diff --git a/src/components/structures/RoomView.tsx b/src/components/structures/RoomView.tsx
index 0ee847fbc9..027c6b3cc3 100644
--- a/src/components/structures/RoomView.tsx
+++ b/src/components/structures/RoomView.tsx
@@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ import {UPDATE_EVENT} from "../../stores/AsyncStore";
 import Notifier from "../../Notifier";
 import {showToast as showNotificationsToast} from "../../toasts/DesktopNotificationsToast";
 import { RoomNotificationStateStore } from "../../stores/notifications/RoomNotificationStateStore";
+import { Container, WidgetLayoutStore } from "../../stores/widgets/WidgetLayoutStore";
 const DEBUG = false;
 let debuglog = function(msg: string) {};
@@ -280,8 +281,8 @@ export default class RoomView extends React.Component<IProps, IState> {
     private checkWidgets = (room) => {
-            hasPinnedWidgets: WidgetStore.instance.getPinnedApps(room.roomId).length > 0,
-        })
+            hasPinnedWidgets: WidgetLayoutStore.instance.getContainerWidgets(room, Container.Top).length > 0,
+        });
     private onReadReceiptsChange = () => {
diff --git a/src/components/views/context_menus/WidgetContextMenu.tsx b/src/components/views/context_menus/WidgetContextMenu.tsx
index 4662c74d78..c1af86eae6 100644
--- a/src/components/views/context_menus/WidgetContextMenu.tsx
+++ b/src/components/views/context_menus/WidgetContextMenu.tsx
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import {MatrixCapabilities} from "matrix-widget-api";
 import IconizedContextMenu, {IconizedContextMenuOption, IconizedContextMenuOptionList} from "./IconizedContextMenu";
 import {ChevronFace} from "../../structures/ContextMenu";
 import {_t} from "../../../languageHandler";
-import WidgetStore, {IApp} from "../../../stores/WidgetStore";
+import {IApp} from "../../../stores/WidgetStore";
 import WidgetUtils from "../../../utils/WidgetUtils";
 import {WidgetMessagingStore} from "../../../stores/widgets/WidgetMessagingStore";
 import RoomContext from "../../../contexts/RoomContext";
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ import Modal from "../../../Modal";
 import QuestionDialog from "../dialogs/QuestionDialog";
 import {WidgetType} from "../../../widgets/WidgetType";
 import MatrixClientContext from "../../../contexts/MatrixClientContext";
+import { Container, WidgetLayoutStore } from "../../../stores/widgets/WidgetLayoutStore";
 interface IProps extends React.ComponentProps<typeof IconizedContextMenu> {
     app: IApp;
@@ -56,7 +57,7 @@ const WidgetContextMenu: React.FC<IProps> = ({
     let unpinButton;
     if (showUnpin) {
         const onUnpinClick = () => {
-            WidgetStore.instance.unpinWidget(room.roomId, app.id);
+            WidgetLayoutStore.instance.moveToContainer(room, app, Container.Right);
@@ -137,13 +138,13 @@ const WidgetContextMenu: React.FC<IProps> = ({
         revokeButton = <IconizedContextMenuOption onClick={onRevokeClick} label={_t("Revoke permissions")} />;
-    const pinnedWidgets = WidgetStore.instance.getPinnedApps(roomId);
+    const pinnedWidgets = WidgetLayoutStore.instance.getContainerWidgets(room, Container.Top);
     const widgetIndex = pinnedWidgets.findIndex(widget => widget.id === app.id);
     let moveLeftButton;
     if (showUnpin && widgetIndex > 0) {
         const onClick = () => {
-            WidgetStore.instance.movePinnedWidget(roomId, app.id, -1);
+            WidgetLayoutStore.instance.moveWithinContainer(room, Container.Top, app, -1);
@@ -153,7 +154,7 @@ const WidgetContextMenu: React.FC<IProps> = ({
     let moveRightButton;
     if (showUnpin && widgetIndex < pinnedWidgets.length - 1) {
         const onClick = () => {
-            WidgetStore.instance.movePinnedWidget(roomId, app.id, 1);
+            WidgetLayoutStore.instance.moveWithinContainer(room, Container.Top, app, 1);
diff --git a/src/components/views/messages/MJitsiWidgetEvent.tsx b/src/components/views/messages/MJitsiWidgetEvent.tsx
index b87efd472a..3ff11f7b6f 100644
--- a/src/components/views/messages/MJitsiWidgetEvent.tsx
+++ b/src/components/views/messages/MJitsiWidgetEvent.tsx
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ import { MatrixEvent } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/models/event";
