
// The above could fail due to network requests, but not essential to starting the application,
// so swallow it.
logger.log("Unable to identify user for tracking", e);
public getAnonymity(): Anonymity {
return this.anonymity;
public logout(): void {
if (this.enabled) {
if (this.watchSettingRef) SettingsStore.unwatchSetting(this.watchSettingRef);
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public trackEvent<E extends IPosthogEvent>({ eventName, }: E, options?: CaptureOptions): void {
if (this.anonymity == Anonymity.Disabled || this.anonymity == Anonymity.Anonymous) return;
this.capture(eventName, properties, options);
public setProperty<K extends keyof UserProperties>(key: K, value: UserProperties[K]): void {
if (this.userPropertyCache[key] === value) return; // nothing to do
this.userPropertyCache[key] = value;
if (!this.propertiesForNextEvent["$set"]) {
this.propertiesForNextEvent["$set"] = {};
this.propertiesForNextEvent["$set"][key] = value;
public setPropertyOnce<K extends keyof UserProperties>(key: K, value: UserProperties[K]): void {
if (this.userPropertyCache[key]) return; // nothing to do
this.userPropertyCache[key] = value;
if (!this.propertiesForNextEvent["$set_once"]) {
this.propertiesForNextEvent["$set_once"] = {};
this.propertiesForNextEvent["$set_once"][key] = value;
public async updatePlatformSuperProperties(): Promise<void> {
// Update super properties in posthog with our platform (app version, platform).
// These properties will be subsequently passed in every event.
// This only needs to be done once per page lifetime. Note that getPlatformProperties
// is async and can involve a network request if we are running in a browser.
this.platformSuperProperties = await PosthogAnalytics.getPlatformProperties();
private updateCryptoSuperProperty(): void {
if (!this.enabled || this.anonymity === Anonymity.Disabled) return;
// Update super property for cryptoSDK in posthog.
// This property will be subsequently passed in every event.
if (this.currentCryptoBackend) {
this.registerSuperProperties({ cryptoSDK: this.currentCryptoBackend });
public async updateAnonymityFromSettings(client: MatrixClient, pseudonymousOptIn: boolean): Promise<void> {
// Temporary until we have migration code to switch crypto sdk.
if (client.getCrypto()) {
const cryptoVersion = client.getCrypto()!.getVersion();
// version for rust is something like "Rust SDK 0.6.0 (9c6b550), Vodozemac 0.5.0"
// for legacy it will be 'Olm x.x.x"
if (cryptoVersion.includes("Rust SDK")) {
this.currentCryptoBackend = "Rust";
} else {
this.currentCryptoBackend = "Legacy";
// Update this.anonymity based on the user's analytics opt-in settings
const anonymity = pseudonymousOptIn ? Anonymity.Pseudonymous : Anonymity.Disabled;
if (anonymity === Anonymity.Pseudonymous) {
await this.identifyUser(client, PosthogAnalytics.getRandomAnalyticsId);
if (MatrixClientPeg.currentUserIsJustRegistered()) {
if (anonymity !== Anonymity.Disabled) {
await this.updatePlatformSuperProperties();
public startListeningToSettingsChanges(client: MatrixClient): void {
// Listen to account data changes from sync so we can observe changes to relevant flags and update.
// This is called -
// * On page load, when the account data is first received by sync
// * On login
// * When another device changes account data
// * When the user changes their preferences on this device
// Note that for new accounts, pseudonymousAnalyticsOptIn won't be set, so updateAnonymityFromSettings
// won't be called (i.e. this.anonymity will be left as the default, until the setting changes)
this.watchSettingRef = SettingsStore.watchSetting(
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(originalSettingName, changedInRoomId, atLevel, newValueAtLevel, newValue) => {
this.updateAnonymityFromSettings(client, !!newValue);
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public setAuthenticationType(authenticationType: Signup["authenticationType"]): void {
this.authenticationType = authenticationType;
private trackNewUserEvent(): void {
// This is the only event that could have occured before analytics opt-in
// that we want to accumulate before the user has given consent
// All other scenarios should not track a user before they have given
// explicit consent that they are ok with their analytics data being collected
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const options: CaptureOptions = {};
const registrationTime = parseInt(window.localStorage.getItem("mx_registration_time")!, 10);
if (!isNaN(registrationTime)) {
options.timestamp = new Date(registrationTime);
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return this.trackEvent<Signup>(
eventName: "Signup",
authenticationType: this.authenticationType,