Merge pull request #6011 from RiotTranslateBot/weblate-element-web-matrix-react-sdk

Translations update from Weblate
J. Ryan Stinnett 2021-05-11 16:31:41 +01:00 committed by GitHub
commit 03bb3cc951
No known key found for this signature in database
13 changed files with 164 additions and 26 deletions

View File

@ -1187,7 +1187,7 @@
"Changes your display nickname in the current room only": "Změní vaši zobrazovanou přezdívku pouze v této místnosti",
"User %(userId)s is already in the room": "Uživatel %(userId)s už je v této místnosti",
"The user must be unbanned before they can be invited.": "Uživatel je vykázán, nelze ho pozvat.",
"Show read receipts sent by other users": "Zobrazovat potvrzení o přijetí",
"Show read receipts sent by other users": "Zobrazovat potvrzení o přečtení",
"Scissors": "Nůžky",
"Accept all %(invitedRooms)s invites": "Přijmout pozvání do všech těchto místností: %(invitedRooms)s",
"Change room avatar": "Změnit avatar místnosti",
@ -3155,7 +3155,7 @@
"Invite People": "Pozvat lidi",
"Invite with email or username": "Pozvěte e-mailem nebo uživatelským jménem",
"You can change these anytime.": "Tyto údaje můžete kdykoli změnit.",
"Add some details to help people recognise it.": "Přidejte několik podrobností, aby to lidé lépe rozpoznali.",
"Add some details to help people recognise it.": "Přidejte nějaké podrobnosti, aby ho lidé lépe rozpoznali.",
"Spaces are new ways to group rooms and people. To join an existing space you'll need an invite.": "Prostory jsou nový způsob, jak seskupovat místnosti a lidi. Chcete-li se připojit ke stávajícímu prostoru, budete potřebovat pozvánku.",
"A new login is accessing your account: %(name)s (%(deviceID)s) at %(ip)s": "K vašemu účtu přistupuje nové přihlášení: %(name)s (%(deviceID)s) pomocí %(ip)s",
"From %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s) at %(ip)s": "Z %(deviceName)s (%(deviceId)s) pomocí %(ip)s",
@ -3201,7 +3201,7 @@
"Please choose a strong password": "Vyberte silné heslo",
"What are some things you want to discuss in %(spaceName)s?": "O kterých tématech chcete diskutovat v %(spaceName)s?",
"Let's create a room for each of them.": "Vytvořme pro každé z nich místnost.",
"Use another login": "Použijte jiné přihlašovací jméno",
"Use another login": "Použít jinou relaci",
"Without verifying, you wont have access to all your messages and may appear as untrusted to others.": "Bez ověření nebudete mít přístup ke všem svým zprávám a ostatním se můžete zobrazit jako nedůvěryhodný.",
"You are the only person here. If you leave, no one will be able to join in the future, including you.": "Jste zde jediná osoba. Pokud odejdete, nikdo se v budoucnu nebude moci připojit, včetně vás.",
"If you reset everything, you will restart with no trusted sessions, no trusted users, and might not be able to see past messages.": "Pokud vše resetujete, začnete bez důvěryhodných relací, bez důvěryhodných uživatelů a možná nebudete moci zobrazit minulé zprávy.",
@ -3225,5 +3225,16 @@
"Including %(commaSeparatedMembers)s": "Včetně %(commaSeparatedMembers)s",
"View all %(count)s members|one": "Zobrazit jednoho člena",
"View all %(count)s members|other": "Zobrazit všech %(count)s členů",
"Failed to send": "Odeslání se nezdařilo"
"Failed to send": "Odeslání se nezdařilo",
"What do you want to organise?": "Co si přejete organizovat?",
"Filter all spaces": "Filtrovat všechny prostory",
"Delete recording": "Smazat zvukovou zprávu",
"Stop the recording": "Zastavit nahrávání",
"%(count)s results in all spaces|one": "%(count)s výsledek ve všech prostorech",
"%(count)s results in all spaces|other": "%(count)s výsledků ve všech prostorech",
"Play": "Přehrát",
"Pause": "Pozastavit",
"Enter your Security Phrase a second time to confirm it.": "Zadejte bezpečnostní frázi podruhé a potvrďte ji.",
"Pick rooms or conversations to add. This is just a space for you, no one will be informed. You can add more later.": "Vyberte místnosti nebo konverzace, které chcete přidat. Toto je prostor pouze pro vás, nikdo nebude informován. Později můžete přidat další.",
"You have no ignored users.": "Nemáte žádné ignorované uživatele."