 import { _t } from "../../../languageHandler";
 import WidgetStore from "../../../stores/WidgetStore";
 import EventTileBubble from "./EventTileBubble";
+import { MatrixClientPeg } from "../../../MatrixClientPeg";
+import { Container, WidgetLayoutStore } from "../../../stores/widgets/WidgetLayoutStore";
 interface IProps {
     mxEvent: MatrixEvent;
@@ -33,9 +35,12 @@ export default class MJitsiWidgetEvent extends React.PureComponent<IProps> {
         const url = this.props.mxEvent.getContent()['url'];
         const prevUrl = this.props.mxEvent.getPrevContent()['url'];
         const senderName = this.props.mxEvent.sender?.name || this.props.mxEvent.getSender();
+        const room = MatrixClientPeg.get().getRoom(this.props.mxEvent.getRoomId());
+        const widgetId = this.props.mxEvent.getStateKey();
+        const widget = WidgetStore.instance.getRoom(room.roomId).widgets.find(w => w.id === widgetId);
         let joinCopy = _t('Join the conference at the top of this room');
-        if (!WidgetStore.instance.isPinned(this.props.mxEvent.getRoomId(), this.props.mxEvent.getStateKey())) {
+        if (widget && WidgetLayoutStore.instance.isInContainer(room, widget, Container.Right)) {
             joinCopy = _t('Join the conference from the room information card on the right');
diff --git a/src/components/views/right_panel/RoomSummaryCard.tsx b/src/components/views/right_panel/RoomSummaryCard.tsx
index ebc07e76b8..f405cde11d 100644
--- a/src/components/views/right_panel/RoomSummaryCard.tsx
+++ b/src/components/views/right_panel/RoomSummaryCard.tsx
@@ -37,13 +37,14 @@ import SettingsStore from "../../../settings/SettingsStore";
 import TextWithTooltip from "../elements/TextWithTooltip";
 import WidgetAvatar from "../avatars/WidgetAvatar";
 import AccessibleTooltipButton from "../elements/AccessibleTooltipButton";
-import WidgetStore, {IApp, MAX_PINNED} from "../../../stores/WidgetStore";
+import WidgetStore, {IApp} from "../../../stores/WidgetStore";
 import { E2EStatus } from "../../../utils/ShieldUtils";
 import RoomContext from "../../../contexts/RoomContext";
 import {UIFeature} from "../../../settings/UIFeature";
 import {ChevronFace, ContextMenuTooltipButton, useContextMenu} from "../../structures/ContextMenu";
 import WidgetContextMenu from "../context_menus/WidgetContextMenu";
 import {useRoomMemberCount} from "../../../hooks/useRoomMembers";
+import { Container, MAX_PINNED, WidgetLayoutStore } from "../../../stores/widgets/WidgetLayoutStore";
 interface IProps {
     room: Room;
@@ -78,6 +79,7 @@ export const useWidgets = (room: Room) => {
     useEffect(updateApps, [room]);
     useEventEmitter(WidgetStore.instance, room.roomId, updateApps);
+    useEventEmitter(WidgetLayoutStore.instance, WidgetLayoutStore.emissionForRoom(room), updateApps);
     return apps;
@@ -102,10 +104,10 @@ const AppRow: React.FC<IAppRowProps> = ({ app, room }) => {
-    const isPinned = WidgetStore.instance.isPinned(room.roomId, app.id);
+    const isPinned = WidgetLayoutStore.instance.isInContainer(room, app, Container.Top);
     const togglePin = isPinned
-        ? () => { WidgetStore.instance.unpinWidget(room.roomId, app.id); }
-        : () => { WidgetStore.instance.pinWidget(room.roomId, app.id); };
+        ? () => { WidgetLayoutStore.instance.moveToContainer(room, app, Container.Right); }
+        : () => { WidgetLayoutStore.instance.moveToContainer(room, app, Container.Top); };
     const [menuDisplayed, handle, openMenu, closeMenu] = useContextMenu<HTMLDivElement>();
     let contextMenu;
@@ -120,7 +122,7 @@ const AppRow: React.FC<IAppRowProps> = ({ app, room }) => {
-    const cannotPin = !isPinned && !WidgetStore.instance.canPin(room.roomId, app.id);
+    const cannotPin = !isPinned && !WidgetLayoutStore.instance.canAddToContainer(room, Container.Top);
     let pinTitle: string;
     if (cannotPin) {
diff --git a/src/components/views/right_panel/WidgetCard.tsx b/src/components/views/right_panel/WidgetCard.tsx
index 593bd0dde7..56e522e206 100644
--- a/src/components/views/right_panel/WidgetCard.tsx
+++ b/src/components/views/right_panel/WidgetCard.tsx
@@ -14,22 +14,22 @@ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 limitations under the License.
