diff --git a/src/components/views/dialogs/CreateGroupDialog.js b/src/components/views/dialogs/CreateGroupDialog.js index 04f99a0e15..6e14d1cf66 100644 --- a/src/components/views/dialogs/CreateGroupDialog.js +++ b/src/components/views/dialogs/CreateGroupDialog.js @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ export default React.createClass({ _checkGroupId: function(e) { let error = null; if (!this.state.groupId) { - error = _t("Community IDs cannot not be empty."); + error = _t("Community IDs cannot be empty."); } else if (!/^[a-z0-9=_\-\.\/]*$/.test(this.state.groupId)) { error = _t("Community IDs may only contain characters a-z, 0-9, or '=_-./'"); } diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/bg.json b/src/i18n/strings/bg.json index 58a7de93b5..bdbab0812a 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/bg.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/bg.json @@ -498,7 +498,7 @@ "Failed to remove room from community": "Неуспешно премахване на стаята от общността", "Only visible to community members": "Видимо само за членове на общността", "Filter community rooms": "Филтрирай стаи на общността", - "Community IDs cannot not be empty.": "Идентификаторите на общността не могат да бъдат празни.", + "Community IDs cannot be empty.": "Идентификаторите на общността не могат да бъдат празни.", "Create Community": "Създай общност", "Community Name": "Име на общност", "Community ID": "Идентификатор на общност", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/ca.json b/src/i18n/strings/ca.json index 98d51e99ac..3006063df7 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/ca.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/ca.json @@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ "%(severalUsers)sleft %(count)s times|other": "%(severalUsers)s han sortit %(count)s vegades", "%(oneUser)sleft %(count)s times|other": "%(oneUser)s ha sortit %(count)s vegades", "Community IDs may only contain characters a-z, 0-9, or '=_-./'": "Les ID de les comunitats només poden contendre caràcters a-z, 0-9, o '=_-./'", - "Community IDs cannot not be empty.": "Les ID de les comunitats no poden estar buides.", + "Community IDs cannot be empty.": "Les ID de les comunitats no poden estar buides.", "Something went wrong whilst creating your community": "S'ha produït un error al crear la vostra comunitat", "Create Community": "Crea una comunitat", "Community Name": "Nom de la comunitat", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/de_DE.json b/src/i18n/strings/de_DE.json index b4e244f542..71b7ffe1d1 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/de_DE.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/de_DE.json @@ -947,7 +947,7 @@ "Your identity server's URL": "Die URL deines Identitätsservers", "%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s": "%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s", "You will not be able to undo this change as you are demoting yourself, if you are the last privileged user in the room it will be impossible to regain privileges.": "Du wirst nicht in der Lage sein, die Änderung zurückzusetzen, da du dich degradierst. Wenn du der letze Nutzer mit Berechtigungen bist, wird es unmöglich sein die Privilegien zurückzubekommen.", - "Community IDs cannot not be empty.": "Community-IDs können nicht leer sein.", + "Community IDs cannot be empty.": "Community-IDs können nicht leer sein.", "Show devices, send anyway or cancel.": "Geräte anzeigen, trotzdem senden oder abbrechen.", "Learn more about how we use analytics.": "Lerne mehr darüber, wie wir die Analysedaten nutzen.", "Where this page includes identifiable information, such as a room, user or group ID, that data is removed before being sent to the server.": "Wenn diese Seite identifizierbare Informationen sowie Raum, Nutzer oder Gruppen-ID enthalten, werden diese Daten entfernt bevor sie an den Server gesendet werden.", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/en_EN.json b/src/i18n/strings/en_EN.json index 486ecdf114..4b4989142f 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/en_EN.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/en_EN.json @@ -800,7 +800,7 @@ "Start Chatting": "Start Chatting", "Confirm Removal": "Confirm Removal", "Are you sure you wish to remove (delete) this event? Note that if you delete a room name or topic change, it could undo the change.": "Are you sure you wish to remove (delete) this event? Note that if you delete a room name or topic change, it could undo the change.", - "Community IDs cannot not be empty.": "Community IDs cannot not be empty.", + "Community IDs cannot be empty.": "Community IDs cannot be empty.", "Community IDs may only contain characters a-z, 0-9, or '=_-./'": "Community IDs may only contain characters a-z, 0-9, or '=_-./'", "Something went wrong whilst creating your community": "Something went wrong whilst creating your community", "Create Community": "Create Community", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/eu.json b/src/i18n/strings/eu.json index 9d46758420..309e6078a8 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/eu.