View File

@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
"Unban": "Verbannung aufheben",
"unknown error code": "Unbekannter Fehlercode",
"Upload avatar": "Profilbild hochladen",
"Upload file": "Datei hochladen",
"Upload file": "Datei senden",
"Users": "Benutzer",
"Verification Pending": "Verifizierung ausstehend",
"Video call": "Videoanruf",
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
"VoIP is unsupported": "VoIP wird nicht unterstützt",
"You are already in a call.": "Du bist bereits in einem Gespräch.",
"You cannot place a call with yourself.": "Du kannst keinen Anruf mit dir selbst starten.",
"You cannot place VoIP calls in this browser.": "VoIP-Gespräche werden von diesem Browser nicht unterstützt.",
"You cannot place VoIP calls in this browser.": "Anrufe werden von diesem Browser nicht unterstützt.",
"Your email address does not appear to be associated with a Matrix ID on this Homeserver.": "Deine E-Mail-Adresse scheint nicht mit einer Matrix-ID auf diesem Heimserver verbunden zu sein.",
"Sun": "So",
"Mon": "Mo",
@ -1634,7 +1634,7 @@
"Show rooms with unread notifications first": "Räume mit ungelesenen Benachrichtigungen zuerst zeigen",
"Show shortcuts to recently viewed rooms above the room list": "Kürzlich besuchte Räume anzeigen",
"Use Single Sign On to continue": "Einmalanmeldung zum Fortfahren nutzen",
"Confirm adding this email address by using Single Sign On to prove your identity.": "Bestätige die hinzugefügte E-Mail-Adresse mit der Einmalanmeldung, um deine Identität nachzuweisen.",
"Confirm adding this email address by using Single Sign On to prove your identity.": "Bestätige das Hinzufügen dieser E-Mail-Adresse durch Single Sign-on, um deine Identität nachzuweisen.",
"Single Sign On": "Einmalanmeldung",
"Confirm adding email": "Hinzugefügte E-Mail-Addresse bestätigen",
"Confirm adding this phone number by using Single Sign On to prove your identity.": "Bestätige die hinzugefügte Telefonnummer, indem du deine Identität mittels der Einmalanmeldung nachweist.",
@ -2951,7 +2951,7 @@
"Call failed because no webcam or microphone could not be accessed. Check that:": "Der Anruf ist fehlgeschlagen weil nicht auf das Mikrofon oder die Webcam zugegriffen werden konnte. Stelle sicher, dass:",
"Unable to access webcam / microphone": "Auf Webcam / Mikrofon konnte nicht zugegriffen werden",
"Unable to access microphone": "Es konnte nicht auf das Mikrofon zugegriffen werden",
"Host account on": "Benutzer*innenkonto betreiben an",
"Host account on": "Konto betreiben auf",
"Hold": "Halten",
"Resume": "Fortsetzen",
"We call the places where you can host your account homeservers.": "Den Ort, an dem du dein Konto betreibst, nennen wir „Heimserver“.",
@ -3282,5 +3282,16 @@
"If you do, please note that none of your messages will be deleted, but the search experience might be degraded for a few moments whilst the index is recreated": "Falls du es wirklich willst: Es werden keine Nachrichten gelöscht. Außerdem wird die Suche, während der Index erstellt wird, etwas langsamer sein",
"%(count)s members including %(commaSeparatedMembers)s|other": "%(count)s Mitglieder inklusive %(commaSeparatedMembers)s",
"Including %(commaSeparatedMembers)s": "Inklusive%(commaSeparatedMembers)s",
"Consulting with %(transferTarget)s. <a>Transfer to %(transferee)s</a>": "Beratung mit %(transferTarget)s. <a>Übertragung zu %(transferee)s</a>"
"Consulting with %(transferTarget)s. <a>Transfer to %(transferee)s</a>": "Beratung mit %(transferTarget)s. <a>Übertragung zu %(transferee)s</a>",
"Play": "Abspielen",
"Pause": "Pause",
"What do you want to organise?": "Was willst du organisieren?",
"Enter your Security Phrase a second time to confirm it.": "Gib dein Kennwort ein zweites Mal zur Bestätigung ein.",
"Pick rooms or conversations to add. This is just a space for you, no one will be informed. You can add more later.": "Wähle Räume oder Konversationen die Du hinzufügen möchtest. Dieser Bereich ist nur für Dich, niemand wird informiert. Du kannst später mehr hinzufügen.",
"Filter all spaces": "Alle Bereiche filtern",
"Delete recording": "Aufnahme löschen",
"Stop the recording": "Aufnahme stoppen",
"%(count)s results in all spaces|one": "%(count)s Ergebnis in allen Bereichen",
"%(count)s results in all spaces|other": "%(count)s Ergebnisse in allen Bereichen",
"You have no ignored users.": "Du ignorierst keine Benutzer."