-import React, {useContext, useEffect} from "react";
-import {Room} from "matrix-js-sdk/src/models/room";
+import React, { useContext, useEffect } from "react";
+import { Room } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/models/room";
 import MatrixClientContext from "../../../contexts/MatrixClientContext";
 import BaseCard from "./BaseCard";
 import WidgetUtils from "../../../utils/WidgetUtils";
 import AppTile from "../elements/AppTile";
-import {_t} from "../../../languageHandler";
-import {useWidgets} from "./RoomSummaryCard";
-import {RightPanelPhases} from "../../../stores/RightPanelStorePhases";
+import { _t } from "../../../languageHandler";
+import { useWidgets } from "./RoomSummaryCard";
+import { RightPanelPhases } from "../../../stores/RightPanelStorePhases";
 import defaultDispatcher from "../../../dispatcher/dispatcher";
-import {SetRightPanelPhasePayload} from "../../../dispatcher/payloads/SetRightPanelPhasePayload";
-import {Action} from "../../../dispatcher/actions";
-import WidgetStore from "../../../stores/WidgetStore";
-import {ChevronFace, ContextMenuButton, useContextMenu} from "../../structures/ContextMenu";
+import { SetRightPanelPhasePayload } from "../../../dispatcher/payloads/SetRightPanelPhasePayload";
+import { Action } from "../../../dispatcher/actions";
+import { ChevronFace, ContextMenuButton, useContextMenu } from "../../structures/ContextMenu";
 import WidgetContextMenu from "../context_menus/WidgetContextMenu";
+import { Container, WidgetLayoutStore } from "../../../stores/widgets/WidgetLayoutStore";
 interface IProps {
     room: Room;
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ const WidgetCard: React.FC<IProps> = ({ room, widgetId, onClose }) => {
     const apps = useWidgets(room);
     const app = apps.find(a => a.id === widgetId);
-    const isPinned = app && WidgetStore.instance.isPinned(room.roomId, app.id);
+    const isPinned = app && WidgetLayoutStore.instance.isInContainer(room, app, Container.Top);
     const [menuDisplayed, handle, openMenu, closeMenu] = useContextMenu();
diff --git a/src/stores/WidgetStore.ts b/src/stores/WidgetStore.ts
index c9cf0a1c70..2f06dfcb80 100644
--- a/src/stores/WidgetStore.ts
+++ b/src/stores/WidgetStore.ts
@@ -21,16 +21,12 @@ import { IWidget } from "matrix-widget-api";
 import { ActionPayload } from "../dispatcher/payloads";
 import { AsyncStoreWithClient } from "./AsyncStoreWithClient";
 import defaultDispatcher from "../dispatcher/dispatcher";
-import SettingsStore from "../settings/SettingsStore";
 import WidgetEchoStore from "../stores/WidgetEchoStore";
-import RoomViewStore from "../stores/RoomViewStore";
 import ActiveWidgetStore from "../stores/ActiveWidgetStore";
 import WidgetUtils from "../utils/WidgetUtils";
-import {SettingLevel} from "../settings/SettingLevel";
 import {WidgetType} from "../widgets/WidgetType";
 import {UPDATE_EVENT} from "./AsyncStore";
 import { MatrixClientPeg } from "../MatrixClientPeg";
-import { arrayDiff, arrayHasDiff, arrayUnion } from "../utils/arrays";
 interface IState {}
@@ -41,15 +37,10 @@ export interface IApp extends IWidget {
     avatar_url: string; // MSC2765 https://github.com/matrix-org/matrix-doc/pull/2765
-type PinnedWidgets = Record<string, boolean>;
 interface IRoomWidgets {
     widgets: IApp[];
-    pinned: PinnedWidgets;
-export const MAX_PINNED = 3;
 function widgetUid(app: IApp): string {
     return `${app.roomId ?? MatrixClientPeg.get().getUserId()}::${app.id}`;
@@ -65,7 +56,6 @@ export default class WidgetStore extends AsyncStoreWithClient<IState> {
     private constructor() {