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/eu.json @@ -952,7 +952,7 @@ "Your identity server's URL": "Zure identitate zerbitzariaren URL-a", "%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s": "%(weekDayName)s, %(fullYear)s(e)ko %(monthName)sk %(day)sa", "This room is not public. You will not be able to rejoin without an invite.": "Gela hau ez da publikoa. Ezin izango zara berriro elkartu gonbidapenik gabe.", - "Community IDs cannot not be empty.": "Komunitate ID-ak ezin dira hutsik egon.", + "Community IDs cannot be empty.": "Komunitate ID-ak ezin dira hutsik egon.", "Show devices, send anyway or cancel.": "Erakutsi gailuak, bidali hala ere edo ezeztatu.", "In reply to ": "honi erantzunez: ", "%(oldDisplayName)s changed their display name to %(displayName)s.": "%(oldDisplayName)s erabiltzaileak bere pantaila izena aldatu du %(displayName)s izatera.", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/fr.json b/src/i18n/strings/fr.json index ea4b9e37fd..721cf1d9f1 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/fr.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/fr.json @@ -952,7 +952,7 @@ "Your identity server's URL": "L'URL de votre serveur d'identité", "%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s": "%(weekDayName)s %(day)s %(monthName)s %(fullYear)s", "This room is not public. You will not be able to rejoin without an invite.": "Ce salon n'est pas public. Vous ne pourrez pas y revenir sans invitation.", - "Community IDs cannot not be empty.": "Les identifiants de communauté ne peuvent pas être vides.", + "Community IDs cannot be empty.": "Les identifiants de communauté ne peuvent pas être vides.", "Show devices, send anyway or cancel.": "Afficher les appareils, envoyer quand même ou annuler.", "In reply to ": "En réponse à ", "%(oldDisplayName)s changed their display name to %(displayName)s.": "%(oldDisplayName)s a changé son nom affiché en %(displayName)s.", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/gl.json b/src/i18n/strings/gl.json index 3fc7d3f735..b1d64a156d 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/gl.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/gl.json @@ -633,7 +633,7 @@ "Confirm Removal": "Confirme a retirada", "Are you sure you wish to remove (delete) this event? Note that if you delete a room name or topic change, it could undo the change.": "Está certa de que quere quitar (eliminar) este evento? Saiba que si elimina un nome de sala ou cambia o asunto, podería desfacer o cambio.", "Community IDs may only contain characters a-z, 0-9, or '=_-./'": "Os ID de comunidade só poden conter caracteres a-z, 0-9, or '=_-./'", - "Community IDs cannot not be empty.": "O ID de comunidade non pode quedar baldeiro.", + "Community IDs cannot be empty.": "O ID de comunidade non pode quedar baldeiro.", "Something went wrong whilst creating your community": "Algo fallou mentres se creaba a súa comunidade", "Create Community": "Crear comunidade", "Community Name": "Nome da comunidade", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/hu.json b/src/i18n/strings/hu.json index 72558c5873..2cdd8219ad 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/hu.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/hu.json @@ -953,7 +953,7 @@ "%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s": "%(fullYear)s. %(monthName)s %(day)s, %(weekDayName)s", "This room is not public. You will not be able to rejoin without an invite.": "Ez a szoba nem nyilvános. Kilépés után csak újabb meghívóval tudsz újra belépni a szobába.", "Show devices, send anyway or cancel.": "Eszközök listája, mindenképpen küld vagy szakítsd meg.", - "Community IDs cannot not be empty.": "A közösségi azonosító nem lehet üres.", + "Community IDs cannot be empty.": "A közösségi azonosító nem lehet üres.", "In reply to ": "Válaszolva neki ", "%(oldDisplayName)s changed their display name to %(displayName)s.": "%(oldDisplayName)s megváltoztatta a nevét erre: %(displayName)s.", "Failed to set direct chat tag": "Nem sikerült a közvetlen beszélgetés jelzést beállítani", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/it.json b/src/i18n/strings/it.json index 9a4e74fa14..07e030c061 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/it.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/it.json @@ -674,7 +674,7 @@ "Start Chatting": "Inizia a chattare", "Confirm Removal": "Conferma la rimozione", "Are you sure you wish to remove (delete) this event? Note that if you delete a room name or topic change, it could undo the change.": "Sei sicuro di volere rimuovere (eliminare) questo evento? Nota che se elimini il nome di una stanza o la modifica di un argomento, potrebbe annullare la modifica.", - "Community IDs cannot not be empty.": "Gli ID della comunità non possono essere vuoti.", + "Community IDs cannot be empty.": "Gli ID della comunità non possono essere vuoti.", "Community IDs may only contain characters a-z, 0-9, or '=_-./'": "Gli ID della comunità devono contenere solo caratteri a-z, 0-9, or '=_-./'", "Something went wrong whilst creating your community": "Qualcosa è andato storto nella creazione della tua comunità", "Create Community": "Crea una comunità", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/lv.json b/src/i18n/strings/lv.json index 0c6bcb0977..09182ed776 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/lv.