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@ -3248,5 +3248,16 @@
"%(seconds)ss left": "%(seconds)ss restantes",
"Failed to send": "No se ha podido mandar",
"Change server ACLs": "Cambiar los ACLs del servidor",
"Show options to enable 'Do not disturb' mode": "Mostrar opciones para activar el modo «no molestar»"
"Show options to enable 'Do not disturb' mode": "Mostrar opciones para activar el modo «no molestar»",
"Stop the recording": "Parar grabación",
"Delete recording": "Borrar grabación",
"Enter your Security Phrase a second time to confirm it.": "Escribe tu frase de seguridad de nuevo para confirmarla.",
"Pick rooms or conversations to add. This is just a space for you, no one will be informed. You can add more later.": "Elige salas o conversaciones para añadirlas. Este espacio es solo para ti, no informaremos a nadie. Puedes añadir más más tarde.",
"What do you want to organise?": "¿Qué quieres organizar?",
"Filter all spaces": "Filtrar todos los espacios",
"%(count)s results in all spaces|one": "%(count)s resultado en todos los espacios",
"%(count)s results in all spaces|other": "%(count)s resultados en todos los espacios",
"You have no ignored users.": "No has ignorado a nadie.",
"Pause": "Pausar",
"Play": "Reproducir"

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@ -3286,5 +3286,16 @@
"Including %(commaSeparatedMembers)s": "Sealhulgas %(commaSeparatedMembers)s",
"View all %(count)s members|one": "Vaata üht liiget",
"View all %(count)s members|other": "Vaata kõiki %(count)s liiget",
"Failed to send": "Saatmine ei õnnestunud"
"Failed to send": "Saatmine ei õnnestunud",
"Enter your Security Phrase a second time to confirm it.": "Kinnitamiseks palun sisesta turvafraas teist korda.",
"Pick rooms or conversations to add. This is just a space for you, no one will be informed. You can add more later.": "Lisamiseks vali vestlusi ja jututubasid. Hetkel on see kogukonnakeskus vaid sinu jaoks ja esialgu keegi ei saa sellest teada. Teisi saad liituma kutsuda hiljem.",
"What do you want to organise?": "Mida sa soovid ette võtta?",
"Filter all spaces": "Otsi kõikides kogukonnakeskustest",
"Delete recording": "Kustuta salvestus",
"Stop the recording": "Lõpeta salvestamine",
"%(count)s results in all spaces|one": "%(count)s tulemus kõikides kogukonnakeskustes",
"%(count)s results in all spaces|other": "%(count)s tulemust kõikides kogukonnakeskustes",
"You have no ignored users.": "Sa ei ole veel kedagi eiranud.",
"Play": "Esita",
"Pause": "Peata"