         super(defaultDispatcher, {});
-        SettingsStore.watchSetting("Widgets.pinned", null, this.onPinnedWidgetsChange);
         WidgetEchoStore.on("update", this.onWidgetEchoStoreUpdate);
@@ -76,7 +66,6 @@ export default class WidgetStore extends AsyncStoreWithClient<IState> {
     private initRoom(roomId: string) {
         if (!this.roomMap.has(roomId)) {
             this.roomMap.set(roomId, {
-                pinned: {}, // ordered
                 widgets: [],
@@ -85,16 +74,6 @@ export default class WidgetStore extends AsyncStoreWithClient<IState> {
     protected async onReady(): Promise<any> {
         this.matrixClient.on("RoomState.events", this.onRoomStateEvents);
         this.matrixClient.getRooms().forEach((room: Room) => {
-            const pinned = SettingsStore.getValue("Widgets.pinned", room.roomId);
-            if (pinned || WidgetUtils.getRoomWidgets(room).length) {
-                this.initRoom(room.roomId);
-            }
-            if (pinned) {
-                this.getRoom(room.roomId).pinned = pinned;
-            }
@@ -128,7 +107,7 @@ export default class WidgetStore extends AsyncStoreWithClient<IState> {
     private loadRoomWidgets(room: Room) {
         if (!room) return;
-        const roomInfo = this.roomMap.get(room.roomId);
+        const roomInfo = this.roomMap.get(room.roomId) || <IRoomWidgets>{};
         roomInfo.widgets = [];
         // first clean out old widgets from the map which originate from this room
@@ -138,6 +117,7 @@ export default class WidgetStore extends AsyncStoreWithClient<IState> {
+        let edited = false;
         this.generateApps(room).forEach(app => {
             // Sanity check for https://github.com/vector-im/element-web/issues/15705
             const existingApp = this.widgetMap.get(widgetUid(app));
@@ -150,12 +130,16 @@ export default class WidgetStore extends AsyncStoreWithClient<IState> {
             this.widgetMap.set(widgetUid(app), app);
+            edited = true;
+        if (edited && !this.roomMap.has(room.roomId)) {
+            this.roomMap.set(room.roomId, roomInfo);
+        }
     private onRoomStateEvents = (ev: MatrixEvent) => {
-        if (ev.getType() !== "im.vector.modular.widgets") return;
+        if (ev.getType() !== "im.vector.modular.widgets") return; // TODO: Support m.widget too
         const roomId = ev.getRoomId();
@@ -166,156 +150,6 @@ export default class WidgetStore extends AsyncStoreWithClient<IState> {
         return this.roomMap.get(roomId);
-    private onPinnedWidgetsChange = (settingName: string, roomId: string) => {
-        this.initRoom(roomId);
-        const pinned: PinnedWidgets = SettingsStore.getValue(settingName, roomId);
-        // Sanity check for https://github.com/vector-im/element-web/issues/15705
-        const roomInfo = this.getRoom(roomId);
-        const remappedPinned: PinnedWidgets = {};
-        for (const widgetId of Object.keys(pinned)) {
-            const isPinned = pinned[widgetId];
-            if (!roomInfo.widgets?.some(w => w.id === widgetId)) {
-                console.warn(`Skipping pinned widget update for ${widgetId} in ${roomId} -- wrong room`);
-            } else {
-                remappedPinned[widgetId] = isPinned;
-            }
-        }
-        roomInfo.pinned = remappedPinned;
-        this.emit(roomId);
-        this.emit(UPDATE_EVENT);
-    };
-    public isPinned(roomId: string, widgetId: string) {
-        return !!this.getPinnedApps(roomId).find(w => w.id === widgetId);
-    }
-    // dev note: we don't need the widgetId on this function, but the contract makes more sense
-    // when we require it.