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/lv.json @@ -862,7 +862,7 @@ "email address": "e-pasta adrese", "Try using one of the following valid address types: %(validTypesList)s.": "Mēģiniet izmantot vienu no sekojošiem pieļautajiem adrešu tipiem: %(validTypesList)s.", "You have entered an invalid address.": "Ievadīta nederīga adrese.", - "Community IDs cannot not be empty.": "Kopienu IDs nevar būt tukši.", + "Community IDs cannot be empty.": "Kopienu IDs nevar būt tukši.", "Community IDs may only contain characters a-z, 0-9, or '=_-./'": "Kopienas ID var saturēt tikai simbolus a-z, 0-9, or '=_-./'", "Something went wrong whilst creating your community": "Radot Tavu kopienu kaut kas nogāja greizi", "Create Community": "Radīt kopienu", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/nl.json b/src/i18n/strings/nl.json index 1ba068daa0..2c3771cafd 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/nl.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/nl.json @@ -877,7 +877,7 @@ "Try using one of the following valid address types: %(validTypesList)s.": "Probeer één van de volgende geldige adrestypes: %(validTypesList)s.", "You have entered an invalid address.": "Je hebt een ongeldig adres ingevoerd.", "Community IDs may only contain characters a-z, 0-9, or '=_-./'": "Een gemeenschaps-ID mag alleen de karakters a-z, 0-9, of '=_-./' bevatten.", - "Community IDs cannot not be empty.": "Een gemeenschaps-ID kan niet leeg zijn.", + "Community IDs cannot be empty.": "Een gemeenschaps-ID kan niet leeg zijn.", "Something went wrong whilst creating your community": "Er is iets fout gegaan tijdens het aanmaken van je gemeenschap", "Create Community": "Gemeenschap Aanmaken", "Community Name": "Gemeenschapsnaam", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/pl.json b/src/i18n/strings/pl.json index 9fa51294ff..c5dd13c011 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/pl.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/pl.json @@ -1025,7 +1025,7 @@ "You have entered an invalid address.": "Podałeś nieprawidłowy adres.", "Try using one of the following valid address types: %(validTypesList)s.": "Spróbuj użyć jednego z następujących poprawnych typów adresów: %(validTypesList)s.", "Riot bugs are tracked on GitHub: create a GitHub issue.": "Błędy Riot śledzone są na GitHubie: utwórz nowe zgłoszenie.", - "Community IDs cannot not be empty.": "ID społeczności nie może być puste.", + "Community IDs cannot be empty.": "ID społeczności nie może być puste.", "Community IDs may only contain characters a-z, 0-9, or '=_-./'": "ID społeczności może zawierać tylko znaki a-z, 0-9 lub '=_-./'", "Something went wrong whilst creating your community": "Coś poszło nie tak podczas tworzenia Twojej społeczności", "Create Community": "Utwórz społeczność", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/pt_BR.json b/src/i18n/strings/pt_BR.json index c583e795cb..08ad8a4bd5 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/pt_BR.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/pt_BR.json @@ -873,7 +873,7 @@ "email address": "endereço de e-mail", "Try using one of the following valid address types: %(validTypesList)s.": "Tente usar um dos seguintes tipos de endereço válidos: %(validTypesList)s.", "You have entered an invalid address.": "Você entrou com um endereço inválido.", - "Community IDs cannot not be empty.": "IDs de comunidades não podem estar em branco.", + "Community IDs cannot be empty.": "IDs de comunidades não podem estar em branco.", "Community IDs may only contain characters a-z, 0-9, or '=_-./'": "IDs de comunidade podem apenas ter os seguintes caracteres: a-z, 0-9, ou '=_-./'", "Something went wrong whilst creating your community": "Algo deu errado ao criar sua comunidade", "Create Community": "Criar comunidade", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/ru.json b/src/i18n/strings/ru.json index e3147ed809..b0f6bd3d52 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/ru.