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@ -3024,7 +3024,7 @@
"Use Command + F to search": "Utilisez Commande + F pour rechercher",
"Show line numbers in code blocks": "Afficher les numéros de ligne dans les blocs de code",
"Expand code blocks by default": "Développer les blocs de code par défaut",
"Show stickers button": "Afficher le bouton autocollants",
"Show stickers button": "Afficher le bouton des autocollants",
"Use app": "Utiliser lapplication",
"Element Web is experimental on mobile. For a better experience and the latest features, use our free native app.": "Element Web est expérimental sur téléphone. Pour une meilleure expérience et bénéficier des dernières fonctionnalités, utilisez notre application native gratuite.",
"Use app for a better experience": "Utilisez une application pour une meilleure expérience",
@ -3285,5 +3285,16 @@
"Including %(commaSeparatedMembers)s": "Dont %(commaSeparatedMembers)s",
"View all %(count)s members|one": "Afficher le membre",
"View all %(count)s members|other": "Afficher les %(count)s membres",
"Failed to send": "Échec de lenvoi"
"Failed to send": "Échec de lenvoi",
"Play": "Lecture",
"Pause": "Pause",
"Enter your Security Phrase a second time to confirm it.": "Saisissez à nouveau votre phrase secrète pour la confirmer.",
"Pick rooms or conversations to add. This is just a space for you, no one will be informed. You can add more later.": "Choisissez des salons ou conversations à ajouter. Cest un espace rien que pour vous, personne nen sera informé. Vous pourrez en ajouter plus tard.",
"What do you want to organise?": "Que voulez-vous organiser ?",
"Filter all spaces": "Filtrer tous les espaces",
"Delete recording": "Supprimer lenregistrement",
"Stop the recording": "Arrêter lenregistrement",
"%(count)s results in all spaces|one": "%(count)s résultat dans tous les espaces",
"%(count)s results in all spaces|other": "%(count)s résultats dans tous les espaces",
"You have no ignored users.": "Vous navez ignoré personne."

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@ -3308,5 +3308,16 @@
"Including %(commaSeparatedMembers)s": "Incluíndo a %(commaSeparatedMembers)s",
"View all %(count)s members|one": "Ver 1 membro",
"View all %(count)s members|other": "Ver tódolos %(count)s membros",
"Failed to send": "Fallou o envío"
"Failed to send": "Fallou o envío",
"Enter your Security Phrase a second time to confirm it.": "Escribe a túa Frase de Seguridade por segunda vez para confirmala.",
"Pick rooms or conversations to add. This is just a space for you, no one will be informed. You can add more later.": "Elixe salas ou conversas para engadilas. Este é un espazo para ti, ninguén será notificado. Podes engadir máis posteriormente.",
"What do you want to organise?": "Que queres organizar?",
"Filter all spaces": "Filtrar os espazos",
"Delete recording": "Eliminar a gravación",
"Stop the recording": "Deter a gravación",
"%(count)s results in all spaces|one": "%(count)s resultado en tódolos espazos",
"%(count)s results in all spaces|other": "%(count)s resultados en tódolos espazos",
"You have no ignored users.": "Non tes usuarias ignoradas.",
"Play": "Reproducir",
"Pause": "Deter"

View File

@ -3303,5 +3303,16 @@
"Including %(commaSeparatedMembers)s": "Beleértve: %(commaSeparatedMembers)s",
"View all %(count)s members|one": "1 résztvevő megmutatása",
"View all %(count)s members|other": "Az összes %(count)s résztvevő megmutatása",
"Failed to send": "Küldés sikertelen"
"Failed to send": "Küldés sikertelen",
"Enter your Security Phrase a second time to confirm it.": "A megerősítéshez adja meg a biztonsági jelmondatot még egyszer.",
"Pick rooms or conversations to add. This is just a space for you, no one will be informed. You can add more later.": "Válassz szobákat vagy beszélgetéseket amit hozzáadhat. Ez csak az ön tere, senki nem lesz értesítve. Továbbiakat később is hozzáadhat.",
"What do you want to organise?": "Mit szeretne megszervezni?",
"Filter all spaces": "Minden tér szűrése",
"Delete recording": "Felvétel törlése",
"Stop the recording": "Felvétel megállítása",
"%(count)s results in all spaces|one": "%(count)s találat van az összes térben",
"%(count)s results in all spaces|other": "%(count)s találat a terekben",
"You have no ignored users.": "Nincs figyelmen kívül hagyott felhasználó.",
"Play": "Lejátszás",
"Pause": "Szünet"