-    public canPin(roomId: string, widgetId: string) {
-        return this.getPinnedApps(roomId).length < MAX_PINNED;
-    }
-    public pinWidget(roomId: string, widgetId: string) {
-        const roomInfo = this.getRoom(roomId);
-        if (!roomInfo) return;
-        // When pinning, first confirm all the widgets (Jitsi) which were autopinned so that the order is correct
-        const autoPinned = this.getPinnedApps(roomId).filter(app => !roomInfo.pinned[app.id]);
-        autoPinned.forEach(app => {
-            this.setPinned(roomId, app.id, true);
-        });
-        this.setPinned(roomId, widgetId, true);
-        // Show the apps drawer upon the user pinning a widget
-        if (RoomViewStore.getRoomId() === roomId) {
-            defaultDispatcher.dispatch({
-                action: "appsDrawer",
-                show: true,
-            });
-        }
-    }
-    public unpinWidget(roomId: string, widgetId: string) {
-        this.setPinned(roomId, widgetId, false);
-    }
-    private setPinned(roomId: string, widgetId: string, value: boolean) {
-        const roomInfo = this.getRoom(roomId);
-        if (!roomInfo) return;
-        if (roomInfo.pinned[widgetId] === false && value) {
-            // delete this before write to maintain the correct object insertion order
-            delete roomInfo.pinned[widgetId];
-        }
-        roomInfo.pinned[widgetId] = value;
-        // Clean up the pinned record
-        Object.keys(roomInfo).forEach(wId => {
-            if (!roomInfo.widgets.some(w => w.id === wId) || !roomInfo.pinned[wId]) {
-                delete roomInfo.pinned[wId];
-            }
-        });
-        SettingsStore.setValue("Widgets.pinned", roomId, SettingLevel.ROOM_ACCOUNT, roomInfo.pinned);
-        this.emit(roomId);
-        this.emit(UPDATE_EVENT);
-    }
-    public movePinnedWidget(roomId: string, widgetId: string, delta: 1 | -1) {
-        // TODO simplify this by changing the storage medium of pinned to an array once the Jitsi default-on goes away
-        const roomInfo = this.getRoom(roomId);
-        if (!roomInfo || roomInfo.pinned[widgetId] === false) return;
-        const pinnedApps = this.getPinnedApps(roomId).map(app => app.id);
-        const i = pinnedApps.findIndex(id => id === widgetId);
-        if (delta > 0) {
-            pinnedApps.splice(i, 2, pinnedApps[i + 1], pinnedApps[i]);
-        } else {
-            pinnedApps.splice(i - 1, 2, pinnedApps[i], pinnedApps[i - 1]);
-        }
-        const reorderedPinned: IRoomWidgets["pinned"] = {};
-        pinnedApps.forEach(id => {
-            reorderedPinned[id] = true;
-        });
-        Object.keys(roomInfo.pinned).forEach(id => {
-            if (reorderedPinned[id] === undefined) {
-                reorderedPinned[id] = roomInfo.pinned[id];
-            }
-        });
-        roomInfo.pinned = reorderedPinned;
-        SettingsStore.setValue("Widgets.pinned", roomId, SettingLevel.ROOM_ACCOUNT, roomInfo.pinned);
-        this.emit(roomId);
-        this.emit(UPDATE_EVENT);
-    }
-    public getPinnedApps(roomId: string): IApp[] {
-        // returns the apps in the order they were pinned with, up to the maximum
-        const roomInfo = this.getRoom(roomId);
-        if (!roomInfo) return [];
-        // Show Jitsi widgets even if the user already had the maximum pinned, instead of their latest pinned,
-        // except if the user already explicitly unpinned the Jitsi widget
-        const priorityWidget = roomInfo.widgets.find(widget => {
-            return roomInfo.pinned[widget.id] === undefined && WidgetType.JITSI.matches(widget.type);
-        });
-        const order = Object.keys(roomInfo.pinned).filter(k => roomInfo.pinned[k]);
-        const apps = order
-            .map(wId => Array.from(this.widgetMap.values())
-                .find(w2 => w2.roomId === roomId && w2.id === wId))
-            .filter(Boolean)
-            .slice(0, priorityWidget ? MAX_PINNED - 1 : MAX_PINNED);
-        if (priorityWidget) {
-            apps.push(priorityWidget);
-        }
-        // Sanity check for https://github.com/vector-im/element-web/issues/15705
-        // We union the app IDs the above generated with the roomInfo's known widgets to
-        // get a list of IDs which both exist. We then diff that against the generated app
-        // IDs above to ensure that all of the app IDs are captured by the union with the
-        // room - if we grabbed a widget that wasn't part of the roomInfo's list, it wouldn't
-        // be in the union and thus result in a diff.