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/ru.json @@ -953,7 +953,7 @@ "Whether or not you're using the Richtext mode of the Rich Text Editor": "Используете ли вы режим Richtext в редакторе Rich Text Editor", "This room is not public. You will not be able to rejoin without an invite.": "Эта комната не является публичной. Вы не сможете войти без приглашения.", "Show devices, send anyway or cancel.": "Показать устройства, отправить в любом случае или отменить.", - "Community IDs cannot not be empty.": "ID сообществ не могут быть пустыми.", + "Community IDs cannot be empty.": "ID сообществ не могут быть пустыми.", "In reply to ": "В ответ на ", "%(oldDisplayName)s changed their display name to %(displayName)s.": "%(oldDisplayName)s изменил(а) отображаемое имя на %(displayName)s.", "Failed to set direct chat tag": "Не удалось установить тег прямого чата", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/sk.json b/src/i18n/strings/sk.json index 9043f86686..bf5d365dfe 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/sk.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/sk.json @@ -957,7 +957,7 @@ "Failed to remove tag %(tagName)s from room": "Z miestnosti sa nepodarilo odstrániť značku %(tagName)s", "Failed to add tag %(tagName)s to room": "Miestnosti sa nepodarilo pridať značku %(tagName)s", "In reply to ": "Odpoveď na ", - "Community IDs cannot not be empty.": "ID komunity nemôže ostať prázdne.", + "Community IDs cannot be empty.": "ID komunity nemôže ostať prázdne.", "Show devices, send anyway or cancel.": "Zobraziť zariadenia, napriek tomu odoslať alebo zrušiť.", "Disable Community Filter Panel": "Zakázať panel Filter komunity", "Your key share request has been sent - please check your other devices for key share requests.": "Žiadosť o zdieľanie kľúčov bola odoslaná - Overte si zobrazenie žiadosti o zdieľanie kľúčov na vašich ostatných zariadeniach.", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/sr.json b/src/i18n/strings/sr.json index c32b4ac202..b9ccbe2089 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/sr.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/sr.json @@ -641,7 +641,7 @@ "Confirm Removal": "Потврди уклањање", "Are you sure you wish to remove (delete) this event? Note that if you delete a room name or topic change, it could undo the change.": "Да ли сте сигурни да желите уклонити (обрисати) овај догађај? Знајте да брисање назива собе или мењање теме може опозвати измену.", "Community IDs may only contain characters a-z, 0-9, or '=_-./'": "ИБ-јеви заједнице могу садржати само знакове a-z, 0-9, или '=_-./'", - "Community IDs cannot not be empty.": "ИБ-јеви заједнице не могу бити празни.", + "Community IDs cannot be empty.": "ИБ-јеви заједнице не могу бити празни.", "Something went wrong whilst creating your community": "Нешто је пошло наопако приликом стварања ваше заједнице", "Create Community": "Направи заједницу", "Community Name": "Назив заједнице", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/sv.json b/src/i18n/strings/sv.json index 92c4163fbf..597c68c474 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/sv.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/sv.json @@ -1034,7 +1034,7 @@ "Failed to remove room from community": "Det gick inte att ta bort rum från community", "Only visible to community members": "Endast synlig för community-medlemmar", "Filter community rooms": "Filtrera community-rum", - "Community IDs cannot not be empty.": "Community-ID kan inte vara tomt.", + "Community IDs cannot be empty.": "Community-ID kan inte vara tomt.", "Community IDs may only contain characters a-z, 0-9, or '=_-./'": "Community-ID får endast innehålla tecknen a-z, 0-9 och '=_-./'", "Something went wrong whilst creating your community": "Något gick fel när din community skapades", "Create Community": "Skapa community", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/zh_Hans.json b/src/i18n/strings/zh_Hans.json index e2475e6f05..b83873d207 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/zh_Hans.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/zh_Hans.json @@ -877,7 +877,7 @@ "%(oneUser)shad their invitation withdrawn %(count)s times|one": "%(oneUser)s 撤回了他们的邀请", "Custom of %(powerLevel)s": "", "In reply to ": "回复给 ", - "Community IDs cannot not be empty.": "社区 ID 不能为空。", + "Community IDs cannot be empty.": "社区 ID 不能为空。", "Community IDs may only contain characters a-z, 0-9, or '=_-./'": "社区 ID 只能包含 a-z、0-9 或 “=_-./” 等字符", "Something went wrong whilst creating your community": "创建社区时出现问题", "You are currently blacklisting unverified devices; to send messages to these devices you must verify them.": "您目前默认将未经验证的设备列入黑名单;在发送消息到这些设备上之前,您必须先验证它们。", diff --git a/src/i18n/strings/zh_Hant.json b/src/i18n/strings/zh_Hant.json index d5d43fa2a0..0a0ba8e9af 100644 --- a/src/i18n/strings/zh_Hant.json +++ b/src/i18n/strings/zh_Hant.json @@ -952,7 +952,7 @@ "Your identity server's URL": "您的驗證伺服器 URL", "%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s": "%(weekDayName)s, %(monthName)s %(day)s %(fullYear)s", "This room is not public. You will not be able to rejoin without an invite.": "這個聊天室並未公開。您在沒有邀請的情況下將無法重新加入。", - "Community IDs cannot not be empty.": "社群 ID 不能為空。", + "Community IDs cannot be empty.": "社群 ID 不能為空。", "Show devices, send anyway or cancel.": "顯示裝置無論如何都要傳送取消。", "In reply to ": "回覆給 ", "%(oldDisplayName)s changed their display name to %(displayName)s.": "%(oldDisplayName)s 變更了他的顯示名稱為 %(displayName)s 。",