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@ -3308,5 +3308,16 @@
"Including %(commaSeparatedMembers)s": "Inclusi %(commaSeparatedMembers)s",
"View all %(count)s members|one": "Vedi 1 membro",
"View all %(count)s members|other": "Vedi tutti i %(count)s membri",
"Failed to send": "Invio fallito"
"Failed to send": "Invio fallito",
"Enter your Security Phrase a second time to confirm it.": "Inserisci di nuovo la password di sicurezza per confermarla.",
"Pick rooms or conversations to add. This is just a space for you, no one will be informed. You can add more later.": "Scegli le stanze o le conversazioni da aggiungere. Questo è uno spazio solo per te, nessuno ne saprà nulla. Puoi aggiungerne altre in seguito.",
"What do you want to organise?": "Cosa vuoi organizzare?",
"Filter all spaces": "Filtra tutti gli spazi",
"Delete recording": "Elimina registrazione",
"Stop the recording": "Ferma la registrazione",
"%(count)s results in all spaces|one": "%(count)s risultato in tutti gli spazi",
"%(count)s results in all spaces|other": "%(count)s risultati in tutti gli spazi",
"You have no ignored users.": "Non hai utenti ignorati.",
"Play": "Riproduci",
"Pause": "Pausa"

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@ -1517,7 +1517,7 @@
"Explore rooms": "Gesprekken ontdekken",
"Show previews/thumbnails for images": "Miniaturen voor afbeeldingen tonen",
"Clear cache and reload": "Cache wissen en herladen",
"You are about to remove %(count)s messages by %(user)s. This cannot be undone. Do you wish to continue?|one": "U staat op het punt 1 bericht door %(user)s te verwijderen. Dit is onherroepelijk. Wilt u doorgaan?",
"You are about to remove %(count)s messages by %(user)s. This cannot be undone. Do you wish to continue?|one": "U staat op het punt 1 bericht door %(user)s te verwijderen. Dit kan niet ongedaan gemaakt worden. Wilt u doorgaan?",
"Remove %(count)s messages|one": "1 bericht verwijderen",
"%(count)s unread messages including mentions.|other": "%(count)s ongelezen berichten, inclusief vermeldingen.",
"%(count)s unread messages.|other": "%(count)s ongelezen berichten.",
@ -1932,7 +1932,7 @@
"Jump to first unread room.": "Ga naar het eerste ongelezen gesprek.",
"Jump to first invite.": "Ga naar de eerste uitnodiging.",
"Session verified": "Sessie geverifieerd",
"Your new session is now verified. It has access to your encrypted messages, and other users will see it as trusted.": "Uw nieuwe sessie is nu geverifieerd. Ze heeft nu toegang tot uw versleutelde berichten, en de sessie zal voor andere gebruikers als vertrouwd gemarkeerd worden.",
"Your new session is now verified. It has access to your encrypted messages, and other users will see it as trusted.": "Uw nieuwe sessie is nu geverifieerd. U heeft nu toegang tot uw versleutelde berichten, en deze sessie zal voor andere gebruikers als vertrouwd gemarkeerd worden.",
"Your new session is now verified. Other users will see it as trusted.": "Uw nieuwe sessie is nu geverifieerd. Ze zal voor andere gebruikers als vertrouwd gemarkeerd worden.",
"Without completing security on this session, it wont have access to encrypted messages.": "Als u de beveiliging van deze sessie niet vervolledigt, zal ze geen toegang hebben tot uw versleutelde berichten.",
"Go Back": "Terugkeren",
@ -2366,7 +2366,7 @@
"Your server admin has disabled end-to-end encryption by default in private rooms & Direct Messages.": "De beheerder van uw server heeft eind-tot-eind-versleuteling standaard uitgeschakeld in alle privégesprekken en directe gesprekken.",
"Scroll to most recent messages": "Spring naar meest recente bericht",
"The authenticity of this encrypted message can't be guaranteed on this device.": "De echtheid van dit versleutelde bericht kan op dit apparaat niet worden gegarandeerd.",
"To link to this room, please add an address.": "Voeg een adres toe om naar deze kamer te verwijzen.",
"To link to this room, please add an address.": "Voeg een adres toe om naar dit gesprek te kunnen verwijzen.",