-        const appIds = apps.map(a => widgetUid(a));
-        const roomAppIds = roomInfo.widgets.map(a => widgetUid(a));
-        const roomAppIdsUnion = arrayUnion(appIds, roomAppIds);
-        const missingSomeApps = arrayHasDiff(roomAppIdsUnion, appIds);
-        if (missingSomeApps) {
-            const diff = arrayDiff(roomAppIdsUnion, appIds);
-            console.warn(
-                `${roomId} appears to have a conflict for which widgets belong to it. ` +
-                `Widget UIDs are: `, [...diff.added, ...diff.removed],
-            );
-        }
-        return apps;
-    }
     public getApps(roomId: string): IApp[] {
         const roomInfo = this.getRoom(roomId);
         return roomInfo?.widgets || [];
diff --git a/src/stores/widgets/WidgetLayoutStore.ts b/src/stores/widgets/WidgetLayoutStore.ts
index 12051d35bc..4065dd2469 100644
--- a/src/stores/widgets/WidgetLayoutStore.ts
+++ b/src/stores/widgets/WidgetLayoutStore.ts
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ import defaultDispatcher from "../../dispatcher/dispatcher";
 import { ReadyWatchingStore } from "../ReadyWatchingStore";
 import { MatrixEvent } from "matrix-js-sdk/src/models/event";
 import { SettingLevel } from "../../settings/SettingLevel";
+import { arrayFastClone } from "../../utils/arrays";
+import { UPDATE_EVENT } from "../AsyncStore";
 export const WIDGET_LAYOUT_EVENT_TYPE = "io.element.widgets.layout";
@@ -79,7 +81,7 @@ interface ILayoutSettings extends ILayoutStateEvent {
 // Dev note: "Pinned" widgets are ones in the top container.
-const MAX_PINNED = 3;
+export const MAX_PINNED = 3;
 // These two are whole percentages and don't really mean anything. Later values will decide
 // minimum, but these help determine proportions during our calculations here. In fact, these
@@ -126,19 +128,19 @@ export class WidgetLayoutStore extends ReadyWatchingStore {
         this.matrixClient.on("RoomState.events", this.updateRoomFromState);
         SettingsStore.watchSetting("Widgets.pinned", null, this.updateFromSettings);
         SettingsStore.watchSetting("Widgets.layout", null, this.updateFromSettings);
-        // TODO: Register WidgetStore listener
+        WidgetStore.instance.on(UPDATE_EVENT, this.updateAllRooms);
     protected async onNotReady(): Promise<any> {
         this.byRoom = {};
-    private updateAllRooms() {
+    private updateAllRooms = () => {
         this.byRoom = {};
         for (const room of this.matrixClient.getVisibleRooms()) {
-    }
+    };
     private updateRoomFromState = (ev: MatrixEvent) => {
         if (ev.getType() !== WIDGET_LAYOUT_EVENT_TYPE) return;
@@ -222,8 +224,8 @@ export class WidgetLayoutStore extends ReadyWatchingStore {
             const defaultA = WidgetType.JITSI.matches(a.type) ? Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER : Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
             const defaultB = WidgetType.JITSI.matches(b.type) ? Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER : Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
-            const orderA = defaultNumber(userLayoutA, defaultNumber(layoutA?.index, defaultA));
-            const orderB = defaultNumber(userLayoutB, defaultNumber(layoutB?.index, defaultB));
+            const orderA = defaultNumber(userLayoutA?.index, defaultNumber(layoutA?.index, defaultA));
+            const orderB = defaultNumber(userLayoutB?.index, defaultNumber(layoutB?.index, defaultB));
             if (orderA === orderB) {
                 // We just need a tiebreak
@@ -308,6 +310,14 @@ export class WidgetLayoutStore extends ReadyWatchingStore {
         return this.byRoom[room.roomId]?.[container]?.ordered || [];
+    public isInContainer(room: Room, widget: IApp, container: Container): boolean {
+        return this.getContainerWidgets(room, container).some(w => w.id === widget.id);
+    }
+    public canAddToContainer(room: Room, container: Container): boolean {
+        return this.getContainerWidgets(room, container).length < MAX_PINNED;
+    }
     public getResizerDistributions(room: Room, container: Container): string[] { // yes, string.
         let distributions = this.byRoom[room.roomId]?.[container]?.distributions;
         if (!distributions || distributions.length < 2) return [];
@@ -335,6 +345,7 @@ export class WidgetLayoutStore extends ReadyWatchingStore {
         const localLayout = {};
         widgets.forEach((w, i) => {
             localLayout[w.id] = {
+                container: container,
                 width: numbers[i],
                 index: i,
                 height: this.byRoom[room.roomId]?.[container]?.height || MIN_WIDGET_HEIGHT_PCT,
@@ -353,6 +364,7 @@ export class WidgetLayoutStore extends ReadyWatchingStore {
         const localLayout = {};
         widgets.forEach((w, i) => {
             localLayout[w.id] = {
+                container: container,
                 width: widths[i],
                 index: i,
                 height: height,
@@ -361,7 +373,66 @@ export class WidgetLayoutStore extends ReadyWatchingStore {
         this.updateUserLayout(room, localLayout);
+    public moveWithinContainer(room: Room, container: Container, widget: IApp, delta: number) {
+        const widgets = arrayFastClone(this.getContainerWidgets(room, container));
+        const currentIdx = widgets.findIndex(w => w.id === widget.id);
+        if (currentIdx < 0) return; // no change needed
+        widgets.splice(currentIdx, 1); // remove existing widget
+        const newIdx = clamp(currentIdx + delta, 0, widgets.length);
+        widgets.splice(newIdx, 0, widget);
+        const widths = this.byRoom[room.roomId]?.[container]?.distributions;
+        const height = this.byRoom[room.roomId]?.[container]?.height;
+        const localLayout = {};
+        widgets.forEach((w, i) => {
+            localLayout[w.id] = {
+                container: container,
+                width: widths[i],
+                index: i,
+                height: height,
+            };
+        });
+        this.updateUserLayout(room, localLayout);
+    }
+    public moveToContainer(room: Room, widget: IApp, toContainer: Container) {
+        const allWidgets = this.getAllWidgets(room);
+        if (!allWidgets.some(([w])=> w.id === widget.id)) return; // invalid
+        this.updateUserLayout(room, {[widget.id]:{container: toContainer}});
+    }
+    private getAllWidgets(room: Room): [IApp, Container][] {
+        const containers = this.byRoom[room.roomId];
+        if (!containers) return [];
+        const ret = [];
+        for (const container of Object.keys(containers)) {
+            const widgets = containers[container].ordered;
+            for (const widget of widgets) {
+                ret.push([widget, container]);
+            }
+        }
+        return ret;
+    }
     private updateUserLayout(room: Room, newLayout: IWidgetLayouts) {
+        // Polyfill any missing widgets
+        const allWidgets = this.getAllWidgets(room);
+        for (const [widget, container] of allWidgets) {
+            const containerWidgets = this.getContainerWidgets(room, container);
+            const idx = containerWidgets.findIndex(w => w.id === widget.id);
+            const widths = this.byRoom[room.roomId]?.[container]?.distributions;
+            if (!newLayout[widget.id]) {
+                newLayout[widget.id] = {
+                    container: container,
+                    index: idx,
+                    height: this.byRoom[room.roomId]?.[container]?.height,
+                    width: widths?.[idx],
+                };
+            }
+        }
         const layoutEv = room.currentState.getStateEvents(WIDGET_LAYOUT_EVENT_TYPE, "");
         SettingsStore.setValue("Widgets.layout", room.roomId, SettingLevel.ROOM_ACCOUNT, {
             overrides: layoutEv?.getId(),