"Remove messages sent by others": "Berichten van anderen verwijderen",
"Privacy": "Privacy",
"Keyboard Shortcuts": "Sneltoetsen",
@ -3170,7 +3170,7 @@
"Share decryption keys for room history when inviting users": "Deel ontsleutelsleutels voor de gespreksgeschiedenis wanneer u personen uitnodigd",
"Send and receive voice messages (in development)": "Verstuur en ontvang audioberichten (in ontwikkeling)",
"%(deviceId)s from %(ip)s": "%(deviceId)s van %(ip)s",
"Review to ensure your account is safe": "Controleer om u te verzekeren dat uw account veilig is",
"Review to ensure your account is safe": "Controleer ze voor de zekerheid dat uw account veilig is",
"Sends the given message as a spoiler": "Verstuurt het bericht als een spoiler",
"You are the only person here. If you leave, no one will be able to join in the future, including you.": "U bent de enige persoon hier. Als u weggaat, zal niemand in de toekomst kunnen toetreden, u ook niet.",
"If you reset everything, you will restart with no trusted sessions, no trusted users, and might not be able to see past messages.": "Als u alles reset, zult u opnieuw opstarten zonder vertrouwde sessies, zonder vertrouwde gebruikers, en zult u misschien geen vroegere berichten meer kunnen zien.",
@ -3192,7 +3192,18 @@
"%(count)s members including %(commaSeparatedMembers)s|one": "%(commaSeparatedMembers)s",
"%(count)s members including %(commaSeparatedMembers)s|other": "%(count)s leden inclusief %(commaSeparatedMembers)s",
"Including %(commaSeparatedMembers)s": "Inclusief %(commaSeparatedMembers)s",
"View all %(count)s members|one": "Bekijk 1 lid",
"View all %(count)s members|one": "1 lid bekijken",
"View all %(count)s members|other": "Bekijk alle %(count)s leden",
"Failed to send": "Verzenden is mislukt"
"Failed to send": "Verzenden is mislukt",
"Enter your Security Phrase a second time to confirm it.": "Voor uw veiligheidswachtwoord een tweede keer in om het te bevestigen.",
"Pick rooms or conversations to add. This is just a space for you, no one will be informed. You can add more later.": "Kies een gesprek om hem toe te voegen. Dit is een space voor u, niemand zal hiervan een melding krijgen. U kan er later meer toevoegen.",
"What do you want to organise?": "Wat wilt u organiseren?",
"Filter all spaces": "Alle spaces filteren",
"Delete recording": "Opname verwijderen",
"Stop the recording": "Opname stoppen",
"%(count)s results in all spaces|one": "%(count)s resultaat in alle spaces",
"%(count)s results in all spaces|other": "%(count)s resultaten in alle spaces",
"You have no ignored users.": "U heeft geen gebruiker genegeerd.",
"Play": "Afspelen",
"Pause": "Pauze"

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@ -2265,5 +2265,11 @@
"There was an error finding this widget.": "Wystąpił błąd podczas próby odnalezienia tego widżetu.",
"Active Widgets": "Aktywne widżety",
"Encryption not enabled": "Nie włączono szyfrowania",
"Encryption enabled": "Włączono szyfrowanie"
"Encryption enabled": "Włączono szyfrowanie",
"Your homeserver was unreachable and was not able to log you in. Please try again. If this continues, please contact your homeserver administrator.": "Twój serwer domowy był nieosiągalny i nie mógł Cię zalogować. Spróbuj ponownie. Jeśli to się powtórzy, skontaktuj się z administratorem swojego serwera.",
"Try again": "Spróbuj ponownie",
"We asked the browser to remember which homeserver you use to let you sign in, but unfortunately your browser has forgotten it. Go to the sign in page and try again.": "Poprosiliśmy przeglądarkę o zapamiętanie, z którego serwera głównego korzystasz, aby umożliwić Ci logowanie, ale niestety Twoja przeglądarka o tym zapomniała. Przejdź do strony logowania i spróbuj ponownie.",
"We couldn't log you in": "Nie mogliśmy Cię zalogować",
"You're already in a call with this person.": "Prowadzisz już rozmowę z tą osobą.",
"Already in call": "Już dzwoni"

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@ -3294,5 +3294,16 @@
"Including %(commaSeparatedMembers)s": "Prfshi %(commaSeparatedMembers)s",
"View all %(count)s members|one": "Shihni 1 anëtar",
"View all %(count)s members|other": "Shihni krejt %(count)s anëtarët",
"Failed to send": "Su arrit të dërgohet"
"Failed to send": "Su arrit të dërgohet",
"Enter your Security Phrase a second time to confirm it.": "Jepni Frazën tuaj të Sigurisë edhe një herë, për ta ripohuar.",
"Pick rooms or conversations to add. This is just a space for you, no one will be informed. You can add more later.": "Zgjidhni dhoma ose biseda që të shtohen. Kjo është thjesht një hapësirë për ju, sdo ta dijë kush tjetër. Mund të shtoni të tjerë më vonë.",
"What do you want to organise?": doni të sistemoni?",
"Filter all spaces": "Filtro krejt hapësirat",
"Delete recording": "Fshije regjistrimin",
"Stop the recording": "Ndale regjistrimin",
"%(count)s results in all spaces|one": "%(count)s përfundim në krejt hapësirat",
"%(count)s results in all spaces|other": "%(count)s përfundime në krejt hapësirat",
"You have no ignored users.": "Skeni përdorues të shpërfillur.",
"Play": "Luaje",
"Pause": "Ndalesë"

View File

@ -3239,5 +3239,16 @@
"%(count)s members including %(commaSeparatedMembers)s|one": "%(commaSeparatedMembers)s",
"%(count)s members including %(commaSeparatedMembers)s|other": "%(count)s medlemmar inklusive %(commaSeparatedMembers)s",
"Including %(commaSeparatedMembers)s": "Inklusive %(commaSeparatedMembers)s",
"Failed to send": "Misslyckades att skicka"
"Failed to send": "Misslyckades att skicka",
"Enter your Security Phrase a second time to confirm it.": "Ange din säkerhetsfras igen för att bekräfta den.",
"Pick rooms or conversations to add. This is just a space for you, no one will be informed. You can add more later.": "Välj rum eller konversationer att lägga till. Detta är bara ett utrymmer för dig, ingen kommer att informeras. Du kan lägga till fler senare.",
"What do you want to organise?": "Vad vill du organisera?",
"Filter all spaces": "Filtrera alla utrymmen",
"Delete recording": "Radera inspelningen",
"Stop the recording": "Stoppa inspelningen",
"%(count)s results in all spaces|one": "%(count)s resultat i alla utrymmen",
"%(count)s results in all spaces|other": "%(count)s resultat i alla utrymmen",
"You have no ignored users.": "Du har inga ignorerade användare.",
"Play": "Spela",
"Pause": "Pausa"

View File

@ -3311,5 +3311,16 @@
"Including %(commaSeparatedMembers)s": "包含 %(commaSeparatedMembers)s",
"View all %(count)s members|one": "檢視 1 個成員",
"View all %(count)s members|other": "檢視全部 %(count)s 個成員",
"Failed to send": "傳送失敗"
"Failed to send": "傳送失敗",
"Enter your Security Phrase a second time to confirm it.": "再次輸入您的安全密語以進行確認。",
"Pick rooms or conversations to add. This is just a space for you, no one will be informed. You can add more later.": "挑選要新增的聊天室或對話。這是專屬於您的空間,不會有人被通知。您稍後可以再新增更多。",
"What do you want to organise?": "您想要整理什麼?",
"Filter all spaces": "過濾所有空間",
"Delete recording": "刪除錄製",
"Stop the recording": "停止錄製",
"%(count)s results in all spaces|one": "所有空間中有 %(count)s 個結果",
"%(count)s results in all spaces|other": "所有空間中有 %(count)s 個結果",
"You have no ignored users.": "您沒有忽略的使用者。",
"Play": "播放",
"Pause": "暫停"